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Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shion grunted hard, seeing spots as the air was knocked from her lungs. What did Moriko know? She was only a bystander, looking in from the outside, there was no point in arguing over the matter any further. Shion brought out a good amount of blood from her hand, letting it coat her palm before grabbing Moriko’s wrist, kneeing her in the gut, then flipping her over her shoulder.
Moriko was dazed, rolling onto her side as she wheezed, trying to catch her breath. "Please...Shion...we care about you so much...l-let us help..."
Shion slammed her boot down just to the side of Moriko’s head, glaring down at her. “This fights done, I’m not talking about this anymore.”
Moriko curled up tightly, hiding her face. "No." She muttered, "This isn't over." She turned and pushed her legs straight up, the talons digging into Shion's jacket and she used all her leg strength to throw Shion across the arena. She pushed herself up and cancelled her Sin, "Now it's over. I promised I wouldn't lose, and I'm not letting a junk rat beat me because we were friends. We're done here. Go back to your hole and die for all I care."
Shion held the deep gouge in her shoulder, blood seeping into her clothes quickly even with a vice grip on it. She wouldn’t be able to fight if she lost anymore blood, and she couldn’t lose. Staggering to her feet, she ground her teeth, glaring at Moriko. “What do you-“ Before she could register what was happening, she was already on the ground again. She had lost so much weight, and was losing blood quickly; she had been small to start with, so it didn’t take much blood for her to lose consciousness.
"And it looks like Kakapo is our winner! Wow! who would have thought she would be so cold!" The announcer said as men came to cart off Shion. Moriko went to leave, taking her CP and candy and going to her room to be with Yui.
As always, Moriko was greeted warmly by Yui, her typical hug and kiss, but this time, she fussed over Moriko’s wounds.
“Look at your poor nose!” She fussed, using a wet cloth to wipe the blood from Moriko’s face.
She smiled sadly, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just a nose." She said, but didn't stop Yui at all, "I brought home the bacon, like I promised...!"
Yui finished wiping the blood from her face and frowned softly, wiping away the tears. “Shh, lay down and sleep, I’ll stay the night.” She said softly, holding Moriko tight against her chest.
Yui pulled her over to the bed and laid Moriko down under the covers before crawling underneath beside her. She held her tightly, allowing for her to cry into her shirt, knowing that there would be hell to pay.
The following week was quite uneventful, the only highlight being Shion’s penalty game, where she lost her leg foot, but that was all anyone saw of her. Not even the guards saw her walking the halls toward the Undertakers den.
Senji was growing really annoyed with all this bullshit, but Moriko told him Shion wasn't worth it anymore. He didn't want to just leave her to die like that, though.
Shion, who had been sober since her fight with Moriko, had used up a good chunk of her CP to buy and fit a prosthetic foot for herself, but the stump was still quite sensitive. It hurt to try and walk, even with it heavily padded by bandages, so she mostly stayed in bed while she healed up.
Shion was sitting in bed, watching television while gently rubbing her sore stump of an ankle, planning to practice using her prosthetic in a bit.
Shion looked up from her show, quickly muting the volume before clearing her throat. “Uh, yeah..!” She called, grabbing her pillow and covering her missing foot. He must know she had lost it, but regardless, she was embarrassed anyway.
Senji stepped in and closed the door behind him, "So...I saw your fight with Moriko..." He began awkwardly, "She told me not to bother but...I figured you still needed someone..."
Shion felt her face burn hot, and immediately, she felt like she was going to cry. “Uh, yeah... thanks.” She said softly. “It’s been pretty quiet.”
“Yeah.” She nodded, running her hand through her hair, which was starting to grow out again. “I’ve been sober since the fight.”
"Good, that's really good.." He seemed relieved, "I'm glad to hear that. I miss having you at the gym." He said. He then turned bright red, "I-I mean, it's been a while is all! And I don't want you slacking and stuff!"
Shion looked up at Senji, blinking, and then moving the pillow to expose her missing foot. “Senji, come here, it hurts to walk still.”
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