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.:: Iᴍᴍᴜʀᴇᴅ ::.. [Tsᴀɪʀ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

Ziv spoke reassuringly to Raziel, and looked at him the same way she had previously as Ziv. Her ease that she was taking this transition helped Raziel to relax slightly, and just as on the first floor, she eagerly led the way once they were in the city. She nudged him as she commented on his stubborness and he gave a small hint of a smirk in response. "Me? Stubborn? Can't imagine it. If you're still comfortable sharing a room I'm not going to complain, just didn't want to impose the assumption when you previously thought it was two girls," he said as she pulled out her map. He knew the town less well than some others, but he was familiar with the inn as she brought it up.

"We can go there. It's getting late anyway, shouldn't do our first hunting run in the dark. I'd love to talk more, and get everything sorted out," he said with a smile as they went to the inn. The inn was a very well lit building, with a picture of a shining mace with a smiley face adorning it. A bit cute for Raziel's taste, but the place was known as one of the better kept inns in the city.

Before they entered the building in earnest, Raziel reached out and grabbed Zivs wrist, to get her attention."With everything that happened... Didn't really get to say thanks for saving me back there, by the way. Got caught up in the fight, wasn't ready for that change... Won't happen again," he promised, the smile that touched his features warm and grateful.
The unsuspecting clutch to her wrist caught her off guard, twisting her head around to see what the commotion was about. A warmhearted smile crept up on her cheerful lips, not controlling herself and grabbing him in a friendly hug. "I wouldn't know what I would do without put, Raz. You've helped me more than you could ever know. Just do me a favor and stay alive, and I will too." Retracting from their hug, she would extend her pinky finger outwards, to swear on a pinky promise.

"I know fate is a bitch, but just promise me you'll try everything to stay here. I will too." Her pearly whites glistened as she grinned, grateful to have someone as amazing as Trevor by her side.

Once getting registered into the inn, she requested a luxury room in celebration for their success. After retrieving the keys she would hand one over to Ziv before heading towards their room. "This has a hot tub in it and a balcony, I'm so excited!" She jumped up in glee, almost pacing to get to the room. It was large, spacey, and very comforting. Almost feeling like home.

"Oh, I forgot to check my inventory to see what I got for the last hit!" She mentioned, scavenging through her bag to find a rare set of daggers, increasing her agility and damage more than the leveled weapons in her range would. "Wow!" She exclaimed before taking them out, showcasing them to Trevor.
Raziel hesitated only slightly as Zira embraced him, before returning the hug with a smile. Physical contact in this world was still a bit unusual to him, feeling the warmth of her embrace. When she broke it to hold out her pinky, he gave a slight chuckle as he met hers with his own, wrapping them tight for a moment as he said, "Without me, you'd manage just fine. You won't have to, though. We'll keep each other alive, and keep beating the floors."

He released her finger and followed her inside, he heard the amenities that the room provided. The thought of a hot tub in this setting was a bit amusing, but he had to admit that it sounded nice. He paused and looked at Zira. If they used the hot tub, they would need to wear their swimsuits, a feature which was not well known in the game but supplied as a way to socialize and not look ridiculous wearing full sets of armor into pools.

When they got into the room, Raziel collapsed on to a bed, he was glad to be able to rest. It was nice to know that they didn't have to worry about any of the other players now, until they we're out in the field once more. Ziv spoke up, showing her sets of daggers to Raziel, who gave an approving nod. "These are nice, you'll be able to run them until at least the third floor... Nice job getting the last hit! Now I have one of the most powerful players as my partner," he teased with a smirk. He sat up and looked around the room, admiring it's quality. They didn't mess around when you went for a luxury room.

He looked over to Zira, watching her for a moment before saying, "It's a long road ahead, but I'm glad we were paired up. I don't think I'd have gotten along as well with anyone else," he said only half joking. His personality was a bit harsh to those other than Ziv, it seemed that he only truly let down his guard when they were one on one.
Ziv sat in her own bed, looking at Raz as he spoke, warming her heart in ways she didn't know was possible in the virtual world. "You're just being modest now." She joked, not too good at accepting compliments. "And you know the same goes right back to you!" Sighing, she laid flat on her bed, arms outstretched as her hair cascaded violently. Closing her yes for a moment, she thought to herself, opening those lids up before cocking a head towards him.

