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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Mara closed her eyes and allowed her weight to rest back into Dan's chest as he sprayed her chest down with the hot water. She could feel his cock pressing against her back but wasn't intimidated by it, nor did she feel pressured to do anything with it, or to bend over and let him have at her. She did feel aroused, and she did want him, but she didn't know if he did. When he slid his hand between her legs her eyes opened and her cheeks flushed a little bit. She turned around and looked up at him, reaching up and touching his cheek gently. She opened her legs silently so that he could spray the water at her there.
Dan silently observed as Mara turned around, showing him her wet, bare chest, warm water dripping off her breasts and down into the tub. He stared into her eyes as she touched him, still sliding his hand rhythmically between her legs, unable to tell if all the moisture was her arousal or shower water. Either way, he dipped the shower head down and pointed it upwards between her legs, letting the soothing pressure of the warm water cascade against her pussy. "How's that feel?" he asked gently, leaning in and pressing her breasts between their chests, pressing a firm kiss down on Mara's lips. At this point, he was pretty sure something was going to happen, but was content to let the shower take its course for now.
Mara murred softly when he moved the water to pour directly on her pussy. She'd never done that before, and it felt really nice. She sighed as he kissed her, closing her eyes and kissing him back lovingly. She knew that she loved Dan now. There was no way that she couldn't. Ryan was....well, Ryan. And she would do things with Ryan as long as Dan made her. But she knew that it was really Dan that she wanted to be with. "It feels gooood," she whispered to him, kissing him again immediately.
Dan leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, feeling the water fall all around their mouths, but tasting only Mara's cool kiss. "Good," he rasped back, pushing the shower head right up against her pussy so the pressure increased, and then pulling it away before holding it close again one more time, and then hooking it up to the holder again over their heads. He pulled himself away from her a little and watched the water drip down the front of her smooth, naked body, trailing his hands over her skin as he looked into her eyes. His hands found a path over her breasts, down her stomach, and over her crotch, where one finger began to slowly trace a trail between her slick pussy lips. "What about that?" he asked, his heart rate picking up at he nibbled his lip and kept his glare fixed on Mara.
Mara's heart was racing at ten million miles an hour, but she didn't know if she could do anything with Dan right now. She still felt very violated by Ryan...but she wanted to please Dan. She shivered, despite the hot water, when he traced his hands down her body to her pussy. She nodded again and pressed herself up close to him, "Yes, that too..." she murmured, but she was looking away now. She took a deep breath and then sighed, resting her head on his chest in fatigue.
Dan hadn't planned to start anything up with Mara either. After all, he'd promised they could just shower. But now... it was just so hard to resist her whenever he was within a mile of Mara. A moment ago, she'd seemed so into what he was making her feel, despite what Ryan had finished up with her just minutes ago. Now she seemed a little distracted, though. It wasn't easy to peel away, but he thought he needed to this one time to keep a shred of her trust. After all, there was no doubt that they'd have some fun later, even if not here in the shower. So he pulled his hand up, giving her clit one little up and down flick for good measure before moving away. He held her in his arms and leaned over, kissing her on top of the head as the water sprayed off Mara's dark hair. "It's okay," he said in an uncharacteristically soft tone. "I want you, but lets just get you clean now so you can rest."
She smiled when he said it was okay and kissed his chest gently, "Thank you," she murmured, more to his chest than to his face. She loved this new soft tone to him, even though she knew it wasn't going to last. Dan was never soft, even when he was. She pulled away from him and shook her body a little bit, stretching. "Thanks for washing me, baby," she said with a little grin. She pulled the shower curtain back and prepared to step out, "I'm finished. If you want to shower more, I'll just go get dressed in your room."
"Anytime," Dan grinned with a more typical leer when she thanked him for washing her and pulled away from his chest. "I'll wash you anytime, you sexpot," he teased. He rinsed his head under the shower spray and shook the water out of his hair. "But yeah. I'll wash off a little more. You go get dressed in my room," he said, dismissing her with a playful swat at the back of her thigh. "I know you're tired, but don't overdress or anything," he called out with a laugh as he pulled the curtain shut and finished showering.
