Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Dan laughed along with her at the gaudy leopard bikini. He'd been kidding about it, of course. "Well, I don't think your body's the problem, babe," he teased as he set it aside. "I doubt that could be possible." Not content to let her find her own suit, Dan kept looking for something which would show off Mara's deliciously curvy body to perfection. He saw one that was more reasonable, yet still more on the revealing side. It was a red two-piece, with high leg cuts on the sides, and what would definitely be a tight pulled fit over her full butt. The top had some little ruffles, and would show a healthy amount of breastage. "Why don't you try this one?" he suggested, already picturing her wearing it with his imagination.
"Hmmm," she said as she inspected the second bikini that he chose. It was still a little too skimpy for her tastes, now that she was more of a submissive and less of a man eater. But still, she took the bikini and trotted over to the small fitting room. She undressed herself and then pulled on the bikini, laughing at herself in the mirror. "It's too tight," she said to him without opening the curtain. She didn't even want to show it to him. Her ass was almost falling out of the bottom and her breasts were barely covered, at least in her eyes. She poked her head out the curtain, "Don't make me show you,"
Dan glanced around a little while Mara was in the fitting room. When he heard her stir, he poked his head in the little hallway that led to the stalls. "So try another one on," he suggested with a chuckle. "But I want to see first," he told her when he saw her head poke through. Seeing that the area seemed empty, he crept up to the stall when she slid her head back in, and tore the curtain open giving the surprised Mara a good once over. "Mmm," he teased, grabbing at her hips, drinking in the sight of her too plentiful cleavage.
Mara resisted a little bit when he pushed her head back in, but he'd torn the curtain open before she could really do anything about it. She squealed when he grabbed her hips and tugged her to him. Her face flushed and she tried to cover herself but was really unable, so much of her was shown off. "Find me another one?" she asked him, putting her full trust in him, even though he'd technically invaded her privacy.
Dan stuck out his tongue a tiny bit and gave Mara a quick kiss. "I think you look sexy, but I see what you mean," he acknowledged. "So, let's see. What are we looking for? A little less boob and less ass?" he joked, sizing her up again. He slipped out the curtain, and came back a couple minutes later with two suits to choose from. One was a nice tankini, with a green top and a black bikini bottom. The other was another bikini, blue and a little more modest than the other one. "I can stay here while you try them on," he said, teasingly pulling the curtain shut behind them.
She looked at the two suits that he brought back. The tankini wasn't even an option for her, but surprisingly she didn't think that he'd brought her it so that she'd pick the other one. She giggled though when he suggested that he stay in while she change. "What's the point in trying them on for you if you're gonna be in here?" she teased him, though she was a little excited by the prospect. She leaned in and gave him another kiss, pressing herself up against him a little.
"Come on," he said with a slick smile, biting his lip. "Just do it, don't think about it," he added as encouragment. "That's the motto here out West." He pulled her close to his body in the tight quarters, and gently rubbed his hands up and down her back, before unhooking the skimpy red bikini top, grinning down at her. He let her soft breasts spill out onto his chest as he tossed the old top onto the bench, hooking his hands under the tight bottom now. "So which one will it be next, you sexpot?" he teased.
She giggled at him when he unhooked the bikini top and let her breasts spill out. She pressed them against his chest and gave him another kiss, her eyes searching his. Then she squirmed and moved her hands down to the bottom, sliding those down and stepping out of them, standing naked in front of him. "You trying to turn me into a Cali girl?" she teased him, feeling excited by the little bit of exhibitionism she felt she was a part of. She grabbed the blue bikini top and strapped it on and then pulled up the bottoms. She inspected herself in the mirror and grinned, "I like this one."
Dan closed his eyes as he kissed her, feeling her warm body pressing against his bare chest. (That was allowed in stores out West, of course.) "Of course not, babe," he retorted. "I just want you to take a little Cali back to Boston when you go back," he explained, grinning while she changed. Standing behing Mara, he rested his chin on her shoulder as she looked in the mirror, unabashedly grabbing a handful of her ass through the blue material. "I like it too," he said approvingly. "Now take it off so we can pay for it and get your sexy ass on a hot beach," he teased. Sliding down just the back of her bottoms, he gave the bared part of her ass a playful swat.
She giggled at him when he stuffed his hands down the bottoms and spanked her. She leaned over a little and wriggled her ass at him playfully. Then she grabbed at the bottoms and hopped out of them, grabbing her panties and skirt before she got out of the top. Then she undid the top and got her bra on and pulled her shirt on over. She thrust the bikini at him and stuck her tongue out at him. "Pick out a towel for me toooooo?"
Dan laughed when she wriggled her ass at him, spanking it again, loud enough for anyone to hear if they'd come into the changing area since Dan and Mara had. He caught the bikini with mock surprise when she threw it at him, grabbing her body, and pulling it up close to his by force. She had her top on, but to his delight, was still bottomless. "Oh, you're getting a little feisty, kitty," he growled, forcing his hand down along her body and rubbing at her womanhood teasingly as his other hand gripped her back. "Maybe you should show some more respect before I spring for a towel, too," he countered with a smirk.
