Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

"Yeah, sure," he replied dismissively to her plea. He spread her pussy apart as much as he could with one hand, using his index and middle fingers, and started pressing the plunger handle inside her, only two or three inches deep at first. Grasping the other end of the handle, he wiggled it up and down, curious to see how she'd respond to this unusual object. Pausing, he heard only her faint sobbing now. "I don't know what it feels like to you, but if you could see yourself from this angle, you'd definitely agree you're a slut," he taunted, taking in the very lewd sight. "I'll give you one guess at what's in your pussy," he suddenly offered. "If you get it, you can go run to your boyfriend's arms."
Mara let out a loud screech when he shoved the end of the plunger into her. She obviously had no idea what it was he was shoving into her, and he knew that, he knew she would never be able to get it right. That was the only reason he offered it to her. She whimpered and whined when he wriggled the object around, feeling completely degraded and horrible. "I don't know," she whimpered pathetically, sucking in a deep breath and trying not to full out sob.
"Nope," Ryan shouted gleefully, making a buzzing noise with his mouth to drive home the fact that she didn't get it right. As if in punishment for not guessing right, he rammed the handle in a few more inches in one shot, pumping it and and out as some of the gooey lubricant oozed from her love hole. Then he had an idea. He held the plunger in with one hand, and took a big step back towards the dresser, where his camera sat, and was just able to reach it. He took a picture of her from as far back as he could manage, capturing her bent over the bed, ass up in the air, plunger sticking out of her pussy. Bringing the dirty picture up onto the camera's screen, he tossed it onto the bed by Mara's face. "Look at it," he ordered her as she sobbed, starting to pump the plunger again.
Mara screamed when he shoved the object deep inside of her, completely mortified that he was screwing her with some unknown thing. She began to sob completely and harder, shaking her head wildly when she heard him take the picture and throw the camera down onto the bed. "No!" she protested, squeezing her eyes shut even harder and burying her face deeper into her arms. She wouldn't look at his nasty picture. She didn't need to see that to know he was making a slut out of her.
Ryan was angry that after going to all the trouble of fucking her with a plunger and taking a picture of it, she wouldn't even look at the picture. "Hey!" he growled, holding the plunger in place a few inches deep inside Mara, and grabbing her by the hair, wrenching her head back by force. "Look at the fucking picture," he growled slowly. "I need you to see what a slut I made you into," he growled, still pulling hard at her hair.
"No!" she shrieked again, even as he yanked her head back and pulled at her hair violently. She kept her eyes squeezed shut and shook her head again, her tears still pouring down her face. This was worse than him fucking her ass, she decided. This was worse than him making her ride him. This was the worst thing he could have forced on her. She felt disgusting, and didn't even want to run to Dan for solace.
"Fine," Ryan grumbled, letting go of her hair and thrusting Mara's head back down into the sheets. He rammed the handle up inside her a little deeper for good measure, and then plucked it out. Pushing her ass down towards the bed, he took the wet plunger handle and began trying to stick it in her ass hole, grunting as her tight bud did its best to reject the foreign object. He was determined to make her look at his picture, or pay dearly. "Yesterday is gonna be nothing compared to this," he promised, pushing hard inward.
Mara couldn't handle it anymore. She just couldn't do it anymore. She let out a blood curdling scream when Ryan started to push the plunger into her ass, praying to God and everyone else that Dan would come and stop him. She didn't want to cuddle with Dan, she didn't want Dan to touch her, but he wanted Dan to get Ryan the fuck away from her, and this was the only way she knew how to make him do it. She just hoped he would be on her side.
Ryan froze when Mara screamed, knowing that Dan was going to come in. And it wasn't more than five seconds before he did, opening the door in a huff. He took in the sight for a moment. He was both shocked by the depravity of what Ryan was doing (and it took a lot to shock Dan), and horrified for Mara. But at the same time, he found it a strangely hot and intense thing to do. "Dude, she wouldn't look at my picture," Ryan explained, anticipating a verbal barrage from his friend. "That's why I'm doing it." Dan frowned and picked up the camera, looking a a picture similar to the scene he saw when he barged in. "Okay. Mara, look at the picture. And then Ryan's going to leave and take a shower," he added, looking at Ryan as if to show he meant it.
