Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Can't." His soft reply came, not faultering as he continued to run, going as fast as the machine would let him.
Shion didn't answer, in fact, he turned the speed up on the machine, almost like he was turning up the volume on a radio to drown him out.
It would be another hour and a half before Shion finished their run, turning off the treadmill before leaving for their room just as quietly. Yui had lost interest in waiting for Senji to leave the gym, instead going off to follow Moriko around- if she found her that is.
Senji looked up when he finally registered that he couldn't hear the treadmill anymore. "What the?" He muttered and stood, going off to find the little punk.

Moriko finished her usual rounds of eavesdropping and went back to her room, spell checking her notepad to make sure she didn't mess anything up.
Said punk was nowhere to be found, probably wandered off for food, no, probably his room. He was almost never spotted in public durning daytime hours.

"Mo~ri~ko~" Yuki's voice broke the silence as Moriko checked her notebook, the pink haired woman peeking in from the slightly opened door.
Senji moved to Shion's room and pushed open the door without bothering to knock, "You should probably eat something after running for that long."

"Holy...!" Moriko jumped out of her skin at Yui's sudden appearance before smiling, "Goodness me, Yui...why do you always do that?"
Shion stood in the middle of the room, already half undressed, heavy sweater and pants on the floor. He froze when Senji just walked into the room, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. The thin kid before him looked modified, in the process of pulling the shirt over his head. Her head. Breasts. He was a she. Her mouth hung open and her face went red, silence hanging in the air.

"Mhm~!" She looked like a mischievous kid. "I like to see if I can sneak around just as well as you, Riko-chan~" She moved into the room and closed the door, plopping down on the bed.
((She already knows she's good at sneaking around.))

Senji's eyes widened and his face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. "Oh my God!!" He shouted and turned away, "You're a girl!! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to just walk in!! Well, I did, but only cuz I thought you were a man!!"

"Well, you're very good at it.." She praised, pocketing her book, "How's Senji?"
Quick footsteps hurried off, then the bathroom door slammed shut. Shion pressed her back to the wall, face burning hot with embarrassment. He thought she was a man? Her ears burned hotter, how embarrassing, did she really look that much like a man? Covering her chest with her right arm, she held the stump of her left arm gently. "How much did you see?" Her quiet voice came from behind the bathroom door.

(( :3c))

"He's no fun! He went and hid in the gym." She pouted, laying her head in Moriko's lap.
"You can't tell anyone what you saw..!" She looked down at her feet, god this was almost worse than losing her arm. He seemed to be just as embarrassed as she though, which she found a bit odd, he didn't seem the type to fluster easy.
"Kiyomasa-san?" The door remained closed, but Shion continued anyway. "Can I still... Can I still train with you?"
He stopped and looked toward the door, "Uh...sure, if you really wanted to. Your gender doesn't really change anything...I just feel like an idiot for not knocking.."
"Mm." Shion gave a small nod. "Ok." She said, then was quiet again.

The next day, Shion did show up to the gym, only this time, she actually took off her jacket. She wore a simple t-shirt, but it still felt strange, like somehow even if the sleeve was empty, wearing something longer made her still feel whole. She moved to the treadmill, but stopped, glancing at Senji. "A-Ano.. Kiyomasa-san? Can I ask you a question?"
"Can you teach me how to fight?" She turned to face him. "Like you do; fistfighting." She said, her stomach in knots.
"Everything." She said. "I want to be able to fight like you; to not have to rely completely on my Branch."
She blinked in surprise and bowed her head deeply. "Arigatou!" She said happily, the faint traces of a smile on her lips.
She nodded and started her normal rouinue of running on the treadmill for hours, then working on strengthening her remaining arm, working hard enough to drip sweat.
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