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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

She stuck her tongue out at him. “23 and you will give me what I want. Or I will find someone else to dance with.” She looked at Owen, who have no issues with dancing with Adri. As long as he was being held, he would be happy.

“Swiss miss got chocolate with marshmallows and maybe some little peppermint bits too.” She smiled. “And everyone can have a mug with their initials on it. Even though it will be difficult to tell the didference for my brothers and I.” She pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulder. “It’s still happening.” She said.

“We can put their pajamas on the bed when they arrive. We should get here a day or two early so we can set up and then send a limo to pick them up or something. I’ll be hosting my first Christmas! So many ideas.”
When she mentioned her age it made Jake realize they surely acted a lot older than what they were. Especially with Owen. They needed to be young and carefree any chance they could. "Oh really? You better watch who you choose or I'll beat them up." He told her and looked at Owen with a mean look who just smiled at his dad.

"They make peppermint Swiss miss for the Keurig. We can get those. But if you want more peppermint we can do that too." He smiled. "Just write your names on the bottom goof. But we need whip cream too..."

He shook his head but would let her do whatever she wanted for the holidays. "Let's find a place first baby and go from there. Okay?" He kissed her cheek and put his plate down. "Babe...we have time, do you want to go Live for a bit? It could be fun to just go Live without warning."
“Nope. Not the same. I want milk in my hot chocolate. You can’t put milk in the kuerig. You want a Kuerig for your coffee go right ahead but I am drinking got chocolate made with milk. And my mom will make mulled wine. My dad will probably drink eggnog.” She gagged. “Disgusting. My brothers will probably raid the bar. So we need a bar that can be stocked to make Christmas themed drinks. I will learn how to make them and impress them with my amazing skills.” She smiled. “And we should play a board game. That will be fun.”

She smiled, “I know, I know but I have so many ideas. Everything has to be pretty and perfect. And it’s our first Christmas together. And I just want everything to be special.” She gave him a kiss and a hug.

She nodded her head, “We can go live. Have some fun.” She smiled. She grabbed her laptop. He let him log in while she went to make sure she didn’t have any surprise pimples. She came out with a wet paper towel and wiped Owen’s face off. Then she got back in bed. She grabbed her phone and sent out the tweet that they were going live and linked their channel.

“Love you.” She told him and gave him a kiss. She handed Owen a toy so he would be distracted with it.

“I probably should have put on a bra.” She said softly but shrugged her shoulders. “Whatever.”
He rolled his eyes but smiled. "You are so picky. You're a diva." He teased but smiled. "I can find some recipes we think they may like. We need peppermint stuff that is a good start." He told her. "You're amazing bar tending skills?"

Jake kissed her softly. "Baby, being together will make it perfect. It will come together. Don't worry." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'll do what I can to make it your dream Christmas."

He kissed her back. "I love you." He smiled and then when she mentioned putting on a bra, he shrugged. "Nah who cares." He smiled.

When they went live he smiled. "Hey everyone. We are at one of our vacation spots, just got done with breakfast. This beautiful lady brought me breakfast in bed. We have the little guy with us." He turned the computer so everyone could see Owen. "O...buddy can you say hi?" He looks at his dad and says, "Hi da." Jake laughed, "Close enough." He started reading all the comments. "How do people do this and read all the comments they keep coming in so quick."
“Well they will be amazing bartending skills. Once I start practicing.” She corrected. “So prepare to enjoy a bunch of boozy drinks the weeks leading up to Christmas. I am going to have a signature cocktail and everything. You just wait and see.” She smiled.

“If it doesn’t snow will you make it snow for me?” She asked with a smile. “You said you would do whatever it takes.” She teaEd and gave him a kiss.

“Any idea who you are fighting next or when?” She asked and looked at Jake. “Any chance of a Bisping rematch?” Adri rolled her eyes to that question.

“I mean I would love to see Jake beat his ass again but he is more of a been there done that type of fight. Someone who doesn’t need S-talking to get by.”
"What will you call it?" He asked and chuckled, "Let's hope I don't have a fight then so I can actually drink them. But you'll just get me drunk so you can seduce me." He teased.

