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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Mara pouted and humphed a little when he reminded her that she had said she would play nice and try. She had said that, but she hadn't realized it was going to be videotaped. That really bothered her. What if they decided to sell the video? That would make her into a real slut, a real prostitute. Something they'd been pushing for this entire time. "I don't want to be dry," she muttered like a child who knew she'd been wrong and had to cede to her elder. She twitched a little the first time his fingers brushed over her clit but then his touch began to work its magic and she felt her body naturally relaxing.
Dan nodded solemnly when she said she didn't want to be dry. Of course, it made for better video to warm her up, but it was true that it would probably hurt some to start her dry on the machine. Ryan backed up as Dan rubbed her clit and felt her getting wet, and got some camera footage from a wider angle of the whole scene, making sure to capture Mara's facial expressions. "Spread your legs a little more," Dan quietly requested, prodding at her love hole, wanting her to open her legs so he could finger her a little on camera. That would be a nice touch, he figured.
Mara hesitated when he told her to spread her legs a little more. If she spread her legs for him then she would really be putting herself into all of this. She'd be willingly opening up her pussy to be touched and prodded. But how could she really say no to him? Dan was the only one she'd ever had trouble refusing, the only one she'd ever felt the compulsion to please. So she took a deep breath and spread her legs open more, enough that he could easily fit his hand between them and finger her.
Dan wasn't sure how Mara would react to all this, but she was going along with him, whatever her motivations. The result was that she was now spreading her pussy on camera like a real porn star. He took advantage of her dutiful obedience, and slid his big index finger inside, feeling around her opening at first. Then, he worked it deeper, extending it inside the whole way and feeling her squeeze at him, before squishing it out, all wet with her juices. "Look at that," he mused, holding the slick finger up for her to see. "I think you're ready for the machine, don't you?" he suggested, waiting for her response.
She actually felt a little better when he slid his finger inside of her, the familiar feel of him poking around in there. She knew then that it really hadn't been him who was fingering her before, it had been Ryan. She could feel the difference now 100%. Her face twisted with a little bit of disgust when he held up his slick finger to her face, proving that he had been successful it making her horny. Mara glanced over at the fucking machine and whimpered, shaking her head when he asked her if she was ready.
Dan wasn't going to let her get away with that one. "I think the proof is in the pudding," he countered. "Or in the pussy juice, if you will," he snickered, looking at his finger again. He hugged her body close to his from his position behind Mara, and rubbed at her clit a couple more times. "I think it's time, baby," he said, directing her towards the chair with the dildo attached to it by pointing in that direction, pushing her gently that way with his body weight. "Go ahead and get up over it," he ordered while Ryan moved in position to capture her nicely on the chair. "I'll help you... get situated," Dan offered.
Mara felt her heart begin to race when he pointed towards the chair and began to prod her towards it. Her muscles locked up and she went dead weight so that he couldn't just push her in that direction. "No," she murmured and shook her head again when he told her to get up over it. She had grown to accept him touching her and Ryan filming that, but this next step was going to be a lot more difficult for her to agree to.
Dan furrowed his brow when Mara started locking her legs like a child throwing a tantrum. "Mara," he scolded her. "This isn't the only kinky item Ryan picked up at the sex store," he warned her. "There are other ways we could set you up," he added. "Which I think you'd like less. So just do it for me," he requested, stepping to her side and giving her a little kiss on the side of the lips along with a half-embrace. "Forget about Ryan and the camera. You can close your eyes and let me guide you," he offered, spinning her body so her back was to the chair and all she had to do was sit down and keep her pussy open, eyes on hers.
She looked up at him nervously as he scolded her, feeling some tears well up in her eyes. It made her feel even worse to know that there were worse things they could be doing to her right now, that they had other things to set her up with. So she had a choice: she could either do it herself or they could force her to do it. She stumbled backwards when he turned her around, feeling the chair behind her. His half-kiss made her feel a tiny bit better so she went for it, keeping her eyes on his. She moved backwards and sat down, feeling the dildo slide along her pussy.
