Sweet Revenge (Nurse x Houdini)

Dan responded with a kind looking smile and knelt outside the car, extending a hand out to her. "You want to go home, right?" he asked. "Just come out for a little while, and then we'll go to the airport," he offered. "You won't regret it," he insisted, grabbing at her wrist and tugging softly.
She took a deep breath when he knelt down, looking down at her on her level. "Well..." she started, not wanting to trust him. "Okay," she said with a sigh, giving in to him again. She stepped out of the car and let him tug her towards the edge of the cliff. That freaked her out a little, she felt that he could push her over.
Dan held her hand and walked her over to the edge of the cliff. He sat down and let his legs dangle over the edge, motioning for Mara to sit at his side. The sun looked a couple hours from setting, and he just gazed out at it. "I've told you that you're sexy, haven't I?" he asked gently.
She held his hand tightly when they sat at the edge of the cliff together, deathly afraid that she'd fall over the edge. She glanced over at him when he spoke. She frowned and stared at him for a couple of moments, unsure what he was getting at. "Yes...you have told me that."
Sliding over little by little to Mara, Dan inched his butt up against hers, continuing to clench at her hand. "What do you think?" he asked, turning his head so it was only a few inches from hers. "What are you going to do love-wise, now that you aren't with Shayne anymore? Have you had enough of men for a while?" It was unusual for him to try and play confidant to her, but that’s exactly what he was shooting for.
"It's pretty," she said to him as she turned back to look at the sunset. It really was, too. It was absolutely stunning but she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. "I...don't know," she admitted, though she was wary about what he was trying to do, getting so close to her that they were smushed together. "I probably won't approach any men. Lord knows they won't want me when I tell them how many men I've been with,"
"That's not necessarily true," he told her, gazing out at the beginning of the orange sunset. "Some men might find it... attractive that you can do all that," he explained. He slid his hand around her, and pulled her closer to him by the waist. "For example... I do," he offered. "I think you need a guy to take care of you, Mara," he went on to say, rubbing his hand up and down along her side. “I’ve seen a side of you that nobody else knows about, and I like it.”
Even though she'd grown extremely suspicious of what Dan what trying to do here, she was still taken off guard when he said he liked what she'd done. She turned to face him and frowned, "What?" by now she was pressed right up against him, almost on top of him. Her heart was beating at what seemed like a thousand miles an hour. What was he insinuating? That he wanted to take care of her? "Are you serious?" she murmured in disbelief.
He smiled at Mara and brushed some hair out of her face so he could look her directly in the eyes. "Yeah, I really am," he said. "You shouldn't take anything personally. I agreed to do what Shayne wanted without knowing anything about you. I couldn't go back on what I’d promised after that," he pointed out. "Come on," he prodded, squeezing at her waist. "Just relax here and enjoy the sunset with me. That's all I ask right now. You won't regret it."
She shouldn't take anything personally? That sounded absolutely ludicrous. But for some reason, she wasn't getting angrier at what Dan was saying like she should have been. She wasn't tearing his hands off of her and running towards the car. Mara sat there with her mouth slightly open for a couple of seconds as she stared at him, trying to process what he was saying and decide what she thought about it. "O...okay," she murmured, still not entirely sure why she was agreeing.
Dan started to lean his solid body back toward the packed earth beneath them. He softly patted at his chest. "Come on, lay your head down here," he told her. You shouldn't be tense when you watch the sunset. That's a rule out here in Cali," he laughed. "Just relax, it goes." He took her wrist and slowly tugged her towards him, squinting his eyes a little at the yellowing sun. He was playing this by the cuff as he went along with Mara, and right now, he wanted her to be comforted by him, as silly as it seemed after what she'd been through.
It took her a couple of seconds, but it was easier for Mara to agree to this now that they'd seemingly gotten over that initial hump of distrust. She laid down next to him and rested her head on his chest. Her heart was still beating quickly, but not as quickly as it had been. She heaved a big sigh and felt a lot of the tension she'd been holding in release from her body and for the first time in the whole time she'd been in California, she felt okay.
Dan breathed slowly and steadily, letting his chest heave up and down, Mara's head along with it. He felt a little tired all of a sudden, and sleepily kept rubbing his hand over her head and dark hair. They laid there for some time, watching the entire breathtaking sunset, as it changed from deep yellow to orange, and finally to red. "It's going to be pitch black here soon," he half-whispered to her. "What do you say to resting up at my place tonight?" he suggested yet again as he started to stir, preparing to get up.
