Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Me too.. but I think they're starting to not be as urgent? I mean, they are... but if I just really keep myself busy I forget about it for a little bit." She said softly.
"That's good...that's really good. We'll keep you good and busy. I've been doing a lot of chores between fights. I would love the company. Yui doesn't like getting dirty." She laughed softly.
Shion gave an uncomfortable smile. "She doesn't seem to mind blood much.." She had seen plenty of Yui's fights, and not one of them wasn't a blood bath.
"Ah, she's concerned about different types of filth, she's very strange." Her tone turned very affectionate, "Blood doesn't concern her as much as dirt does.."
"I see." She nodded, but still looked s bit scared, most people were. "But she likes you, doesn't she, I always see her with you, you guys seem to get along really well."
Moriko blushed softly and began to fidget, "Oh, uh...Yui and I, um..." She was never really keen on the idea of coming out, but Shion was nice enough, "We're...together..." She said awkwardly.
"Oh!" Shion's face flushed a bit. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..!" She said, then looked away quickly. "I'm glad though. I can tell she makes you happy- if it's not too bold to assume..!"
"N-No, no, you're fine...! She does, she makes me very" She ran her fingers through her hair, "My, uh...preference has never been greeted with such understanding so I'm just a little embarrassed..."
"Oh, well, Okaa-sama always pushed me towards girls anyway... So it's not all that strange for me honestly." She admitted, a sheepish smile on her face.
"Well, I'm glad you understand and aren't asking me to make-out with the first woman to walk passed..." She said gently as they walked into the cafeteria.
"There aren't very many women in G-block to start out with." She laughed a bit, actually joking. "So what's on the menu for the day?"
"There iiiiiiis..." She looked over everything, "Miso, sashimi, katsudon...stuffed onigiri - oh, there's avocado in one, they never get avocado..."
"Oh, I'll try that one; maybe they're in season? I can't ever remember what time of the month it is in here." She muttered, digging for her Cast card.
"You sure?" She stopped fishing through her pockets, looking up at Moriko. "I don't want to take your Cast points.
She nodded and went to order their food. She came back with a tray of three stuffed onigiri, two cans of juice and a can of Coke. "I got you a soda in case you don't like the juice. It's lychee pineapple, it's really good. It's sweet and tart...!"
Shion gave a small nod, starting with the onigiri, letting out a small muffled moan as she ate. "Oh, it's so good, you have to try." She said through a mouthful of food.
"I don't care if it's fake crab, this is good." She said, taking another bite. "We need to stockpile these."
"I can buy a mini fridge and bulk order these and bring them to our hang outs." She said, finishing her first one and grabbing her second, "I had my doubts but these are great."
"I'll go half in for the fridge." She said, reaching for a can of soda, opening it and taking a sip. "This is pretty good too." She raised the can, then took another sip.
"Isn't it?" Moriko grinned, "I really like it...lychee nuts have this bland but kind of sweet taste and as you know, pineapples are kinda sour. So it totally threw me off when they paired so well like that."
Shion nodded, taking another sip before setting the can down. "Thank you for this, it's really nice to talk to someone normally again."
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