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.:: Iᴍᴍᴜʀᴇᴅ ::.. [Tsᴀɪʀ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

Trevor froze up briefly at the hug, unexpected as it was but he relaxed after a moment, leaning into it and hugging Zira back. She made her comment about how she felt, and he began to ask what she meant by that, but it was quickly apparent she had no intention of answering that. He sighed lightly before smiling and nodding. With that, they went back to retire for the day.


The next day, their routine felt slightly more streamlined, it was clear that they were almost prepared to get through the dungeon, a fact that Raziel was extremely excited for. The pair was known for their excellence at optimizing their leveling and they could be consistently seen at the front lines of the power curve. His thoughts still hung on the idea of purchasing a home with Zira on a future floor the idea very enticing but involved a lot more discussion.

She suggested a duel. Trevor hesitated as he looked at her, considering it. "You want us to fight? To first hit? Or half health? but... I mean we can, but... Why? Did I make you want to hit me?" he teased. It would be hard to have a private duel and he wondered at her reasoning behind wanting to try each other out. He tapped a position on his map, saying, "We can do it here within the city, so there's no risk of other players interfering."
I can’t help but think about what you said the other day… about how the other players value me as a strong person.” Zira began her explanation to her sudden outburst, wondering if he would understand where she was coming from or not. “I want to prove that you’re the one who is stronger, but, I promise to not give you my all.” She smirked, making sure he knew that she wasn’t going to let him win easily and that he had to earn it.

And, if you’re still hesitant, how about we agree that the winner gets to ask for a request from the other… anything?” Hopefully she pierced his interest, wanting this to be just as fun for him as it would be for her.

The city? So, you want to do it in front of everyone?” Zira didn’t think about that, or take it into consideration, but then again, she wanted to prove a point that Raziel was the star and not her, wanting to shove the unwanted attention that she didn’t deserve elsewhere. “Okay, deal. I want the entire map to see what we’re capable of.” Winking, her eyes twinkled in delight, eagerness flowing in her veins.
Trevor considered her offer as he gave a small shift in his stance, folding his arms over his chest as he seemed to debate the question in his head. "So you want to prove who's stronger... In a duel with me that you get ranged attacks in?" he teased with a grin. She likely had the advantage on numbers, so he'd need to be account for that in the skill he fought with. He wasn't sure he'd win, but it'd be a fun challenge for the two.

"Alright, I'll bite. Winner gets one request of the other, but it needs to be decided upon the victory. No holding it for later," he stipulated, his eyes seeming to gauge her as an opponent. He knew her skills, but she knew his as well. They had nothing hidden from each other so they likely couldn't go into a sword skill or the lock would be their downfall. "There isn't really a good option outside of the city, since if we get hurt someone could take advantage of it and attack us. Haven't seen any PKers yet, but..." he began, tapping his arm lightly.

He sent a duel request to Zira. One on one, first to fifty percent health lost. It would be a fair match, one that would need consistent work to ensure that the opponents health was whittled. He extended a hand as a symbol of respect as he grinned at Zira. "I won't go easy either, don't worry."
"Sounds like a deal, that way we have some suspense and a true purpose." Grinning she twisted a dagger in her hand, flailing it upwards into the air only to catch the base smoothly. The upcoming battle was thrilling, and even though she watched him perform, it would bring a different kind of satisfaction to be the one to take on his taunting blows.

"Alright, I like to have a crowd, and you do bring up a good point. Besides, cities don't allow PVP, only duels, so we're fine there." Within the center of the second floor they stationed themselves, a group forming around them as they whispered silently amongst each other, unaware of what was going on. The invitation wasn't on her screen for long before rushing to accept it, their heal bars showcasing brightly for all to see.

A timer ticked above their heads, counting down the seconds until they could have at it. Zira breathed in and out, putting all of her concentration on her weapons as well as the sound of his clothing. It would help to tell her which way he would be moving, or how forcefully a limb was swinging. Readying her weapon, her stare would be frightening, the gaze of concentration piercing.


Like a darting bullet she ran to bust his personal bubble, swinging her arm chaotically with her dagger, teeth biting lip in determination.
Word quickly spread as there was talk of a duel, though it seemed to be progressing rather quickly. A crowd was forming to watch, since it was likely one of the first duels initiated since the beta. Players pushed to get a view, giving the pair plenty of space. The platinum haired dagger thrower that had been the one to take down the boss of the first floor, and one of the prominent players from the beta that has been working with her as a duo. The two were fairly well known, and questions were already being raised about why the two were dueling. Was it really just to test each other out, or were they having some sort of falling out? It was hard to tell their intent as the battle began, but players continued to gather as the fight raged.

Trevor watched as Zira quickly accepted the duel request, exhaling lightly. She wasn't joking, this was about to happen. A crowd was around them, but his eyes were only on her. Her stare didn't cause any hesitation in him, he turned his body at an angle towards her as he kept his blade held upwards, defensively covering his body in this stance. She would likely attack with speed to keep him on defensive strikes, so he'd need to take an early risk to show that he wouldn't be pressured. If she controlled the flow of the battle, he wouldn't stand a chance.


Zira was playing hard. She wanted to put him off balance, and she wanted a close fight, despite her advantage
of having range. She lunged in at him with vicious swings that he initially attempted to stop, then he fell immediately into the stance to use <Evading Cut>. He knew she would get a retaliatory strike back at him, but the skill would likely hold more damage than the free hit. He just needed her to be thrown off, to not know what his options were. If she hesitated even for a moment that he was going to try another sword skill, it may give him an opening.

His stance fell into the form, the skill rounding him behind her faster than he'd normally be able to move. The swing would pass where she attacked from, though unlike with the AI, sword skills were not guaranteed hits. After the swing, regardless of success, he would be held in place very briefly the recovery window took place. Once he could react again, he flashed his blade through the air towards Ziv, every strike thrusting to use the length his sword had over the daggers, while also making parrying take a lot of energy.
Zira expected Trevor to not back down, perhaps even thinking of ways he could deflect some of her attacks due to having a basic foundation of her battle style. As if it took little to no energy, her hands diced towards him, the daggers swishing into the air. Even if they missed him they would slice through the air, an eerie sound lingering afterwards.

