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Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Dan had expected that Mara's eyes would open and scream arousal, but evidently it was so intense that she just had to keep them closed. She obviously could comprehend little except the pleasure that the two machines were providing at this moment. And, although Dan really wanted to throw her off the machine, onto the couch, and fuck her like crazy, he just took a deep breath and continued to work at her with the vibrator. He did pause for a moment, though, to adjust the setting on the machine, not to press in deeper, but to start rocking her faster. "Now you're doing it," he growled, holding the vibe on her red, grossly swollen clit. "You're fucking that machine just like you fuck me," he teased. "How does that feel?" he pressed, knowing she was about to cum on camera for them.
"Mmmm," Mara moaned when he switched the machine to rock in and out of her faster. In her mind, the dildo was Dan's cock, except it was obviously less hot than Dan's cock and it didn't throb like his did, but in her pleasure drunken mind, that didn't matter. "It's sooooo goooood," she moaned for them, throwing her head back and whimpering as she began to buck against the vibrator a little bit. She felt her entire body begin to tremble, her toes curled under her feet and she let out a powerful moan, nearly a scream, her stomach tightening as she finally came, her pussy gripping the dildo as tightly as possible.
Dan almost shivered himself, it was so hot watching their 'subject' cum for them. Every part of her pretty body was affected, from her squeezing face, to her curled toes to her tightened stomach. Dan knew the girl who came out West to dominate Shayne would have never pictured herself put in this situation. Not in a million years. He couldn't resist getting a little action in himself, and rubbed at her breasts for a while as she came. Then, he watched her juices dribble down the dildo, and then put down the vibrator. But instead of bringing the machine to a stop, like a real cock might after orgasm, he turned up the juice again so it fucked her even faster. "How's that feel, still good?" he taunted. "Or do you need a break?"
Mara started to breathe hard when she felt her orgasm starting to subside. She shivered a bit when she felt Dan's hand on her breast, she liked that, but it gave her an almost painful tingling sensation. When he switched the dildo to fuck her even faster though, she felt her entire body start to shake and buck. "Oww," she whimpered, feeling some initial pain because her pussy was so sensitive right now. She furrowed her brows but kept her eyes shut, trying to outlast the pain. "It hurts," she whimpered, but didn't tell him that she wanted to stop.
Dan didn't stop, since Mara didn't ask for him to. "Okay," he remarked. "Just so you know, I'll give you one break. But when you break, you'll have to bend over that chair and clean your mess off that dildo," he warned. "The whole mess. And only one break," he clarified. He couldn't resist leaning in to kiss her once on the lips, but then got back to business, shoving the vibrator back onto her sensitive clit. "On to the second one, babe," he explained.
One break? That worried Mara a little bit. How many orgasms did they plan on making her have? She was glad that she had decided to continue on now, as she might experience more pain later and really need to stop for awhile. It didn't exactly excited her to know that she had to suck off all of her cum off of the fake cock, but she would get over it. She whimpered once again when he pressed the vibrator to her clit, her leg twitching a little bit. She murred when he kissed her lips though, his lips tasted so good to her. "H-h-how many?" she managed to whimper, remembering the eight orgasms they'd forced on her in the jail.
Dan laughed a little at her uneasy questioning. "Not too many," he promised. "Just until you put on a nice show for us," he teased, as if she hadn't done so already. "Why? You don't think you can take a couple more from me?" Dan questioned her with a grin, holding the vibrator up at a few different angles for variety, holding each one for several seconds before changing the position. "Or... until I can't take not being involved in the action any more," he reasoned.
Mara was actually a little bit offended by that. Until she put on a good show? She thought she'd put on a damn good show already, and she hadn't even meant to do it. She would twitch every time he moved the vibrator, her body reacting to every different angle. Her breathing was hard and fast now, her face red with exertion. "Not good enough?" she managed to get out to him, referring to what she'd done already. She gritted her teeth and let out another desperate moan, her pussy squeezing the dildo as it rocketed in and out of her, her second orgasm well on its way already.
"No, no, it was good," Dan reassured her with a pat on the thigh. "But as directors, we're looking for quality and quantity," he teased, looking on as she came for the second time. He continued that same process through a third and fourth orgasm as well. Once she'd come down a little bit off the fourth one, Dan methodically shut off both toys. "I think it's time for you to clean up your mess," he decided, pressing up on her thigh to prod her off the big dildo. "Then we'll see what comes next," he added, not sharing any insight as to what he had in mind.
