Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She exhaled softly and kissed back, gently gripping Yui's shirt. She felt so safe with Yui around, like nothing could ever hurt her. She loved her so much, she would do anything Yui asked at the drop of a hat, though Yui never really seemed to want for anything beside her company.
Yui closed her eyes and slowly laid back against the bed, taking Moriko’s good hand and lacing her fingers together. She held Moriko close, kissing her slowly and gently, making a soft noise of delight.
"Mm..." Moriko pulled back a bit, face burning bright red, "N-Not here, Yui, someone could see..." She was still so scared to be caught out of the closet, but she squeezed Yui's hand affectionately regardless.
Yui brushed some hair from Moriko’s face, nodding. “Hurry up and get better, I miss you, Riko-chan..~” She whispered.

The night of Yui’s fight came quickly, and once again, Moriko had been cleared from the infirmary. Yui had requested Moriko didn’t watch the show that night, not wanting her to see what she was about to do to the two who had hurt Moriko.
Yui smiled her usual, sweet smile. “I promise to come back in one piece..~” She said, then leaned down and turned her cheek out for Moriko, smiling still.
Yui leaned forward to kiss Moriko’s forehead. “I love you too~” She said, then pulled away, and stepped into the elevator that would take her to the ring.
Moriko exhaled softly before heading to her room to try and rewrite all of her notes.
Goro and Ippei were a little confused that they were called for a double match, never really hearing of such a thing before in the CC. But whatever, right? Double Cast Points.
Yui was ready to fight the moment the elevator touched the floor, the metal door rattling as it slid open and she stepped out onto the stage. All noise seemed to drown out once she laid eyes on the two men before her, the only sound was her own blood rushing in her ears as she stared them down.
When they stepped out and only saw Yui, their blood ran cold.
"Wh...What the fuck is this?" Goro asked.
"W-We were told it was a team match!" Ippei argued.
"Welcome, everyone, to the first and only ever Lovebird Gore Match!" The announcer called, "She's got quite the bone to pick with our two friends here~"
"What the fuck?! No! I want out!!" Goro screamed.
Yui’s eyes widened slowly, and she cocked her head to the side. He wanted out? He wanted to run? She hadn’t done anything yet; he didn’t get to want anything. Moriko didn’t want to be attacked, she hadn’t wanted her things destroyed, to be put back in the infirmary. She’d make them pay. Pulling out her small blade, she dug it hard into her neck, then slit her own throat. She rushed forward as blood formed a large maw over her own mouth, eyes wild with rage as she went after the closest of the two; Ippei.
He screamed, barely managing to activate his own Sin to defend himself, "What the fuck! We're sorry! We're sorry!" Sorry? Was sorry going to fix Moriko's lost work? Repair her door? Get rid of her bruises and still healing cuts? No. Sorry wasn't going to help Moriko, it wasn't going to help them either.
Yui didn’t even hear their screams, they all fell on deaf ears. She bit and tore at Ippei, slamming her heavy fists into him, slowly driving him to the ground so she could get on top of him. Once she had pinned him down, she took off one of his hands, tossing it across the ring and digging her fingers into his eye socket, pulling his eye clean out and devouring it whole.
Yui easily evaded Goro’s attack, spinning and punching him hard in the back of the head, knocking him to the floor and straddling his back. She grabbed his head, bringing it back and slamming it against the hard floor, over and over.
Every so often Goro became Moriko, as if Yui was seeing what they had done to her through their eyes. She did suffer from some blunt force, the cause hard to say. This seemed accurate enough.
This only made Yui even angrier. She didn’t stop slamming Goro’s head into the ground though until she was certain she had made soup of his face, standing up, she staggered back, breathing hard before going over to Ippei again, who was still rolling around on the ground in pain.
“Sorry? If you were truly sorry, you’d pull out your other eye and eat it for me.” Yui said calmly as she advanced on him slowly. “Go on, show me just how sorry you are.”
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