Jake gave her a look like she was crazy. "How am I supposed to do that? I don't have the in with the big guy upstairs."

"I should be fighting in like three months or so. Give or take. I'm not sure who yet. It depends on the next few fights in my weight class and how they do." He chuckled at a Bisping rematch and Adri's response to it. "Nice babe you say the other word for butt but not the s word..." He shook his head.

"Would you do workout videos? Yeah I would. That's actually kind of a neat idea. I can't record all of them though cause I don't want the opponents to know what I'm working on. But I could some basic videos for cardio and strength building. Things like that."

"Where are you?" He chuckled, "Right now I'm in bed with my family." He smiled because he wasn't going to give away where they were. It was nice going around unnoticed.

"What is your guilty pleasure? I have two. Powerade and Faygo soda."
She laughed. “Well get an in. Or buy a snow machine. I’m sure you will figure it out.”

She made a face, “I didn’t mean to say that. He wasn’t even paying attention. He was playing with his toy.” She told him and shrugged her shoulder. “You could do some basic workouts for you abs. Your butt. Post them on YouTube. In our gym. That would be cool. I can film it for you. Get those close ups.” She smiled.

She smiled at his answer to the where are you question. “Mine is Jake’s butt and junk food. But I am also not the biggest fan of working out. Which is why I am happy we are traveling right now.” She smiled. She would remain happy until she stepped on the scale again.

“How is the wedding planning going? It’s going. We have the basics down. So that’s always nice. Now we need to do everything else.” She laughed.
"Get an in? Really? Cause it's that easy. Wow...unbelievable babe. Unbelievable." He shook his head but was smiling.

He laughed. "Right if it was me I would have gotten smacked and you know it." He told her and shook his head. "She is obsessed with my abs and my butt." He rolled his eyes when she said she'd get the close ups. "I'm sure you will babe."

"Owen's guilty pleasures are...cake...and...Max." He smiled.

"And no we aren't telling you when and where we are getting married." He smiled a goofy smile.

Someone comments that they like his haircut. "Babe they like my haircut. Adri picked it out. She actually cut part of it and it turned out fairly well."

Owen crawled over to Jake and saw himself and tried to touch the computer. "Buddy no...come here." He pulled him back and chuckled. "Well Owen says hi."
"Of course they like your hair cut. You look good Boo." She told him and pushed his hair back to help with his bed head. She pulled Owens toy closet so he would sit down and play nicely.

"Will I teach you how to do a runway walk?" She raised her eyebrows. "That could be fun. You taught me jui jitsu. I can teach you how to walk. Maybe even walk in heels. How much convincing g will that take?" She asked him. "Or we can just do a simple runway walk." She said since she knew she wouldn't get him in heels.

"I a, very excited to do the Victoria's Secrrt Fashion Show. My family will be there. Including Owen. It will be a fun show. I've tried my costumes and I really can't wait for everyone to see it." She smiled.
"You're just saying that cause you picked it out." He stuck his tongue out at her.

"I am not wearing heels don't even ask again." He gave her a look like if she asked again he would never wear the elephant against for her. "I'll do the walk and only the walk."

Jake smiled. "It's like Adri's main event. You do all this hard work for fashion week and it's the main event."

"What is your favorite show to watch? Um...I'm addicted to ESPN and it makes Adri mad. But I also like A&E with law shows and home renovation shows. I was big on Sons of Anarchy. O and I like to watch Animal Planet when you're gone." He told Adri.

Jake chuckled. "This lady here thinks O needs a sibling babe." He pointed.

Then there was a couple hating on them and Jake tried it ignoring it.
“It is my main event. I get to watch Jake fight all of them time and now he gets to see me walk. It’s exciting. I just hope I don’t fall on my face.” She laughed and shook her head.

She rolled her eyes and nodded in agreement to Jake watching too much ESPN. “I just don’t understand the fascination of it. You watch the game and then you go watch commentary of the game you just watched. Why?”