He was giving it his all, his evading cut minimally catching her off guard, but he left a part of him open to damage, the dagger caressing the breeze that blew in the opposite direction before aiming a hit on his left side. It wasn't as powerful of a hit as she had hoped, but better than nothing.

Letting her pride get the best of her, along with the watchful eyes encasing them, she managed to receive a blow from him, her eyes filling with confusion and miscalculation.

Gritting her teeth those brows furrowed, using all of her might to hammer both daggers at once at him, but their weapons caught with each other. Sparks flew, the aura staticky, before they released their hold, a large gust of wind propelling towards the crowd to show just how powerful their abilities were.

Zira tried her best to tune out the world, but it was hard to concentrate with everyone gawking at them. All she could see was him, and right now that was all that matters, the rest of the world muted out. Twisting and turning, dodging and ducking, she tried her best to dodge him, some sharp contortions not being enough, a chunk of her health glooming down, but she wouldn't go down without reciprocating his gift, granting him a wound for his troubles.
Zira was much faster when fighting her than she seemed when watching. Every seemingly unnecessary motion had intent, either a faint or a new location to threaten. Raziel had to keep her close, however, knowing that if she had the opportunity to use her ranged attacks he would be at a much greater disadvantage. Each motion of his blade sung through the air, their attacking styles both focused on speed. Clash after clash, the sound of metal contacting metal filled the air in almost endless percussion. Her dual blades managed to catch him more than once, but every second he held off her attacks his passive regeneration caused his health bar to slowly rise once more. As long as he kept on equal pressure, her life would fall faster.

This plan relied on not allowing her any chance to try for status effects, however, and any moment she was not swinging at him, he was returning. The fight raged on and they had drawn a large number of players to watch the battle, and cheers could be heard coming from the crowd as though this were gladiatorial combat. Raziel paid no heed, however. If he had any attention not devoted to stopping Ziv, she could take the fight in moments.

He began to feel her attacks getting closer and closer, his defense faltering as he began to feel his stamina failing him. He had one last option, and he'd need to do it quick. Suddenly during the fight, he stopped blocking a dagger, allowing it to drive deep into his arm as he began to activate his strongest sword skill. It would be be close, dodging was questionable when she was wedged in his arm, but the damage to him was enough that she might be able to finish him before it hit her.

Just as his blade began to glow before the final question of the battle, a message came up between them. {Duel Terminated, world event occurring} was listed, and Raziel's attack dissipated, him left simply standing in the prepared stance as Ziv's dagger was removed from his body. His health remained at just above half, but slowly ticked upward with his healing. The sky turned bright white with a brief flash, before small flecks of white began to rain down from the sky.

The crowd was disappointed to see the match end, but their protests were stopped at the flash, as the words appeared in everyone's HUD: {World Event: CrystalFall}

There was a small explanation of the holiday attached to it, but Trevor seemed still briefly shaking off his previous focus, only inches away from Zira. His breath was heavy from the battle, but he still managed to smile to her warmly. "Well then.. I'm so glad you're on my side and not against me," he goaded as he placed a hand on her arm that still held the dagger to him.
Small glowing flecks of crystal fell onto them as they remained there, as though it were snowfall.

When they read the attachment, it detailed the event:

CrystalFall is a glorious time in Scheme Online, where the great Crystal on the 50th floor will grow to it's maximum size, bursting into shards that are strewn throughout the world and all its floors. These shards hold magical properties, and can be worth more than money can buy to certain merchants.
The event will last for one week. All enemies defeated will drop crystal shards, which when collected in great quantities can be traded for holiday goods. There will also be a secret holiday boss somewhere in the field with a unique drop item.
This was it, the moment of truth crumbling down to prove the winner of this battle. Just when she thought she had him, she really let her guard down, lodging her right dagger into his shoulder as it gave him the upper leverage in leaving her defenseless for a moment.

The shine of his blade reflected in her hues, eyes widening with surprise as she had no choice but to receive this special attack. Zira never noticed this unusual ability of his, and that was when she knew she caused him to use his all on her, not helping but to smile. If I lose, it might as well be to something as awesome as his special skill. She thought, closing her eyes in acceptance before she froze, glitching as the match has been discontinued.

Like butter the dagger was removed from his flesh, the once splattered marks she painted on his form now disappeared, their health rising upwards as the World Event clouded her screen. A small flake of white flew atop of her nose, her head leaning backwards to see the tiny diamonds in the sky that rained onto them. Outstretching her hands, palms facing upwards, she allowed the specks to fall into her grasp, eyes closing as to cool tingle lingered before melting away.

Yeah, you did amazing, I’m glad we’re a team.” Zira replied, giving him a sincere smile before holding onto his hand that lingered on her arm.
Hey, what do you say we go and look for that holiday boss along with collecting some holiday trade goods?” She nudged, unaware that Scheme Online would have holiday specials just as this. It felt like home, like snowfall in the grey night sky. Nostalgia pained her, but if she was by Trevor she didn’t mind being locked inside of this unusual world.
A flash of excitement crosses Trevor's eyes as Zira made her suggestion. His hand took hers as the crowd around them dispersed, moving to their respective destinations. "The holiday events... There were rumors, but nothing was ever officially..." he began to speak, his voice soft as his eyes trailed upwards, the sky blurred with the falling crystalline flakes. The shimmer of light that refracted through the airborne crystals cascaded into different colors throughout the sky, causing an aurora-like effect.

Trevor stood like this with Zira for a few moments longer before he lowered his gaze back to her once more, beaming brightly as he lit up. "For sure... I'd love to see what items they have, and we definitely need to get in on those drops," he said eagerly. He looked to her expectantly for a moment until she would lead the way, taking their usual formation for travel through the city. The faint crunch of the crystals underneath their feet punctuated every step.

- - - - -

Rumors had already begun to circulate, about an area that was experiencing heavier CrystalFall than others. Taking this as a lead, Raziel and Ziv had found their way there, only to be instanced into their own zone. The other players that we're around vanished from sight, leaving the two of them alone in the thick field of crystal. Raziel idly walked around the allotted space, as though looking for triggers. "What do you think? Maybe it's just time locked? I hope we aren't missing-" he began, only to be interrupted by a shrieking noise from above. The crystalline snow had parted, exposing one large, gold colored crystal shard plummeting from the sky.