"I wonder how hard the next boss is going to be. What was the highest you reached in the beta?" She questioned, puffing out a breath of air. "I'm jealous of you, I tried to be a tester, but I suppose I wasn't lucky." If she would've played the game before, maybe she could contribute just as much as Trevor has.

Sitting upwards, she stretched her muscles, letting out a satisfying "ah" after loosening up the tension. "I dot know about you, but my muscle could use some more relaxing!" Jumping up she made her way to the jacuzzi, filling the tub up with warm water, using her fingertips as testers to make sure the temperature was just right. Once finished, the knob for the jets was turned on, setting the timer for 10 minutes before it needed to be resettled.

Messing with her apparel, she would wear a nicely fitting striped bathing suit, showing off her curves and lumps as the armor was thick and bulky. She didn't mind that he saw her, not thinking anything less about it. "Come on, the water is justttttt right!"
Raziel chuckled lightly as Zira responded to his remark, continuing the line of conversation. "Numbers-wise, you're better than me right now. Same level, those daggers bump your gear over mine. As for the beta... We got to the fifth level. Didn't clear it, but that's the highest. This floor... We have a skeleton lord, Ixthar. He's slower than Illfang, but his minions are archers," he explained as he watched Zira get up and stretch.

She moved over to the hot tub, and switched to her bathing suit. Despite her comfortability with changing, his own face reddened just slightly as he rose to his feet. He walked over to the side of the tub, near Zira. He went into his own menu, swapping out his outfit. As hits boots unequipped, he felt a small drop onto the floor as the soles vanished below him. His gear shimmered away, leaving him disrobed except for a pair of black swimming trunks with a green stripe down their side.

His eyes drifted sideways to Zira, thankful that they'd switched to their original forms. His own fingertips met the water to check it, a smiling creeping to his face as his nervousness about the situation became hidden by the small feeling of calm that the water instilled. He stepped into the tub, falling to a seated position as he leaned against the side of it. "That's wonderful. Zira! We should grind to make sure we can always get luxury rooms," he joked with a smile to her, tilting his head towards her as he rested in the water just over his chest.
Slightly the water shifted as he entered in, her eyes scanning him form before quickly looking away, cheeks growing rosy red, seeming to be coming from now hot the water was instead of her embarrassment. "Yeah, we do!" She commented, enjoying the luxurious life of this game. "Say, since this game is so lifelike, can you get your own house? A pet?" Never thinking about it before, she wanted to ask the person who knew more about it than her.

"A skeleton, huh? You'll have to teach me how to perfect its movements, that is if it doesn't switch up in us like last time." Ziv would remind Raz of that fatal hit, almost ending his virtual, and reality life. Steam was rising from the temperature, bubbles foaming the surface as it soothed their strained muscles.

"I'm sorry if I've been talking so much, I'm just glad that we made it this far!" Gently she glided her hands in the water, the warm liquid reaching up to her clavicle as she sat down against the seat. If only this were real...
Raziel felt relaxed, it wasn't a feeling he'd gotten used to after they entered into this world. Usually they only took time to rest when they needed to sleep, he was impressed with how well Zira had been dealing with it. He knew he tended to run a bit harder than most players like, but the strategy had kept them leveled up nicely and kept them busy.

"I'll definitely show you his movements, but let's not think about that just yet... It's too nice here to think about stuff that wants to kill us," he responded as he lowered into the water slightly after being reminded of the change. It was safe to assume every boss had minor changes like that and it would be foolish to make the same mistake again. He wouldn't get caught like that again, ofr his own sake and Zira's. He shook as head as she continued, saying, "I like when you talk. It's... Different with your real voice, but... I like it," he restated.

The bubbles of the hot tub made him feel less exposed than he had at first, and being unable to see the rest of Zira made him a bit less shy about their apparel, but he still caught himself admiring her occasionally. Her long white hair was going to be something noticed, for sure, among the world. He couldn't help but grin lightly to himself as he thought about their future in the game. It was likely she would get some fans, down the line. That would be something they'd need to discuss eventually, how to deal with that situation.

He cleared his throat, trying to detract from his thoughts of that as he spoke up, "We've got a way to go... I'll be more careful, and we can play things by ear if anything needs to change," he said decidedly.
"You like it?" She couldn't help but ask, her cheeks reddening from the random comment. "I think it's silly, how you keep complimenting me like this." Zara admitted, tired of hiding the thoughts. She hoped to not have triggered him in a suspicious way, causing him to act more unique around her.

