Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Get away from me, you fucking pig." She snarled, bringing her arm up and smashing her elbow into his groin as hard as she couod, "Get out of my room before I yell for Crow!"
The first man stumbled back, but the second man only watched, then something sharp was at her throat. “Go ahead and call for him, his busy with his little girlfriend, plus.” He dug the end of the blood blade into her neck. “You’ll be dead by the time he even gets here.”
She bit her lip and glared up defiantly. With a Sin at her neck, there was no real way she could activate hers properly before she was killed - if he was serious. "You really think killing me will do you any favors? You know Yui's solitary ends in a few days. If she comes back to find me dead, the whole prison won't be too far behind me."
“Nah, we aren’t gonna kill ya.” A heavy fist slammed into the side of Moriko’s head, knocking her out of her chair and onto the floor.
“Just give you a little makeover.”
She groaned when she hit the floor, her eyes unfocused. "Don't...don't" She slurred. She was going to black out any second, "Leave me alone...."
A heavy foot connected with her side and Moriko went rolling across the room, stopping just short of the wall before she was yanked to her feet, then slammed repeatedly into the wall. They didn’t hurt her too bad, but enough to make sure she stayed down. As a last sort of “fuck you”, her note pad was ripped up, then scattered around the room, the men slamming th broken door behind them.
She wheezed and rasped, her vision fading out. "Y...Yu...i..." She gasped like a dying fish, "Tasu...Tasukette....Yui....." Her eyes rolled back before she blacked out, blood dripping from her nose and lip.
Th next thing Moriko felt where hands on her once more, then a watery voice.
“Grab her feet!”
She was laid down on something soft, then felt something wet against her face, dabbing lightly at her lip and nose.
“Senji, do we take her to the infirmary?”
Was that Shion?
"Well, she isn't dead. What the fuck happened?" Senji muttered, "We should get her back into the infirmary. For all we know, whoever did this probably put her in a damn coma." Moriko couldn't really focus on the words, she just heard talking. She was out again, a weak breath escaping her lips.
Light again, she was awake, but this time it was quite, the only sounds in the room were that of medical equipment, ah, the infirmary. She could feel someone holding her hand tightly, but the light was almost too bright to see, Shion?
Her fingers twitched and she gave a weak noise, trying to open her eyes. One of them was still pretty swollen. And her face just hurt so much.
A gentle hand caressed the parts of Moriko’s face that weren’t swollen, which wasn’t very much; warm and soft, the delicate hand smoothed back Moriko’s messy hair and pulled the blanket up to her chin; who was it?
"Yui...?" She slurred hopefully, "Yui, is that you...?" She wanted to see who it was, but she couldn't keep her eyes open or get them to open at all, "It hurts, Yui..."
Moriko could hear someone speaking, but it sounded muffled. “Riko-chan.” Soft lips pressed against Moriko’s forehead; she knew those lips, she had felt them so many times before. Pink hair could faintly be seen; it was Yui.
“Sorry I’m late, Riko-chan.” Yui said softly, petting Moriko’s hair, a soft smile on her face. “I got a little held up, will you forgive me?”
“Ssh, rest now.” Yui soothed, her voice level, but what Moriko couldn’t see was the complete and total look of rage on Yui’s face.
"They broke my door..." She wept weakly, "He...he put his arm around me...called me sweetheart...they destroyed all my notes...what did I do, Yui...?!"
She clenched her fists, blood reaching a boiling point, but she quickly calmed herself. “You rest, I’ll take care of everything from now on.” She said gently, cupping her cheek and kissing Moriko gently.
She shook her head, resting her forehead against Moriko’s. “Don’t apologize.” She said softly, staying for a moment longer, then leaving. “I’ll be back, I promise, Riko-chan.”
Moriko was exhausted again, nodding before her head lolled to the side and she fell asleep. She looked like a damn awful mess, that was for sure.
Yui wouldn’t rest until the people who hurt her precious Moriko were found and properly dealt with. She did her own investigating, cleaning up Moriko’s room and salvaging what she could of her notes before she went out on a walk.
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