Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

When the food came she dug in. She'd only gotten to eat breakfast the day before and she was absolutely ravenous. She scarfed down her food and then was a little embarrassed by her actions. "Heh," she said with a blush so deep you could see it even through her concealer. "Maybe. You'd have to be a business guru to get to any meetings I'll be eat," she taunted him a little.
Dan was hungry himself, and dug in as heartily as Mara, which at least didn't make her look bad for pigging out. "Oh really?" he observed. "I think it would be worth it to be a boring businessman if I could come to one of those," he teased. "So do you do it on top of those big, long, shiny business tables?" he asked with a big grin, polishing off his last piece of bacon.
"Mmmmhmmm," she said with a little nod as she finished her orange juice. She poked at him with her feet and then pulled her legs back and hid them under the booth so that he couldn't get at them. "And in those big squishy chairs. And over desks. And sometimes in the bathrooms." she laughed and then stuck her tongue out at him, "Butttt. I don't know if they'd let you be a stuffy business man. You're too Cali,"
"Oh, I wouldn't be stuffy. That's against my principles," he pointed out with a grin. "I'd be a laid back, tanned, Cali-style businessman," he added. When the check came, he paid it and led Mara back towards the exit. It was hot and hazy out, even more than the day before. "You know, I'm only twenty minutes from an amazing beach that you'll never find the likes of anywhere near Boston," he suggested as they headed back to the car, pulling his sunglasses from his head back over his eyes.
"Pfft," she scoffed, "You wouldn't do too well with the Boston boys then. They have a vendetta against Cali." she climbed back into the car with him and raised an eyebrow at him, "Beaches are for tanning out on towels and having cocktails. I don't have a beach towel, swim suit, or any alcohol."
Dan zoomed out of the parking lot and started heading back to his own place, slipping his hand back over to Mara and pinching her knee again, biting his lip in a half snicker. "Then you need to find out what a real beach is like. They have a surf shop at every intersection here, baby," he explained. "We can hook you up with a towel and swimsuit, and you can hang out with me in your hot new bathing suit all day," he decided. Although he'd seen her plenty naked, somehow the idea of her in a cute swimsuit got Dan kind of excited. "As for the drinks, they can be had down at the beach."
The fact that Mara was from the east coast was probably painfully obvious in everything she said. Not just because of the accent she was sure to have, but just her attitude towards everything. "Oh, so now you're going to start buying me stuff?" she huffed at him in mock irritation. "You should, after I made you money." but she left the reference vague because she didn't want to revisit the things that she did to make him that money.
Dan huffed a little bit when she made her reference to the previous day's events. "I can't buy you a swimsuit so we can hang out at the beach together?" he protested. He stuck his tongue out a tiny bit, but didn't revisit the prostitution reference either. He leaned over and pinched and tickled at her hip a little bit. "And so I can see you in it?" he added. "And mayyyybe out of it?"
"Hey!" she snapped at him playfully, batting his hand away from her once again. "Sure you can. But stop pretending we're an item or whatever," she wasn't sure if that was what he was going for, but more and more that was what it seemed like to her. He was growing to be less of just a guy she was staying with until she could go home to a suitor who was desperate for her to give in to his every will.
Dan bristled a little at her suggestion that they were an item. "Hey, hey," he said, throwing one hand up, but keeping the other on the wheel. "Who said we were an item?" he protested. He thought of her as a fun girl, a sexy girl, one who he could have some good times with, but not more than that right now. She wasn't just a warm pussy to him, but she wasn't long term relationship potential, either. "What makes you think that? Because we had a couple good fucks? And might have a couple more?” he added with a grin.
"Cause you keep telling me to stay," she pressed. Mara had been gunning to go home for days now and he kept coming up with reasons for her to stay. She had food in her and had slept for an entire night, she wasn't hazy and easily influenced now. She might back down a whole hell of a lit quicker than she used to, but she still retained some of her spunk. "And who says I'm going to sleep with you again," she added with a little huff.
"I said might fuck again," he corrected her. "But if you want to go home not knowing when you might ever get that kind of sex again, if ever, God bless you," he snickered. "But that's fine. When we get back to my place to change, we'll buy your plane ticket online. I'll buy it with... your money," he decided, skirting the issue of where that money came from. "We can get one for tonight if you want," he went on, as they pulled onto his street. "Right after the beach."