"I like how you sound too... but it's not meaning I didn't like it before either." She couldn't help but giggle, scooting somewhat closer to him, wondering if he woud notice. Slightly she sat up more, the bottom of her breasts touching the water, showing off her cleavage with water droplets in the middle of it.

"I'll be more careful as well, I don't want to mess anything up like last time." She admitted, eyes looking down coyly before back to where they were. It was hard trying not to look at him, eyes bashfully catching a glance before quickly going away.
Raziel became slightly flustered, as was evident in his voice, as he tried to speak in his own defense of the compliments. "I mean I didn't... When you were a guy I... I mean, I don't notice those kinds of things usually," he said with a dismissive wave, his brain now working faster than his mouth, causing him to stammer over his words. He hadn't noticed his new demeanor towards Ziv, and how she might feel if he treated her differently now knowing who she actually was. He didn't want to upset her, but now he couldn't help but see her differently.

Raziel couldn't quite make eye contact with Zira, and didn't notice immediately when she moved closer. He still found himself trying to work what to say, continuing his struggle, "I mean you were cool as Ziv, Im not saying he wasn't... Er, you weren't... Er, you as a guy weren't awesome, you totally were. Just... It's like I'm getting to know you again, and... Well, it's different when we know each other for what we are. I can't help but see you as..." As he cut off, Zira had adjusted her position, and Trevor definitely noticed. It took him a second to recover, where his eyes seemed to search for something to look at to avoid staring.

He quickly found them latching on to Zira's gaze as he continued, his eye contact almost determined, "As a girl. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm just... Not good at talking, I guess," He let out a nevous chuckle before his demeanor shifted. When she commented about messing up, his tone became resolute and focused and his gaze, rather than trying to keep his eyes up, met her own eyes with firmness. "You're strong. You lost focus, but you didn't mess anything up. We've been partners for over a week now, you're getting better and better. Better now than later, anyway," he said, his voice taking an easier tone as he reached the end, smiling to Zira.
Curling her hand up into a tight ball she would laugh at him, not intending to make him feel embarrassed or anything. "I'm sorry, I just can't help but giggle at you." Was the hot water getting to her head? Maybe her helmet was messed up in a certain way... now that she knew the truth about Trevor, her thoughts changed on him as he did with her. She looked at him differently, tearing for comfort. Maybe she was homesick, but either way, she confined in him more than he would ever know.

"Really? I'm getting better?" In disbelief she asked. "You probably see why I suck so bad now, since I'm a girl and all..." Laughing, she teased herself, scooting close enough to him that they would be a few inches apart, almost close enough to brush their arms against each other.

"You've always been great at this game. You're going to be a powerful player, I can already feel it!" She mentioned, hoping he felt the same way about himself. "I really enjoyed this evening with you, thanks for taking the time to spend it with me, it means a lot."
Trevor gave a small shake of his head as Zira continued talking, responding with a small tilt to his head, "Being a girl doesn't make you worse at games. Inexperience is the real factor, and that's all it is for you. You pick things up faster than a lot of the guys I used to play with," As she moved even closer to him, his mind started to race. Her body was very close to his, was she seeking comfort in his presence or deliberately teasing him? It was hard to tell, but with Ziv it could go either way.

That being said, now she was close enough that his eyes could travel quickly over her without being overly noticeable. The way her chest moved with her breasts, to how her hair flowed down her water-flecked skin, to the way her eyes lit up when she smiled and lauged. His mind was a cacophony of thoughts he shouldn't be having, and now he was becoming exceedingly thankful that the foaming of the water prevented her from seeing below his waist. It seemed that the game REALLY strove for realism, even in male reactions.

He leaned towards her slightly, enough for their arms to graze, the feeling of physical contact to her being something he desperately sought at the moment and only felt he could achieve in the most subtle of ways. "I hope to be one of the best. We'll need to be strong to keep each other going... And we may be stuck in this world, but... At least it has its good sides," he said.
The light graze of her skin caused her eyes to slowly sink down, noticing that Trevor scooted close enough to tear apart the distance. Despite the water, his skin was soft, comforting, and she scooted a tad bit closer, their shoulders no longer but instead glued onto each other. "Speaking of its good sides..." Swiping up her inventory, she pulled out a bottle of wine, also receiving it as a loot from the boss.

"What's a celebration without the drinks?" She smiled, twisting the top open before shaking it enough to cause the foam to duplicate, the plug flying off. Quickly, her lips wrapped around the opening to drink the frothy beverage, ensuring none would leak out and go to waste.