Mara climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her. She dried her hair off with another and then left the bathroom. She glanced around, hoping that Ryan wasn't going to come taunt her. She padded down the hall to Dan's room and stripped the towel off, tossing it over a chair. She went over to her suitcase and dug through it. Don't overdress, he'd said. The way Dan was, any clothing was being over dressed. But she pulled on panties and a bra and then a tank top and jeans. She flopped into the bed and closed her eyes, awaiting Dan for the afternoon's activities.
Dan finished showering quickly and burst into the bedroom just as Mara was tugging her jeans on. He'd tied his white towel around his waist in a knot and leaped onto the bed once he saw Mara laying there, pressing her wrists down into the sheets and grinning at her. "Nice. You look cute as usual," he teased before peeling his body off her. "Why don't you go walk along the beach with me?" he proposed. "It's nice and cool up here. Not hot like down south," he explained, dropping his towel and pulling on a pair of boxers casually as he kept his attention fixed on Mara in the bed.
At first Mara was alarmed by the way Dan jumped onto the bed and held her wrists down. Her eyes grew wide and she tensed up, but she immediately relaxed when he let go and sauntered away. She breathed a little sigh and rolled over onto her stomach, grabbing the pillow beneath her and hugging it tight to her chest. "Hmmm...okay," she murmured into the pillow.
"Good," Dan answered happily. He tugged on a pair of cargo shorts and a light long sleeved shirt that fit close enough to accent his build. He sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand along her back, just watching as she buried her face in the pillow. "Come on," he finally encouraged her. "We're not going to have forever together. Let's have some fun while we have the time," he reasoned. He wondered what would happen when she went back home. He played the tough guy, but he knew enough now to realize he didn't want that to happen. He'd have to find some way to get her back out to see him again. "Let's walk," he finally said, standing up and patting her on the butt.
She groaned when he tried to get her up right away. She didn't want to go right now, she wanted to wait for awhile. She wanted to rest. It was about mid-day and she was already exhausted. She huffed when he tried to guilt her into it and just hugged the pillow harder. "Can't we wait awhile?" she mumbled in protest, pushing the envelope a little to see how much leeway he would give her now that she'd been traumatized by Ryan. She knew that wasn't the last she would see of Ryan, though.
Dan grinned at her and gave her lower back a gentle little pat. He leaned down on one knee and kissed the back of her neck as he thought about what she was trying to do. "Of course you can rest," he told her. "I just wanted to leave now to save enough time later for some other fun things.... Just me and you," he added with a chuckle, sliding his hands up and down her bare arms. "After all, we're not going to always be here to... please each other either," he continued, leaning down and nibbling at her ear. "Don't you want to please your man?" he whispered in her ear in a low voice. He loved when she gave herself over to him, and was more than looking forward to some of that later. "I'll let you be for a while, though. We'll still have time."
Dan was guilting her. And he was guilting her well, like he usually did. It seemed that Dan knew every single one of her buttons, even the smallest ones. She felt a tingle go up her spine when he kissed the back of her neck and nibble at her ear. She shivered when he whispered in her ear, her toes curling a little bit as she tried to resist him. "Grrr," she grumbled, finally consenting and rolling over onto her back. She sat up and huffed a little, sliding herself off the bed, "Okay, okay. Let's go."
Dan leaned down and kissed Mara when she rolled over. "Good. You'll be fine," he promised. "And if you really want to sleep when we get back, you can go ahead," he promised. He stepped into his sandals and led her downstairs, silently passing Ryan as he watched TV all sprawled out on the couch. Ryan didn't say anything either, but grinned widely at Mara the whole time they were in the room. As soon as they were out of the house, they could feel the cool beach air blowing across their faces, the smell of salt water all throughout. Dan wrapped an arm around her waist and led her down to the firm sand by the water, where they could walk along the shoreline. The house was in an isolated enough area that there were only a couple of people visible down in the distance. "Pretty, isn't it?" Dan commented as he turned to face her, thinking that she looked really nice with her damp hair blowing a little bit.
