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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Dan gladly accepted her leg on his, knowing that he was gradually pulling her back into his web of trust. "That's good you slept okay, baby," he nodded, stroking at her cheek some more before kissing her on the chin. "It's about nine thirty," he guessed, taking in a deep breath and grinning at her in the semi-darkness, the only light shining in from the hallway. "Not too late to get up again. Come downstairs and eat something," he suggested, tracing his toes up and down her leg.
She huffed again when he said it wasn't too late to get up again. Mara just wanted to lay in bed, either by herself or wrapped up with Dan. Getting up meant she might have to face Ryan again, and she didn't want to do that. She shook her head when he told her to come eat something and smushed her face harder into his chest, "I don't want to," she murmured stubbornly again, purposely being a little bit childish. She felt she deserved to be able to be so after what they'd done to her earlier.
"Okay," Dan said in acknowledgement of her refusal. He decided to man up and just come clean with her, in his usual firm way. "Here's the deal, Mara. I think we are planning to... have some more fun tonight. All of us," he explained, pausing and readying himself for the horror he expected her to show. "So I just thought you should get up, stretch, and eat something first,” he explained, still trying to rub her cheek and hold her close. He rubbed the back of her head softly as Mara innocently tried to escape the world, buried in his chest, even as Ryan readied the items for the next round downstairs.
"Do I have a choice?" she huffed to him, her face still buried in his chest. She was fully aware that she did not have a choice, but she wanted Dan to actually say it to her. She wanted him to tell her that he was going to force her into playing sex games with him and Ryan, whether she wanted to or not. She furrowed her brows in chest and then finally pulled her face away, wriggling again to try to be free of his grasp.
Dan took in a deep breath and helped her pull away from him, searching her eyes as best he could in the dark, his arms still resting on her shoulders. "I don't think you should look at it that way, baby," he suggested. "I think if I know you at all, you might have some fun. We'll stay away from... certain parts of you," he promised, knowing that she absolutely detested having anything in her ass. "Look at me and tell me you'll try to have some fun," he instructed her. If you can do that for me, then if you give it a try for a while and don't like it, we'll stop," he promised.
Mara was still very dubious about this whole thing. She looked at him when he instructed her to though, almost afraid to not do it. She paused for a couple of moments, unsure if she really wanted to agree to this. Eventually she sighed and nodded her head, giving in to him as she inevitably always did. "Okay," she murmured, "I'll try to have some fun."
"Good," Dan commended her, drawing her close again for a minute, and kissing her on the lips, before edging himself back out of the bed. "Come on down when you're ready to eat," he told her, heading back into the hallway. Once downstairs, he got a plate of food ready for Mara. Ryan had cooked, and the two of them already eaten. He'd grilled a couple of thin steaks outside, and sliced them up for fajitas. Dan put a nice one together for her, with some rice, and waited for her to show up. Meantime, in the living room, Ryan had happily set up a chair with what appeared to be a genuine fucking machine on it, and was currently playing around with a small digital video camera. It obviously would give Mara pause while she was eating, if she had an appetite left at all.
Mara lay in the bed for about ten more minutes before she finally decided to get up. When she did, she went over to her bag in the main bedroom and took out her brush. She brushed her hair and even put on a little bit of make up, aware that she probably looked like hell. She milled around for another little while, not wanting to come down too quickly lest they think she'd become excited about what they wanted to do to her. She walked down the stairs towards the kitchen when she passed the living room. She stopped dead and her eyes bulged. A fuck machine...and Ryan playing with a digital camera. She whimpered and looked up at Dan who was standing in the kitchen.
Dan had expected her to protest, of course. But he did his best to allay her fears. "Forget it. Just have something to eat," he told her soothingly, motioning to the plate he'd made her. "You promised me you'd have an open mind, and I promised you if you give it a good try, we can stop if you want. Remember?" he asked, stepping up to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.
Mara stared at Dan for a couple of moments in disbelief and then slid her glance over at the fucking machine again. She shifted her weight a couple of times and then dutifully padded over to the table where Dan was. She sat down and began to pick at the food. She didn't think she was hungry until she started to eat it, when she realized she was ravenous. "The food is good," she murmured to him as if passively saying that she was going to stick to her word and give it a try.
Dan took two sodas from the fridge and slid one over to her, sipping on one himself while she ate. "Thanks," he remarked. He could tell she was going to give it a try, but he wasn't sure where it would go from there. In his twisted mind, he'd dreamed of hooking her up to a fucking machine ever since the police station, and he really didn't want to cut it short early. He decided he wasn't going to let Mara put it off and delay. A little time to let the food settle, and then they'd get on with it. "Why don't you come sit on the couch with me?" he suggested once she'd finished, setting her plate in the sink.
Mara did feel better after she ate, she had to admit. She didn't feel amazing, but she didn't feel as horrible as she had before. She ate all of her food too and downed the entire can of soda. She grew hesitant again when he mentioned going to sit on the couch with him. If she went and sat on the couch with him she'd be face to face with the fucking machine, and probably Ryan too. Ryan, who hadn't say a word to her besides 'damn, bitch'. But still, she nodded and stood up, reaching for his hand tentatively.
Dan led her over the couch, trying to go as easy on her as he could. They leaned back onto the couch, which did happen to be right in front of the fucking machine. Ryan took the liberty of joining them, pulling up a bar stool right across from the two of them as Dan rubbed at her shoulder. "So you excited?" he asked rudely with a long leer.