After a few powerful gulps, she handed him the bottle, raising her eyebrows in anticipation. "Who needs wine glasses when you can just drunk from the bottle?" She egged the bottle closer to him, insisting he would drink with her. "C'mon!" She nudged if the other hints weren't enough.

If he did take the bottle and sipped on it, she would request for it again, gulping it hungrily before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, using her tongue to lash out and lick the remnants off. The realism of being intoxicated started to go in effect, her eyes blurring as everything shifted in doubles, before focusing back to one thing. Loudly she laughed, her head casually leaning over his shoulder, hair brushing up against his bare chest. "I'm such a lightweight!"
Zira pulled out a bottle of wine, causing Trevor to go momentarily wide eyes in surprise. There hadn't been any alcohol in the beta, he assumed it was something Kayaba had put in as a sort of way to alleviate the world he was putting everyone through. It was surely a type of status effect, if you could drunk off of it... He smiled as she drank a large swig from the bottle. He wondered how long the liquid would last at this rate, taking it gratefully as she passed it to him.

"Cheers then," he said taking a hearty drink from it. He wasn't sure how much would be left, so he ensured to get his fill from the drink. He passed it back afterwards, impressed that the game managed to imbue the burn of the alcohol into a digital beverage. He breathed out ligjtly, watching Zira as she drank more. Her hair brushed against him as he leaned over, the faint touch of the strands creating a very light teasing sensation against him, causing him to give a small exhale as he felt the status effect take place.

It caused his vision to shift, but only slightly. It gave no visual duration, but he was glad he was with someone he could trust. He wondered how it would affect decision making, or if that aspect was more of a placebo. Regardless of what it was, he found himself looking more and more at Zira as it settled in, and he found his hand moving to the small of her back, only lightly touching her as he laughed at her comment. "It sure takes effect faster than the real thing... I's gotta be a skill we can raise... Tolerance or something. Aren't you underage?" he joked with a grin.
"That's the spirit!" Zira cheered, watching as he gulped down the beverage in anticipation. "It's crazy, how real this game feels." She hiccuped, taking another swig at the bottle, more than half already gone. Her head was feeling fizzy, like the bubbles forming at the surface of their bubbly drink. Trevor's body felt hotter than the water, her head continuing to rest on his shoulder in comfort. A faint smile spread against her cheeks, savoring the moment just like she was savoring the wine.

A slight skating sensation tingled at the arch of her back, feeling his fingertips sprawl out to grip at her flesh invitingly. "Underage?!" Spiking the question, she couldn't help but holler. "If I'm underage then you're not even allowed to set foot on this game!" Teasing back, a sly hand landed on his lap, forehead resting on his cheek as she couldn't help but continue to get closer to him.
"Two whole years older than you, and if I didn't set foot in this game who would you need to save? You need me," Trevor responded cheekily with a small splash of water towards Zira at the comment. She was close. Very close. Her head on his shoulder, and her hand had found its way to his leg. He did his best to maintain his composure, trying not to think where her hand was now near. She threw him well off his usual collected nature, struggling to keep his train of thought out of the gutter.

He couldn't see her face any longer with her forehead against his own face, so his eyes no longer had another focal point. Her long hair fell against him as he drew his hand upwards to the nape of her neck, trailing a finger as he spoke. As nervous as he was, he enjoyed her small reaction. "It does feel very real, all the sensations, the effects of the wine... Let's just hope hangovers aren't until a future patch," he said, a small chuckle causing his chest to shift slightly with the laugh.
"That would be awful... a hangover." Giddy giggles left her lips, eyes slightly closed from drinking more than what was good for her. Trevor's gliding finger caused her hair to protrude into handstands, giving her a chill that struck her spine. Without realizing, she pulled away and bit her lower lip, grinning afterwards. Her own hand gripped tightly at his thigh, edging closer to him as she whispered in his ear.

"And you need me too, Trevor." She lunged the words out, her lips so close to touching his earlobe. "Don't forget that I was the one who let that potion slip onto your lips." To emphasize her point, her right index finger, wet with warm water, pressed up against his puckered lips, feeling the smooth texture of them before pulling away, chuckling at her rational behavior. Ziv sat upright, back leaning more against the tubs walls as her chest extended outwards, and in her bathing suit top, two small buds were slightly visible as the clothing clung to her breasts.
The reaction that Zira exhibited at his motion made Trevor's heart pound. As she gripped his things and leaned in, he couldn't help but let a shaky breath escape as he smiled coyly at her behavior. She touched his lips lightly, and the faint hint of pressure that he felt was almost intimidating in that moment. "I don't expect you to let me forget it, don't worry... I'm sure I'll make it up to you," he responded back in a low tone as she removed her hand. She shifted her position, and he almost lamented the loss of how close she'd been until he saw her new chosen posture.

