Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“My right.” She said, moving over to the sand bag with him, stretching her leg a bit.
She gave a nod, doing as instructed. Kicking was easier for her somehow, she seemed to have much more stamina for it, able to kick averagely high, But was able to go for well over an hour before she stopped.
Shion was rather winded this time, bent over with her hands on her sides as she nodded her thanks. “What’s next?” She asked, catching her breath.
"Well, I was gonna say we work your other leg but you look like you're gonna pass out so we'll see how sore you are tomorrow and judge from there.." He told her.
“I can keep going!” She said, but contrary to her words, she sat on the bench with a heavy breath. “I just need to take a minute..!”
It took her a moment, but she caught her breath, getting some water before kicking with her other leg, staying steady and keeping focused.
He looked genuinely impressed. If it were him, his knee would have given out and he'd be on his ass. Butnhere she was, toughing through it.
“So... Moriko-chan asked me not to tell Yui, but..” She glanced over at Senji. “They’re fighting against each other in Carnival Corpse.”
She stopped and shook her head no. “No, she plans to forfeit the match as soon as it starts.”

Moriko hadn't really been seen the day of Yui's mystery match; which was odd because she always there to give Yui a good luck kiss before she left for her fights. Maybe she was doing more snooping around and lost track of time, it didn't really matter. Yui seemed excited just to be able to have some fun. As the elevator lifted up to the arena, there was just faintest feeling that something was wrong. There was a feeling of tension in the air. When Yui stepped out and the lights flashed on, across from her stood a familiar figure. One that shouldn't have been in the ring with her. Moriko smiled sadly, hands linked in front of her, "Hey, Yui..."
The usual smirk on Yui’s face was gone, replaced with a deep frown and a look of horror. “What is this..?” She asked quietly, taking a step toward Moriko. “What the hell is this?” She didn’t seem to be talking to Moriko, rather someone offstage or out of sight. “Tamaki, you son of a bitch!” Yui’s wise eyes showed her anger, as well as a glint of fear; but her fear of what?
"It looks like Lovebird's a little miffed about tonight's opponent!" The announcer sounded rather amused. Moriko smiled sadly and lowered her head.
"I'm not gonna fight you, please don't be upset..." She said softly and rose her hand, "I forfeit the match. Lovebird's too scary for me to fight. I'd rather face the penalty."
"What's this? Throwing in the towel so soon?"
“No, no, no!” Yui moved toward Moriko, snatching her wrist and yanking her arm down. “You’re not forfeiting this fight!” She said through clenched teeth. “You’re going to win.” She said lowly, her body shaking.
"Yui..." She muttered, "Please, I can't...I won't send you to the penalty..."
Tamaki watched from his computer, toying with a bouncey ball in his left hand, "Dear, oh dear." He muttered, "I guess I'll just have to teach little Moriko a lesson for screwing up my game." He said before he called to end the match.
"Looks like the forfeit is official, folks! Sorry you came all this way for nothing!" The announcer said. Moriko looked relieved before she held Yui's hand tight.
"It'll be ok, Yui. I'll be right back, I promise. I won't leave you, remember?"
“No! No!” She looked increasingly panicked. “The fight isn’t over!” Her eyes were wide as she watched guards come into the ring, and she slowly let go of Moriko’s hand. “I’m not....” Blood slowly crept up her neck and moved to make a half mask of blood over her mouth. “I won’t let them..” She was no longer standing in front of Moriko, instead twenty feet behind her, the jaws made of blood crushing the helmet of one guard. “I won’t let them touch you!” She tore a chunk from the helmet of one guard, dropping him like a stone before attacking the next guard. In seconds about two dozen guards were flooding the arena, but Yui was almost too fast for them to track. Two more jaw like formations formed over Yui’s hands, giving her three jaws to attack with, bringing down guards left and right, she was like a monster. Only when she was hit in the shoulder with tranquilizers did she finally slow down, but still tried fighting back. Then they fully kicked in. Moriko was ushered off stage while Yui was collected from the ground, unable to move and barely conscious.
"Yui..." Moriko looked back, "W-Wait...wait, I have to make sure she's ok! Yui!" She struggled but they held fast, dragging her off. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared. When she was strapped into the table, she tried to remain as calm as possible despite how hard she was shaking. Accompanying Rei was non other than Tamaki, who was smiling as he usually was.
"T...Tamaki? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, just overseeing the penalty." He answered, moving beside her, "Say, you must really hate this hand of yours." He mused, touching her left hand. She shook even harder.
"N-No, I don't. It's very useful to me."
"Oh, is that so? Well then this is gonna suck for you." He stated. Moriko clenched her jaw tightly as Rei moved over with a bone saw and cut off her hand. Moriko thrashed and tried not to scream, tears slipping down her cheeks. When it was removed, Rei set the hand on a tray and moved to grab a ECT machine. Tamaki pet Moriko's head gently.
"You see, sweetheart...this is what happens when you fuck with my games." He stated lowly as Rei set up the electrodes. Moriko began to son.
"No, please, I'm sorry! I'm sor-!" Rei pushed a rubbed guard in her mouth to keep her from bitting her tongue before she proceeded to give Moriko shock induced seizures.
Senji shut off the tv to spare Shion but it had been too late. Too much was seen.
Shion was deathly pale, eyes empty and her face holding only numb shock. What the hell was that? That wasn’t a penalty game, that was torture. She turned to the door and walked slowly toward it, leaving. She should have told Yui, she should have done something other than stay silent.
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