Orgasm Harvesters [Coordination Thread]


Aug 16, 2017
This group RP is based off of this world.

People are still free to join this group RP. Introduce yourself in this thread if you are interested.

You should read the story, but the basic premise is that it's an alternate version of Earth where there are creatures called Orgasm Harvesters. Near every girl's 20th birthday, their brain starts to give off a special kind of energy that orgasm harvesters feed on. This energy is greatly heightened when then they experience an orgasm, and as a result, harvesters have evolved means to force orgasms out of their victims.

Character profile thread:

Chatter thread:

World background:

Orgasm harvesters always existed along with mankind, but they used to be much more docile. They were vermin that didn't really impact mankind too much, almost like raccoons. In the early 1900s, humans tried to make them extinct, and the harvesters struck back. Because they were able to survive and reproduce, they had no evolutionary reason to be more aggressive, but when that changed, they became the unstoppable monsters they are today. That's part of the reason why humans are so strict about anything that might cause them to evolve further. Their presence is ordinary. It's a part of life as a young woman to have to deal with it. Different women have different opinions of the rapist monsters, but most aren't thrilled to be raped on a regular basis.

The government does what it can, but isn't taking any chances at causing another evolutionary breakthrough. People of importance, like senators or whoever, have the privilege of facilities to protect them, but normal folk don't get access to that.

(Please post in this thread and create a character profile before jumping into the main RP thread)
RP Thread:

Posting rules: Always make a placeholder post with the text, "POST INCOMING". This is to reserve that you have the next reply. Then, edit this post to whatever description you like. If someone else reserves a post, feel free to reserve the next in line, but do not post until all before you have. This is to prevent multiple people writing at once and posting contradictory descriptions.
Hey all you sexy harvester victims! Arepea and I were talking about the Group RP and we were thinking it might be fun to continue in the first person, instead of third. Of course, right now we've only got three writers committed to the RP. So we would like to hear what you guys think about that prospect. Would it make things hotter to hear about Chloe getting ravaged from inside her mind? As the narrator, I'd switch to second person (ie, "The harvester holds you down"). Would any of the newcomer writers like to write in first person when they jump in for the first time soon? If not, would a difference in person between writers be confusing, distracting, or simply a turn off? No worries no matter what your preferences are, just let us know! It's perfectly normal if hearing someone write as if they themselves were getting raped makes you uncomfortable.
Hey, pplz. Sorry I'm taking so long with emoting, but I've got carpal tunnel AND I have a paper to write now (not a smut paper :p), so I'm kinda busy and simultaneously trying to give my hands a rest. Rip.

I'll get back to it soon, though!
I have some problems with my hands too, but it's not carpel tunnel syndrome yet...I can understand how you feel so take your time and give your hands some rest.
So it looks like Arepea might be a bit longer than I was expecting. Instead of waiting, let's just jump in and start a new scene with some new characters. We've got a new player interested as well, so if you're around, let's have some fun!
RapeWorld said:
We've got a new player interested as well, so if you're around, let's have some fun!

Hello! Yeah, I'm the new interested player. A bit shy, so I haven't done any RP in threads before (this is actually my first post in a thread ever), and I'm still pretty new to the site.

I hope to be having fun with you all very soon!
I'm thinking a 20 or about to be 20 year old, who starts emanating. I'm working on ideas for personality and backstory as well as finding a picture to go with her. Up for suggestions or ideas!
Glad to hear it. Looking forward to seeing the personality description. Also, you'll notice an f-list on the bottom of my posts. Generally, it helps partners to see what kind of things get ya going, so to speak. Far from required, though.
Yeah, I need to get to making one for myself soon!

Edit: Is the goal for at some point for our characters to meet? Or end up getting attacked in the same place? It could be interesting. Also, I think I need to step up my post game. First person is a little different, I'm gonna try to not let my nerves mess me up and fill my posts a bit more. Already having fun! Thanks for letting me join. Can't wait to see the others get in!
I tried adding a NSFW image in this post:

I don't know how often I would be able to do that, but I'm curious what you guys think. Do you enjoy having some visual aids? Would you prefer not to? Does the fact that the pictured girl might not resemble the character exactly bother you? Or can you just use your imagination that it is Collette in the image? Basically, do you want more images, or no?
A visual example of a similar thing to what you are describing is welcome, at least I think so.

I can use my imagination to put the more petite Collette in that picture, and sub the tentacles for sealing flaps.
The harvesters may have let Collette and Kaoru go in the forest, but I've got one final surprise before the end of this sequence for these two unlucky ladies once they get back to the school... :p

Rest up while you can, because you're not done cumming yet!
I'm a little bit busy with preparations and other stuff for the moment so I might take longer for creating a character and write something in the main thread. I'm going to travel to England for two months this Friday!
Oh! Have fun with that. Hope you can still join us eventually.

I'm already having so much fun. I can only imagine it'll get more fun with more of us.
(Alright Revnarh! Have fun!)

Good job, harvester toys! That was suuuuuuch a sexy scene! I've got some work I need to do, so I'm done posting for at least the next several hours, but probably the rest of today. That will give Arepea a chance to catch up and finish up her own scene, which is very close to completion! After that, we'll get all three girls in the same place at the same time, waking up in the hospital. That should be fun to play!

How have you guys been enjoying everything so far? Any requests? Questions? Suggestions? Mindless gushing about how many times this thread has made you cum? :p
I want to gush about all of it. It's been so fun already. Can't wait to have the three all in one place to interact, and figure out all the stuff that happened to them.
Poor Collette! She is gonna have trama, guilt, and problems after being soaked in that harvester cum for so long. Sorry about getting some of that on you Kaoru! ;P
I think it's sooooooo sexy that the alteration fluid was stored in Collette's pussy until it was ready to be squirted out onto Kaoru so she could suffer its effects as well. Now all three girls have been altered in one way or another, and Chloe is still being altered!
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