Mara was sick to her stomach at the thought of Ryan's excuse. She wouldn't look at his picture, so it was okay for him to sodomize her with an unknown object? That was disgusting. But when Dan told her to look at the picture she opened her bleary eyes and blinked a couple of times. Then she looked at the picture and started to sob more, dropping her head back down onto her arms and almost completely breaking down.
Dan knew the picture would make her feel filthy, disgusting, and objectified. But at the same time, it didn't seem like a lot for Ryan to ask. Once she saw it for a second and realized she'd been violated with a plunger, he took the camera away and stared Ryan out of the room. He couldn't see the point of staying with Mara now. She was too far gone, and needed some time to come down from this. "I'm emailing it to the whole department," Ryan called out cheerily on his way out of the room. "The fuck you are," Dan objected, trailing off as he heard Ryan shut the bathroom door behind him. "Just get dressed, okay?" Dan said softly to Mara, picking her bra up from the floor and tossing it on the bed, and then turning to leave. "I'll be in my room if you want to talk or whatever."
Mara's heart froze when Ryan said he was emailing the picture to the entire department. She hoped that Dan wouldn't let him do it, that he would delete the picture or something. It wasn't so much that she cared if the men at the department saw it, they already knew Dan and Ryan had been whoring her out, it was that once a picture was out in cyberland, it stayed there forever. She'd never be able to get it back, and who knows who would see it then? Once Dan left it took Mara a couple of minutes to compose herself. But eventually she stood up and got as dressed as she could get, her once cute bra and panties now making her feel horrible. She left Ryan's room silently, praying she'd never have to go back in there again, and padded into Dan's.
Dan had went off to the room he was staying in, and was changing into a new shirt when Mara walked in. "Hey," he remarked, putting down what he was doing, not having expected her to follow him. "I hope I got there in time," he said. "I was listening the whole time," he assured her, which was true. He finished putting on his shirt and looked Mara over. She didn't look all that fresh, to be perfectly honest. She looked kind of defeated and zoned out, actually. He planned to take her out of the house in the afternoon. It was no good for her to just sit around the house all day now. "You can sleep here for a while if you want. Or get a shower," Dan offered. "I'll keep Ryan away from you."
Mara gave Dan a little smile when he put down his stuff to talk to her. She appreciated that. She was important to him. She only half listened to what he was saying, because she was pretty zoned out. But when she heard the word 'shower' she perked up a little bit and nodded. "Yeah," she murmured, her eyes drifting away from him for a moment, "I'd really like to take a shower." she stayed where she was for a couple of moments and then silently padded over to Dan, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face into his stomach.
Dan readily accepted Mara into his arms when she dejectedly padded over to him. "Come on," he suggested, rubbing gently at the back of her head. "Let's take a shower together," he offered, kissing the top of her head. "Nothing kinky. Just me, taking care of you," he added. He knew she probably wouldn't want this, but she'd do it, he figured, and probably like it afterward. So he decided to press the issue a little bit, beginning to gently pull her towards the door.
"I donno..." she grumbled and pouted when he suggested them taking a shower together. She didn't want to have sex right now, and that was what it almost always came down to with them. He said nothing kinky. And...well...she was attached to him, and he was already pulling her towards the door. "Okay," she relented, giving his covered chest a little kiss as she allowed him to take her to the shower.
Dan peeled off the shirt he'd just put on and threw it onto the bed. It was a nice shirt and he wanted to wear it later, not get it wet in the bathroom. Taking Mara's hand once she releneted, he led her to the bathroom and closed the door behind them, peeling off his shorts and looking her in the eyes, naked first himself for once. He held her in an embrace and nibbled her ear before speaking softly into it. "I'm going to wash everything away, baby," he promised, before unclasping her bra and letting it fall to the floor. "Everything," he added, sliding his hands down to her panties.