Mara obviously tensed up when they passed through the living room and Ryan grinned at her. That man made her blood run cold. She hated him. She clenched Dan's hand tightly as they walked away, her entire body seeming to slump a little when they got outside. She nodded when he mused about the beauty of the beach, her flip-flops making their signature sound as they padded along. "It's beautiful," she replied with a bit of a smile. "Dan..." she asked quietly, timidly, "Why do you...make me do things...with..Ryan?"
Frankly, Dan hadn't been expecting Mara to be bold enough to ask that question. He paused when she'd asked and turned to her, his back to the small waves crashing in. He did it because Ryan was his friend. He did it to test the limits of her devotion to him. He did it for the thrill, the rush of it. But Dan didn't want to talk about that. After all, Ryan would probably be expecting some more before the short trip was over. "Don't worry, it'll just be me and you tonight," he promised. "But I didn't think it was that big of a deal to you. I thought you'd changed," he continued, giving her a little smile.
"He's mean to me," she insisted, immediately sensing that Dan didn't want to tell her the truth. "He tries to hurt me on purpose. He's not...understanding, like you. He doesn't do it like you do," Mara was also fully aware that to many girls, Dan was mean to her. That a lot of women would consider what Dan did cruel and unusual, but Mara didn't really. "I don't like him...and I don't like it when he touches me,"
Mara made no bones about the way she felt about Ryan. Dan had suspected as much; after all, he'd seen what Ryan was capable of in the holding cell. "I understand that," he nodded to her, starting to walk again. As they approached an abandoned pier jutting out into the water over some rocks, Dan climbed up onto it and held out a hand to Mara to help her up, before sitting down on the edge, legs dangling over the side. "But I have to say, it meant a lot to me when you went along with it for me. It showed me how much you cared about me," he reminded her. "But you'd like it if I didn't let him have you anymore?"
She climbed up onto the pier with him, snuggled up close to him. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on the side of his chest. She nodded and looked up at him, "Yeah...I would like that," she said definitively. She also knew, though, that if Dan told her she had to sleep with Ryan again, she might fight, but she'd end up doing it. If he told her she had to dance for him, she would. Suck his dick, kiss him, stroke his arms and hair, she would. But she wouldn't like it.
Dan nodded at her as she spoke and cradled her head in his chest. "Well, I see what you mean, babe." He pulled her just a little bit away from his chest and looked into her eyes. "If that's what you want, I think you should prove yourself to me a different way though," he told her with a little smirk. "Tonight," he leaned closer to her and continued. He slid his hands under her tank top and wiggled them up under the garment, despite being in public. Rubbing them over her bra and squeezing her breasts, he leaned and and spoke into her ear. "I'm gonna tie you up and make you mine tonight," he explained, his warm breath drifting over her ear and cheek. "You'll do that, won't you?"
She started to squirm when he said he had to make it up to her in another way. She hated it when he did this to her. He made her choose between horrible and horrible. And she always ended up doing what he wanted anyway. She grabbed his hands and tried to pull them away from her breasts, partly because they were in public and partly because she was getting irritated. "You want to tie me up?" she asked defensively, "Because I don't want to fuck your friend?"
Dan made a little face and pulled away from Mara, sliding his hands out from under her shirt. "No. That's not why," he insisted. "It's because I want you to be able to show me you're... mine. Is it a huge turn-on for me? My weakness? Yeah," he admitted. "But I wouldn't do it if I didn't thing you wanted to show me the same thing. After all, isn't that why you've agreed to go with Ryan all along?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm offering you a way to show me the same thing without involving Ryan. I thought that's what you wanted."
"How is you tying me up me showing devotion?" she questioned, her face turning red a little bit. She hated this, she hated it. He was forcing her into agreeing to screwing Ryan again, and he was doing it so that she couldn't fight next time. She clenched her teeth together, braced herself, and then hopped off of the abandoned pier. She turned around and looked up at him with furrowed brows, "You already know I'm yours. Why do you have to keep proving it to yourself?"
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