Raziel returned to Zivs side, weapon drawn and a broad grin on his face as he looked to ZIv. "Be careful, cover me," he said with a wink, his free hand moving to playfully tap her side as he darted forward toward the crystals landing destination. It crashed to the ground and he found himself just slightly too close as he tumbled back slightly from the impact. The crystal was wedged vertically into the ground, with a dark shape visible from within. Raziel had already regained his bearings, moving slightly back as he watched for it to open, clearly eager and still revved up from their previous battle.

The crystal finally shattered, leaving a large insectoid creature with mandibles and mantis like arms remaining. The creature, [Shard Scourge], let out a high pitched shriek as it began to move, it's two health bars indicating it to be quite a fight ahead of Raziel and Ziv.
As the clouds parted to introduce the foreign crystal in the skies, Zira couldn’t help herself but admire the sparkling jewel above them. The rumors were true, luck on their side as no one was nearby to claim this precious trinket. It resembled thicken ice, too deep to see what was being held within, their reflection the only image portraying on the mirror-like rock. Gracefully it fell, but the impact wasn’t anything close to elegant, Trevor plummeting backwards, picking up the flakes of crystal as he rolled away.

Zira bolted to his position, guaranteeing his safety before inspecting him form, catching glimpse of any noticeable lacerations or health drops. A close call, but the grand presence of what lied within the confines of the crystal was apparent yet.

To their horror, a being from hell itself emerged from its glassy coffin, bellowing out as large strands of saliva connected from its bottom teeth to top, the heat of its erupted breath hilting in their direction. “They couldn’t have picked something more festive other than this wretched beast?” Zira remarked as she arranged her weapons to fight, not enjoying the site of the double bars of health gliding above its head. The duo was more than capable of handling this, but it would be a lie if every encounter wasn’t feared, unaware if it was going to be their last or not.

Thirty grueling minutes progressed, finalizing their last attacks to disrupt the creature’s existence. A bittersweet ending shattered away from them, the demise of the boss mimicking the sparkles of the crystalline flakes, evaporating in the wind alongside them. What stationed itself where the insectoid once stood was a cloak, sprawled out and waiting for an owner to snatch it up.

Wow, look at this!” Kneeling, she would feel the fabric of the cloak within her hands, pinching her fingertips against the hem before displaying it to Trevor, eagerly smiling. “This has your name written all over it… go on, try it on!” Eagerly she waited for him to display his reward, knowing it was a perfect match for him.

The CrystalFall event was soon dwindling down, the last day of it almost nearing an end. Trevor and Zira managed to scramble in as much time as they could to participate in the event, gaining handfuls of crystal shards in each of their inventories.

Hey, I’m going to head into town for a bit, I’ll be back later.” Zira said as she headed outwards, not offering for him to tag along, hoping he wouldn’t question her disappearance. The town was coated in shimmering lights, lighting the way and adding a jovial tune to play in your heartstrings. Nearby, a merchant stood proudly, players gathered around to trade in their crystals for a worthy prize. Zira didn’t get the chance to see what the merchant carried beforehand, but was confident in what she would purchase would be a good gift.

Thank you, have a wonderful day!” The merchant happily took the crystal flakes before waving in departure, Zira grinning before bidding him farewell as she made her way back towards Trevor, a present neatly wrapped in hand with a sparkling silver bow. All throughout her journey back to the hotel they were stationed at, she couldn’t help but wonder if he would appreciate the gift. Nestled inside of the large rectangular box was a legendary sword, an affect of crystal flakes falling from the blade as it glowed a pale white, as if it were freezing. It had great stats, and he deserved to have something nice.

Upon entering their room, she couldn’t contain the rising exhilaration, quick to dart his way and hand him her prize. “Hey, Merry CrystalFall!” She joked, a light hint of pink coating her cheeks as she bashfully looked away before returning her gaze onto him.
The menacing beast vanished, the long fight having left Trevor drained. He panted lightly as Zira, seemingly full of boundless energy, ran up to collect the drops. He beamed after her, her excitement alone making the fight worth it. That, and the giant chunk of experience they'd received. Most players were doing larger groups, so it was likely that Ziv and Raziel took a nice jump ahead with this boon. Zira returned to him, presenting a cloak that looked as though it were comprised of the same crystalline material as the hedron had been. He reached out a hand to take it gratefully, the item being dubbed [Cloak of Renewal]. He clicked through his menu to equip it, eager to view the stats. It appeared draped across his shoulders, nearly translucent as it refracted light on to him, giving him an opaline glow. The material was soft, feeling as though it were some kind of velvet. A slight blue hue held to the cloak which draped to his waist. At the clasp, it was held with what appeared to be crystal shaped as a snowflake.

Trevor excitedly went over the stats with Zira, though he felt slightly bad that she didn't get a drop from it, he gladly accepted the reward. They were a team, after all. "I'll be giving up my health regen, but it has a good defense... And it has a mirroring effect, ranged attacks won't be as effective against me... It's very good, I'll just need to work on my Battle Healing skill to get some passive regeneration anyway... Been planning on it," he said in his usually excited tone when he was discussing stats.

After wearing it, he and Zira left the instance, returning to town to celebrate the rest of the event and see what rewards they could acquire.

- - - - - -

Zirs wanted to go off on her own. Trevor wondered what she was going for, if she was going to meet someone for the event or... He shook the thought from his head. Whatever she was doing, he had been looking for an opportunity to have time to sneak off and purchase something. It was a holiday event and he wasn't about to let it go by without expressing his gratitude to Zira. He had passed by one of the shops previously and saw something that he hoped shed love...

It wasn't long before Trevor found himself back in their room, and Zira came in excitedly. She presented him the gift, which after an excited thank you and opening, revealed the blade, causing him to freeze up. It had been the best one they had for sale, and he was certain she'd have needed to use all her shards she'd managed to find to get it. "Zira... Holy hell, Zira, this is amazing... You're awesome," he exclaimed softly as he took the weapon, giving it a few test swings that left trails of shimmering crystal streaked in the air for a moment.

