Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Dan laughed and slapped her bare ass when she asked if he was a doggy. "Am I a doggie?" he repeated still laughing. "If anything, you're my little pet," he teased. "Maybe I should get you a little collar," he taunted, feeling around her neck and shoulders. He did back away after that, though, and let her start cooking, opening the fridge and taking out a beer. "Want one?" he offered, holding another bottle up.
She wrinkled her nose and shook her head when he said he should get her a collar, "A collar?" she scoffed as she pulled the chicken out of its wrappings and set it in the seasonings she'd done up quickly. She rolled it around in the seasoning and giggled, "No. I don't need a collar. And beer?" she turned and glanced at the beer, "I donno. I've always liked wine more than beer."
Dan chuckled at her refusal to consider a collar. "Sorry, babe, I don't keep wine around," he apologized. He kept running his fingers around her neck, though. "I wasn't kidding about the collar though," he explained, suddenly a lot intrigued by that idea. "Maybe you should wear one just while you're around here," he suggested, taking a sip of his beer. "That way you wouldn't have to be entirely naked when you cook," he teased, eyeing up her bare ass when it wiggled as she prepared the meal.
"I'll consider the beer," she compromised with him, still smiling as she dropped the seasoned chicken into the pan, where it immediately started to sizzle. She put some butter into another pan and spread it around, dropping chopped up vegetables into it and listening to them sizzle as well. "But the collar...I don't think so. That's not my thing. I don't really like...bondage."
Dan dutifully fetched Mara a beer from the fridge and popped the cap off for her, setting it on the counter as a little beer spilled over the top. "So?" Dan protested. "What do you have against a little bondage?" he teased. "Especially with me. It's not like we're going to a dungeon or something," he explained as he took a deep whiff of the delicious aroma. "Just me and you."
She grabbed the beer bottle and tipped it to her mouth, some of it spilling into her mouth. She crinkled her nose a little but swallowed it anyway. She didn't really like beer, but she would bear it. She set the bottle down and flipped the chicken pieces over and stirred the vegetables around. A few more minutes and it would be done. "I donno..." she evaded his question, shrugging her shoulders, "I just...I just don't like it."
Dan was determined to do something kinky with Mara now. "But how do you know unless you try?" he reasoned. "It really turns me on when you trust me, put yourself in my hands," he explained. "Why not try it once?" If not a collar, why not let me tie or blindfold you, and have a little fun together?" he suggested, grinning and watching her breasts bounce up and down as she finished with the food. "If you don't like it, we'll stop."
Mara felt a lump rising up in her throat as he pressed her. She clicked off the heat on the burners and moved the pans to cold ones. She took out two plates and dished out the vegetables and chicken. She shook her head at him again and heaved a sigh, "No. I didn't like it when your Chief tied me up. I didn't like it when you chained me to the cell bars. I'm not going to like it when you do it here." then she picked up his plate and shoved it towards him, no longer enchanted by him for the moment.
Dan realized he'd have to sweet talk her again just to get her back to where she was before his bevy of suggestions. He practically caught the plate when she slid it over, and stared at Mara before taking a bite. "It's good," he said softly, before standing up and getting himself a new beer. On the way back, he gently traced his hand across her back, before pulling it back and sitting down in his chair again. "Good meal," he commented again. "We don't have to do any of that stuff. Maybe we should plan your trip home after dinner," he mused.
Mara sat down at the table but just stared down at her plate. She was feeling strange about being naked again, and not because she wasn't okay with being nude in front of a man but because he'd talked her into staying naked. He was domesticating her and she didn't really like it. "Yeah. I guess we should," she said passively as she stuffed a couple of small cuts of chicken into her mouth. She finished her food hurriedly, not wanting to be there for him to sweet talk her again. She stood up suddenly and started towards the stairs, "I'm going to get dressed,"
Dan stood up when she was done and followed her out of the room, even though he wasn't finished yet. Just as she got to the steps, he spun her around by the wrist and kept a hold of the one wrist. "That's fine," he said, a little coldly. "So what's going on? You planning on going home now?" he asked, staring right at her breasts when he spoke, which he was sure would rile her a little, before he let go of the wrist.
Mara heard him get up and follow her but she didn't turn to see him. She wanted to ignore the fact that he was there and the fact that he was probably staring at her ass as she walked. She growled when he grabbed her wrist and spun her around, her infamous temper flaring up inside of her. "Yeah. I plan on going home." she snapped at him, her face flushing with irritation when she looked up at saw him staring at her breasts and not her eyes. She turned around as soon as he let go of her wrist and started stomping up the stairs.
Dan decided to let Mara go for now. She craved attention, so he wasn't going to give her any. "Okay, go get dressed," he told her calmly. "Go ahead, I'll see when we can get you out of here," he promised. He turned away from her naked body and went over to the couch, not looking back in her direction at all as he picked up his laptop and started surfing flight times and schedules while she pounded up the stairs.
