Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Mara's eyes grew wide and her breathing grew faster and faster when he laid on top of her and pressed his lips to hers. She felt like she was going to explode. But when he told her that she did need someone to take care of her and he kissed her against she felt like all of the tension in her body just flooded out. She let out a desperate and almost pathetic whimper and she kissed him back the second time, her heart still racing but not out of fear anymore.
He didn’t feel anything except her limp lips on the first kiss, but the second was completely different. It was full of passion, almost of meaning. He pressed harder, tasting her unique taste as she parted her mouth a little. Still conscious of avoiding her facial bruises, he slid his tongue between her lips as he now felt her body, not her lips, go limp beneath him. “I’ll take care of you,” he gasped in a promise between breaths. “I won’t let anyone else hurt you, baby,” he vowed, sliding the sheets away so he could press himself directly against her.
She whimpered again when he told her that he would take care of her. He wouldn't let anyone else hurt her. That was what she felt the most, was hurt. Dan was completely right about everything. He was the only one who'd ever seen her be so weak and vulnerable, except for Ryan and when Shayne saw it too. But she'd never shown that to anyone else, not even her father. She very slowly wrapped an arm around his neck when he slid the sheets away.
Dan kept kissing her, feeling her touch on the back of his neck as his eyes hooded, sliding his legs up next to hers in the bed. "I'm going to take care of your body, too, Mara," he said in a half whisper once he pulled away from the kiss. He stared point-blank into her eyes, sliding his hand up and down the bare skin of her back. "You'll let me take care of your body, wont you?" he asked, sliding a leg between her two legs and using it to pull his body up flush against hers. "I'll make it feel good again, baby," he added, diving his face into the crook of her neck and kissing at her there.
She nodded again and closed her eyes when he began to kiss at her neck. Her legs had been forced to spread open by his knee, but it wasn't bothering her. "Yeah," she murmured, turning her neck a little and nodding once more, "Yeah," she'd never felt this way before. She felt completely free of tension, free of control, free of everything. She just was, and that was amazing to Mara. Mara the control freak, Mara the bitch, Mara the workaholic.
Dan opened his jaw and bit down on her neck, but not enough to hurt Mara. In a sense, she was acting like the Mara that he'd been with alone in the cell two days ago, but she was even more released of all tensions now. "Just lay there and give yourself over to me," he told her when his teeth let go of her tender skin at her neck. He gently pressed her arms into the bed at her sides, and began kissing down her chest, down between her breasts and then over her stomach. He gripped firmly at her hips once he'd arrived there, and bent down, kissing at her crotch over her panties, already detecting some of the faint aroma of her arousal. "I'm going to make your body feel whole again, baby," he told her, glancing up at her swollen face as he planted another kiss on her covered womanhood. "My cock is gonna soothe away your pain, Mara," he said, trailing off.
Mara had been completely into it until he started to make murmurings that he wanted to have sex with her. It hadn't occurred to her that taking care of her body meant that he was going to screw her again. She had thought he meant the spa, lotions, a bath, something like that. She loved the bite he gave her, she loved his gentle kisses, but when he got down to her crotch she started to get nervous again. She whined and started to squirm, those his firm grip on her hips made it difficult for her to do much moving. "Wait," she protested, "I'm...I'm not ready,"
Dan frowned and squirmed back up her body, kissing her skin again on the way up. He gave her a last kiss on the neck, right over the tiny bite mark he’d left, before saying anything. "Mara," he started. "I just wanted to show you that your body is still as wonderful as before. That there's nothing wrong with it, like you think," he explained, rubbing gently at her shoulders with both hands. He wasn't holding her down any longer, but a lot of his weight was still on top of her. He pecked her lips again, sliding his nose across her cheek. "Any man would want it, but especially me."
