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.:: Iᴍᴍᴜʀᴇᴅ ::.. [Tsᴀɪʀ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

"Poor Ziv? Poor Raziel, thinking he'd be paired up with a strong 'bro', someone he could confine in, only to have a bimbo pop out and crush your dreams." Whatever he tainted her with, she would taint right back at him, laughing at herself just as much as he was with himself. Even if the joke really wasn't funny, in her drunken state, everything was hilarious. Like, knee-slapping funny.

"I suppose that's a good reward, but it didn't necessarily come from you repaying m, but nice try with thinking of a clever way to avoid it." She would wink, sighing out in relief as his comforting hand played with her flesh.

His question caught her off guard, shifting slightly upwards as a brow was raised. "Why do you think you make me uncomfortable?" She would search in his eyes, trying to find an underlying reason to his question. "Am laying by you, I've spent my entire time with you, so why would I be uncomfortable?" Sincerely she gripped the back of his hand, stroking it in circular motions with her thumb.
Trevor smiled as she laughed at her own joke as well, snickering at it himself as he responded, "I MUCH prefer sharing a hot tub with you than with any guy," with a smile. As she responded to his comment on the reward, he faked a pout as he said, "I'll just need to figure something out. I can give you a massage?" he teased playfully with a wink. As she continued on, he gave a small squeeze to her arm in gratitude as she placed her hand on his. The feeling of warmth made him smile softly, and he spoke in a quiet voice, as though unsure of the proper words to use.

"Just... I mean, I'm a guy, and you're obviously a pretty girl. I just don't want you to act one way towards me while secretly resenting me. Just drunken paranoia, don't mind it," he said, eyes closing briefly as he attempted to clear the thoughts. He focused on the moment they were in, Zira lying by his side, her hand on his, feeling her skin underneath his touch... It was calming. He opened his eyes once more, the blue orbs looking to Zira's as he said, "I wouldn't want any other partner. You have more than proven yourself, and there's no hesitation that I would trust you in a life or death moment.
But... This? Us here... I'd rather be with no one else here either."
He stopped himself there, leaning back against the pillows. He didn't want to make things too heavy at the moment, but it was hard not to become emotional as she became closer to him than he'd let most others.
Trevor was full of surprises tonight, the wine spiking his thoughts to ignite and talk/ask questions he normally wouldn't sober. Regardless of his state of mind, Zira admired his words, grinning as far as her lips would allow to be stretched. She wasn't use to being talked so highly, especially by a guy. "Am I acting different now than how I was before? To me, I feel as if we got closer." She laid down once the intense moment ceased, resting her head on his chest to hear the light hums of his heart beating. I wonder if this is his true heartbeat right now... She questioned to herself, enjoying the soothing lub-and-dub sounds.

"I wouldn't want to spend it with no one else either. It had to of been fate, there couldn't be another way that we're teamed up like this." Her legs started to twist with his nonchalantly, snuggling him tightly, her breasts pressing against his side, the buds of her nipples slightly digging into his skin, of course not meaning to do it on purpose. "But please, promise me that you won't worry about how I feel for you. I won't leave, okay. I pinky promise, like we did before." Willingly, she clasped her own pinky with his, giving it a light shake.
"I mean I never got to see you drunk before, so maybe not. But it's definitely different than it would be if you were a guy," Trevor responded with a soft laugh, imagining if they'd acted the same way while remaining in their in game forms. As she rested her head on his chest, he slowed his breathing, not wanting to disurpt her comfort.

As she continued, she pressed against him, her breasts and her legs against him had caused his heart rate against Zira's ear to beat noticeably faster. He moved an arm around her and settled his hand along her back with the angle she was layingx deciding that she probably wouldn't be opposed and pushing his luck. He wasn't about to mention her position in case she didn't notice, or intend to. If it was unintentional, he didn't want it to end, and if it was intentional, mentioning it might make her back off. Regardless, the various scenarios that played through his head ceased once she grabbed his pinky with her own.

"I mean, how we feel about each other is kind of a big thing... But I won't doubt you. I trust that you want to be here... I won't leave, and I won't push you away. Promise," he said with a warm smile as his pinky wrapped around hers, giving a firm squeeze as he relaxed slightly. He didn't let go immediately, relishing the feeling of their hands, and her body so close with his, almost intertwined. He was feeling more comfortable than he had in his entire time here, despite the fast heart rate.
The warmth his body provided soothed her, almost causing a kitten-like purr to erupt in her throat. He was warm, comfortable, and soothing, Zira heaving a deep sigh, a sign of being relaxed. The drumming of his little ticker spiked in rate, causing her to shift her head around in reaction, getting comfortable again. "You okay?" She asked, noticing the difference in his respiration and heart rate, not aware that she was the one to blame.