She huffed at him again and crossed her arms over her chest. Mara couldn't deny that she liked the way that Dan could talk her into things, it wasn't something any man had ever been able to do before. But still, she wanted to see how far she could push until he put her back into her place. And she wanted to see how he would do that. She hoped he wouldn't be violent about it, but she couldn't be sure. "What if I don't want to go to the beach?"
Dan started getting a little annoyed when she kept pressing him. He furrowed his brow as they pulled into the driveway, hopping out of the car. He walked around and opened her door for her, very gentlemanly like. "Come on," he said softly. "So you don't want to go to the beach with me, baby?" he said in a serious tone as he shut the car door behind her. "What do you want to do?"
Ugh, she was such a sucker. All he had to do was be a gentleman and she was leaning to his will. She climbed out of the car and tried to avoid his eyes, but he caught them and forced her to look at him. "I want to go to the beach," she mumbled in defeat, a little blush coming to her cheeks again.
"Oh, now you want to go to the beach?" he said half-teasingly, putting his hand on her shoulder as they walked up the steps in almost a fatherly way. "And do you want to buy a plane ticket now for tonight? I don't mind," he offered, taking out his keys as they got to the door.
She squirmed a little when he asked her if she wanted him to buy a ticket for tonight. A part of her was screaming yes yes yes while another part was screaming no no no. She sighed and tried not to stamp her feet like a little girl so she just caved in, once again. "No," she muttered, again defeated. If he was willing to let her stay with him (in the guest bedroom she assumed), then she should take advantage of it until she felt better.
At this point, Dan wasn't going to argue with her if she wanted to go. He would have bought her the ticket. He'd kept her long enough already. "Okay. If you say so. I'm going to get my swim shorts on," he explained. "We'll get yours on the way, and you can change down there," he added, reaching into a closet and tossing her a bottle of sunscreen. "I won't, but you look like you'll burn. You should use this stuff." He disappeared into his bedroom, and came back two minutes later in just his swim trunks, sandals, and sunglasses on top of his buzzed head.
Mara could sense that he was a little angry at her. That upset the newly submissive part of her that she'd been trying to suppress. That was only fair, she thought, since she'd been trying to suppress it and he hadn't done anything to stop her from herself. "Are...are you mad at me?" she asked him a little pathetically as they walked back to the car, Mara clutching the sunscreen bottle.
Dan didn't say anything before he hopped inside the car. "No, why would I be mad at you?" he finally said once he put the car in reverse and started backing up. He said it kind of dismissively, looking over his shoulder and not at Mara. "They have a lot of different places that sell swimsuits," he explained, pointing to one as they passed it. Finally he pulled up to one that seemed as good as any other one, and parked the car in front.
"I...I don't know," she murmured once she was in the car with him. She stared at him the entire time they drove, wanting him to look at her or try to touch her or even just say something. All he said was that places sold swimsuits. She could feel her heart beating faster as she got more and more anxious. She got out of the car when he parked it and waited for him in front before going in. "Will you help me pick one?" she asked him, hoping he would be instrumental in picking the swimsuit.
Dan didn't crack a smile at all until Mara asked him to pick out a swimsuit. That gave a definite air of control to him, and it was exactly what he wanted. "Of course I'll help you pick one, baby," he told her with a grin, rubbing gently at her shoulder as he opened the door for them. Although nobody was watching, he gave her a quick pinch on the butt as he followed her into the refreshingly cool store, getting a charge out of doing that in public, even if no one saw. "I bet we'll find something nice and sexy for you in here," he promised in a hushed voice once they were in the quiet store.
Mara's face lit up when he grinned and said he would help her. She squealed despite herself when he pinched her butt and did a little dance as they walked into the store. She gazed around the surf shop, racks and racks and racks of swimsuits everywhere. She walked over to the one-piece section and picked up a frumpy black one. "How about this?" she teased and then laughed, tossing it back onto the rack.
Dan placed his hands on her waist and let her lead him around at first, just surveying everything over. He laughed at the frumpy black one-piece, pushing it away from her and back towards the rack. He reached over to the next aisle, and picked up something from the complete opposite end of the spectrum. It was a leopard print, tiny bikini, with little cups that seemed like they'd barely cover the areolas, and a bottom which was little more than a thong. "Aha, thing seems like a good one," he teased, holding it up over her body.
Mara eyes grew wide and she giggled at the skimpy leopard print bikini. Mara loved her body and loved to show it off. She knew she was sexy with her big butt, thick thighs, and large breasts, but she also knew when something went to far. "I don't think soooo," she giggled and pushed it away from her body, "Maybe if I was a stick instead of a curvy girl."
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