It worried her slightly when he called himself and Ryan directors. Being a director implied that others were going to see the video being made, which he had already promised her was not true. But she didn't have much time to think about it as she came almost immediately after he spoke, and he managed to keep her shut up through her third and fourth orgasms too. When he prodded her off the dildo she half stood, half rocked herself back so that the fake dick slid out of her. She swayed a little and groaned, "Do I have to?" she complained weakly, knowing that she would do it.
“Come on,” Dan chided her, reaching back and slapping at her side as she stood up. Looking down, he saw the dildo slide out of her for the first time in a while, her worn pussy lips closing behind it. He reached out and pulled her body into his for a second, before gently pushing her down towards the black plastic shaft so she could clean it. Ryan circled meanwhile with the camera, making sure he wouldn’t miss this shot. He was starting to get comfortable with the camera now, taking notice which angles seemed good and which didn’t. "Go ahead and clean it off, little by little," Dan encouraged her.
She whimpered again when he slapped at her hip and pulled her off of the chair and into his body. She slumped there for a moment, burying her face into his chest. But in the next instant he was pushing her down onto her knees towards the black dildo. She sighed and fell down onto her knees, her face right over the dildo. She looked at it for a couple of seconds and then timidly extended her tongue, lapping at it slowly. She grimaced when she first tasted herself, but realized it didn't actually taste that bad. She continued to lap at it slowly, eventually relaxing into it some.
Both guys watched as she lapped up her own juices, Ryan even putting down the camera for a second. But then, Ryan went around to the opposite side of the chair, squatted down, and held the camera not two feet from her face, capturing in detail each lewd extension of her tongue, a big grin plastered onto his face. "That's good," Dan commended her once he deemed she'd cleaned it sufficiently. "Now we're going to get the grand finale for our little private film" he explained. "We're going to test out the various uses for this contraption," he said, motioning at the machine. "So lay down on the coffee table," he ordered her, pointing at the sturdy wood table.
Mara was glad when he finally told her that she could stop. She'd wanted to smack Ryan in the face when he'd come up so close to her and shoved the camera into her face. She hated Ryan completely now, she'd decided. There could have been some part of her that would have forgiven him for fucking her ass as violently as he did, but after this there was no hope. She hated him, and the only way that she would do anything with him would be if he forced her into it or if Dan gave her a damn good reason to do it, and even then the chances would be slim. She stood up and swayed a little, lifting her hand to her head and groaning, she had a bit of a headache. "I'm tired," she complained, hoping to get out of whatever was next.
Ryan had been playing the quiet observer for the most part, but went into action as Mara tried to wiggle out of what came next. He held the camera in his left hand, and gave her a solid smack on the bare ass with his other hand. "Fucking do it," he snapped, showing his temper that often lurked beneath the surface. "Up on the table and spread your cunt, bitch!" Dan glanced at Ryan, then Mara, and thought about saying something, but then just looked Mara in the eye, as if to show he agreed with Ryan's sentiment, although he may have used a different expression.
Mara was more than just surprised when Ryan suddenly burst out at her. She shrieked in horror when he slapped her ass and screamed at her. She whimpered and looked to Dan for help, but it was obvious that Dan wanted her to do it, even though he wouldn't have been so mean about it. She she padded towards the table with her head down, like a scolded dog, and turned around. She lifted herself up onto the table and laid back on it, spreading her legs open silently.
As soon as Mara resigned herself to obediently getting on the table, Ryan paused the video, and took the fucking machine off the chair, carrying it over to the table now. The way he positioned it, the machine would rock horizontally now, instead of vertically inside her. Ryan took the opportunity to dig at her some more, even though Dan had promised to be the only one to do the actual fucking. "One more orgasm, you slut," he sneered. "And it's gonna pound you hard, fast and deep. Kind of like me," he teased, placing the dildo right up against her spread pussy, and then picking up the camera again, obscenely holding it right between her legs and pressing the 'record' button again.