She pecked him back when he pressed his lips to hers, a little bit of the fear melting out of her. "I'm scared," she admitted to him, which was probably strange to him. After all of the sex that she'd been through in the last couple of days, why should she be afraid to have sex with him now? But she was. She felt that it was different now. It would really be Mara he was taking, it wouldn't be a dressed up whore. She was completely vulnerable with no facade to hide behind.
Dan was a little confused when Mara admitted she was scared. She was someone different now. She wasn't the bitchy, stuck-up Mara who would have called the shots, but never been scared. She wasn't the forced prostitute who'd taken everything coming at her. "I understand," he acknowledged, rolling off her, and holding her body in his again. "But I can help you, because I know," he explained, his mouth right up to her ear. "I can walk you through it, baby. We've already been together," he explained. He couldn't explain why he was being so gentle now, but just as he'd conquered her by force, something inside him wanted to conquer her with gentleness now. "Isn't it better that I walk you through it, than some guy at home who doesn't know about you doesn't even understand?"
Once again, Dan was right. He knew what she'd gone through, he knew that she was different now. So he could help her, he could get her over the fear and help her to become used to this new person that she was. And they'd already been together, and when they'd had sex it had been absolutely amazing. She wondered if it would be as amazing now that she'd been through so many guys after him. "You're right," she murmured to him, turning her face to look into his now gentle eyes. "You're right,"
Dan cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips down on hers again. "See?" he whispered to her as he slowly pulled away. "I understand. You want to do this, don't you, baby?" he asked, nodding his head at her in anticipation of her answer. He kept her body close and started sliding his hand down her back, rubbing gently at her sore muscles as he pulled away from her lips and nibbled on her neck again.
In Mara's true mind she wasn't really sure if she wanted to do this. Somewhere deep inside she felt that he was just manipulating her so that she would sleep with him again. But the front of Mara's mind didn't think that at all. Mara's conscious mind told her that he was loving and sweet and that he was everything she needed, everything she'd been afraid to tell herself that she wanted. So she nodded and kissed him back gently every time he placed his lips on hers. "Yes," she agreed, "I want to do this," what 'this' was was ambiguous, but she agreed to it blindly hoping that it was just one-time sex.
Dan nodded at her. He wasn't sure what he wanted from Mara, but it started with comforting her, making her trust him, and of course having sex with her this morning. The activities of the last two days were kind of a weird thing. They were a kind of cloudy blur in his mind. He knew they were horrible things that he'd made Mara do, but they were so fuzzy that it was as if he couldn't remember any details. The truth was he didn't want to. Still maintaining a tight bond between their bodies, he slid down her chest a bit, kissing over one breast, all around in a circle and nibbling on the nipple. At the same time, he started sliding out of his sweatpants, kicking them off the bottom of the bed.
Her thoughts began to change when he slid his body down hers and began to play with her breast. She closed her eyes and tried to just focus on the nice little sensations him nibbling at her sensitive nipple was giving her. But at the same time the state of her pussy was worrying her. Was it bruised? Was it stretched out? Would it be unappealing to him? It didn't feel any different than it usually did, but still. It worried her and she wondered if he would throw her out on the street if her pussy didn't please him the way it had.
Dan knew that whatever he told her, she was probably damaged goods in her own eyes and would have to be cared for accordingly. He remembered enough of what had gone down at the station to know it would haunt Mara. "How does that feel?" he asked gently, spitting her sensitive nipple away from his caressing tongue. "Do you want some more, baby?" he asked in a deep rasp, seemingly giving her a choice she hand't been privileged to in all her most recent sexual encounters. He slowly peeled off his beater top as tossed that aside, too as he watched her face.
"It feels good," she murmured to him. She looked down at him tentatively, his gentle face slowly breaking through the icy facade she'd tried to put up as a defense against being hurt again. Dan seemed to be an expert at breaking through that facade though, he'd certainly done it marvelously at the police station. That made her think back to their sex then again, how he'd pressed her against the cell bars and gone at her roughly and yet gently at the same time. It still ranked high as some of the best sex she'd ever had. She nodded and reached a hand out to touch his strong chest gently, "I want more," she whispered to him, as if he was her confidant.
