Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“I’m ok, I’ll be back soon... I just want to keep Moriko-san some company, she’s really upset about Yui..” She said.
"Why?" He asked, confused, "Are they friends?" Did he not know they were together? Fair, Moriko was hesitant to even tell Shion, there was no way she would tell Senji.
“Um... Yeah, I think they came into DW at the same time.. They’re good friends.” She said, rubbing her face.
"Weird. Yui doesn't usually make friends she just kinda...follows people around." He said before shrugging, "Whatever...don't put yourself in here too keeping her company." He told her.
Shion gave a nod. “I won’t, she should be able to leave soon... As long as she doesn’t get anymore of these blackout spells.” She muttered.
Moriko was released from the infirmary after a couple of days, free from her black outs for about three days. It was strange, Yui not being around, it was quiet.
Moriko mostly stayed in bed, her hand covering her stump shamefully. She couldn't even visit Yui, she was always so dizzy and the guards always told her to leave. She grew more and more depressed as the days passed.
Shion did her best to keep Moriko company, but her own CC games got in the way, as well as training. She managed to find time, taking her out as much as she could.
"Thank you for staying with me until Yui gets back..." Moriko said, finding it awkward to eat with her right hand, "You're a really good friend.."
“It’s no problem, you’re fun to be around.” She said, nudging her lightly with her elbow. “Any plans for the day?”
She smiled softly, "Probably go through all my notes and make sure I have everything correct and in the right order. Read..." She made a noise, "I haven't been bed bound since I was little.."
“You want any help with anything? I’ve got time to kill until my match starts tonight.” She offered, leaning back in her chair.
Shion made a face, standing. “Alright, if you need me, you know where to find me.” She said, heading for the door.
She stopped and turned, smiling softly. “You’re my friend, of course I’d treat you nice. Just try not to get into too much trouble, ok?”
It was lonely after Shion had left, even with the tv on, the room seemed so empty, it would continue to be that way for quite some time.
A knock came at the door only a few minutes after Shion had left, perhaps she had changed her mind?
There was silence, then another knock at the door. The tv was a little loud, maybe she hadn’t heard Moriko?
A red blade sliced through the lock, the door swinging open and two men coming into the room, each looking around before their eyes landing on Moriko. “So she really was locked up in solitary, what a shame.”
The two men snickered at her reaction. “It is a nice room, I don’t think I wanna leave it just yet.” One man moved over toward Moriko, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “Sweetheart, I really don’t appreciate you looking into every bodies shit; well, personally, I don’t care about anyone else, but, my stuffs private.”
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