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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Mara felt a strange sense of pride when he told her that she did well. She loved it when he praised her, she absolutely could not get enough. At this point she would do almost anything just to hear him praise her and have him pull her close to him. When she thought about it, she'd already almost done virtually everything for him. He'd whored her out already, how much worse could that get? And even then, she knew that if he wanted her to sleep with another man, she would do it for him. She grinned at him and nuzzled his neck gently, draping herself across him, "I hoped I was okay. You know I'm new at it,"
Dan kissed at her forehead as she lay out across him, her dark hair spilling over his face and neck, which actually gave a little tickling sensation. "You were wonderful for being so new," he praised her. "But I think we'll have to do it again sometime so I can chart your progress," he teased her with a smirk. It was amazing, he'd seen Mara used and abused. He'd seen every inch of her body, every hole of hers spread open lewdly, yet he still felt a sense of newness, of adventure with her every time they did something. There was some electricity there which was hard to put a finger on. “You know, I promised you something after you took care of me,” he teased softly, tracing a finger through her hair.
Mara giggled girlishly when he told her that they'd have to do it again so that he could chart her progress. Sucking cock wasn't exactly her favorite thing to do, but she loved pleasing Dan, and if he wanted her to suck him off, she would do it. All of the time, if she needed to. She glanced up at him again when he teased her, a slow grin forming on her face. "Ohhh....did you?" she purred, leaning down to kiss his neck lightly.
"You know I did," he growled playfully, sliding a hand from her hip along her soft stomach, tantalizingly near to her womanhood. "I doubt you'd forget something like that. After all, you seem to enjoy it immensely every time you're..... satisfied," he decided with a grin, ticking lightly at the skin just above her pussy. "What if I told you I was gonna eat out your pussy, and then spread and fuck it again mercilessly, and there's nothing you can do to stop me?" he growled, leaning his head up and nibbling at her ear.
Mara's eyes grew wider and her face flushed a deeper red the more Dan spoke of what he was going to do to her. She started to squirm a little bit, the mere thought of him touching her like that making her want him. Somewhere deep inside Mara's mind she knew that she wasn't going to go home the next day. She knew she probably wasn't even going to go the day after that. After all, she wasn't expected home for another ten days, having only spent four in California so far. She giggled again and moved her hips a little so that his fingers just barely grazed her womanhood. "I think I'd moan and squirm and whine for you and beg for more."
Dan chuckled when she answered him and forced her womanhood against his hand. She was such a nympho, and he loved it. She was always wanting more, at least with him. After he'd grazed her, he found her clit, still swollen from their recent fuck, and rubbed over it a couple of times. "Well, I hope you don't expect my mouth to come to your pussy," he teased. He licked his lips and beckoned playfully with his head. "Why don't you bring that delicious cunt up here to me?" he asked her.
She let out a pleased sigh when his fingers found her clit and began to rub at it gently. Mara didn't know what it was about Dan, but he really didn't even need to do anything to her and she wanted him. He barely touched her and she was raring to go. Maybe it was personality, his confidence. Maybe their pheromones matched. She sat up when he beckoned her and climbed up on top of him, crawling her way up to his face so that her pussy was timidly near his mouth.
Dan snickered a little when she halfheartedly crouched over him, her pussy still a few inches away from his face. He grabbed fiercely at her hips, pulling Mara closer until he could stick out his tongue and lick her slit, which he didn't do yet. "If you want to get eaten out, you have to act like you mean it," he teased. He reached behing her and slapped her ass once, as if it was for not bringing her pussy to him like she meant it. Then, he glared up into her eyes and extended his tongue as far as he could, giving a brief lick to her thigh before sliding it up and down the length of her slit, tasting her juicy arousal. "Mmmm," he moaned with a genuine smile. "Has anyone ever told you how good your pussy tastes?"
Mara yelped softly when he grabbed at her and pulled her to him, but couldn't help but giggle when he slapped her ass. She sighed softly and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to relax herself. For some reason, being on top of Dan while he ate her out made her feel nervous. She opened her eyes again just in time for him to slide his tongue up her slit, which caused her face to twist a little with pleasure. "Ahhh," she groaned, her body sinking down closer to his, her pussy almost right against his mouth now, "Some have. But only what you say matters to me,"
Dan felt her body relax a little when she moaned as he licked her. "That's it, baby," he said in encouragement, wrapping both hands around her ass and pulling her hips in so that her pussy rested just against his lips now. At the same time, he held her weight back so she didn't exert any pressure on him for now. "I'm glad you feel that way," he breathed, just before taking a deep whiff of her scent and tracing his tongue in a circle around her red, swollen clit. "Just rest on my body and close your eyes."
Mara extended her arms out and pressed her hands against the headboard, taking hold of it gently to steady herself. Her heart was fluttering nervously, but she knew that he was just going to make her feel absolutely amazing, and she was excited for that. Her thigh muscles slowly let out their tension and she closed her eyes again, her pussy right up against him. She was silent, unsure of what she should say to him. She didn't know how far she could go with professing her devotion to him before he would get weirded out.
Dan took a hold of her hips and held her body just at the right distance and angle as she positioned herself over him. She was laid out nicely on display for him, an additional means of excitement besides licking her pussy. Rolling up his tongue, he pushed her legs apart a little and stuck it in a 'U' inside her love hole, pulsing it in and out a few times before pulling it out of her warmth, and licking slowly up and down her slit, pausing only when his tongue got tired. "Does that feel good, baby," he asked softly to break the silence. "Do you like it when your big beefcake lets you have some pleasure?"
