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Star Wars: A Sith's Hunt (Ruphhausin x Naomi David)

She wrinkled her nose at the mere thought of calling him Master. Despite the fact that she was brought up on order and respect and the like, the idea of calling him her superior repulsed her for some odd reason. She spoke,"Always going to be somebody who knows more than we do, somebody who knows something that we don't know. Nobody's ever really done learning, are they?"
"Absolutely. Now, come with me and I will show you something that you will find interesting."

He nodded to her, seeing that she also had on the thigh high boots that went with her suit. He walked down the hallway to a lift, turning and waiting for her to join him inside of it. When she did, he would press a code so they went down a couple of floors, the lift opening again to what looked like a very large room that actually took up two levels of part of two of the decks of the ship. It was low lit, and there was movement from spheroidal, cylindrical, and what looked like humanoid figures. There was a small landing that he stepped out onto, turning and waiting for her to join him.
She obediently followed him, this was such a big place. Amazing what a decent sum of money could buy, really. Money meant power, money was important in politics. They went down some floors, and she followed him out into a very large room. What was this place? A training room? She followed him onto the little landing, and spoke,"Where are we?"
"This is what I call the Center. Training room, workout room, even a pool that can be opened up that is the re-enforced section of the next deck down. This Destroyer was partly gutted during the latter days of the war, but several were decommissioned intact and they were just in orbit over one of the planets in our system. This one is larger than a standard but smaller than one of the Super Destroyers, so it has all I need now. My task force on here is perfectly trained for all they are needed for... and getting rid of the unneeded 'imperial' trappings wasn't hard."

He smiled, as he had stocked the ship with what he wanted on board of it, including things of the Republic worth owning as well.
"Are your warriors clones? Taken from families at birth? Or are they volunteers?" she spoke. Everybody did it differently. Republic used clone troopers cloned from Jango Fett's DNA. The Empire used volunteers if she remembered correctly. She would hope either volunteers or clones, not that the answer was really her business. Still, she felt excitement, the thought of building her own lightsabers were intoxicating!
"No. All of my people are here out of choice. Ex-military from the Empire, now free to pursue their own causes and now in my employ, as well as those from multiple other worlds as well as my own."

He smiled, pleased that she would ask. He caressed her back as he led her to step down as some lights came on where they walked. He wanted her to see some things, and some of the droids just watched as they were not commanded to help with any training at the moment. He was thinking about the time when he would take her to look for the components she would need for her own saber or sabers, but right now she would make do.
She felt his soft touch on her back, and a smile formed out of her face. Not that she truly felt the need to smile, but sometimes she just let her beauty work its magic. She wondered what he was going to show her next, what he wanted her to see and know. She wondered what the future was going to bring her, if visions would come to her in her sleep, what guidance the Force would give her.
"We will have to see how the Force speaks to you in the next several days, Vasilisa. I am not expecting you to go immediately into training, but not because I am not wanting you to. I did fuck you clear ahead of us into the next solar system, so we have to catch up to part of you."

He was making a joke, being a bit more relaxed and not too serious. He felt she needed to know he could be that way.
She knew plenty of Dark Side techniques, not that she was going to immediately tell him what she knew. Mainly used when she was interrogating unwilling people to get information that she needed. Like anything else, she could always get stronger with what she knew. There was no true limit when it came to using the Force. Hopefully they would start training soon though. She was always doing something. Mental training for her was either meditating or studying. Physical training for her was exercising or practicing using her weapons.
"Some things you think you know you will learn what you don't. Some things you 'know', you will have to unlearn. Some things you know you will learn more about."

He was being both vague and direct at the same time, making it clear that anything she think she knew all about, she was about to learn all that she was having hidden from her. He then pulled her close and kissed her, sending a wave through her from the Force to make it clear that he could do things she had never heard of before.
"Sounds like Jedi phrases to me." she replied. She wanted to understand him better. Dick drunk or not, there was just something about him that was seductive, that pulled one in to make them want to learn more about him, or to at least learn something from him. And his kissing technique was fantastic. She hoped she could tech him something too.
He continued kissing her more, his hands moving over her body while she wore the suit, pleased that she was so very much wanting what he was giving her. He felt it, the Force telling him a good bit as well. He slowly broke the kiss, telling her things that were no Jedi like especially.

