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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

"That was good," Dan breathed softly, trying to catch his breath. He slowly pulled out of Mara and let her body collapse all the way, before rolling over next to her. "You're so amazing here," he commended her. "It's a shame you have to leave. We need to do something special before you go. Maybe a trip up the coast, and we'll stay at a nice place," he suggested, the wheels turning in his head already as he traced his toes over her leg.
She rolled over onto her side and grinned at him when he mentioned a trip up the coast. "That would be amazing," she murmured, leaning over and giving him soft kisses on his chest. "Some place different. Where we can just...enjoy each other." she hinted a little devilishly, giggling and then flopping back onto her back.

They spent the rest of the evening lying there together, touching and playing with each other almost innocently. The next morning they packed up and drove two hours up the coast to a seaside villa, which Mara was absolutely enchanted with.
Dan had to make a few calls to get such a nice place, with a view of the Pacific. But he traded in some favors and made it happen. After all, sex wasn't the only thing Dan dabbled in peddling on the taxpayer's dime, so he had a few connections. Once they arrived, Dan lugged both of their bags up the stone path, and opened the door, leading them into a living room with a huge picture window that afforded a magnificent view of the rocky coastline, waves splashing up against it below, the surf almost spraying up in front of the window. "Mmm, I think we might be able to have a really good time here," he smiled at Mara, dropping the bags and hugging her body close before giving her a quick kiss on the lips, staring out the window over her shoulder.
Mara squealed with delight when Dan came up and hugged her tightly. She kissed him back and rubbed his chest lightly and lovingly, in complete adoration of him in this moment. "I think so too," she cooed, unaware that the fun he had in store for her was very different from the fun she was planning. "We could have sex on the beach," she whispered to him with a little giggle, "And sex in the hot tub."
Dan chuckled at what she said, turned on by both of those fun ideas, even though he had some other things clearly in mind. He rested his chin on her forehead and rocked back and forth with her, smiling with the knowledge that she had no idea who was lurking in the house, having arrived ahead of them. "Want to check out the place?" he offered. "It's my first time here, too."
She wrapped her arms around him tightly when he rested his chin on her forehead, greatly enjoying the smell and feel of him in this new place. This was a place that was untainted. She could pretend that nothing bad between them had happened because they weren't where that had gone down. She grinned and nodded when he offered to check the place out, pulling away and grabbing his hand. "Yes. Let's go."
Dan laughed and grabbed her hand, tugging her along as the checked out the kitchen, den, and bathroom on the first floor. Everything was very nicely appointed. He wasn't exactly sure where Ryan would be hiding at, but he knew Ryan was in the house, because he'd left the sign, which was a copy of the days newspaper folded up on the porch. Ryan also had the assignment to pick up the important 'supplies'. As they headed upstairs, and peeked into one bedroom after another, it becaume clear that Ryan was hiding somewhere. Oh well, Dan thought. That could be fun,too. "This looks like a promising room," Dan teased as they entered the main bedroom, circling the King size bed. Dan gripped Mara by the waist and pulled her back into the bed, laughing as he wrestled with her a little playfully.
Mara liked trouncing around the big house with Dan. Did they need such a big house to stay in? Of course not, there were only two of them. But the grandeur was a big part of the appeal and it made Mara feel like a princess. She had no idea that the reason why they were going from room to room was to search for someone. She thought she and Dan were completely alone in the world, and she loved that. She squealed when he pulled her onto the bed in the master suite, tumbling down onto it with him. She rolled around with him and started to crawl away playfully, making him catch her and bring her back to him.
Dan laughed and grabbed Mara as she playfully escaped, pulling her back into his strong arms and holding her there. She probably felt completely safe there with him on the bed, but that was all about to change. Dan wasn't sure exactly when Ryan was going to make his presence known. Whenever it happened, it would be a surprise to him, too, but not as much as for Mara. "What's the matter?" he teased. "Got somewhere to go off to?" he asked as he grabbed her leg and slowly slid his hand up the leg of her shorts, grabbing playfully at her thigh.
She shrieked in mock horror when he pulled her back, squealing and giggling when he started to grope at her again. "Yes, actually. I have to go rest peacefully, by myself." she laughed heartily at that, knowing that was the absolute last thing that she wanted right now. She wanted to be all wrapped up in Dan's big safe arms, with him touching her or her touching him or them just lying there together in serenity.
"Well, that's not going to happen," Dan laughed, aware she didn't know the full truthfulness of his words. He tugged her along the sheets by her leg, and leaned his body down on her, pinning her gently to the bed. "Look out the window," he encouraged her, eyeing up the spectacular ocean view that the bedroom window offered, blue waters glimmering in the bright sun. "It's amazing." As he tugged up on her shirt, slowly removing it, there was still no sign of anyone else in the room or house.
Mara sighed when he finally pinned her to the bed, more than okay with being caught underneath him the way that she was. She lifted her arms up when he started to tug at her shirt, somehow eager to be naked with him again. She felt so free now when she was naked with him. Especially here, she felt as if they could do anything they wanted and no one would ever know about it. She lifted her head and looked out the window, heaving a sigh when she saw it. "It is beautiful," she mused.