She smiled, “We watch old Disney movies. Well I do. He doesn’t pay attention. He doesn’t like to sit still.” She rolled her eyes.
Jake gave a nod in agreement that he got to watch her walk. "You won't fall on your face baby." He kissed her cheek.

"Because it's more than just the game's commentary. They talk about up coming games and what not. Think of it like people talking about fashion week. They talk about what to expect then how it went after and that's kind of like the game. It's no different. Especially with football I have players on my fantasy team. I have to see if they are going to be good so I play them." He saw other guys agreeing with him. "See these guys agree."

Jake laughed, "You need to put a dog on the tv and he's happy." He chuckled and then was reading comments about a couple people saying Jake sucked and was going to get his ass kicked the next fight and that Adri was only with him because he was winning now but would leave when he lost.

"When you go places who drives? It depends. We both drive. It depends who's vehicle we take if we have Owen or the dogs with us."

"Adri who's your dream designer to walk for?" He looked at Adri, "Can you answer that?"
“You’re right. I’ll fall on my butt.” She laughed and kissed him back.

“I think Jake likes to drive more than I do. I get road rage when people are going slow in the fast one and tail hate me. He’s probably a better driver than I am. But he gets to punch his anger out all of the time.”

She smiled, “Chanel of course. I’ve been close to getting a show a few times but never made it. But I do have something special coming up which is exciting. I’m not allowed to talk about it yet but the fact that I am a part of me just makes me so happy. I’m sure you guys will love it.” She smiled.

“What’s the first thing you would do if you had to trade bodies?” Adri looked at Jake, “Um move my hips and forth naked.” She laughed. “I just want to see what it feels like to have something swinging. It seems weird.”
He laughed a little. "You won't fall on your butt either."

"I do like to drive a lot. I can get road rage too but seem to keep it to myself. You do get a little crazy behind the wheel. One thing I do like is you drive on fight days. I just get to relax and not stress. Plus I'm normally in the zone so it's better not have to focus on driving cause my mind would not be focused and it probably would be unsafe so I kind of refuse to drive on fight days. Any other time I'm game. I've been driving on vacation and love it. It helps me think a lot." He did like that Adri always drove, he was very grateful that she did that little bit for him.

Jake smiled while she talked about who she'd want to walk for. "I love I know all these projects. I feel like I'm trusted with big secrets. I do have to say I was a little jealous. Not because I don't get to partake but because she got so excited. But I'm happy for her.

He listened to her and shook his head. "Really?" He closed his eyes and let out a sigh "This is my future fiance ladies and gentlemen. And yes... I do love her." He looked at Adri, "You also get a decent sized one to test out..." He smiled and looked back at the camera. "Alright. I have no idea what I would do. Probably feel up my chest but I feel like that's awfully lame. I actually would want to change bodies while you're pregnant so I can feel what it feels like to be pregnant." Jake thought he put some good thought into that answer.

The person who had been posting a bunch of hate he kept reading the posts. "Let's just address the hater for a minute." He said the guys sign on. "You think that a girl like Adri wouldn't be with a guy like me except for my money and Owen. You couldn't get a girl this amazing in your dreams but keep hating."

"Next question..."
“Well you get upset when you feel like you aren’t in the loop so you have to know. I trust you not to go and blabber about it to anyone.” She told him.

She nodded her head and downed at him, “Boo. That’s the one thing I don’t have that you have. TS I would swing it around. Try to helicopter it since you wouldn’t do it for me. I feel like you take it for granted, honestly.”

She smiled, “Thats really sweet. I would trade places with you during delivery. I’m a baby with pin so you can handle that delivery. Scientists should start looking into that.”

She rolled her eyes when he decided to address the troll. She was ignoring him.

“How is Owen doing? Are you afraid of your children having the same health issues?” She looked at Jake, “Well the easy question first, Owen is healthy. He is on the lower side of his height and weight but you wouldn’t know it by looking at him. As far as future’s scary to think about it but I think we will pull through if something like this happens again.”

But won’t it be harder when it’s your kid and not just Jake’s kid? She saw the question and looked at Jake.

