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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Mara had opened her mouth to kiss Dan when he pulled her head down, expecting to have some more dirty talk or something with him. Instead she was rudely surprised by a scream, at which she tried to sit up but was kept down by Dan's strong hand. "What the -- ?" she started but then immediately felt something grab at her hips and try to shove something hot up her ass. She shrieked then and pulled herself as far up as she could and turned her head enough to see Ryan. Her eyes bulged and she screamed again, turning to look down at Dan. "What?!"
Dan held onto Mara as tight as he could, knowing she'd want to bolt. Her pussy almost pulled off him, but he was able to keep it lodged inside. "What do you know? Ryan's here... what a coincidence," Dan taunted. Ryan was undeterred though, continuing to smash his cock's head between Mara's ass cheeks, pushing as hard as he could even when she screamed and twisted. It was tight, but he was finally able to push in a little bit, feeling her squeeze at him from every side, that orifice not used to accomodating anything like a cock. "Why don't you do this for me?" Dan requested of her, still holding her in place, but looking up into her eyes with a soft look as he made his request.
Mara's eyes welled up with tears and she shook her head at Dan when he taunted her. "No!" she screamed, trying to pull herself off of him again, but just when she did that Ryan managed to push about an inch of himself into her ass which made her scream with pain. She sobbed and looked down at Dan in complete horror, she couldn't understand why he would do this to her. "Why?" she asked him, trying not to sob when he gave her a soft and almost pleading look.
"Come on, Mara," Dan pleaded with her, trying to remain as cold as he could. "This is how we met. You must not hate it so much," he reasoned. "I just want you to... to try new things," he explained. He bucked his hips up and pressed back inside her womanhood a little, even as Ryan pushed down into her ass with all his weight, sinking another two inches or so inside, and forcing her down on Dan's cock. Wedged firmly between them, there was little she could do physically so get out of this now. Dan held her by the wrists and looked into her horrified eyes again. "Just do it," he offered.
This was how they met. That made her want to sob for a whole other reason. Her notions of being romantic with Dan were completely baseless. He probably didn't even like her at all, he just wanted to fuck her in every way imaginable. She whimpered softly when he grabbed hold of her wrists and stared at her meanly, as if if she didn't do what he wanted he would never like her again. "It hurts," she whimpered to him, hoping to illicit some iota of compassion for him. But then Ryan shoved himself another two inches inside of her and she whined with pain and reluctantly nodded, "Okay okay,"
Dan nodded as if in compassion when she said it hurt. "It'll stop hurting soon," he grunted. "It'll feel good," he told her, although he wasn't quite sure if that was true. "Just ride me and think of that." He grabbed at her hips now, under the impression that she wouldn't really struggle to flee now and was resigned to do this with them. Pushing on her hips, he rocked so she'd start bouncing on him again. He wasn't sure why he was doing this to her. He and Ryan had discussed it like a joke at first, and then it became serious from there. From behind, Ryan was grunting and pushing more, stretching her anus far more than it had ever been strectched before, almost feeling as if his cock was tearing and ripping at some of her cavity inside. He only thought about his cock, though, and not the reality that she might have trouble walking in the morning. As he kept pushing, Mara was prodded to actually sink down on Dan to get her ass away from him, but he still managed to sink the thickest part inside her now, slapping once at her ass. "Yeah baby," he grunted. "You.. she got a tighter ass than I even thought, dude."
It was obvious that the two of them had planned this on her, but it hurt to hear Ryan say that her ass was tighter than he'd even thought it'd be. Tears rolled down her cheeks as he shoved the thickest part of himself into her ass, her entire ass seemed to be throbbing horribly. She sobbed a little bit but then gripped Dan's shoulders again and began to bounce on him again, feeling extra pressure now because both of her cavities were filled. "I don't feel anything good," she complained to him a little bit, even as she started to get into a rhythm.
