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Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Still nothing. Perhaps she really wasn’t inside?

Shion lay against the side of a couch, eyes closed, but still awake. She couldn’t remember where she was, but it didn’t matter, she felt great. Was she in her room? Didn't matter, all she knew was she was in the lions den, and she felt great.
"How are you feeling?" A voice behind her asked. It was that man again, Genkaku, and he was toying with his guitar again as he sat on the couch.
Shion barely registered his question, mumbling a soft “good” in response. She had perhaps been given a little too much of whatever was making her feel “good” but she wasn’t dead yet, so what did it matter?
“It still hurts..” She muttered after a while, clutching at her chest and turning her head to face Genkaku, she wanted more, her body craved it; it was the only thing she could focus on.
“Please..?” She begged, resching out and grabbing onto the fabric of his pant leg, unfocused eyes staring up at him.
Shion whimpered softly, but slumped back against the couch without anymore pleading, eyes closing again as she rode out her high.
Senji and Moriko were looking everywhere for Shion, Moriko worried beyond belief.
"God, what if she's using again?" She asked, looking to Senji. He scowled and walked with purpose.
"If she is, I'm shoving my boot so far up her ass."
This would be the second time the two would be passing by Shion’s room, and as they rounded the corner, they spotted her. She was at her door, having just opened it and was stepping inside, back to them.
Shion turned slowly to look at where the strange noise was coming from, her blank expression showing to Moriko as she drew closer. Oh, she knew this person, but what was she saying? Her pupils were completely dilated, skin clammy.
“Yeah..” Her words came out slow, like she wasn’t even awake, then she turned and continued to enter her room; she looked like she was in some sort of trance, maybe she had started to use again?
Shion was already in bed with Senji came in, pulling the blankets over herself. “Around..” She muttered softly from under the covers, already her body was starting to shake, she needed more, why hadn’t Genkaku given her more?
“What’s your problem?” Shion sat up, using her arm to prop herself up; it was covered in track marks, dotting up and down her arm clear as day.
His eye widened and he fumed, "What's my problem?!" He grabbed her by the shirt and lifted her up far more easily than he would have been ok with, "You're using again, after I fucking told you not to, that's my fucking problem!"
"Senji, calm down!" Moriko panicked.
“Let go of me!” Shion got almost as equally as mad, trying to shove herself free from his grasp.
"No! Fuck you! You're a goddamn disgrace! I'm so angry I could fucking gut you!"
"Senji, stop!" Moriko pleaded, "I-If you don't, I'll get Yui!" Senji growled and threw Shion into the wall before storming off.
Shion stood up with a grunt, glaring at Senji as he left, then looking to Moriko. Her expression softened into a look of guilt, and she picked up her blanket from the floor, and laid down again, back to her friend.
“It doesn’t matter.” She muttered from under the blankets, refusing to look at Moriko.
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