He was so caught up that it took him a second to react, saying, "Ahhh right! I have something for you too!" as he eagerly pulled out a very small box wrapped with an elegant ribbon of silver. Inside was a pair of snowflake earrings, appropriately matching the holiday. Their appearance was cute but not exceptional, but their stats were very high in agility, and we're a perfect fit for Zira's usual style. The gift wasn't as appearance friendly, but it held Trevor's knowledge of what would be something to keep her safe and improve her abilities she used greatly.
Really, you like it that much?” She questioned, overjoyed to see his reaction, almost wondering if he was trying to make her feel better about her crappy gift, but once he eagerly tested it out, she knew it was the real thing. Happily, she sighed, clasping her hands together before hopping in place for a moments time. “It matches your cloak fantastically!” Zira inspected as she glanced at both, nodding in approval.

With eyes spreading in misunderstanding, she eyed at the wrapped box, unaware of his own trick up his sleeve. “Trevor, you didn’t have to…” Tenderly she spoke, almost in a whisper, before her fingers entangled around the box, delicately prying the paper off to reveal the shine of the glitter from the snowflake earrings.

When Zira went to the merchant earlier that day, she came across these lovely pair of precious jewels, even going as far as trying them on, but reluctantly declined, as she wanted to get something for Trevor. It warmed her heart in a way she didn’t know could happen virtually, resulting her arms to coil around the nape of his neck to draw him into a tight clasping hug, almost tight enough for him to not be able to breathe.

These are beautiful! Thank you so much! If you don’t mind…” Taking each earring out gingerly, she would hand them over to him before tucking her stray hairs behind her ears, showcasing her earlobes. “Can you help me put them on? That way I won’t take them off since you’re the one that placed them there.” Smiling, she awaited keenly, appreciating his heartfelt gesture.
Trevor melted slightly at the sight of Zira hopping in excitement as he tested out the sword. Her happiness made his heart skip a few beats and he cleared his throat slightly as he attempted to recollect himself, beaming broadly as he sheathed the sword. When he did so, the weapon seemed to freeze over in it's sheath, the article covering in frost, though no cold could be felt. He admired the aesthetic that did indeed go with his cloak, the shades complementing each other beautifully. "This is amazing... Thank you," he said again, beaming.

She then opened her gift, and he froze in place, almost not daring to breath. He looked away, his gaze going to the nearby wall as he almost didn't want to see her reaction. His gift was nowhere near as impressive as the sword, but... They had made him think of her, and the stats would fit her perfectly... His thought process was in the right place, but he didn't even know if she liked earrings.

Then suddenly he was having difficulty breathing. The grasp of her arms around his neck was warm, and after he realized what had happened, his arms wrapped around her back, hugging her in return warmly. His was nowhere near as tight as hers, but it was firm and welcoming. He smiled warmly and spoke into her neck in a soft and gentle tone, "I'm so glad you like them..."

She broke the hug and pushed her hair back, revealing her ears. It was obviously such an innocent move but Trevor couldn't help but turn slightly red. She was gorgeous, and her smile melted him as though he were butter on a jet engine. He stepped toward her to fulfill her request quietly, smiling to her despite his reddened appearance. As he brought the first one to her ear, he lightly touched the side of her head to keep himself focused. Her hair was so soft... He began to wonder how accurate the feeling of her was. He regained his train of thought as the system took over the earring, causing it to vanish from his hand as Zira had it equip. The other one followed suit as he moved to the other side, stepping back when he finished. "You don't need to wear them forever... Just until you get something better," he said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

He shook his head and closed his eyes tightly, as though preparing himself for something. "I... Also wanted to go somewhere with you. Do you mind?" He could barely maintain eye contact with her as he stepped close. He took her hand lightly, imitating how she would always take him when they went somewhere. He would lead them back to the first floor, the walk to the portal was quite short as the two quietly went, the sound of the world muffled by the blankets of crystal snow across the landscape.

A short walk from the Town of Beginnings later, they arrived. It was a small hilly area, one that seemingly had no significance other than the occasional boar walking around. This was the area where Raziel had first taught Ziv the basics of combat. Here, there was a small pile of snow packed together to make a snowman. It was quite roughshod, but it had the starter outfit for a dagger user. It was clearly intended to be an homage to the male Ziv, despite the relative lack of success.

Trevor breathed out slightly, a puff of warm air creating a cloud as he turned to Zira. "I never really said it quite so thoroughly... So thank you. Thank you for keeping me alive. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for meeting me and working with me. I can't give you much other than my gratitude and my loyalty.. but you have those as much as I can give. Mostly.. thank you for being by my side," he said quietly. The area was silent other than the faint whistle of wind.
Once they were placed upon her ears, she would glance in a nearby mirror and showcase them to herself, motioning around in different angles to catch the sparkles of the flakes. They were beautiful, and would mean a great deal to her. “I’ll just transmogrify them if I get something different, so they’ll always be there!” She reassured, smiling before noting the chilling effects of his sheathed sword.

Huh? Oh, no, of course I don’t mind.” Zira was taken back by his sudden desire to go somewhere, following him nonetheless in curiosity for his bold suggestion. It was something different, the demeanor to his body language not quite himself, and it put her off slightly, almost worried, expecting something awful to happen. Heartening words in her mind assured that it was nothing, and with a quick shake of her head all her worries dissipated.

The flashback of memories came down like a hurricane, the Town of Beginnings still the same little town they started at. It was different, yet felt just like yesterday when they were scurrying to get higher in levels. “How come you wanted to come here?” She asked, hands folded inside of her pockets as the sprinkled flakes skated into her tresses.

Standing in the distance was the cutest little snowman, the equipment garnished around it obvious to what his intentions were, and she couldn’t help but giggle at it. “Awe, don’t tell me you’re the one who made this?!” Happily, she asked, already knowing the answer but couldn’t resist to ask regardless. What followed next left her breathless, not even a remnant of vapor from an exhaled breath trailing from her perky pink lips.

Hey, Trevor…” Gently she approached him, resting a sincere head on his shoulder as they gazed at his artistic piece. “You really didn’t have to go all out just to show your appreciation. You being there, willingly, and sticking by my side is more than enough for me. It’s a shame we had to meet this way, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.” Pulling back, she would grin, displaying her appreciation. “I can only hope that I offer the same solitude as you do for me, and I promise, even if I manage to fail at saving my own life, I’ll do everything in my power to ensure you are okay. To beat this game.” Grasping firmly onto a nearby hand she would tightly grip it, emphasizing her words, making him feel their meaningfulness.