Dan felt a tiny bit of responsibility to make her feel something good, even though it wasn't supposed to be about that. Feeling around her busy crotch, he found her clit and began to rub at it, wondering what effect that would have on her, on top of both her holes being filled. The rhythm was actually pretty nice, with Ryan pushing her down into Dan, and her pussy bouncing fairly fast on Dan. Dan began to close his eyes and pant a little bit, somewhat more turned on than usual by this whole dirty thing, even as her tears dripped onto his chest. Ryan, of course, seemed intent only on sheathing himself completely in Mara's ass, pushing and pushing to that end.
Mara actually got a little angry when Dan started to rub her clit. He was trying to make up for the fact that he was putting her through horrible pain on the one hand, but on the other it was like he was trying to control her in every way. She frowned at him and reached in between them, moving his hand away. "It doesn't matter," she growled in irritation, wincing just after as Ryan managed to shove another inch inside of her. "You hate me anyway,"
"Why would you say I hate you?" Dan retorted, taking a break from his arousal. That bothered him more than her screaming, more than her crying, more then if she'd even said that she hated him. "Whatever, but I don't hate you," he insisted, grabbing her ass now that she shoved his hand away, and assisting her in bouncing up and down. A moment ago, his climax was around the corner, although now he wasn't sure. Ryan had found a little rhythm now, rocking in and out, even with the tight confines and not much lubrication. "Fuckkkkkkkkkk," Ryan yelped out, closing his eyes as he felt himself ready to cum. Finally, he did, spurting out a voluminous load inside her asshole, before suddenly yanking out and collapsing on the big bed. "Damn, bitch," he gasped, face red and out of breath.
Mara had already decided that she wasn't going to orgasm this time, and she didn't think there was much Dan could to to change it. At this point it would take a vibrator pushed against her clit to make her cum, she felt so much pain in her ass. She continued to ride him though, as she had agreed she would do it. She cried out in pain when Ryan spurted inside of her and then suddenly yanked himself out. She fell forward a little bit, her face screwed up in pain. "If you liked me you wouldn't make me do this," she whimpered.
"Dude, leave us alone," Dan called out to Ryan, who quickly picked up his clothes and left the door, closing the door behind him without a word. "Come on," he whispered once they were alone, changing his whole demeanor, and running his hands gently up and down her sides. "Kiss me," he asked her. "It's just you and me now. I wouldn't want to kiss you if I didn't like you. I'd just want to fuck," he insisted, grunting as her pussy slid up and down on him.
She was so weak when it came to Dan. She melted immediately when he dismissed Ryan and told her to kiss him. She stared at him for a moment and then dutifully leaned down and planted a gentle and loving kiss on his mouth, gripping his shoulders tighter and grinding herself against him a little bit in addition to bouncing up and down on him. She still felt some tremendous pain in her ass and could feel some of Ryan's come oozing out of her, but she felt better now that she was just with Dan.
Dan warmed up and felt completely different towards Mara once she kissed him. He wanted to care for her and protect her, treat her like she thought he was going to treat her initially when they got here. "Mmm," he grunted after having savored her kiss. "You taste so nice," he commented, feelilng the strange sensation of some of his friend's cum drip out of her ass and onto his leg. He rocked in harmony with her, hooded his eyes, and held her hips as she got into it a little more. "Ahhhh, baby, I'm gonna cum in you in a seconddddd," he moaned.
"Mmmm," she groaned softly when he told her he was going to cum inside of her. She ground against him a little harder, pressing her mouth against his again and trying to prod his lips open. She didn't often initiate or force with kisses like he did, but right now she really just wanted to make out with him. She figured that would make her forget about all of the bad things she'd just gone through and focus on the fact that she was quickly moving towards a place where she couldn't live without Dan.
Dan rocked methodically inside her as he felt his release build more and more. He was taken by surprise by the kiss, especiallly with his eyes mostly closed. But it was warm and nice, and he kissed her passionately, opening his lips and letting her tongue inside, sucking gently at her lower lip. "Ohhhh, Mara," he called out, squeezing at her back as tight as he could while she kept riding him. He wriggled a little as his insides started to bubble, and in a minute, he smashed his hips up to meet her and released his sticky seed, moaning a deep, long moan, calling out her name again.