Dan nodded as he took a glance outside also, feeling a slight breeze from the open window. It was cool and refreshing, he thought. He pulled the top gently over her head and tossed it aside, before taking off his own shirt quickly. Looking up, he suddenly saw Ryan peek his head out of the room's closet, smiling widely. Mara's back was to the closet so she couldn't see him. Dan nodded to his friend and began tugging Mara's shorts down. "Not as beautiful as you," he remarked, rubbing at her crotch over her underwear, and smiling at her, as he saw Ryan stealthily emerge from the closet and stalk up toward the bed.
Mara giggled when he called her beautiful and lifted her hips up so that he could get her shorts down. She dropped her head against the comforter, smushing her face into it so that she couldn't see anything. "You gonna fuck me with the window open?" she muffled teased him with another giggle. Mara felt perfect in this moment. There was almost nothing that could ruin it for her. Unfortunately, one of those things was about to happen.
Dan laughed and yanked her panties down. "Why, you going to scream so loud they'll hear you next door?" he teased. It was actually kind of convenient that her face was in the comforter, and Dan took advtanage, leaning his weight on her and pressing her head down a little more, kissing at her neck. At the same time, Ryan approached the bed, and brazenly leaned over and began rubbing slowly at Mara's womanhood, going up and down along her opening. Dan wondered if she'd notice it wasn't him. It couldn't feel all that different, he supposed.
Mara groaned when 'Dan' began to rub at her pussy and she even bucked her hips up a little and spread her legs out under him, wanting more. "Fuck yes," she spat out boldly, thinking only Dan could hear her, "I'm gonna scream so loud the whole county will hear me," and then she giggled, even though her words and giggles were muffled by her face being stuffed into the comforter.
"I'm sure someone will hear you," he responded, thinking it amusing that she still didn't get what was happening. Everything had more or less fallen into place for the ruse. He wondered how long they could keep her in the dark. He kept a hand off her so she didn't feel three hands all at once, and kept kissing her shoulders and neck, while Ryan worked on her pussy. He rubbed at her clit, and then sunk a finger inside her, while he awkwardly tried to squirm out of his pants. Ryan was clearly more anxious to fuck than Dan, who had access to Mara's pussy all the time lately.
Mara was putting on a show purposely, but she thought that she was just putting it on for Dan. She moaned loudly when she felt a finger slide inside of her. The finger felt a little shorter than Dan's finger, but she had absolutely no reason to suspect that it wasn't Dan's finger. "Mmm, you're teasing me baby," she groaned into the comforter, bucking her butt up again in hopes that he would either finger her more or get out of his clothes and fuck her. He'd worked her up so far, and for some reason having her head pressed down was hot right now.
"I am," Dan growled at her. "I'm teasing you before I fuck the silly out of you," he teased, as Ryan kept slowly fingering her pussy. "So keep that head down," he ordered, realizing she still had no inkling. He writhed on top of her a little, before looking down at Ryan and shrugging, to indicate he didn't know what the plan was. They really should have coordinated better, and now they were stuck playing as they went along.
'Keep that head down' tipped Mara off to something funny. She began to squirm a little bit, manually squeezing her pussy to try to somehow analyze Dan's finger. She realized that it really didn't feel like his. So she tried to pick her head up but he pushed it down again, to which Mara frowned. "Why does your finger feel different?" she asked him boldly.
Dan snickered a little. "Oh, so you think your pussy is that sensitive?" he laughed. "How about you feel some cock now and see if that feels any different?" he teased. He lifted her up a little now, and slid his body under hers, motioning for Ryan to get away. Ryan pulled his hand out of Mara just as Dan touched her, and quietly ducked behind the foot of the bed. (He'd never had his weight on the bed, so there was no discernable weight shift.) "You're gonna ride my cock now," Dan ordered with a laugh, lifting up his hips and sliding out of his cargo shorts and boxers all at once.
Mara giggled at the absurd thought she'd had when Dan finally let up on her. She sat up and grinned at him, crawling over to grab at his shorts and toss them off the side of the bed. "Your'e right baby." she apologized, leaning down and giving him a kiss and a smile, "I was just being silly." she crawled up on top of him and rubbed his chest, "I'm ready for your cock."
"You were being silly," he chided her, knowing their game would be up soon. But oh, would it be fun. He lifted her up by the hips and began to guide her down towards his very hard cock. "You ready to ride, baby?" he teased, kissing her and pulling her chest down towards his as she began to settle down on him and his cock started to fill her.
"Mmm, I'm so ready," she purred, resting her hands on his shoulders as she straddled him and pushed down so that his cock began to slide deep into her wet pussy. "Ahh, I love your big juicy cock so much." she growled, even going so far as to move one hand between their bodies and start to rub at her clit as she bounced up and down on him.
Dan felt a tinge of guilt, only because Mara was enjoying what she thought was a romantic, intimate encounter so much. He knew it was only a matter of moments before Ryan got involved. In fact, knowing Ryan, he was probably upset he didn't get to go first. As Mara rocked up and down on him, Dan pulled her shoulders down, so that it would be hard for her to turn around, and so that her ass stuck up in the air. Peeking over the bottom of the bed, when Ryan saw that, he leapt onto the bed, letting out a scream like a banshee, and grabbed Mara's hips, immediately trying to shove his cock into the very surprised Mara's ass while Dan filled up her pussy.
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