“We can talk about my relationship with Owen and Owen’s mother and finding out about him later. That’s not a topic we should go into right now. Just know that seeing any baby that tiny is scary and yeah it will be scary if it happens again but there are precautions we can and will take if that is the hand we are dealt.”
"I do get upset if I'm not in the loop I like knowing if you will be traveling or not. You'd want to know too. You wouldn't like it if I came home and was like yeah I'm leaving tomorrow for two weeks. Bye." He chuckled. It was something they worked through and it did help he was in the loop. It did help with the arguments that they had.

He just smiled and shook his head. "Wait and get kicked there and see how that feels...You would be like a little boy who just found out he has a pecker. Wait till O starts doing that."

"I said pregnancy not delivery. Big difference babe." He smiled. "They have drugs for that babe." He gave her a wink.

He gave Adri a look about rolling her eyes at him. He ten nipped at her jaw. "Oh sorry. I got hungry." He smiled.

"And honestly we can get some tests done to see if there is a bigger chance of our children having similar issues or not. But yeah Owen is doing really well." He heard his name so he came over and snuggled with Jake. Jake kissed his head and looked back at Adri.

"Yeah and it will be probably harder for the fact that she would just have delivered and be healing herself from that. But we were a rock for each other then and we will just be bigger rocks if we have to be down the road."

"Why did you get more dogs when you travel all the time?" He looked at Adri a moment. "Well because someone wanted them...And the other dog we have who was supposed to be hers is now Owen's dog. I dare someone to separate that boy and his dog. You'd have one ticked off boy and dog." He chuckled.
She agreed with what Jake said about getting testing done. Then that sparked the conversation about having designer babies and it was time to end that conversation.

“We don’t rravel all of the time. We just happen to traveling right now. Most of the time one of us are at home. I travel more than Jake does because I have more work opportunities outside of Las Vegas.” She said. “They are always well cared for and loved.” She smiled.

She smiled and rubbed Owen’s back. “I’m happy with our little family. And I can’t wait for it to grow.” She smiled at Jake and gave him a kiss.

“Alright one more question and then we have to get ready. We have a big day planned and this was not originally a part of it.”
He was surprised with the balls people had to ask some of the things they were asking. He tried to ignore most of them.

"And this time we traveled without them just because of safety purposes for them. We didn't want them running off or being afraid or anything. Plus our good friends, Rich and Beth Franklin are watching the girls. Beth practically begged us to watch them." He chuckled.

Jake smiled at their family growing. Maybe by this time next year she'd be pregnant. He kissed her back deeply.

"Yeah I just brought it up cause I thought it would be fun. Ooo here is a good one... I'm not sure you know this... Where are we going on our honeymoon. Honeymoon will be somewhere beachy, hot, tropical, and romantic. They have little huts on the water. That's all I'm saying." He chuckled.
“We probably won’t get them back unless Rich decides to be nice and gets her a puppy.” She smiled. “Take the hint Rich! Get the woman a puppy!!” She said into the camera.

“Didn’t you want to go to an ice castle or something? Now we are going where beach, did you change for me?” She asked. “We will talk more later.” She smiled. “Since the wedding is mainly mine he gets the honeymoon. He’s planning everything and if there is something I want to do when we get there I am sure he can make it happen but I am happy to let him have the stress of the wedding.”

She looked at the comments and but her tongue, “Okay last one. One thing you want to do but have been to afraid to do.”

She raised her eyes brows, “You know I’ve always wanted to learn a dance on the strip. Like one of the Showgirls dances. I can’t do that now and mom would never go for it but I’d love to learn the dance and dress up in the pretty costume. Maybe use it on our honeymoon.” She laughed.
Jake chuckled, "That's the truth. Maybe she will give us one of them...." He chuckled. "Sorry brother. Women." He teased Adri.

"I think you wanted to go to an ice castle. Why would I want to go to an ice castle? I could do beachy or Alaska." An Alaskan cruise actually sounded like a lot of fun for them to do sometime. "And look we have fans in Alaska. What's up our northern friends?" He smiled. "I was in charge of music and the honeymoon. I had the best part. Oh and help with the cake but that booger helped too. He loves strawberry."