The truth was that Mara had started to fall asleep on Dan's chest. So when he suggested staying at his place, it seemed like a good option. She still desperately wanted to go home, but the flight would take six hours and then she'd have to drive home. It wasn't good to be exhausted for that kind of thing. So she sat up and nodded a little, pressing her hand to her forehead. "Okay," she agreed.
Dan gently helped Mara to her feet, and supported her tired weight as she stumbled towards his Charger. He helped her in and closed the door gently behind her. He'd thought of maybe making his next move tonight, but he was exhausted now, too. They were definitely going to sleep when they got home. His place was only fifteen minutes from there, which is one of the reasons he knew the lookout spot so well. When they pulled into his driveway, he helped her into the house much like he had getting her into the car earlier. "Let me show you my spare bedroom," he offered, flipping on the lights.
Mara almost fell asleep again in his car. When they got to his house she barely remembered to grab her house before he helped her into the house. She blinked a bunch of times when he turned the lights on in the house. His house was a typical California looking house, though it seemed to be a little bit above his means as a police officer. That didn't matter right now though, she was going to be gone in the morning. "Okay," she murmured, "Thanks,"
Dan led her into the small second bedroom and flipped on the light, illuminating a neat twin bed. "There's just one bathroom," he explained, leading her over to the bed and letting go of her. "It's out in the hall, if you need to use it. I'll see you in the morning, okay? Oh. And thanks for coming to watch the sunset with me," he offered, although she hadn't really had a choice in that matter. "I had a good time with you. See you in the morning," he added as he turned back to head into his own bedroom.
Mara was so exhausted that she wasn't really listening to Dan. Once he was out of the room she took off her pants and her bra and tumbled into the bed. She fell asleep immediately on top of the covers. She slept through the entire night and woke up the next morning feeling pretty good. She got up and padded to the bathroom, not bothering to redress herself. When she got to the bathroom she saw her face for the first time. It was bruised and cut up, she looked like hell. She heaved a big sigh, did her business in the bathroom, and went back to the bedroom.
Dan woke up relatively early in the morning, used to working first shift when he was on duty, although he was off today, of course. He went to the bathroom, but then read the newspaper in bed until he heard Mara stirring. Once he heard her padding around, he went over to her bedroom, tossing on a pair of sweats and a white beater shirt. He knocked twice on the door, then pushed it open a crack. He closed the door again when he saw she was only in her panties, and spoke through the door. He'd seen even with just a glimpse, that she looked much worse in the morning light, her face all puffy and bruised. "Mara," he called out through the door. "I can't let you go home looking like that," he explained. Then, he decided to go in anyway, even if she wasn’t dressed. He pushed the door open and sat on the end of the bed. “I can’t send you home like that.”
Mara jumped a little bit when she heard him open the door. She scampered under the covers, even though Dan had seen every single part of her already. She glared at him and stayed snuggled up inside the covers when he told her he couldn't send her home because of her face. "So you're going to keep me locked up here until all the evidence goes away?" she growled at him angrily.
"Please, don't look at it that way," he pleaded with her, rubbing her knee under the covers. "I'd just feel bad letting you leave here like that. I honestly didn't know it was so bad," he explained, sliding his hand up and cupping at her cheek. "Later on today, I could take to you the spa. You seem like the kind of girl who likes that kind of thing. They'll take good care of you," he promised. "Although... I still find you hot and sexy even now, you know," he admitted with a little grin.
"No," she shook her head when he offered to take her to the spa. She drew her knees up close to her so that he couldn't rub at it anymore. "I don't want to go to the spa," she growled at him, the anger in her rising up again. "I want to go home. You can't make me stay here. I'll put a bunch of cover up on, no one will see it."
"Come on, baby," he pleaded, trying to give her his biggest smile, leaning back across her thighs, which had the additional effect of pinning her down to the bed. "I don't want to make you stay here. I want you to want to stay a little bit yourself, so I can take care of you. Who's going to take care of you back home?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he let his words sink in.
She started to struggle when he laid across her thighs, but his weight was more than enough to keep her down. "No one," she growled to him, "I don't need anyone to take care of me!" she blurted out, breathing heavily as she tried to calm herself down. But was that true? She wasn't sure anymore. Before she'd have never thought that she needed anyone to take care of her, but now she didn't know. Could she be as brassy and ballsy as she had been, or would she be timid and skittish?
Dan slid his tongue across his lips and nodded as she spoke, her chest heaving in anxiety. He deftly shifted his weight over her and laid his body straight on top of hers, hand pressed up against her forehead. He was forceful yet gentle at the same time, doing his best not to be rough or hurt Mara as he pressed his body down on her, pushing his lips against hers and kissing them. "You do," he breathed insistently after he pulled away. "You do, Mara," he repeated before smashing his lips against hers again.
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