"I won't leave either, Trevor. You're too great of a person, you got my back and I got yours!" A squeak of a hiccup blurted outwards, giggling as the sensation tickled the back of her throat. "You're sooo comffyyyy..." She stretched, extending her limbs to hear a pop in her joints before wrapping them around him furthermore, tighter than before, but loosened their grip.

"Sorry if I'm talking to much, if you're tired you can sleep... I tend to ramble when I'm a bit tipsy." Ziv apologized, not wanting to annoy him despite his sincere words moments ago.
Trevor normally would've spent more time forming the response, but he had a slight alert when she mentioned his slight shift in demeanor. "I'm fine just...really like how close you are," he said, his brain failing to filter out a proper response. His attempt had been to cover up his arousal from her proximity, but his words came out in a manner of someone unable to form coherent thought. He gave a slightly nervous laugh as he said that, piping up, "...I.. mean..." he said before giving up on covering his words. Perhaps she hadn't really heard anyway, he thought as she stretched and reclaimed him in her grasp.

She made her second statement, and he looked to her, saying, "I don't mind talking at all, long as you don't regret it once you're sober," playfully as he maintained a neutral tone. "But we can call it a night if you'd like, let you sleep off that buzz... Just would need to go back to my bed for that," he said with a smirk, moving his hand to designate her legs around his lightly drawing a finger across them as he pointed.
"You're funny when you can't think of what to say." Zira blurted outwards, not really paying attention to his reasoning and more of the stuttering. Her eyes were growing heavy, the thought of sleep not seeming to sound like a bad idea. Just a few more moments and she would be fast asleep...

"No, don't go!" She wailed out, hugging him tighter, nuzzling her face in his chest in an attempt to keep him in place. "You're staying here." Pouting, she lifted her head to show that saddened lower lips sticking out, eyes filled with pleading. "If you don't have enough room, I'll just sleep on top of you, you're too comfy to pass up." She lifted up and hovered over top of him, her nightgown slightly creasing to show her cleavage, before plopping down onto him.

"Nnghhhh~" She cooed, already comfortable, unknowing if he was or not.
Note to self. You will -never- be able to say no to this girl when she pouts. The thought swirled in Trevor's brain as Zira shifted her position, hovering over him momentarily before dropping onto him. She wasn't heavy, but he didn't expect her to actually do it and let out a small puff of air as she collapsed on to his body. Feeling her against him was... Intense. It's true that they likely could have slept next to each other, but he wasn't about to turn this down.

He gave a playful sigh of defeat as he said, "Whatever you want. I'll sleep here," before moving his arms around her waist. He laid his head back, closing his eyes as he relented, the small sounds that Zira made as she got comfortable were some of most adorable he'd ever heard. It wouldn't be long at this rate before he drifted off himself. "Sweet dreams."
Zira had fallen asleep rather quickly, Trevor’s warmth and comfort keeping her at rest as she slept throughout the night. The room grew brighter as dawn crept into the blinds, causing her eyes to flutter open, soaking in the rays before adjusting. Shifting around to get into a comfortable position, she noticed something rough underneath her. Glancing down, Trevor was laying there, soundly asleep, horror burning in her cheeks before she hollered, quick to get off him.

As she stood at the edge of the bed, she left rather chilly, only to glance down to see the outfit she was wearing, completely mortified that any of this happened, let alone she couldn’t remember it! With hasty fingers she quickly changed her apparel to her every-day outfit, her heart racing and palms sweaty.

How long was I like that for…? Did we…? Her hands cuffed her mouth, wondering if they did anything last night that she wasn’t aware of in the morning, but she trusted Trevor to be more respectful.
Dreams of the previous day's swirled through Trevor's mind. Meeting Ziv. A mirror. The transformation. Killing kobolds. Zira in her bathing suit. Daggers. Wine. Zira in her nightgown. Meeting Ziv again, except this time his head was a steak. Moving up to the second floor. Yelling.

Oh wait no, yelling was real. Yelling was waking him up.

Trevor roused at the sound of Zira yelling, eyes rough and head pounding. Hangovers were DEFINITELY an implemented possibility. He looked to Zira, seeing the look on her face, and his heart dropped. He could tell that she was either upset by what happened or didn't remember. He turned red, ashamed of himself for letting things get carried away how they did. He should have stopped her.

Raziel began to speak, opening his mouth but failing to find any words. He rose to a sitting posture, not making eye contact with Ziv. "We drank in the hot tub. We laid down, you fell asleep on top of me. We didn't do anything else." His tone was quiet and firm. He rose to his feet, moving to the bathroom and closing the door before changing to his gear. OHHHHH man did you fuck up. The thought tore at him, and he ran water to splash it onto his face.