It took Mara a moment to realize why Dan was staring at her the way he was once they were in the bathroom. He was completely naked and she was still partially dressed. That was the first time that had ever happened in the whole time they'd known each other. She was always the naked one, the spread one, the fuckable one. She felt tears well up in her eyes when he embraced her and spoke softly to her. In Mara's mind, Dan was the sweetest man on the face of the planet. She pulled her face away from his chest and then quickly pressed her lips to his, a desperately needy but devoted kiss.
The kiss took Dan a little by surprise, and he could discern from the way she kissed him that Mara was in need of some affection. So he took his hands off her panties for a moment, and slid them up behind her head, and supported her neck as he kissed her back, not a sloppy kiss, but still passionate. After he slowly, gradually pulled away, he looked into her teary eyes again, and slid her panties down in earnest this time, before holding her in a full body embrace again, waiting for her to step out of them so he could turn on the warm, soothing water.
Mara loved kissing Dan. She'd never really taken much pleasure out of kissing before, it hadn't really meant anything with any other man. But with Dan, it meant something. Her trust blossomed in that kiss and when he pulled away from her and looked into her teary eyes, she trusted him fully again. She sucked in a little breath when he pulled her panties down, but once they were down she stepped out of them and pressed herself up against him gently.
Dan didn't rush her into the shower, but closed his eyes and gave Mara one more kiss, rubbing up and down the front of her thigh while their lips touched. Keeping one hand reassuringly on her shoulder, he leaned halfway over, and turned on the water, feeling to make sure it was warm enough, but not too hot before changing it to the shower head. "Come on in with me, baby," he entreated her, taking her by the hand and setting a foot in first himself as the sound of the shower spray hitting the tub echoed through the bathroom, and steam started to waft out over the shower curtain.
The more time she was spending in the bathroom with Dan, the more she started to think that she could have sex with him right now. She didn't even know if he would want to, technically it would be 'sloppy seconds' and she didn't know if Dan was okay with that or not. But he was being so sweet to her, so gentle, and so caring, that he was actually turning her on a little. He was making her want to make him feel good, he was tapping into that soft side of Mara that she tried to hide so much. She stepped into the shower after him, the water pouring down over her. She smiled when it did, a little giggle escaping her.
Dan couldn't help but smirk at Mara's giggle, her mood changed completely from a few minutes ago. He playfully slid his body next to hers and edged her out of the shower spray, getting his short cropped hair all wet, and then shaking his head all around. "Come on," he said, sliding his hands up and down her wet, smooth skin. "Let me take care of you some, babe," he offered, pulling the shower head down off its holder and spraying the back of Mara's head with it, then slowly moving the warm, forceful spray down her back. "Does that feel good?"
Mara let him push her around gently, her mood already very lifted. Dan just had that effect on her, she decided. He made her happy and giddy and horny. Ryan made her the opposite. But Ryan didn't matter right now. Dan did. She turned when he pulled the shower head down, letting out a long and satisfied groan when he started to spray the water directly at her back. "Mmm." she breathed as she nodded. "Yeah," she whispered, "It feels so nice."
"That's great, baby," he grunted back, leaning his body up against Mara, and draping the shower head over her front, his chest up against her shoulders, and his cock pressing gently into her lower back. He let his long arm dangle over her shoulder, spraying down her chest and stomach with the warm water, and was barely able to get her midsection from the top. "Turn around," he prodded her, pushing at her hips. "I'm going to get your undercarriage," he teased, sliding one hand in between her legs from behind, to indicate what he meant. He was relaxed now, probably as much as Mara. And although he didn't expect it, he was getting turned on, too. He'd promised not to get kinky, though, and even though he was certainly teasing Mara, this time he wasn't going to push anything unless she gave him a good signal that was what she wanted.
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