"Hmph!" Mara grunted and wrinkled her nose at him. "Kitty? Since when am I a kitty?" she laughed at him and started to pull on her panties. She didn't really want to mess around with him in the surf shop dressing room, especially when anyone could be near by. Could be an old couple, teenagers, young kids, anyone. Mara had never really been much of an exhibitionist past wearing slightly scandalous clothing and she didn't really want to start.
Dan kissed her roughly as she pulled her panties back up. He hadn't planned to have sex with her in the changing room, but he liked the idea of messing around. Giving her one last grope around the chest before he opened the curtain, he headed out to find an older woman coming in, a bewildered look on her face. "Come on out when you get dressed again," he called back teasingly to Mara in earshot of the fellow customer.
Mara rolled her eyes at Dan when he waltzed out of the dressing room past the older woman. She gave the woman a smile and shook her head and pulled the curtain taut. She finished getting dressed and got her shoes on until she realized she didn't have flip-flops. She grabbed her purse and left the dressing room to find him out in the store. She went up to him and rested her chin on his arm, "I need flip-flops toooo," she giggled and grabbed his hand playfully, "This beach thing is becoming quite the expense."
Dan tickled her playfully when she kept adding to her list. "You're quite demanding," he teased, picking up a towel and snapping it playfully at her, striking her thigh with a cracking sound. Once they found some footwear, they took everything up front and Dan paid. "Her first time to a real beach," he explained teasingly to the girl at the counter, before picking up the bag and heading back into the muggy heat.
She shrieked and jumped up and down like a maniac when he whipped her with the towel. She just clung to him and followed him out after he paid, having nothing left to say. She hopped into the car and hugged the bag to her chest, looking inside it, pleased with what they had. "So where am I gonna change?" she asked a little dumbly, "Do they have bathrooms on the beach or something?"
Dan looked over at her, clearly an East-coaster, wondering where to change. "Pfft," he said dismissively. "You can change here in the car. I'll pull up somewhere good, and then guard you," he offered with a grin, glancing over and rubbing her knee, eager to see how she'd react to that suggestion.
Mara raised an eyebrow at Dan and stared at him for a couple of seconds. "Are you serious? You want me to change in the car?" she stared at him for a couple more seconds, and seeing he was serious she shook her head. "You're ridiculous. I'd rather just not change then." and she tugged her knee away from him.
Dan smirked back at her. "Seriously?" he said, pulling away from her knee as she pulled it from him, and settling both hands on the wheel. "You've got a hot new suit and everything else, and you're too good to change like every other girl does here out West?" He bit his lip and turned his attention to the road, the scenery becoming much flatter, the scent of the salt ocean starting to fill the car. "I guess you'll never escape that uptight Boston attitude," he snickered. "Your loss."
Mara was surprised by Dan's response. She hadn't expected him to just shut down like that. She stared at him for a second and then turned her face away. She glanced around and saw that there weren't too many people around, and none of them were even looking towards the car. So she quickly reached down and tore her shirt off, flinging it into the backseat. She leaned over and undid her bra, flinging it behind her too. Then she started to dig around and grabbed the bikini top. She tied it in the back and then sat up, pulling the halter up and tied that too. She stuffed her hand in the cup and rearranged her breasts. Then she turned to look at Dan before moving on.
Dan looked away for second, and by the time he looked back, Mara was already in a state of undress. He'd actually meant for himself to get out of the car and stand guard for her, but she just went for it. "You got the hardest part taken care of already, honey," he told her with a smirk. "And, not a bad look in your new suit, I have to say." He'd only caught a quick glimpse of her breasts hanging there, she was so fast. "Need any help with the bottoms, babe?” he asked, leaning over and kissing her on the lips now that the car was stopped.
Despite how obvious he was about it, Mara had yet to realize that he was manipulating her into doing everything that he wanted her to do. She giggled a little and smiled, gladly kissing him back when he leaned over to her. "Hmmm," she mused, "Maybe I dooooo need some help with the bottoms," she squealed happily. She grabbed the bikini bottoms out of the bag and pushed the bag down near her feet and lifted up her hips so that he could help pull her skirt off.
Dan laughed at her teasing tone. She'd bitten hard on his positive reinforcement of changing her top. When he pulled away from the kiss, he slid his hand down her side and rested it on her hip, where her skirt was to be found. He leaned all the way over so he could get both hands on the skirt and tugged at one side, then the other, until it was off. Next, he slid his hands very slowly back up her legs, tracing a line with his fingernails, until he reached the band of her panties. "Hmm," he said with another grin as he started to tug at them. "I bet they never get naked in a car in Boston, do they?"
She squealed again when he traced his fingernails up her legs. She giggled when he slipped his fingers right up to the band of her panties. She shook her head at him and her face flushed. "No...they don't. If we screw in the car we do it in the back, half dressed." she giggled and gave him another kiss, her fingers gripping the bathing suit tightly.
"Oh, well you're not as uptight as I thought if you Northeasterners screw in cars," he teased, talking as he pulled down her panties. Fortunately nobody was near the car still, yet it all seemed so wide open, with both front windows and the windshield to worry about. He quickly have her a teasing kiss on her bare womanhood, before sitting back up and looking around. "Guess you should get that bottom on before someone sees your snatch," he teased.
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