This time, he couldn't stop himself from blatantly staring at her chest for a few moments. Not his most chivalrous moment, but her form was one he couldn't ignore. His hand trailed back down her spine, finding it's way to her side as he held her waist, fingers caressing against her side lightly as he raised his eyes back to her own, flushed slightly as he caught himself.

He reached a hand out to Zira's that was holding the bottle, his fingers curling slightly around her own for only a moment before he removed the bottle from her hand deftly, giving a playful smirk as he took a deep draught from it. Only a few drinks remaining likely, he noted as he offered it back. "This is almost a better drop than the daggers..." he teased, his fingers lightly tapping against Zira's side.
"And how do you go about making it up to me?" She asked, savoring the skating of his fingertips against her flushed skin. It felt natural for him to be doing this to her, almost going unnoticed until a certain touch on her side caused her to jump, Trevor catching a ticklish spot on her. "Hey, play nice." Drunkenly she slurred, taking a hearty gulp at the wine before passing it over to Trevor. They've sat in the tub for a while, their fingers turning prune-like and soaked with water.

"I'd rather have this than the daggers." She hiccuped, laughing after the sudden jolt in her esophagus. "You know how to handle your alcohol." She commented, not entirely noticing an effect on him, but perhaps she was too drunk to notice the differences. A stray left leg would collide with his, coiling around it in an attempt to lock their feet together.

"Trevor... I'm sorry I drank so much." And with further irony, she finished the last few gulps of the wine before the glass disappeared. "We're going to have to get more soon, but first, I think we should lay down soon... My head is spinning."
Trevor chuckled as she fidgeted when he found a ticklish spot, grinning as he responded, "I haven't decided how yet, but I will. Always open to requests though," he teased as he took more caution with where his hand went. His balance was thrown off slightly as their legs intertwined, and he laughed but made no defense, smiling as she drew close once more. She then made her statement about getting out of the hot tub, a thought that immediately evoked a hint of panic for Trevor at his current... Aroused state from Zira's proximity.

"Y... Yeah we should get out soon. Just..." he said, looking around as though for a method of covering for himself. Finding none immediately and having the strange wish of having a towel in his inventory, he looked back to Zira, smiling as he said, "You can drink as much as you like, I'm a bit in to that bottle myself... Besides, can't complain about getting to share a hot tub with such a pretty girl," he said, shifting his position to the side of the hot tub as he continued to construct a plan for getting out.

"We can lay down, that sounds like it'll be a good way to relax more," he said decidedly, removing his hand from Zira's side. It was regretful to leave her side here, but it had to end eventually. He exhaled lightly, attempting to calm himself down in the time he had before exiting the jacuzzi. "Ladies first," he said, a coy time-buying maneuver.
Zira would be unaware of his cheeky idea, gladly lifting from the water as the droplets dribbled off from her skin, giving it a glossy glow. Taking a foot, she hopped over the tub, the other foot soon to follow as she now stood out from it. A nearby towel hung on a rack in the bathroom, gathering two for herself and Trevor, handing it to him before patting herself dry.

Once dry enough, she rustled through her inventory, changing into her nightgown for the remainder of the evening. It was a silky pink nightgown, the spaghetti straps seeming to do little to help her busty breasts, her cleavage still showing as if she never stepped out from her bathing suit. If she were sober, she would never wear this in front of him, but now she didn’t care.

Your turn, unless you wanted to hog up the tub by yourself.” She teased before blushing at his comment, calling her pretty. “I couldn’t complain either by sitting by such a hunk of a guy either.” Winking playfully, she stridden towards a bed, plopping down on it as her back hit the cushion. Her thighs stayed tightly closed, unable to see what was underneath the dress.
Zira left the tub and Trevor watched as she moved the bathroom, victory music playing in his head as she set a towel next to him. She didn't quite know it, but she had saved him once again. Her outfit changed into one of almost just as revealing a nature, and Trevor continued to be fixated on her. As she made her comment, he laughed and moved out of the tub, using the towel to cover his front until he was fully out, whereupon he turned away from Zira to finish drying.

