Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Dan laughed at her sun gods joke, and led her into the water, hand in hand. "Nope, accepting their gift is the only way. All day in the sun," he chuckled. When they were knee deep in the warm, clear water, he faked like he was going to pick her up and toss her in, but then stopped. "Scared yet?" he teased, kicking some water against her back and thighs.
Mara let out a little screech when it looked like he was going to toss her into the water. She breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't though and kicked some water right back at him. "I wasn't until you did that!" she yelled at him playfully. She squeezed his hand and walked deeper into the water, though it only barely came up to her knees. "It feels nice though. The water's a lot warmer here in the Pacific than it is in the Atlantic."
Dan squeezed her hand tight, although there were many people wading in deeper than they were. "I wouldn't know," he scoffed. "I'd never go to the Atlantic. But it's always nice here," he bragged, as if the ocean was his own creation. He prodded her a little farther in, until they were waist deep, and he could run his hands over her thighs and butt, concealed by the blue water.
It was easy enough for Mara to walk waist deep into the water because she was with Dan. If she'd been alone she probably would've only gone knee deep at the most. She pressed her body against him lightly when they were deep enough that he could run his hands all over her and looked up at him. Even though they were both wearing sunglasses she felt like she could search his eyes. "You're really not who I thought you were," she murmured to him softly, "You're...really nice,"
Dan scoffed at her assertion that he was a nice guy. "Please," he objected. "I am not. You just bring out a few half decent things about me," he insisted, continuing to hold her butt as they waded around. He stooped over a little and lifted her up playfully until she was almost all the way out of the water. "Sure you don't want me to toss you all the way in?" he teased. "That's the only way to get used to the water," he insisted, laughing.
Mara was quickly becoming attached to Dan, which wasn't something that happened very often. She wasn't even really attached to Shayne and she'd been with him for three years. She squealed when he lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips. But when he threatened her she frowned, "If you throw me in, I don't know if I'm going to want to reward you later."
"Oh, won't you?" he teased, rocking her back and forth and finally throwing her in gently. He liked being challenged and challenging Mara in return. He didn't let her stay long in the water, but immediately pulled her body up and squeezed her close to him, laughing as the water dripped off her body. Playing around with her was quickly becoming a lot of fun for him, and he hoped she could take the playful actions on his part in stride.
Mara shrieked when he suddenly let go of her and she flew into the water. She resurfaced and shook her head, the water flying off of her. She spluttered a little bit but wasn't actually mad at him. She figured she deserved it a little bit and he picked her up again almost immediately anyway. Once he had her in his arms once more she wrapped her arms around him and stuck her tongue out at him, "So now I guess I'm going to sleep alone in the guest bedroom again," she teased him, "Completely dressed this time,"
Dan held her tight and laughed as she shook herself off, still surprised. "Oh really?" he teased, snaking his hand under the water and touching her pussy through the bathing suit. "Put that tongue back," he chided. "You're mine tonight, baby," he insisted, ducking his head completely under the water and coming back up wet and refreshed. "Alllll mine!"
Her face flushed just the tiniest bit when he touched her pussy under the water, but truthfully that was exactly what he wanted her to do. She was still insanely horny from earlier and she wanted to jump on top of him and just do him. She retracted her tongue when he demanded it of her and gave him a goofy grin. "You're right," she cooed, "I'm all yours tonight. Anything you want."
"Mmm," Dan teased, licking his lips. Before he pulled his hand out of the water, he slid it under her bikini and touched her on her actual womanhood, grinning devilishly as he did that. All he wanted to do was run out of the water and find the closest place to screw. "I don't think we should stay toooo long," he teased, finally placing his hands in a more respectable place, on her shoulders, as they rocked back and forth in the water.
"We're not going to tan on the beach?" she pressed him a little bit, "I have to make my penance to the sun gods," she giggled at him, giving his lips a little lick. She really wanted to spend time on the beach...but she also really wanted to screw him. But they could screw later, in his bed. Right now she wanted to enjoy the sun and have him lay next to her, enjoying it too.
He smiled at her, knowing they really should take advantage of their time on the beach to get some tanning in. "You do have to make things right," he teased. "I suppose I can wait, as long as you're holding my reward until later," he smirked, kissing her wet lips. "Let's do it," he decided, leading her by the hand out of the water to their beach blankets to catch some rays.
