Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Hey, where are you going?" Senji called gently, "We were in the middle of training." It seemed like a good idea as any to take Shion's mind off what happened. Moriko would be fine, she was tough.
“I’m gonna take a walk.” Her voice sounded tired, like she was finally overwhelmed by it all, and she didn’t look back at him. Opening the door, she stepped out, then closed the door behind her.
"Ah geeze..." Senji muttered. Maybe he should leave her alone for a bit? He didn't know. Maybe she would be ok, too, she just needed a second.
Shion went straight to the G-block infirmary, waiting outside for Moriko’s arrival, chewing nervously on her fingernails.
It wasn't long after she came in that they brought Moriko in. She was unconscious, as was expected, her missing hand wrapped up to stop the bleeding. She twitched randomly, left over shocks coursing through her muscles. She still looked in pain.
Shion sat in the room with Moriko, keeping an eye on her, even though she was told she wouldn’t wake for quite some time. She sat in a chair beside the bed, staring down at the stump where her hand had once been, frowning softly. “I’m sorry, Moriko-chan...” She muttered. “I should’ve told Yui..”
It would be days before Moriko was awake. She looked way out of it, eyes unfocused, "Yui...?" She called out weakly, "Yui, are you there...?"
Shion had barely left the infirmary, only leaving when Senji forced her to leave to eat and shower. Sitting up in her chair, she moved over and shook her head. “No, it’s just me.” She said, not wanting to have to tell Moriko where Yui was currently.
"Oh...Shi-chan..." Moriko smiled groggily, " How you holdin' up...? Any shakes lately...?" She was clearly ignoring everything that had happened, like everything was fine and Yui was ok.
“No... none lately..” She answered with a sad frown. “How are you feeling?” She asked gently, reaching out to touch her shoulder gently.
Shion’s smile faultered and she nearly started to cry there. “Oh, um, she’s just busy right now, I’m sure she’ll come by later..!” She said, rubbing her neck.
Shion looked down at the floor. “She was sent to solitary.” She glanced up at Moriko. “Two months.” She said quietly.
Moriko bit the inside of her lip and looked away, "She didn't have to get so upset...this is all my fault..." She covered her face with her good hand and whimpered, "We should have told her...I shouldn't have kept it a were right, Shion, I'm such an idiot..."
Shion frowned heavily and squeezed Moriko’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t get so worked up, she’ll be out before you know it... Just rest, you’ve been out for a while, you shouldn’t move around so soon.”
Moriko sniffed, trying to dry her quickly forming tears, "Yeah...yeah, you're right. She's gonna be so upset with me when she gets out. She'll never talk to me again..."
“I don’t think that’s entirely true.” Shion sat back down in her chair. “She wasn’t mad at you when she went to solitary...”
”I won’t let them touch you!” Yui’s voice echoed in Moriko’s head.
Shion frowned softly, not knowing really what to say at a time like this, so she simply sat with her, comforting her the best that she could.
She cried a little while more before calming down and asking for some food. She ate some and chatted with Shion about anything; how her training with Senji went and how Senji was doing.
Shion stayed as long as she could, only leaving when it was her turn in the Carnival Corpse, But the fight wasn’t very long. She defeated her opponent easily, then returned to sit with Moriko.
Moriko would be up for a few days before she would be completely out again. When she was like that, she had to be fed through a tube. Senji would come by sometime to check on the both of them, "How's it going?"
Shion sat in her chair, the one she seemed to now be a part of. “She’s been in and out... They really fried her..” She rubbed her neck and glanced over at him.
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