"Perhaps.. but Jedi don't know how to use the Force to edge a woman till she whimpers and grovels for release... I know how to do that as you well know..."
She kept hungrily kissing him back, and she spoke,"Oh, I know that certainly... But I trust the Sith have techniques that will do the same thing to a man since the have a technique to do that to a woman?" She had the look in her eyes, he had just given her a great idea for interrogations later on.
"That depends.. and for what use you have for it. It takes great control.. and focus.. over one's mind and emotions. Not suppression, mind you.. control."

He smiled, teasing her and kneading on her ass more. He was not yet being sexual, but he was making it very clear that things would get that way again as soon as he wanted them to.
"Another tool to interrogate and potentially torture somebody, perhaps. I'm always looking for new idea when out on a job and somebody just won't talk..." she sweetly replied as he worked her shapely rear end. She was going to work him for all the information she could get out of him. A power like that would be very useful indeed.
"Of course, my lovely apprentice Vasilisa. You also need to know your limits, in order to unlearn them. What limits us is what we have been given, not what actually is."

He smiled as he moved behind her, having used his extremely well practiced skill of prestidigitation to get her suit opened where he could tease her upper thighs and pussy.
She smiled as he spoke further. She knew she wouldn't get much more information from him right now, but that did not bother her, she would wait to get her information. Quick was always, her new suit was opened to where he could tease her upper thighs and pussy. She spoke softly,"We just banged, it's amazing that you have the energy to go at it again!"
"Who said we were banging?"

He said that, his tone very intense as a globe of the malleable liquid metal moved closer. He smiled as it came in contact with her pussy and it started to move and change shape. He watched it easily push open her thighs enough, moving over her sex and soon perineum.

"We have to have our first meal on board first. This is going to.. keep you where I want you..."
She raised her thin eyebrows when he asked the question. She had been so sure that was what they were going to do here and now. Then she felt something cold go between her legs and ass cheeks. She blushed, she had to give him this much, he was very creative for sure. She spoke,"I'll give you this much, you are creative." She wondered what food was going to be offered. She loved to eat.
Before he answered, he could sense that the metal soon pushed inside both her lovely pussy and anus, forming dildos that soon filled her for the time being. He then spoke to her, his words very intense as he started to get her suit closed over the metal that had "absorbed" her panties.

"The meal shall be very sumptuous.. and filling. You will need the energy soon enough."
Her eyes grew wide like dinner plates when she felt the cold feeling push inside of her pussy and ass. She fought a shiver, the metal really was cold. She spoke,"Well, will we be training, fucking, or doing something else after we eat?" With the way he voiced his words, she could tell he had something planned.
"All of the above."

He felt blatant honesty was something she deserved, and he continued to knead on her lovely ass as he puled her in for a kiss. He allowed his tongue to caress hers, his hands moving to hold her by her hips. He prolonged the kiss as he pleased, letting her feel his body against hers. The metal would become warm inside of her, and would feel like flesh after some time as well. He then slowly broke the kiss, his mouth micrometers from hers as he told her what he wanted from her next.

"Say my name..."
"And in what order?" she softly replied as they were hungrily kissing each other. Finally, the metal didn't feel so cold inside of her, which felt much more comfortable to her. He was a master of physical pleasure, there would never be any doubt of that. She softly replied,"Revan." Her sweet hands were on his face, and she whispered,"Say my name."

He smiled, saying her name in a husky, sensually tone. He was pleased that she wanted to hear him say her name again. He continued to massaged her body, kissing her even more. He kneaded her ass still more, making it clear that he was pleased she understood he was in control.

"Perhaps some training first.... then fucking your tight body into the next galaxy all over again..."
She softly spoke,"It feels good that your kneading my ass like it's bread dough." It really did feel good the way he was working her sweet little ass cheeks. There really was something to be said about having somebody else physically pleasure you rather than doing it yourself. God he was a fantastic kisser, he really was. She smiled, and replied,"I wonder what we'll train with first..." Training could mean training with the Force, physically training, or mental training by way of meditation or studying textbooks. She would need to keep her stamina high to keep up with him.
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