"Mmm. I've got your reward on layaway." she promised him as she grabbed his hand and allowed him to lead her out of the water. The water drained off of her onto the sandy beach and she collapsed down onto her towel next to him. She moved her flip flops to the side and rolled over onto her back, reaching out to keep holding his hand as they sunbathed.
Dan closed his eyes while they sunbathed, flipping over and taking turns on each side over the course of the next couple hours. His passion for Mara regressed a little at first, but by the time they left, he was raring to go again. While they packed up their things, he couldn't keep his eyes off Mara, grinning over at her constantly, sharing a knowing look of what was coming next.
Mara had to admit that she thought about Dan the entire time that they laid out in the sun. She managed to hold herself back from talking or pestering him, but she wanted him the whole time. So when they finally started packing up and he was staring at her it made her blush and feel giddy. Once they got into the car she turned and grinned at him, "Home bound?" she cooed.
"That's right," he growled playfully. Turning to her, he started letting his hand wander up her sides, legs, and waist as they drove, barely able to wait, they were so close now. "And I have a really good idea what we're going to do the second I slam that door behind us," he teased, starting to drive as fast as he had been earlier before he'd eaten her out.
"Oh yeah?" she giggled at him as he took off. "Are you going to tell me, or are you going to be a meanie and keep it a secret?" she grabbed hold of his hand as it wandered around her body and started to guide it towards her quickly moistening pussy. She knew she was going to be tearing her bathing suit off the second they got into the house and she'd have her legs spread for him the second he demanded it.
"Oh it's going to be a big secret," he laughed, following her guidance down into her lap, finding his way under her bikini yet again. He got their foreplay off to a robust start in the vehicle, touching her lower stomach, then her pussy as they sped along. "Is that seawater, or something else I feel?" Dan teased as he started to detect her arousal. By the time they got to the house, he was more than ready. Parking crookedly, he leapt out of the car, looking around wildly for Mara to follow him to the house.
Mara giggled when he started to feel around her pussy, her legs opened a little bit for him. "Definitely something else," she confided in him with barely a blush at all. When he parked she flung her door open and threw the seatbelt off. She ran towards the door after him and once he was inside she was too. She reached behind her and untied the string bikini quickly, letting it fall to the ground as she ran up the stairs to his bedroom (which she'd actually yet to see).
Dan slammed the door and ran alongside Mara up to his bedroom. He couldn't wait another second beyond what was necessary to get going. His swim trunks came off halfway up the steps, rendering them both completely naked. He beat her to the bed, and hopped on, rolling over onto his back in one motion. "Come here, you naked sexpot," he growled, extending his arms, ready to catch her when she jumped on top of him.
Mara ripped her bottoms off in the hallway and stumbled a little bit, her excitement getting ahead of her. That was when Dan got past her, tumbling onto the bed, his hard cock standing at attention. She craved it so she bolted towards him, leaping up onto him in the bed and squealing happily. "I think you're my favorite Cali man," she growled to him, her legs sliding onto either side of him, "Ever."
Dan was waiting for her, and began tracing his hands all over her body passionately, his cock dying to sink deep inside her. He brought her body down to his, opening his mouth in a big kiss, and felt his hard cock pressing up against her waiting pussy as his tongue meandered inside her mouth. "Well, that I can't blame you for. But I think your favorite Cali man is about to fuck you senseless," he teased, letting both hands finish up on her butt, and squeezing as he kept smashing his mouth against hers.
Mara kissed him hard and continuously, trying to move her hips up so that she could drive his cock deep inside of her. Riding a man had always been extremely dominant to her in the past, but she knew it wasn't that way now. She knew he would have every ounce of control as she rode him, if he even let her do that. "I can't wait," she said to him in between kisses, "Loosen up this uptight Boston bitch,"
Dan gasped for air between kisses, centering Mara's body so she could prepare to sink down on him. "That's right, you uptight bitch," he growled, squeezing harder at her soft ass. "I'm about to loosen you up real good." He bucked his hips up and actually penetrated her between her spread legs, but only an inch or so, and then he fell back to the bed. "Do they teach you how to ride a cock properly in Boston?" he teased, slapping her ass, as if prodding her to get going.
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