She would likely have been too drunk to notice anyway, but he was glad he had the towel. His trunks were not made of the most restraining material, and sure enough there was an evident, solid bulge in the front. He dried himself off while facing away as he spoke, "Let's consider ourselves both lucky to have such attractive partners," with a laugh as he turned to smile back at Zira. He saw her laying on the bed, eyes drifting over her exposed legs, towards the hem of her dress, and then up her figure until he resided once more at her eye level.

He flushed slightly before clicking through his own inventory, no such sort of night clothes on his menu, and simply selected a casual outfit, a black t-shirt that came with jeans. He would need to do some shopping, or find a way to sleep in his boxers. He moved to his own bed, sitting on the side of it as he looked to Zira once more. "Drink much in the real world? You didn't seem to hesitate with that bottle," he continued, a faint smirk playing at his lips.
"Honestly, I drink here and there, but not like I did tonight." She admitted, coyly playing with her hair as she tangled a strand in her finger. Eyes scanned the ceiling, toes wiggling around before turning over into her side, looking at him better. "What about you, do you drink often? You seemed well off yourself." Her breasts rounded as she laid on her side, the curve of her body being defined more.

"Why are you laying so far away from me?" Drunkenly she asked, patting the side of her bed to invite him over. "I don't bite." She joked, scooting over more for him to take a seat. She really enjoyed his company, more so now drunk than before, and she wondered how he felt about her.

"Do you have anyone in real life?" Bluntly she asked, wondering if he was hiding more from her.
Trevor smiled as he watched Zira, her movements all very enticing and alluring. As she asked him the question, he gave a small shrug as he said, "Not as much, really. I don't do the bar scene, and most of my hangouts with friends are, well, online... This is the first time I've been able to drink in one of those," he said with a grin. He laughed as she patted the bed, nodding as he moved and sat down by her side. The beds weren't very large, causing their proximity to be similar to that in the hot tub. He laid back against the pillows, smiling as he looked to Zira. "You don't? That's a shame," he said teasingly.

At her final question, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Of course not. I take things too seriously, and getting me to go out somewhere with people I don't know is like pushing a cow downstairs. Or is it upstairs? Whatever, there's some clever analogy there. It's totally impressive," he said jokingly with a grin to Zira. "What about you? Hard to believe you haven't caught anyone's eye."
The mattress underneath them shifted from the added weight, their skin brushing once more. Warmly she smiles, the void she felt now full as he was by her side again. It made her feel good, that she was one of the few he shared moments like these with, even alcohol. Laying back down on her back, she turned her head over to him, listening to his reply.

"Really? You're shitting me." She perked up, shocked to hear the news. "I tend to stay away from men, just a personal preference due to my friends getting dragged in shitty situations." Puffing out her cheeks she huffed a breath of air.

"You want me to bite?" She followed up on his comment, changing the aura before bending in to nibble at his arm playfully, laughing as she pulled away. "There you go, a bite was ensured!"
Raziel laughed as he responded to Zira, pointing to himself as he commented, "Yeah, men suck. We cause all sorts of problems," in a playful tone as he nudged Zira's side lightly. Then she followed up her statement, biting him playfully on the arm, to which he couldn't help but grin as he looked to her. "I think my HP just lowered," he said in a wounded tone, though clearly joking.

His features reverted to calm and warm as he looked to Zira, turning to face her as he propped himself up on his elbow. "Poor Ziv. Thinking 'oh good, a fellow girl to play with' before finding out she was deceived, stuck playing with me as her teammate! Alas!" he said dramatically, falling back onto the bed as he moved a hand up to touch the back of it to his forehead in a showy manner. His eyes fell back to Zira as he smirked, saying, "Not so bad playing with me though, right? Daggers and wine. You can go ahead and think of those as a reward for saving me oh so graciously."

It was obvious he found himself -hilarious-. Minor chuckles kept escaping as he did his best to keep a straight face as he admired Zira. As much as he joked, he was truly grateful to have her with him. He felt important, helpful, and protected at the same time. He wasn't used to anyone having his back like she did, and he knew that he would do whatever it took to get them both out alive. The alcohol did seem to affect his subconscious,
as his hand moved to trail lightly over Zira's arm. "I don't make you uncomfortable, do I?" he asked, thoughts playing on whether or not she actually was stuck with him. She could just decide to stop working together, after all.
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