Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Seiji isn't talking to you? I mean, I know you said he's kicking you out of the gym a lot more but...geez, he must be really upset.." She said. She then perked, "Oh, and don't think anything of it! I love Yui very much," she whispered softly, "but I would also enjoy having friends to talk to regularly..."
"Oh, no Senji and I talk it's just... Nice to have another girl to talk to, y'know? Something's he just doesn't understand." She said, giving a small laugh.
Shion giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. "For someone who cuts people in two, you think he would be able to handle a girl in a tank top, he gets mad if I'm not working out in my t-shirt, says it's showing too much."
"What a prude~" She laughed, "When he was bitching at me while I was flushing whatever you were dosed with, I was so tempted to flash my bra at him to get him to shut up."
"You might've killed him right there!" She snorted with laughter, smiling so wide her cheeks hurt.
She gave a nod, finishing off her soda and standing. "Ready." She said, gathering her trash to throw away in a waste bin.
Moriko took her through to get her chores done; some rooms needed to be cleaned, laundry needed to be folded for the inmates that actually wore something other than the jumpsuit.
Shion helped Moriko with her daily duties, passing the time by chatting away as they worked.
"So, if you wanted any dirt or information about anything aroubd this place, let me know and I'll totally fill you in." She said softly
Shion looked up from folding shirts, making a face, then blushing a bit. "What have you heard about Kiyomasa-san?"
"Well, I know that." She set the shirt in the pile of folded shirts. "What about the stuff people don't know?"
She gave a small nod. "Yeah, he already told me.. Maybe I should ask him myself if I want to know anything else." She said, smoothing the wrinkles from a shirt.
"It's up to you..." She said. Then Shion realized; if Moriko had information on everyone in the prison, then she knew everything about her as well.
"Hey... so, how much do you know about me..?" Shion asked, not looking up from her folding.
"Everything." She answered before looking up, "Almost everything. Mostly everything?" She sounded confused, like she either couldn't remember or didn't want to answer.
Shion felt her cheeks get hot, eyes flicking up to glance at Moriko, how much exactly did she know? "Like what..?" She sounded embarrassed.
Shion felt like her chest was tightening up, but stayed calm. "What else?" She took a bit longer than Moriko with folding, only having one arm to do so.
Moriko moved over to help, "Only what your file had to offer. Education level, where you lived, why you were imprisoned..." She said, "I haven't really felt the need to observe you, so anything personal is beyond me."
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