Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Yeah... I need to keep my mind busy." She muttered, back to Senji as she worked, again, she was shaking.
"It's not overexertion." She muttered, continuing her workout, paling by the minute as she continued.
Shion flinched when he grabbed her wrist, but only looked up at him, eyes holding the look of a broken person. "I can't let my mind get busy... I have to stay busy..." She was shaking again, was she craving?
Shion frowned and gave a slight nod, putting the weight back where it belonged, and heading for the door.
Again, she gave a small nod, then left, closing the door quietly behind her and heading back to her room. She just wanted to sleep.
Shion would be gone days at a time, only to be found sleeping in her room, or working out in her room, without the air of equipment. She seemed withdrawn, more quiet, it was clear she was struggling.
The door opened, and Shion peeked her head out. "Moriko-san...?" Shion looked pretty bad, dark circles under her eyes, she'd even lost more weight.
Shion gave a weak smile. "It's fine... I just haven't been able to sleep much, but things are getting a little better..!" That was a lie, she was still contemplating going back to the Undertakers.
"That..." She took a shaky breath and nodded. "That'd be nice." She agreed, stepping out and closing the door behind her. "Thank you... Senji's been kicking me out of the gym lately.. And I'm not really feeling up to any Carnival Games right now.."
"Food sounds wonderful, I finally don't feel nauseous." She admitted, leaving her room, and closing the door behind her.
She nodded and smiled a bit, actually excited to go out and be with someone again. "Let's get some food too, I'm starved..!"
"Thank you, Moriko-san, really." She looked down at her hand and smiled softly. "If I'm honest, it's been hard."
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