He looked at her surprised about the dancing on the strip part. "I didn't know that. Your mother would kick your butt. What do I want to do? Hmmm. Skydive or bungee jump. It's not a thing I'd do by myself so it's hard to find someone interested in it too and then to actually do it." Somene told Adri she should do a Showgirl dance for charity and they could bungee jump or skydive together.
She laughed, “Yeah I know. That’s why I’m scared to do it. It doesn’t have to be topless. I just want the pretty costume. With the feathers and the boa.” She smiled. “I don’t know. I’d have to look into it.” She said softly. “I’m sure there are classes somewhere.”

She raised her eyebrows at jumping out of a plane. “He can take my brothers. I don’t think I would do it.” She laughed. “Ask Andre. Andre might do it. Someone has to stay on the ground for Owen.” She said.

“Okay so this has been fun. It wasn’t very long but we do have some stuff to do. So it’s time to get out of bed and get our day started. We hope you all hav a good day. Do something nice for the world. Owen you wanna say bye?” She asked him and stood him up. “Can you wave?” She asked and waved at the camera which he pointed at.
"I don't want you to do it topless either unless it's in our bedroom." He chuckled a bit. "I'm sure someone would let you go to a class and learn how to do it. They would probably love for you to come." He smiled and kissed her shoulder.

He gave her a nod. "I figured you'd be out. And that's not a bad idea." It would be bad if they both did something daring and something happened to them both. Part of the reason he got Layla to sign over Owen was so if something happened to Jake, no one could take that boy from Adri. That was very important to Jake. "I will do that. I'll ask your brothers and then we will tape it." He smiled.

Jake smiled at Owen hamming it up for the camera. "We have a natural stud in front of the camera. Wonder who he gets that from, Adriana." He teased and looked at the camera. "It's been fun guys. Thanks for spending part of your morning with us. You are all great and we are very happy you follow us and consider yourselves fans. Kick butt everyone." He flexed his arm and smiled. "Peace out from the Daniels!" He shut it off.

"That was fun." He told Adri.
She smiled at Jake when he told her she was t doing it topless. “I’m sure I’ll gind out. The tabloids will write about and the offers will come pouring in.” She laughed “It’s just classes people. For my husband. It’s perfectly normal.”

She smiled at Owen, “Someine has been watching mama.” She laughed. “Flex. Can you pose like daddy does when he thinks no one is watching?” She asked teasingly. She put his hands up so he was flexing and then kept one hand up and put the other on his hip. “So handsome.” She kissed Owen’s cheeks and sat him in her lap.

“That was fun.” She agreed. “Good idea Boo. You want to wear flannel today? You always look good in flannel.” She smiled.
"They probably will have a lot of offers." He agreed with a nod. "For me huh? That's it baby just blame me it's all my fault." He teased and chuckled.

Someone had been watching his mama. Then he started flexing and Jake chuckled. "I don't pose like that..." He rolled his eyes but chuckled. When she was sitting on Adri's lap he tickled his tummy which made Owen giggle.

"Thanks baby." He kissed her cheek. He smiled. "I should just hire you to dress me everyday." Jake chuckled. "Or is that part of you becoming my wife? But flannel sounds good love." Jake put Owen down on the floor since he was getting up.
She laughed, “I wouldn’t say I’m blaming you but you would be the main person I am doing it for.” She told him. “It’s somethjng new that if never be able to do for real. I want to try it at least once.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“I am your dresser. I pick what you wear your fights” She smiled. “The smallest and tightest. I am totally renting out that space on your ass though. It’s going to daybreak Adri’s Booty.” She teased. “In hot pink too. So it stands out.”

She dug through their luggage and found Jakes flannel shirt. She held it up to her and tried it on. Baggy enough to be a dress with a belt around her waist. “Nevermind. I’m wearing your shirt.” She told him. She put it on the bed and found her boots to wear with it. She look through Jake’s suitcase again to find something for him to wear.

She found his dark Levi’s and a black fitted shirt that he would look good in and set them on the bed. “You think it’s cold outside?” She asked softly.
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