She was a little bit disappointed that she didn't get to cum from this encounter that she had been looking so forward to, but it was alright. She didn't want him to get her off now, it would just be a pity orgasm anyway. She slowed down once he'd cum inside of her, resting there for a few moments as she made out with him. Then she pulled away from his mouth and looked at him, obviously in a lot of pleasure. She sighed and started to get off of him, done with him for now. She just wanted to be alone.
Dan smiled at her when he opened his satisfied eyes, making out a little longer, and giving her lip one last suck when she started to pull away. Looking down as she climbed off, he noticed some cum dripping out of both holes. That was unusual, even for a wild guy like Dan to see. "You should rest. We'll hang out on the beach later. Or tomorrow," he offered, groaning as he sat up in bed, sparing Mara the details of the rest of what he and Ryan had discussed taking place over the course of the trip.
"I don't want to," she muttered as she walked away from him. Or she tried to walk away from him, it was more like a strange hobble. She winced and hobbled her way to the master bathroom, which she promptly slammed behind her. She got into the bath and dug her fingers up into her ass (something she never though she would do) and tried to get as much as the cum out as she could. She did the same with her pussy, just for posterity. When she felt as clean as she could feel she got out and wrapped herself in a towel, planning to lock herself in a guest bedroom to sleep.
Dan had sort of expected Mara to seek some solace with him, but evidently that wasn't what she wanted. It was only fair to give her some time to recover, considering what they had in mind for the next two days. So Dan looked at her and let her pass without saying a work. After he dressed, he went down to the living room, marveling again at the nice view, and cracked open a beer with Ryan. "You brought everything, right?" Dan asked, before Ryan nodded. They spent the afternoon watching TV and not doing much else, uncomfortable with the idea of leaving Mara alone in the house after the shock she was just through.
Mara didn't even look at Dan as she passed him by. She stomped over to her bag and hurriedly ripped out some clothes and then stomped out of the room. She blamed Dan for what had happened more than she blamed Ryan. She knew that Ryan would never do something to her without the go-ahead from Dan, which essentially meant that it was Dan who had fucked her in the ass. She got dressed in her tank top and shorts and fell over onto one of the guest beds, falling asleep almost immediately.
After a few hours had passed and it was dark outside, Dan decided it was time for the next fun game he had planned for Mara. As before, he thought it might be better if he eased her into it himself. So he slipped up to the bedroom she was staying in and quietly entered, observing the girl sleeping soundly. He wondered if she'd remember what happened when he woke her. She probably would, he figured; it wasn't exactly something forgettable that he and Ryan had done with her. Sliding quietly into the smaller bed next to Mara, he wrapped his arms around her body and drew her sleeping face into his chest, listening to her quiet peaceful breathing.
Mara stayed asleep for a couple of moments, though she felt warmer suddenly and knew that she wasn't alone. She squirmed a little bit and then opened her eyes, seeing nothing except a shirt in front of her. She huffed and squirmed more, trying to free herself from the tight arms around her. "Go away," she murmured stubbornly, though it was obvious by her voice that she wasn't going to do too much to make him go away. As always it would just take a few words, a gentle tone, and him stroking her hair or her cheek to get her back on his side.
"Come on, Mara," Dan reasoned in a relatively soft voice. He slid his large body right up against hers and kissed at her neck, letting his hand slide up gently over her cheek. "You're just being bitter," he chided softly. "You don't want me to go away." He let his other arm droop over her back and ran his fingertips up and down soothingly. "Why don't you tell me how you slept?"
She felt a little bit angry when he chided her, but at the same time it felt so nice to have his big body snuggled right up next to hers. She looked up at him for a moment and then sighed, moving her face back down to snuggle it into his chest. She lifted a leg and wrapped it around his, pulling him even closer to her. "I slept okay." she finally said, falling for his ruse once again. "My body hurts though," she complained, just so that he would know she was feeling sore still. "I don't even know what time it is."
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