"Good," Dan smiled when she rubbed his chest and told him it felt good. He pressed his hands down over hers on his chest, and leaned in for one more tiny nibble at her other nipple, chewing it just long enough to make it hard and erect. He slowly moved his hands down along her sides, away from her hands, and down to her panties. He looked at her and was deliberate with all his movements, as one might treat a scared animal who was backed into a corner. Only Mara wasn't backed into a corner this time, she was all for it herself. "You were good the other day," Dan remarked with a grin while he finally slid her panties down to her knees, immediately covering her bared womanhood with his big hand.
Mara liked it when he chewed on her nipples. It made her feel a little bit silly, and it was great. She sucked in a sharp breath when he pulled down her panties though, nerves suddenly invading her mind again. But he was perfect and talked to her through it so that she wouldn't look down. And by the time she could look down, her pussy was already covered with his hand. A huge grin spread across her face and she stroked his face gently. "You were too," she cooed to him honestly, "The best I've ever had,"
"Don't be silly," Dan answered her with a laugh. "You..." he started before pausing. He was about to bring up Lionel, but then didn't think it was a good idea. He really didn't know if Lionel was any good, since he wasn't watching, but if size mattered, he couldn't have been bad. "You were the one who made it good," he decided on. He was glad she was smiling. It was looking like they might have a lot of fun, judging from last time, and Mara's current happier mood. "I wouldn't have pegged you for a chick who likes to get bent over and done rough," he said as he started stroking at her slit. "Or did you just find out you liked that when we did it?"
In Mara's mind Dan had been better than Lionel. Yes, Lionel's cock was enormous and gave her mind blowing orgasms, but it was also impersonal. Dan had kept his face close to hers, he'd talked to her through it, he'd touched her gently. That had made her want to sleep with him, whereas she was required to with Lionel and Ryan had beaten her into it. She giggled when he mentioned what he'd peg her for. "I didn't used to like it," she admitted to him, suddenly feeling very honest as he stroked her gently, "I always wanted to be in control. But...you make it feel so good when I'm not in control. You make me feel perfect,"
"You wanted to be in control?" Dan asked back in mock amazement. Moving his hand around down below, he found her clit and began working it, rubbing over top of it, and hoping that would do something for her. He didn't know if what she'd been through would make her more numb to pleasure. "Now how would that work, you controlling a big, scary guy like me?" Dan asked with a laugh, messing up some of Mara's hair playfully as he propped his head up on a pillow only inches from her face, continuing to play gently with her clit.
Mara's eyes hooded a little bit when he began to rub her clit. It felt amazing to have him do that. She was incredibly receptive to pleasure, even though she'd been through so much. It had actually made her become almost a pleasure addict. She giggled at his insinuation, realizing how silly it really was. She turned her face to look at him and even leaned in to press her forehead to his, "It wouldn't have," she whispered, "but I used to control Shayne. I wouldn't even touch his cock."
Dan couldn't help but laugh at her revelation about Shayne. "I.. Shayne's my friend, so I won't say anything, but... I'm not Shayne. Let me just put it that way," Dan concluded with a deep chuckle. He pressed his forehead up against hers, gazing right into her pretty eyes. He decided to put her allegiance to him to a small test. "Open your legs a little, baby, so I can really get that wet hole going," he instructed with a slightly playful smile, continuing to rub her clit, but needing a little more room to access her pussy.
It made Mara feel really good that Dan was going slowly. He hadn't just ripped her clothes off and screwed her, he was taking his time to make sure that she was feeling good before he pressed on. He hadn't even touched himself yet. So when he told her to spread her legs, she did it immediately. She glanced down at her pussy then and saw that her pussy looked completely normal, her clit already swollen from him rubbing her. "You've already got me going," she giggled to him honestly.
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