She became both angry and upset when Ryan came up to her and positioned the fucking machine so that it would do her horizontally this way. She furrowed her brows at him and scoffed when he said that he pounded her hard, fast, and deep. The truth was, even though Ryan was fairly skilled at sex, he was nothing in the way of Dan. "You wish," she muttered under her breath as he walked away to get the camera again. She hoped it hadn't heard her, she wasn't that bold. She knew he wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of her for speaking to him that way.
Ryan had heard Mara, and Dan had also. Stopping and clenching his fists for a moment, Ryan paused, his thick, pale neck quivering with anger. He spun around and reared back with a closed fist, but suddenly, Dan grabbed his arm and halted it. It was a good thing, too, because he was planning to hit her square across the face. "Did you fucking hear the way this slut talked to me?" he protested. "I should beat her ass," he growled. Dan nodded, deciding how he'd handle this tiff between his devoted submissive and his best friend. "You shouldn't have said that, Mara," Dan scolded. "You know you'll have to make it up to Ryan," he added, pushing the dildo inside her slightly again and starting it up on the lowest setting. "I'm going to figure out what while you finish you get yout last fucking with this."
The way Dan spoke to her was strange sometimes. He was going to figure out her punishment while she 'got her last fucking', as if it were some kind of prescribed medicine. She didn't like the way Ryan spoke to her at all, she didn't think he had any right to call her a slut or to beat her. She belonged to Dan, one hundred percent, and would never dream of saying something like that to Dan or about Dan (it wouldn't be true anyway), but Ryan didn't have any of those rights. She glanced over at Dan, still holding Ryan's fist, and sighed softly, nodding her head obediently. If Dan wanted her to, she would make it up to Ryan. She just hoped it was something she could easily stomach. Mara jumped a little when he slid the tip of the dildo inside of her and it began to fuck her slowly. It'd been long enough that it didn't hurt anymore, but she was still sensitive.
Dan nodded back at her, and knelt next to the table this time, rubbing at her soft stomach as he pushed the small vibrator onto her again. "I'm glad you understand," he said softly. "I think that tomorrow," he began, continuing to rest his hand on her. "As long as Ryan apologizes for what he called you, he'll have access to you for the morning by himself," Dan decided. Once he'd made his decision he motioned towards the remote to Ryan. "Turn it up. Let's make the last fuck a good fuck," Dan told his friend, after which Ryan quickly obliged, causing the machine to rock her as deep as previously.
Mara's eyes grew wide when Dan spelled out her punishment for her. She shook her head and started to squirm in protest, but her squirming was quickly paralyzed by the vibrator pressed up against her still swollen clit. She yelped and her muscles tightened but she tried to push through it, she had to have her say. "He'll hurt me," she whispered to him, her eyes full of fear, even as her mind started to drift away from the swift and deep fucking the dildo was now giving her.
Dan shook his head at Mara's accusation. "I wouldn't let him have you if I thought that," Dan countered. "I'll make him promise he won't," he went on, even as Mara writhed at the hands of the deep penetration she was being dealt. Ryan made a decision on his own as he watched the significant effect the toys were having on her worn out pussy. "I'm going in another inch, and to the fastest setting," he told Dan, eager to get a little quick revenge. Even if Mara took pleasure from it, seeing it was revenge in a sense, he thought as he made the adjustments. Dan just nodded, hoping the depth at least wouldn't injure her.
"It won't matt-" she started to protested again, but then Ryan turned up the dildo to its highest setting. The thing was rocketing in and out of her faster than she ever thought possible and was going in almost to her cervix. She was rendered speechless, all of her muscles going tight and her back arching severely. She balled her hands into fists and let out a scream of horror and pleasure at the same time. She bucked and fought, but at the same time her body was absolutely loving being pushed into over drive. She gasped for breath and screamed again and again until finally her body completely lost it, cum exploding from inside of her. Then she seemed to shut down, her body going limp and her breathing shallow.
As soon as Mara's body went wild, crazy, and then limp, Dan shut everything off. "Turn off the camera," he told Ryan, slowly sliding the fake dick out of her. Her bare, sweaty chest was still heaving up and down, but Dan took her hand and gently began tugging. "Come with me," he asked of her. "We'll finish talking about it up in bed," he offered, even though she appeared as if she didn't want to do anything except lay there and recover, her warm juices still oozing out onto the table.
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