Mara was trying to be okay with the fucking machine, she was trying to be open minded about it. She was trying to think of it as just doing it for Dan, not for anyone else. But when Ryan pulled up the stool and leered at her she felt her face blush with fear and embarrassment. She glanced up at Dan for a moment for support, but knew she had to be honest. "No," she murmured and pressed her face into his shoulder.
"Okay," Dan started, collecting his thoughts and trying to calm her. "I'll tell you what. Ryan will hold the camera, and I'll be the only one to touch you," he promised. "Won't I, Ryan?" he asked a little warningly. Ryan snickered and nodded, and Dan held Mara's face in his shoulder, caressing her hair. "You can look at me, and I'll look at you," he offered. "So lets do it, before you psych yourself out."
The fact that Ryan was there just made Mara feel so horrible. If it was just Dan she would probably agree to everything. The pictures, the video, the fucking machine. But Ryan...he just made it...unbearable. She paused for a couple of moments when he started caressing her hair. It felt so nice when he did that, but it wasn't nice enough to make her feel comfortable. She slowly pulled away from his shoulder and looked up at him, "What do I have to do?" she asked softly.
"Well," Dan started, unable to help smiling as he thought about what they were about to do. "You're going to sit down on it," he explained delicately, motioning with his hands. "And it's a machine. It'll, you know, go in and out. Feel nice, I bet," he offered. "And you know. We're guys, so we get off sometimes by making a video. I'll keep it though," he promised solemnly. "No one else will see it." He began prodding at her thigh gently, so she'd get up. "Come on, I'll take you clothes off." With that as the cue, Ryan picked up the camera, aimed and pushed the button, recording everything for posterity.
Mara's face flushed a deeper and deeper red when Dan began to detail what she was going to do. She had to sit on the dildo on the fucking machine and it was going to...well, fuck her. She wondered if it vibrated, some of them did she knew. The idea of it still made her feel really weird. She squirmed when he started to prod at her but eventually stood up, just when Ryan began recording. She glanced over at the camera but then told herself that she really didn't need to look at it. She stood there limply, ready to move her arms or whatever so that he could strip her down.
Dan went into action on Mara, playing it up a little for the camera. Although she wasn't much for action herself, he leaned up towards her and held her with his hands behind her back, kissing her neck. Slowly and deliberately, he started pulling up her shirt, prodding her arms up until he had it off, and tossed it to the side. He next unclapsed her bra and tossed that away, too. "Mmm, you're so sexy," he growled, moving behind her, cupping her breasts in his hands, and turning her a little so she half-faced the camera, still concealing her breasts. "Are you scared of the fucking machine?" he quizzed her.
Mara's heart was beating at what seemed to be the speed of light. She was terrified of the camera, though she didn't know why. If it was just her and Dan messing around she'd probably perform for him, but Ryan changed everything. Ryan made it seem malignant. She whimpered softly when he unclasped her bra and moved behind her, groping at her and turning her so that she could see the camera. She nodded when he asked her if she was scared and took a deep breath, "A little bit."
Dan nodded, pretending to be very understanding, even though he'd put her in this position. He was hamming it up a little for the camera, of course. Slowly, he released her breasts, allowing them to fall down, and be recorded for the first time. "I bet you'll feel nice and relaxed once you start getting fucked real nice and real deep," he told her as he slid his hands to her shorts, tugging them down in one shot, and then sliding his hands over her panties, turning her to face him again, her ass to the camera. He ran his hands all over her ass and then slowly rolled those down, too. "Why are you scared of it?" he pressed her, followed by a grunt. "Do you think it'll hurt, or is it just embarrassing to be fucked on camera by a machine?"
Mara wanted to believe that she wasn't going to be able to relax ever, that the camera and Ryan were going to ruin this entire vacation for her and that their video would make it obvious that she was coerced into this and it wasn't consensual. She yelped softly when he spun her around, her ass jiggling a little bit in the panties. She glanced up at him when he turned her, her eyes wide with fear and trepidation. She gritted her teeth when he rolled her panties down, now completely naked while he and Ryan were fully dressed. "Both," she murmured to him, and it was true. She was afraid that she really would relax once the thing was fucking her but she was also afraid that it would hurt her.
"You'll get over it," Dan promised with a smile, while Ryan walked a little half circle around them with the video camera, searching for the best angle. "Let's get that money shot out of the way," Dan suggested, spinning her around to face the camera again, holding her hands at her sides so she wouldn't cover herself for modesty. "See, now your pussy's been on camera. We've seen everything, so you can relax a little," he suggested with a little laugh. Letting go of one arm, he began to rub lightly over her pussy as Ryan crouched down and got a closeup of Dan's hand working her pussy folds. "See, I'm going to get you nice and warmed up first," Dan explained.
Mara let out a terrified shriek when he turned her around and held her hands at her sides so she couldn't cover anything. She squirmed and bucked a little, her face flushed a deep scarlet red out of embarrassment. She hated the fact that he was being so friendly about this. She would get over it, she would be okay, she would relax. He didn't know any of that. She squirmed more when Ryan crouched down and came in close when Dan started to touch her. "Why can't he just go away?" she blurted out in reference to Ryan.
"Come on," Dan protested. "He's the cameraman. I told him to do it," Dan explained, continuing to work at her womanhood, hoping the feelings stirring there would soon quiet her protests. If not, the machine would soon enough, that was for sure. "You said you'd play nice and try," he reminded her. "I'm trying to warm you up. Or would you rather go on the machine dry?" he asked chidingly, finding her clit and working it over lightly. Dan, meantime, was still almost right up on her pussy, filming everything.
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