Zira wondered if he could feel the trembling in her grip, the way the vein pulsated in a rush as it was hard to say those heartfelt words, unknowing of his own reaction.
A small smile crept to Trevor's lips as Zira rested her head on his shoulder. His memories of the old Ziv were fond, but since they'd changed to their original form, he couldn't help but feel the dynamic between them had changed. He listened quietly as Zira, while taking his hand and squeeze. His tone was gentle as he teased gently back, "No other way? I don't know, I'd have liked your meet you in like... Not a death game," as he squeezed her hand in return.

He wondered how it would have gone between them if they'd met in a different situation. Would they have even become friends, much less become as close as they were? Regardless, he couldn't imagine not knowing her, and he was glad to share this time with her. If he could, he would get her out of there as soon as possible. When she spoke of losing her life to the game yet keeping him safe, his hand momentarily loosened its grip before reasserting it.

"-Never- put my life before yours. You need to keep yourself safe before worrying about me. I'm the one with the previous experience, if you did something dangerous because of me..." he began, pausing before simply cutting the sentence short there. He knew it would likely not help to argue about that. He knew in a life or death situation, he would prioritize her in an instant. His hands shifted softly in Zira's own. He looked at her, his eyes meeting her own as they stood. For just a moment he began to lean his face closer to hers before he caught himself. He released her hand as he pulled back, a faint nervous laughter coming from him as he stepped back.

"There was another thing... I was thinking, we could finish up our duel..." he said as he knelt down packing a ball out of the crystal snow, and holding it as he looked to Zira with a small grin playing at his lips, his usual confident tone restored as he changed the subject. "First to get hit loses. Let's see who's best at range," he continued in a challenging tone, though clearly with playful intent.
Zira felt the same as Trevor, their feelings mutual regarding each other’s safety and wellbeing. It was a senseless fight, one that would get them nowhere, as they were both stubborn with their feelings. Something was there, an electrifying spark that only grew, but no one would bring it up, almost waiting it out. Her hues skimmed over his facial features, admiring the small curve of his lips as he smiled, the way his nose wrinkled up when he was excited, the warmth he provided her with when she was nearby.

It was hard to not think about those small details about him, causing her heart to gallop like feral horses through a field.

A duel, aye?” Snickering, she noted what he meant as he scooped up a ball of flakes, compressing it down to make a perfect sphere. Mimicking his actions, she would be hasty in constructing her own weapon, chortling as she lifted her hand upwards in protest, the ball flying in his direction, small speckles of crystals falling from the orb as it glided against the air, hitting his chest.


Three days passed after the warmth of the event, serious business back into play as the duo worked hard furthermore. It wasn’t long before they gained more levels, the holiday boss helping tremendously, before they would venture off in search for the dungeon that would permit them access to the second-floor boss, resulting in gaining the privilege to move up to level three.

The same strategy was used like before, a group of players gathering around in the center of town, an announcement commencing the meeting to call those who were willing and ready to fight. Some familiar faces from the previous dungeon run were there, some not. Zira could only phantom their fate, but those thoughts simmered down as the party agreed to pursue forward, standing right beside Trevor as they entered the cave.

This boss is the skeletal one, right?” Nervousness tainted her tongue, almost losing her memory as the fear slowly crept on her as reality sank in. “I’ll stay by your side and cover for you like we have before. I have some health regen goods in my inventory if needed.” She spoke softly, her lips lowered down towards her neck as she kept the conversation solely between the two. Lighted candles hung on blackened holders on the side of the cave, the flickering flame allowing sight of the ground and what lied ahead of them.
The mapping of the dungeon had been fruitful. The raid group that had assembled for the fight was once again led by Excel; she had proved herself a prominent leader already and despite the change in her appearance, she still was able to command the same respect from her allies. Raziel didn't see a reason to treat her differently than the Excel of before, since she was the one that had decided to take the initiative to be the raid leader. It deserved respect and she did seem fairly competent as a player. He had never spoken with her one on one, mostly due to never having the inclination to do so.

The various new faces gave him a bit of hope, seeing as that after the first floor there were still more players that were working to clear the game. There were various small trinkets from Crystalfall adorning the members, and there seemed to be an impressive variety. Raziel's hand went to the hilt of his blade frozen in it's sheath, the frost immediately melting and allowing the blade to be drawn. Eyes were drawn, and Raziel inwardly preened as he found himself to be the only member of the raid bearing the weapon. His place next to Zira was well known, and most of the group seemed to give the two a bit of berth.

Zira spoke with a touch of concern in her voice, though Trevor knew that she would be prepared when the time came. "He is. Remember, he moves slow but his attacks are devastating. The archers he commands are meant to make you stop focusing on the boss, so that he can get unexpected hits. As long as we maintain our positions, we should be alright. We'll need to be ready for any changes and if you feel as though you're losing composure, fall back immediately." He took on a reassuring note to his voice as he spoke, wanting to help Zira ease herself into a state of calm. It wasn't long before the first waves of enemies was upon them. The group tore through them with relative simplicity, the front line seeming to be able to kill the minor enemies before they even got to take a proper attack.

As they ventured deeper and deeper into the cave, following the mapped out ruined corridors that seemed to be built directly into the caves walls, the group finally came upon the large boss door. People began to go into preparation mode, checking their weapons and equipment for any last minute changes or maintenance they would need to make. The plan had already been discussed, and Raziel was already beginning to get excited for the fight ahead. He looked to Zira, his eyes flashing with eagerness to join the battle as he gave a small grin. "I'll try not to make you save me again."

Excel pushed the doors open slowly, the loud creaking resonating throughout the catacombs behind them ominously. A faint mist lay on the ground inside the room, which was a decorative throne room not entirely unlike the one Illfang had resided in. The main difference was that the sight of decay and bone was prevalent in this room, with bodies rising from the dead to provide a buffer between what sit on the throne. [Grafvar, the Skeleton Lord].

