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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Mara shook her head when he started to tug at her hand. "No," she murmured, trying to pull her hand back away from him. "Leave me alone," she protested, slowly rolling herself over onto her side. She coughed and spasmed a little, her entire body in a state of shock. Soon the pain would start to set in, and if she didn't fall asleep soon she was going to be very irritable.
"No," Dan insisted. He just wasn't going to let Mara stew in her misery this time. She had to come with him. He pressed his body down on top of hers and held it there for a moment. "Give us a minute, Ryan?" he asked his friend, dismissing him with a little glance. "Now come with me," Dan whispered, giving her ear a little lick once Ryan left. "Up to our bed," he whispered, pulling up from her and extending both hands to help her up.
She whimpered and pouted when he laid himself down on top of her. Why did he never give her what she wanted? It was always about him, even when he was forcing orgasms on her. It was because he wanted her to have them, not because she wanted them. She felt some relief when Ryan left though, at least she was alone with Dan again. She gave him an angry glare when he started pulling her up again but finally relented and gave him her hands to let him help her up.
Dan slowly helped Mara up, and then supported her weight with one arm around her waist, not making any attempt to help her get dressed. "I promise you'll feel better with someone to hold in bed while you sleep than no one," he remarked as they slowly made their way up the steps. "I'm going to hold you all night long," he promised. "Okay?" he pressed, turning and pressing his lips against the side of her forehead.
Dan, of course, was right. She would feel better pressed up against his strong and warm body than alone in the guest room. Especially because Ryan could come get her in the guest room, but he wouldn't dream of snatching her away from Dan without his permission. She nodded and clung to him as they walked up the stairs, her naked and sweaty and he fully dressed. Once they got to the bedroom she fell down onto the bed and crawled up to the pillows, extending her arms to cuddle with him.
Dan quickly peeled off all his clothing except for his soft boxers, and slid under the sheets with Mara. Strange as it seemed, it felt to Dan as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened once they were there under the sheets, bodies pressed against each other. Dan wrapped her lower body up with his legs, and pulled her torso up to his as well, feeling her skin moist from her sweat. "You're safe with me now, Mara" he told her under his breath, kissing her earlobe.
She snuggled right up next to him, temporarily feeling tears well up in her eyes. She heaved a big sigh when he said she was safe with him and decided this was the best time to brooch the Ryan subject with him. "Please don't leave me alone with him," she murmured to him, knowing Dan would know who she meant. "He'll hurt me. Even if he promises. He always hurts me."
Dan couldn't see the tears in the dark, but when he placed his face up against hers, he could feel them there. He did know who she meant, and kind of felt bad for Mara. "Well," he began, not sure how to explain what he was feeling. "I put you in a situation where I gave Ryan some authority. And you disparaged him," Dan explained. "So, I don't want to see you get hurt. And I'll talk to him again about it. But I think you owe this to me. Not to him, but to me," Dan told her. "By insulting him, it was a shot at me," he went on. "But I promise he won't hurt you."
"I never want to insult you," she murmured to him softly, reaching up and caressing his cheek gently. Mara felt a very strong connection to Dan now. She wasn't sure if she could even go back to Boston and live without him. She craved his touch, his praise, his voice. He had truly turned her from a cruel mistress into a whimpering submissive. "But...." she started to protest again, but realize that she would be arguing with him then, and he didn't like that. She sighed and nodded, "Okay."
"Then it's settled," he answered, caressing her cheek and ticking her foot a little with his own. "It makes me happy that you don't want to insult me," he commended her with a smile she probably couldn't see. "I won't be far away. I wouldn't leave you like that," he promised, feeling like he was a protector of sorts, instead of someone who'd just made her submit to being filmed getting screwed by a machine. "If I hear you scream in pain, I'll come and get you," he told her, moving his large hand from her cheek to her hair and stroking here. "Now get some sleep. I'll be here to hold you all night, baby," he said, feeling a little tired himself.
She smiled at him when he said he was here to hold her all night. "Okay," she said again and leaned forward to peck his lips very softly. She snuggled her face into his chest and closed her eyes, more than ready to be asleep in his arms. She fell asleep quickly too, and stayed asleep for the entire night. She never seemed to have any trouble sleeping when she was with Dan. It was as if none of the rest of the world existed.
Dan closed his eyes and kissed her, relishing the nice feel and taste. Once Mara feel asleep, Dan wasn't far behind. But he definitely felt like he couldn't sleep until she was safely out. He felt like it was his duty to make sure she was able to. He woke up a few times during the night, but each time, he made sure Mara was still peaceful and went back to his soft pillow. Dan wouldn't have been surprised if Ryan came knocking on the door to claim his spoils, but he was glad that he woke up before that happened. He slowly unwrapped himself from Mara's body, stretched his muscles, and basked in the bright morning sun coming in through the blinds, waiting for his woman to stir.
