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Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yui was on him in a moment, straddling his hips and touching his face under his remaining eye. “And you’re human garbage.” She whispered softly, slowly pushing her fingers into his eye socket.
Yui pulled the eye clean from the socket, optic nerve and all, then shoved the eyeball into the thrashing mans mouth, clamping his mouth shut and shoving him down against the floor, holding him down until he swallowed. Once he had, she wrapped her hands around his throat, and started to squeeze.
He choked and gasped, beating against her arms and shoulders to try and have her release him. His vision was beginning to fade and his blows grew weaker.
Yui only pushed down harder, squeezing tighter and tighter until all she could hear was a sickening gurgle and a loud crunch. Then silence.
Yui stood, staggering back a step before spitting on the corpse at her feet, taking a moment to catch her breath before heading to wait for the elevator that would take her back up, absolutely drenched in blood.
Moriko was waiting, her tv off as Yui had told her. She was rubbing her stump nervously, eyes glued to her lap. She knew Yui would be ok but being alone now made her anxious. She tried to keep her breathing calm as she waited.
A soft knock came at the door, then it cracked open, the first thing Moriko seeing was a beeming smile, then a concerning amount of blood. It was Yui, looking quite proud of herself as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. “All done~”
“Only a little~” She responded, heading for the bathroom. “I might need help getting clean though~” She said with a wink.
“I’ll catch you~ Don’t worry~ The sound of the tin filling up could be heard, Yui already pulling off her blood-stained clothes. Most of the blood was on her clothes, but her face and hands were still stained red.
Moriko moved in and stripped almost hesitantly. How long had it been since she and Yui were intimate like this? It almost felt like their first time to her.
Yui turned the water off once it was high enough in the tub, stepping in and taking a seat. She smiled up at Moriko, holding out a hand for her. “Ne ne~ Let me wash your hair~?”
"Y-Yeah, ok..." She stammered, taking her hand and climbing into the tub with her, sitting between her legs and keeping her arm up as to not get the gauze wrap wet.
Yui gently pulled Moriko against her chest, resting her chin on her shoulder, running her fingers gently through her hair, wetting it in the bath water and stroking her back gently.
Yui kissed her shoulder gently, wetting Moriko’s hair again. “You need a break from tv anyway, it rots your brain.” She spoke softly, her tone gentle.
She made a soft noise, "Some things on television can be enriching.." She said softly, "Like seeing my girlfriend beat people into puddles...~"
Yui flicked Moriko’s ear lightly, wrapping her arms around her middle and hugging her close. “We’re you naughty and snuck a peek~?”
Yui smiled and hummed softly, gently fondling Moriko’s breast. “Such kind words~” She purred softly into her ear.
“Will you give me more~?” She toyed with her pert nipple, kissing along her shoulder, other arm shaking around her front to let her fingers ghost over her clit.
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