Raziels hand found Zira's shoulder for an affectionate bump before he darted forward into the room, one of the first to take the lead into the bevy of skeletons that would need to be destroyed in order to reach Grafvar.
A slight puff of air left her lips in an attempt of laughter, shaking her head at his comment before replying, "And I'll try not to take damage." Ziv returned the affectionate bump before watching him depart, her facial expression as solemn as when she was in the zone with her battle against Trevor. The surrealism of the boss was becoming more distinct, the rattling of the skeletal bones grinding against each other as they marched their way to defend their lord.

Zira's guard would be to distract the brittled bones to attack her, feeling up for the challenge as she wanted Raz to have as little amount of distraction from the minions as possible. They couldn't risk to be persuaded by their games.

With a firm strike downwards, the dagger was met with the cranium of her attacking foe, chunks of bone escaping from the new hole in its head before its body fell apart, dissolving before another antagonist took its position. Occasional glances would be tossed at Raziel's way as she flailed her hands to dismember the armies before her, other players joining her in keeping them at bay to let the tanks and head damage do their part.

A nearby player was stricken with a damaging blow, sending her tumbling backwards as a nearby skeleton approached her, weapon in hand, to finish her off. Before the damage was made, Ziv dove towards the girl, dagger quickly blocking the opposing sword as the girl sealed her eyes from her impending doom. "Run!" Ziv barked, teeth gritting and eyes furrowed from strain in blocking the enemies attack, the girl quickly rushing back to her feet to retrieve a health regeneration pot from another player.
The sound of cracking bones and the chortling noise that the skeletons made as they rattled their war cries filled the room. Raziel had all his focus on getting to the boss now, he and the other front-liners had to cut down a swath of the creatures as they rose before the finally arrived at the throne. Sitting upright, Grafvar slowly creaked to attention, his hollow eyes training upon the encroaching group. A low, shaking Bellow emerged from his jaw as it hung loosely on the skull, and he rose to his feet, the movements strained and heavy.

Raziel reacted quickly, followed quickly by the others taking on the hulking mass of bones and sinew, as he lunged forward, dragging his Arctic blade through the monstrosity to take the first bit of health off of it. The doors on the side of the room shot open, allowing the first wave of the archer minions to.enter. This took Raziel's attention only long enough that he saw Ziv standing and holding off an enemy attack in defense of another player. His initial instinct was to move to her, but he let out a breath. She could easily handle it, and she had backup. He needed to do his part, and losing his focus any time she got into a rough situation would get them both killed.

His gaze reverted to Grafvar just in time as the being began its first attack. It hefted its massive weapon upward before moving to crash it down upon Trevor. The opportunity wide open, he fell back on his classic skill, <Evading Cut>, to retaliate with a solid damage return. His movements were concise and specific, and he watched as another one of the damage dealers then took the brunt of the aggression. His own health suddenly took a bite, as he felt the sting of an arrow stab into his shoulder. The damage was nicely mitigated by the cloak, but he hadn't had time to properly work on his battle healing more than a couple levels, so any damage he took would heal very slowly.

He began to move fluidly as he continued his onslaught on Grafvar. His blade carved red digitized slashes into the bones he could reach, the health pool lowering at a regular pace. It wouldn't be long before they reached the final health bar. If there was going to be a big change, that's when it was going to happen.
Retracting her blades, she would thrust them upwards, digging them into its ribcage before severing its sternum. “It seems as if they never end.” She panted out, another army of six heading their way as Grafvar came to life, the dungeon floor shaking underneath their feet. Some players seemed to lose focus, taking a step backwards as the boss rose to its feet.

Stand your ground, don’t get intimidated.” Excel roared, gathering those who were worried together. Ziv darted like a buck as she tackled down the minions, occasionally getting a swipe here and there, never getting perfectly away from the grasps of their blades. She would catch glimpses of Raz, noticing his somewhat orange/green bar of health, her heart throbbing as she wanted to help, to ensure his safety, but the minion slammed its sword against hers, bringing her attention back to her position.

Please, be careful…” She muttered out in strain as it was becoming harder to push the blunt force of the weapons backwards, each fight growing tiresome. She would think that after training as hard as they do, it would go smoothly, but her stamina was something she had to work on, not being able to catch her breath.

Her calves ached and grew sluggish, her forearms tensing and burning, but their safety kept propelling her onward, leaving it up to Raz and the other front-liners to finish the job, placing her full faith and trust onto him…

…The only person she found protection in.
Excel's call went unheard by Raziel, and likely most members of the front line. The intense sound of combat consumed their senses, every one focused on just one more hit, moving just fast enough to dodge, just strong enough to bring his health down... And then they reached the final health bar. The room rattled as the skeletons on the outskirts of the fight collapsed, small wisps of energy seeming to flow from them into Grafvar. His weapon seemed to ebb with power as he belted out a tumultuous roar. Raziel was shaken by the turn of events, but he'd been prepared for a change to occur.

The creature reared back, launching its weapon down an one of their teammates. Raziels reflexes made it just in time as he shoved them out of the way, barely avoiding the damage himself. It was likely to the point where it would destroy a player in one hit, and his eyes briefly cut to Zira as he considered falling back. He knew that wasn't an option, however, and that the people here were the only chance of beating this boss. He had to make sure none of them fell.

His blade sung through the air, the contrails of snow that it left behind hung in the air as though making a tapestry of combat. He moved as he responded to the shifting of Grafvars weapon, keeping the aggro on himself to alleviate the risk on the others. He didn't want to worry Zira, but this needed to end. The weapon slammed on his blade again and again, it took all he had to retain his block. Soon, the others had lowered it's health, and it began to swing once more. Trevor took the opening to strike with his strongest skill, tearing through the creature and eradicating the last of its health bar.

The other skeletons dissipated, leaving the room in a quiet stupid as the players stood amidst the victory screens. Raziels breathing was heavy and coarse but he slowly began to collect himself, stepping over to check on Ziv. "You alright? he asked, smiling to her as he came close. The fight had gone much better this time, and he even managed the snag the last hit bonus.
Ticking like a clock, the health bar gradually decreased, neighboring players fighting harder to abolish the boss. As their leader began to fall dangerously low in health, their own attacks amplified, giving their all, attempting to slow down the remainder of the fight. Weary and fatigued, Ziv drank her pride, disregarding the boiling in her limbs, and waved her sword chaotically in their wake. As she revolved her head around her shoulders to get a glimpse of Raziel, she would see him on the ground, a little too close to comfort to the boss, before regaining his footing and pursuing forth.