Mara woke up about twenty minutes after Dan did. She stretched her body and winced a little, both her ass and pussy sore from the day before. She did some quick thinking and decided she would lavish attention on Dan and hope that he would forget his promise to Ryan. She opened her eyes and grinned at Dan despite her pain and crawled over to him, giving him a slow kiss on the mouth. "Morning, sexy." she cooed to him, hoping her ply wasn't obvious.
Dan thought he knew what Mara was getting at, but it didn't stop him from enjoying her attention. Her kiss was unusually sexy, for whatever reason, and he closed his eyes and kissed back, slowly opening his mouth to her, grunting as her hands pressed down on his chest. "Morning, you tiger," he growled playfully at her, gripping at her side, her hair falling down over his face. "You slept good," he remarked.
Mara giggled happily when he opened his mouth for her and allowed her to snake her tongue in to dance with his for a couple of moments. She liked it when he called her his tiger, he did it sometimes and it always made her frisky. "I was with you," she purred, licking his lips gently and then nipping at his nose, "How could I not?"
Dan pretented to be injured when she bit his nose, gasping and pinching her ass playfully. He shook her back and forth a little, sliding his foot up and down her calf, before pressing his lips against hers again and kissing hard. "There is something nice about that," he admitted when he pulled away from the kiss. "I never felt so comfortable sleeping with any other girl," he admitted. "You're different."
She squealed when he pinched her ass, wrinkling he nose at him playfully. "Mmm," she said when he told her she was different. She laid her head down on his chest and sighed, nodding her head and stroking his shoulder gently. "You're different too. You're the only guy I've ever really..." she paused, unsure if she should reveal all of this to him, "I've ever really wanted to please."
Dan nodded, knowing what she said was the truth. He knew she wanted to please him, whether she said it outright or not. "I know, baby," he agreed. "I know how you were before. I know you wouldn't cook naked for Shayne. Or definitely get on a fucking machine," he added with a snicker. "That means a lot to me," he added. "Not just because it's fun and sexy. Because it tells me how you feel about me," he continued, stroking gently at the back of her head as it lay on his chest.
Mara wanted so badly to tell Dan that she loved him, but she wasn't going to do it. She didn't know how he would take it, but she was sure that she did. She'd never feel so attached and devoted to a man before, she didn't think this could be anything but love. but for now she would keep that word to herself, especially since Dan was the 'fuck and run' type of guy. "I'd do almost anything for you," she murmured, afraid to say 'anything' because she was sure he could come up with some nasty thing she wouldn't do.
Dan patted her cheek gently. "I know you would, darling," he commended her. "I know you would." He sighed, knowing full well that she didn't want to go with Ryan this morning. "You know there's something that I need to ask you to go through with this morning," he reminded her. "It's not something I'd plan to ask of you a lot, because I know it's a lot," he explained. "But you'll do it this once, won't you?" he asked, pressing his lips against hers again. Knowing Ryan, he was sure his friend was planning things out somewhere.
She felt her throat tighten when he mentioned what he wanted her to go through with this morning. So he hadn't forgotten. She knew he wouldn't forget, but she had been shamelessly hoping he would. She closed her eyes when he kissed her, allowing herself to get lost for a quick moment in the taste of his lips. As much as she didn't want to go with Ryan, she also didn't want to upset Dan. So she nodded and opened her eyes again. "Should...should I get dressed?" she asked timidly, "Or just stay...naked?"
Dan kissed her one more time and then gently pulled away. "Why don't you put on a bra and panties?" he suggested in compromise. Ryan, meanwhile, had tired of waiting, and a couple minutes later, after having a bowl of cereal and a cup of juice, knocked at the door, and then opened it a crack, revealing half of his profile, wearing just a pair of gym shorts. "Is my morning treat ready?" he called out.
Mara nodded and slid out of the bed, padding over to her suitcase and pulling on a pair of lacy black panties and a matching bra. She was about to climb back into the bed with Dan when Ryan knocked on the door. Her face colored a little bit and she looked to Dan, but he just nodded at her. So she took a deep breath and headed towards the door, "Yes," she murmured to Ryan, though she didn't like being referred to as his 'morning treat'.
Dan was about to let them go, but then he remembered something. "Mara, go wait in Ryan's bedroom," he told her, springing out of bed. "I want to talk with Ryan for a second," he told her, hoping it would make her feel a little better and impress more upon her his role as protector. He watched her go in with her cute black underwear and then turned to Ryan. "Seriously. Don't hurt her, bro," he said quietly and simply to Ryan once the door was shut behind Mara. "I like this chick." With that, Ryan nodded and opened the door to the room he was staying in, ready to have some morning fun with Mara.
Mara gave Dan a tiny smile when he told her to go wait in Ryan's bedroom. She knew what he was doing and it elated her. She wasn't sure if Ryan would actually listen to Dan, but the mere fact that he was trying won him major points with her. So she skipped off to wait in Ryan's room, which she figured was the only other room with a bag in it. She sat gingerly on the edge of his bed and wait anxiously, hoping she hadn't dressed too plainly or too seductively.
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