She absolutely loved it when he gave her pleasure. It seemed to her (though her perception was probably very skewed) that Dan was perfect at everything. He was perfect at fucking her, eating her out, talking to her, living, everything. He was just perfect. As Dan licked at her slowly and deliberately Mara's mouth slowly fell open as she felt the pleasure mounting. "I love it when you let me feel goood," she moaned, her pussy clenching at his tongue when he pushed it up into her, "Everything with you feels good. I was crazy to think of going home tonight,"
"You were crazy," he chided her, slapping at her ass again, a subconsious dominant response that seemed to happen every time the idea of Mara making a mistake surfaced. He pulled harder at her hips, forcing her pussy to grind against his face now, smashing his tongue against her clit and mashing at it over and over again. "The question," he mumbled as he pulled away for a second, "is whether I let you cum now, or start fucking you. Because my cock is good and ready," he boasted, before letting his tongue dart inside her again, feeling her clench at it, knowing her pussy was hungry for something bigger.
Mara whined softly when he slapped her ass again, that subconscious message that she should never go against Dan looping through her head again. Her breathing started to become shallower and faster as he mashed his tongue against her clit. Once he brought her hips closer to him she took the cue and began to gently grind against him, moaning and writhing as she felt a very nice orgasm start to really stir inside of her. "Ahhh," she moaned, the answer definitive in her mind, "Fuck me. Pleeeeease,"
Dan's cock was steadily getting hard as Mara began rhythmically grinding against his face, getting closer and closer to an orgasm. He knew that she'd probably cum almost as soon as he started fucking her. In a deft motion, he slid out from under her, and leapt behind Mara, pushing her head roughly down into the sheets. Her ass presented nicely in the air, he pushed her cheeks apart, and slid his cock between, quickly finding her wet, gaping love hole. "Oh, babyyyyy," he groaned, sliding his hands up along her sides and pulling himself inside her pussy, immediately feeling it squeeze and tug at him.
Mara yelped when her face was shoved down into the sheets, but she was more than okay with him fucking her from behind. She crawled up onto her knees and knew her ass was presented almost perfectly to him. She let out a loud and desperate moan when he shoved into her, her pussy squeezing him for all he was worth. Before he even started to thrust into her she was rocking herself back and forth, eager to be pushed over the edge.
Dan could tell that Mara was ready to be fucked senseless. But he thought it might be fun to drag his feet a little. He leaned over her body, laying his chest on her lower back as his cock curved slightly inside her, rocking in and out nice and slow, hands going up and down her sides. Slowly, he straightened back up, taking in the sight of her curvy ass pointed up in the air, and grabbed her hips, rocking faster as she rocked back against him. Suddenly, he reached back and smacked her ass with almost all he had, seeing a crimson hand print develop immediately. "Damn, I'm gonna fuck you hard tonight," he gasped, beginning to move quicker.
Mara cried out in desperation when he sloooowly pushed in and out of her at first. She actually whimpered and gripped at the sheets, restraining herself from trying to turn him over and ride him like a heathen girl. She moaned out again when he began to rock in and out of her faster though, "Mmmm, yeaaaaaaah!" she cried out, her pussy squeezing him hard. He really was driving her to the edge, and quickly. It would probably only take a couple of minutes of fucking for her to get there.
"That's it," he almost shouted, gripping at her hips and rocking at her now as her body squirmed and wriggled. He reached back and gave her a couple more slaps on the ass just as hard as the first, never relenting in the way he was riding her. He really started sweating as he bucked against her over and over again, and waited until he thought she was just on the verge of climax to do what he had planned next. Eyeing up her anus that was presenting to him between her spread cheeks, he pressed his finger up against it and stroked it gently as he could a couple times, before pressing it in an inch or two and poking gently in the direction of her pussy, hoping it would stimulate her pussy from that end just as his cock did from the other way.
Mara was almost out of her mind by the time he began to touch her anus. Her body was writhing and she was moaning and panting on the edge of one of the best orgasms she'd ever had. When he finally did began to stroke her bud she let out a loud yelp of surprise, but not anguish. When he pushed his finger inside and pressed it towards her pussy she felt her insides absolutely explode. He'd timed it perfectly and his ass play had actually intensified her orgasm even more. She literally screamed her pleasure, her body rocking back and forth wildly as she came on him.
Dan was taken by surprise a little, his finger almost rocketed out of her ass by force from her body exploding. But he pressed it back in and kept playing with her as he continued to smash his think cock into the depths of her pussy. Half out of breath, grunted at her. "Yeahhhhhh. Cum on me, you fucking slut," he grunted in pleasure, feeling her pussy clench like never before, his climax only a moment away as he pounded harder and harded right through her orgasm. She was way ahead of him though, after he'd started her off orally and then finished with his finger in her ass.
Mara wasn't completely willing to believe that Dan's finger up her ass had actually helped her to orgasm even better. She didn't want to believe that she could get pleasure out of getting her ass finger fucked, because then he would want to really fuck her ass. Her body collapsed a little bit as he rode her through the orgasm, though she twitched a little from the sensations of him fingering her ass.
Just when Dan was ready to cum, he took his finger out of her ass and grabbed both of Mara's hips, squeezing firmly as he methodically worked toward his release. A moment later, he grunted a deep, strange noise, dug his nails into her flesh, and felt his seed leave his body in a powerful spurt. "Ahhhhh, Mara," he cried out, closing his eyes in unbridled ecstacy as he felt several waves of tingling pleasure wash all through his body, before he collapsed his sweaty chest down onto her back.
Mara let out a contented sigh when he spurted inside of her. That had grown to become a really good feeling for her, when it had started out as the worst feeling in the world the first time he'd fucked her. She collapsed down underneath him when he laid on her, her body sprawled out as she gasped for breath. "Mmmm," she groaned, immensely satisfied. She didn't think she needed to have sex again for days after that.
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