Just a little longer…” Exhaustedly she puffed out, wincing as a sword stripped at her clothing, revealing her skin that was now lacerated, but her health wasn’t in the danger zone. Her arm raised upwards towards the heavens, the tip glistening as the skeletal being looked upwards at his fate, collapsing as the imaginary joints and cartilage dissolved, its bones rattling to the ground aimlessly.

Just like the recent event, crystal shards of pixelated mesh filled the room, almost like confetti in celebration. Trevor managed to get the last hit, the other players assembled around him in congratulatory, hollering and screaming in victory. Ziv curled her lips upwards in an ecstatic grin as Raz approached her. She would start strolling his way, the distance between them closing increasingly before they stood less than a foot before each other.

Tears strolled down her burning cheeks, her skin reddening before nodding to his question. “Yeah… I’m just so happy. I’m very proud of you, you did amazing out there Raziel!” Her index finger lightly ran underneath her eyes, catching the freefalling tears before wiping her now wettened finger on her shirt. The refraction from the pixels ignited her earrings to sparkle vibrantly, almost blinding if someone attempted to peer at them. “Congratulations on the last hit, what did you get? You can open it later, so you don’t draw any attention.” Zira reminded him before completely closing the space between them to give him a laudatory squeeze, the scent of him warming her heart, almost not wanting to let him go.

C’mon, lets see the third floor.” Ziv grasped his wrist, knowing that Raz would anticipated her all-too-familiar clasp as they both disappeared before loading onto the third floor.
As Zira suggested he keep the items under wraps for now, he had to nod in agreement. It would not benefit them to show off their rewards in front of everyone, and it would begin setting a precedent for the floors above. As Zira drew close to him, his smile lit up, seeming very thankful that her health bar had remained fairly well maintained. As she embraced him, he did the same, his arms wrapping around her waist. The players around them had mixed reactions at the action, it seeming to be a surprise that the two were on such good terms. Since the duel, the others had been unsure of the duo's status. Trevor paid them no mind, simply indulging in the embrace for as long Zira wanted to hold it.

When she broke off of it, he didn't resist but he felt a pang of regret, though he avoided letting it show. "Let's go see it. I love this next floor," he said as she took his hand. He beamed at her as she did so, following her through the portal to the next floor.

- - - - - -

The pair emerged into the leafy floor, the ground underneath them soft dirt. Trevor let out a calm sigh as they arrived there, his eyes lighting up at the peacefulness off their surroundings. He followed Zira, marking the destination that they should head to on her map. They were soon heading up a stairwell covered in leaves and vines, as though the plant life had long since overrun this city. Vines parted and shifted as they moved, as though their passage was allowed by the foliage. The city streets were void of any NPCs, the first city that seemed to lack them. Trevor seemed eager as he spoke once more.

"The city doesn't have any human NPCs. It's all plants! It's plant people, plant innkeepers, plant based items... It's great. Once we head to the hunting zones, it's mostly spider type enemies. Spiders and angry rocks," he explained idly as they walked. Sure enough, when they passed by shops, the plant life seemed to coalesce into a humanoid form. It departed once again as they walked away. Soon, more players began to enter the city, just as Zira and Trevor arrived at their destination: a large tree trunk, carved out with a name on it's entrance, The Beechwood Inn.

As they walked inside, their usual routine for acquiring a room was shifted slightly by the innkeeper being entirely comprised of vines. Words never left it, but as Trevor requested a room, the transaction was completed as easily as if it were a normal NPC.

A stairwell was carved into the base of the tree, and they walked up to their room. A surprisingly normal inn room for such a strange entrance, the furniture was all the standard that they'd experienced in the past. The two beds looked as though they were even softer than the previous floor, and the bedding pattern resembled leaves. The comfort was not sacrificed for the aesthetic, at least.

Trevor moved to his bed, sprawling back on it as he opened his menu. He opened his last hit rewards, and made a slightly excited yelp as he rose up to a sitting position. "I got the skeletons mask! Oh man, I totally forgot this existed! Its got crappy defense, but the recovery rate is really good! Brittle but recuperating, skeleton style," he said as he equipped it. It was definitely not a pretty piece of equipment, the mask creating a bone covering over his face, down to just above his mouth. The eyes glowed dark red, giving it a very dark countenance. "And... What, do they just give a bottle of wine on every last hit? Helps with the celebration, I guess, he mumbled slightly to himself as he looked at the item. He remembered what happened on the last floor, and he cleared his throat slightly, putting the bottle back into his inventory.
The scenery was breathtaking, as if everyone stepped foot onto another planet. The air was humid, as if rain was just sprinkled down to give nourishment to the grass and leaves. It took some time getting use to the plant-like NPCs, but Zira would manage this newfound world.

Heaving a tranquil sigh, she would plummet herself onto her bed, allowing the mattress to thaw her troubles away. Zira almost forgot how it felt to relax, seemingly lost in the moment until Trevor spoke of his prize. Shifting upwards, her eyes caught his facial expression, smiling in reaction to his legendary item. “It suits you well!” She commented after he placed the eerie piece onto his face, giggling slightly at his new appearance.

I think it would be best to skip the wine…” She muffled, her thoughts jumbled with reminders of what had happened last time, wanting to spare the embarrassment from previous learnt lessons. “Let’s get some rest and investigate the floor.” Zira said as she nestled inside of her covers, smiling fondly at him. “Sweet dreams.

Bright and early, the pair took their leave from the Inn and began their adventure, exploring the floor in ways they couldn’t on the previous ones. The loot was different, the NPCs were unique, and the hunts were insect-like. “I could live without the spiders here.” Zira commented as they strolled into a mossy forest, spider-webs entangled high in the leaves of the trees above. Just the thought of one of those creepy-crawlies falling onto her caused a shudder of disapproval.

In the near distance, a large rock covered what seemed to be an entrance inside of an abandoned cave, a nearby log resting besides the large boulder. In fine print, words sprawled out against the rock, telling a story to those who passed by.