Dan kept the stare with Mara, as if telling her with his eyes not to look elsewhere or think of anything else. She was crouched down now, ready to slide the dildo in. Ryan tossed a bottle of lubircant to Dan, who glanced down for a second and opened it. "Stay there," he told Mara, getting more excited about doing this that he'd even expected. He let some of the warm lube fall onto his finger as he kept looking at Mara, and began rubbing it onto the dlido, before massaging what was left over onto the outside of Mara's love hole. "I'm going to hold your pussy open, so your lips don't get stuck on it, and you'll just let yourself fall," he explained, spreading her expertly with two fingers above the eight inch dildo, looking into her eyes, the next move hers.
Her heart was racing so fast that she thought it might explode inside her chest. She nodded to him a little bit when he said he was going to hold her pussy lips open. So that meant that at least for right now, they were doing this together. That made her feel a little better, that she wasn't alone. When he'd lubed her up and was holding her open she took another deep breath and slid herself down, the dildo sliding inside of her nicely. She let out a little whimper as it stretched her, her body falling and falling until it had almost completely filled her.
"That's good," he commended Mara, still holding the gaze with her. He let go of her, now that the machine was well inside her, even as Ryan moved a little to get a nice head-on shot of her positioned on the machine. "You can pull up a little," Dan offered, moving behind her so as not to impede the filming, and rubbing her shoulders gently. "But then sit down all the way. Let it fill you up nice and deep. But not as deep as me," Dan added with a snicker. " Or does it fill you like I do?" he asked her as an aside as Ryan zoomed in again.
Mara was feeling very nervous when her butt hit the bottom of the chair. It felt weird to have a dildo inside of her, just like it had felt weird when they had fucked her with a giant black dildo at the jail. She squirmed a little bit, but Dan rubbing her shoulders made her feel a little better. She lifted herself up again and felt the dildo shift within her and then sank back down, the dildo just barely peeking out of her at the bottom. She actually giggled a little when he teased her, " doesn't fill me like you do,"
Although she couldn't see his face, Dan patted her shoulder and laughed a little when she admitted that the dildo didn't fill her like he did. He knew it to be the truth; he'd sized up the fake dick carefully. "I'll tell you though, Mara, as much as I can do, I can't jackhammer you mechanically, nonstop like this baby can," he pointed out. He took the remote control and walked around front of Mara so she could see it. He stopped just short of turning it on, and then spoke to her. "Why don't you give it a little ride yourself first?" he suggested. "Get a little feel for it."
The idea of the fake dick jackhammering her nonstop made Mara feel both strange and a little excited. She obviously didn't know what that felt like, as a human male couldn't physically do that. But she was still, overall, extremely nervous about this whole situation and that was making it difficult for her to get any real pleasure out of anything yet. She had to admit that some carnal part of her felt satisfied that her pussy was filled with something, the same thing she felt every time there was a cock inside of her. She looked up at him when he came around with the remote, her eyes still doe like. Ride it herself? That was a strange request, but she was already this far into it, so she decided to give it a go. She squirmed a little bit and then began to rock back and forth slowly, feeling the fake dick slide inside of her. She placed her hands on the chair and used them to help lift her up some so that she could slowly bounce.
Dan wasn't sure why, but it was really sexy when Mara bounced herself on the dildo. Even thought she'd been instructed to, there was something hot about a woman satisfying the base, carnal, horny needs of her own pussy. "There you go," Dan commended her. "Keep those hands there," he told her, placing his own hands over hers on the side of the chair and rubbing gently at her hands. "I'm going to turn it on the lowest setting. That means it'll rock in and out two inches," he explained gently. "Not too fast yet either," he added. Before she had much of a chance to process this, he picked up the control and pushed the button. Immediately, the dildo began rocking up and down inside her, a whirring noise coming from the mechanism. He set down the remote and placed his hand back over Mara's on the side of the chair, still kneeling before her, looking up into her eyes.
She felt a little better when he put his hands over hers. She stopped bouncing when he turned on the machine, which made her jump a little bit. She whimpered as it started to move in and out of her, slowly and methodically. Much to her surprise, it felt good. But it didn't feel as good as she wanted it to, only moving in and out two inches was a major tease to her pussy. Her eyes hooded just a little bit and her mouth dropped open, still staring at Dan.
Dan let the tension build inside Mara, resisting the urge to make the machine run faster or deeper for at least a few minutes. He rubbed her hands and kept staring into her eyes for a while, before moving to the side for a moment and allowing Ryan to catch some of the going on with the camera. Then he took his post again, but only pressed down on one of Mara's hands. With the other, he reached down and stroked her clit once, twice, then a third time, and then pulled away, the constant humming of the small motor a continuous ambient noise. "Do you want more?" he asked Mara once he pulled away from her ripe, swelling clit.