A piece of Mara wanted to stay and argue with him when he told her to 'go ahead' and go upstairs. She wanted to argue with him and not go upstairs just so that she didn't obey him. But she stomped up the stairs anyway and slammed the door to the guest bedroom. She hurriedly pulled on a pair of red lace panties, not even stopping to think that they were sexy. She pulled on the matching bra and then tugged on a black tank top. She pulled on some shorts and then zipped her suitcase closed. She grabbed a brush and went to the bathroom to brush her hair out so it didn't look like she'd been recently fucked. Once she was done she stomped back down the stairs and stared at him on the couch.
Dan couldn't help but think that Mara looked sexy in her tank top and shorts, and smooth, freshly brushed hair. She actually looked really cute, with her pale, fleshy thighs all on display for him, but he didn't even give her a passing glance. After one quick look, he kept staring into the computer. "Would you prefer a 6:00 flight with a stop in Atlanta, or an 8:25 nonstop?" he asked matter-of-factly.
For now, at least, the bitchy Mara was back. When she was angry, or really scared in this case and was masking it with anger, she always reverted right back to her bitchy self for protection. So she crossed her arms over her chest and shifted her weight to the side a little, in typical diva stance. "Non stop," she spat back at him, staring at the side of his head.
"You got it," Dan said, with not a little disinterest in his voice as he clicked around a little more on the laptop. "So, we don't have to leave for two hours, then," he observed, looking at his watch. Mara was obviously back to her old ways and habits, showing none of the submissive side that he'd painstakingly drawn out of her. He took a glance over at her with her arms folded, and snickered a little on purpose. "Am I supposed to be afraid of you or something?" he sneered.
When Dan said that they didn't have to leave for another two hours, Mara almost wished that she picked the earlier flight. But it would just irritate her more to have to stop over in Atlanta and wait to get on another plane than to just wait around here. She rolled her eyes at him when he taunted her, "No." she said bluntly. She waited for another couple of seconds and when it became obvious that he was just going to be mean to her she turned around, prepared to go wait in the guest bedroom for those two hours.
Dan finally decided to get up from his lazy, sprawled out position on the couch when Mara did an about face. He grabbed her by the shoulder just before she hit the first step, and yanked her back into his body. "Hey," he shouted. "This is how you want to leave? Really?" he demanded, grabbing roughly at her hip as he tried to force her to spin around.
Mara clenched her teeth together and had to stop herself from growling when he grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. She gave him an apathetic look and crossed her arms again, tightly. She swayed a little when he grabbed at her hip and uncrossed her arms to push his hand away from her hip. "No." she said bluntly, "But I don't like it when you treat me like an object."
She was definitely still Mara the diva when she crossed her arms and faced him, albeit a little softer. He slid his hand down her side until he found something he could grip onto, which ended up being the back of her thigh. "So that's what you think?" he growled. "That I'm objectifying you? That's some accusation to make after you agreed to cook naked for me. Did you ever think maybe I just like you. And it's a game?" he added, pulling her in closer by her leg.
A game? A game? It had never occurred to her that it might be a game. And now she felt a little dumb. Her entire body melted a little bit when he said that and she allowed him to pull her in to his body. She didn't want to give in completely just yet, though, even though there was just a tiny sliver of her that hadn't bent to his will. It was even more difficult when he gripped her thigh, which was almost like magic to Mara. "You didn't really give me a choice in cooking," she mumbled to him, "And you made me nervous."
Dan furrowed his brow and lightened up his grip on her leg. He didn't know she'd been uncomfortable. He’d interpreted uncomfortable as bitchy, which evidently wasn't correct. "I could see in your expressions that you wanted to cook," he said in explanation of himself. "If not, you did a good job of hiding it." Then he couldn't help himself, and squeezed at Mara’s thigh again, pulling her in towards him and wrapping his other arm around back. "Why don't you just tell me if I'm making you nervous?" he suggested, his mouth just inches from her face.
"I mean being naked," she said to him softly, almost whispering as he pulled her in so close that she almost went cross-eyed looking into his eyes. She liked the way he pulled her in, wrapped his arms around her and held on to her exposed thigh in a firm but gentle way. "That made me nervous," she whispered, leaning forward the rest of the way and pressing her forehead against his, "And...I didn't think you'd care. You didn't care before."
"Oh," he commented in realization of how she'd felt. "Well, would you believe me if I say I care now?" he wondered aloud, pulling her thigh so her body closed the remaining gap between them. He pressed his lips firmly against hers, and slid his hand down her back, just under the waist of her shorts. "You don't have to be naked," he said under his breath when he pulled away from her lips. "I just thought you were having fun with it," he added before kissing her again.
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