“In this maze, a prize will stay. Near the end is where it’s displayed. Take caution while striding this maze of glee, or you will lose sight of what you see.”​

Zira spoke the words aloud, flicking an eyebrow in questioning to the rhyming words. “Hm… sounds tempting, don’t you think?” She said, crouching down to grasp the log that was obviously used to pry the rock open. After a minute of struggling, the stone finally caved to her attempts, rolling away to showcase the entrance. The smell of soil and earth erupted within, leaving a nostalgic feeling of home. “I wonder what the prize is, so lets find out.” She grinned before taking the first step in, soon walking so far into the cave that the light from the entrance couldn’t be noticed.

Walls upon walls surrounded them, pathways leading everywhere. An unnerving aura settled, causing Zira to stand slightly closer to Trevor than usual. Paying not mind to their footing, a circular block shifted under their weight, creaking as it was disturbed. Lightly Zira jumped in surprise, noticing where the sound was coming from before sighing in relief. “This is like a scary game!” She brushed off her fear with humor, but it was still there.

What sounded like grinding stones echoed through the musky air, a large rectangular stone emerging from the ceiling before slamming down. The duo was standing underneath it, and Zira pushed him away from her as she took a step backwards from the oncoming object. A wall enclosed each separately, thick enough to not have sound pierce onto the other side.

Trevor!” Zira shouted, her daggers quickly skidding against the rock, sparks of failed attempted blackening the cemented wall. She dug harder, trying her best to at least find a weak spot, before the tips of her weapons chipped away, her weapons being damaged and needing repair from over usage.
The quest wasn't one that Trevor recognized from the beta. There was no information listed in the guide book, but he couldn't turn down Zira's excitement to try a new quest. In truth, he wasn't about to turn down an experience almost no one else had gone through yet, either. He was careful as they went through the maze-like corridors, noticing the occasional slight shift in the walls. A maze that rearranged itself as they moved... The thought of what might await them had him so excited he wasnt quite paying attention when the sound of shifting rocks came from above. Zira's reaction time left him stumbling back, falling on to his knees as he turned back, looking now at only solid rock.

"No..." he said as he stood up quickly, darting to the wall and slamming on it with his fists. "Zira! ZIRA! Can you hear me?" he shouted. He brought up his HUD to check on her health, and nothing came up. No map, no menu, no party information... He hadn't thought anything of it until that moment, and now all he could feel was panic. Was she okay? He needed to find her. He knew she wouldn't be killed by some trap like that, and she had better not have sacrificed herself to save him.

As he stood close to the wall, a notification came up. [Indestructible Object]. He breathed out a sigh of relief, Zira had to be attacking from the other side... She was okay. She was likely as worried as he was, but waiting here wouldn't result in success, and he needed to find her in case anything happened. He couldn't lose her, he had to find a way to get back to her. He turned around, away from the wall that Zira was behind. It was difficult, but he acknowledged it would get him nowhere to simply stand there. He began running down the corridor, into the newly opened path, now in a state of complete focus and determination.

His pace was held as he passed by shifting walls, falling floors and tight corners. It was around one such corner that he came inches away from slamming into another player. He reacted at the last second, falling to the side and slamming hard into the wall from his momentum. He raised his head toward the other player, growling out, "Be careful! I could've mistaken you for a monster!" viciously despite knowing it was his own fault. His eyes landed on a girl with the name Vivinalia. She looked familiar, but she wasn't from the second floor boss fight. He rose to his normal stature as he calmed himself, her own face seeming to be going from placid to more surprise, the opposite path Trevor's had taken.

"...Raziel..." she whispered, before shaking her head and bringing her hands up to slap her cheeks. Her demeanor quickly changed from being stunned to a confident and imposing stance, her arms crossed across her chest. "I was walking at a normal pace. You're the one who was sprinting around corners... Are you having trouble with the maze?" she asked, her tone full of authority despite a hint of excitement touching it, though Raziel was unsure why.

He gave a small sigh before beginning to walk down the hallway, talking as he moved. "My teammate and I were separated by one of the walls. I need to find them, and I'm doing fine," he lied as he took a brisk pace. To his surprise, the sound of footsteps followed him. Her pace out matched his as Vivinalia walked alongside him, her arms now folded behind her back as she walked, a smile coating her features.

"Your teammate... That wouldn't happen to be Ziv, would it? You two are quite the topic amidst the Clearers. Settle a bet. Are you two... You know, together?" she asked, her tone curious and pressing as she drew closer to him. Raziel had no time to spare for her games, and her proximity was beginning to make him tense up. He felt nervous that the pair were a topic, but it made sense, since they'd managed to nab the drops from the first two floors.

"We're a party. We've been a party since the first floor, not looking to change that up. You mind not following me? I need to get through the dungeon," he said as his face tinted slightly red below the skull mask. He didn't know how to answer the question, but he didn't want to spread rumors that Ziv didn't want to be heard.

Vivinalia stopped walking, folding her arms back over her chest once more with a 'hmph' noise as she turned around and tilted her head upwards. "That's good enough, I guess... And I don't need to follow you, I have a quest item that shows me the direction of the exit..." she said, pulling out a small necklace shaped as a diamond. The necklace pulled towards the direction she was facing, and she gave a small smirk back to Raziel, who froze in place as he saw. "You sure you're not looking to work with -anyone- else?' she cooed in a teasing tone.

He needed to find Ziv. The closer he got to the exit, the closer he got to them meeting back up. He would need to swallow his pride, and he turned towards Vivinalia. His glare was hidden by his mask, but his gritted teeth weren't. "I'm sorry. Please help me find Ziv."

"That's the spirit!" she said enthusiastically, her voice a chirp of approval as she made a small jump and clapped her hands once. "You can call me Vivi. In fact, as party leader, I insist on it," she teased again. Her eyes narrowed and her nose wrinkled slightly towards Raziel, who walked up to her as he continued his grimace. "Let's go Raziel! This is going to be GREAT for bragging about..." she whispered lightly to him before turning around and leading the way through the corridor.

Raziel followed sullenly, unable to counter her since she had the item that could help them escape. "Fine... But let's make this quick, we need to move fast... Vivi." he spat the name, his tone defeated for the moment. He would do what it took to find Ziv, she was probably alone and worried... But she'd find her way out.
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