Mara let out a desperate and involuntary whimper when he began to stroke her clit. Her body twitched a little and her eyes squeezed shut. She'd been trying to control herself, to control how this thing was making her feel, but when Dan's skilled fingers so gently stroked her clit she lost all of that control. She nodded when he asked her if she wanted more, knowing that she couldn't continue on with this teasing. He'd caught her hook line and sinker. The only way for her to not need more would be for him to let her get off of the machine, which she knew he wouldn't do.
Dan watched Mara whimper and twitch, and then slowly lifted his hands off hers, before resting them on her knees. He then stood up and took the control in his hand again. He went to adjust the setting, but then paused. "Throw us a little bone," he asked her. "If you want some more, play with your nipples for us a little," he requested. "It'll feel good," he added, eager to get that kind of action on their amateur film. He reached out and rubbed on nipple firmly between his thumb and index finger, a little demonstration of what he was asking of her.
Mara was already upset that she was getting caught up in the minor pleasure of this. She was already upset that she was craving more, that she wanted to be fucked deeper and harder. Now they wanted her to play with herself in order to get that, they wanted her to give in completely and be the slut they needed so badly. She hesitated for a moment, a soft whimper escaping her mouth. She kept her eyes down for a moment and then slowly lifted them up along with her hands. She looked up into his eyes and pressed her fingers to her nipples and started to rub them firmly.
Dan looked down into her big, doelike eyes and then down to her chest as she started playing with her nipples for him. "That's nice," Dan said with a nod, kneeling in front of her again and taking in the little show she was giving them with her hardening nipples. As if it were a reward, he reached down and gave her clit some more pleasure, rubbing over it slowly and delicately. Then, without another word, he adjusted the setting on the machine, and it immediately began to press into her another two inches. His eyes went from her facial reaction to the chair, where a tiny puddle of Mara's arousal was starting to form. "That should get you nice and deep, how you like it," he added with a brush over her arm, before stepping aside at Ryan's prodding so he could film. Now, Dan wasn't touching her. It was as if she were all alone with the machine and the camera.
Mara gave Dan a tiny smile when he knelt down in front of her and rubbed her clit again. When he was touching her so delicately she felt nice, she felt safe. She could almost forget that Ryan was there and pretend that she and Dan were just playing a game. All in all she didn't hate the fact that the dildo was inside of her, in fact in felt extremely good. Her face twisted with pleasure when he soundlessly adjusted the machine to fuck her deeper. She let out in involuntary whimper and her eyes hooded, biting her lip gently as her body trembled a little. He was right, it was getting her nice and deep, and it felt gooood. Her clit was throbbing and her pussy was squeezing at the dildo, she had almost completely forgotten Ryan and the camera, even when Dan moved away.
Dan stepped behind Mara, where she couldn't see him, because he had a surprise for her. He leaned over and kissed her head, and rubbed her shoulders a little, but then took out the surprise. It was a small vibrator, battery powered, which was just the right size for pressing down over her clit. Ryan and he had decided that if they were going to go mechanical, why not do it all the way? So, when Dan stepped back into Mara's field of vision, it was with a sinister grin, and the vibrator in his hand. Even as the fucking machine rocked up and down, in and out of Mara in her seated pose, Dan turned his auxiliary toy on, creating a second, quieter buzz. Holding it close to her, he finally found her swollen, moist clit and held the toy firmly in place on it, rubbing at her thigh with his free hand. “Is that better?” he teased.
Mara's eyes were mostly closed when he stepped back in front of her again, her eyes having hooded even more when he kissed her head and rubbed her shoulders. She couldn't see the vibrator in his hand, nor did she notice the second and quieter buzz that it made. So it came as a complete shock when he pressed it firmly against her clit, the small vibrator buzzing powerfully against it. Her mouth dropped open and she whined high, her pussy squeezing at the dildo tightly in response. "Ahhhhhhh," she moaned out, her eyes squeezing shut completely (strange that they didn't open in surprise), and she nodded her head, clearly lost in the pleasure now. "Yeaaaah,"
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