It was only a short time before he emerged from the bathroom, looking to Ziv before giving a small sigh. "I'm sorry." His words were softer now, and he still avoided eye contact. His head was pounding, the light was hurting his eyes, and his mind was attacking him for what he'd allowed to happen. He quietly brought up a party invite window, sending the invitation to Ziv. He then looked to her, as though unsure if she still wanted to work with him.
Zira listened to what he had to say, but didn’t respond as he exited to go to the bathroom, letting the words hang in the air and sink in. As he mentioned it, some memories flowed back, remember bits and pieces of the night, especially the part where she clung onto him…

Idiot! She dug her palms into her face, shaking her head from embarrassment before hearing the door open, straightening her posture to act as if nothing had happened when he was away. Gently she tapped her toe into the floor, not sure what to say.

Hey, it’s okay, it takes two to act crazy, huh?” Gently she nudged him with her elbow, mustering the courage to not blush too harshly. “Besides, as far as I can remember, you were warm.” A sincere smile spread against her lips before a light ‘ting’ popped on her screen, accepting his invitation without any haste.

The last thing she wanted him to know was how much she enjoyed last night.

C’mon, we’ve got some work to do!” Grapping his wrist she would lead the way like she did before, exiting the room as they set off towards the quest bots and objects that could be slayed for experience. “I say it’ll take a week to get prepared for the next boss.
Zivs demeanor seemed to have changed as Raziel left the bathroom, and she seemed to forgive him for his actions. He didn't respond immediately, however, just giving a small smile at her comment. She was trying to make him feel better about it, and he was thankful for that. He was relieved that she still took the invitation, giving a small breath of relief.

He followed her out, being led along as usual as she took the lead right up until they actually needed to figure out where they were going. He enjoyed that though, and a smile that carried the warmth of Trevor from the night before touched Raziel's lips. He regained his discipline quickly however, responding in a more calculated and formal tone than Ziv was used to. "There's a certain order of quests we can do to maximize our gains, they're pretty safe... Basically just a bunch of loot'n'scoot missions. We'll hit probably level... Seven? Before we get to the primary dungeon..." he explained, detailing their plan for the next few days, as they set out to the floor beyond the castle city.

- - - -

The next day, the pair were set out to acquire gear from the shop. Their drops had been solid, but there was still some starter gear that they needed to dump out to prepare for the times ahead, and they had the col to do it. Raziel and Ziv had slept on their own beds the night before, and while they were working hard to keep at their pace, Raziel had been using that same strange tone with Ziv, it was familiar as the one she'd heard him use when speaking with Trystal.

They arrived at the shop, The Castle Smith, and Raziel looked to Ziv as he said, "You definitely need some boots. Increase your agility, you'll be able to do more jumps and acrobatics. I'm going to be focusing on my defense, I'll likely be on the main force again," as he tapped through some inspecting menus. He looked over to Ziv, as though asking for her input as he examined stats
Zira knew that Raz was taking this seriously, showing a side of his vocal range she wasn't accustomed to, but didn't take offense to it. It was reassuring to have someone that knew what they were doing in her side, but she felt useless as she was clueless.

Upon arriving at the shop, she took his suggestions to heart, inspection the stats in the boots that were in price range as well as havinf a good chunk of agility so she wouldn't have to buy more clothing sooner than later. Finding a decent pair, she purchased them, as well as some gauntlets and a belt. Proudly she equipped her new items, displaying them fashionably.

"Ready to try out our new gear?" She asked, already heading out the door. Nearby there was a quest with a young boy who needed help to get his sentimental ring back from a trio of robbers, so it would be the perfect time to show off what their new goodies could do.
Raziel had picked out a new bit of Torso gear, the armor didn't affect his movements yet still raised his damage reduction. He was glad to have it, as even one HP might be the difference between going home and dissipating into pixels. He also took a headband that would reduce his skill use time, ensuring that he wouldn't be stuck in an animation when he needed to dodge.

He nodded to Ziv as they began on the road towards their objective marker. "Let's do that. We should take our usual formation, I'll keep them off you while you get your ranged attacks in. Prioritize those I don't currently have engaged, yada yada," he said as he went over a quick strategy. The quest should be easy for them, the numbers not very overwhelming. The issue was the bandits had more health and did more damage than common mobs, so they'd need to be careful.

They arrived at the camp site of the bandits, Raziel waited next to Ziv, not sure where the enemies were going to spawn. It was only a short time before the clanking of metal unsheathing could be heard, and the bandits spawned just outside of the camp near the pair. Raziel looked to Ziv with a smile before darting in, his blade ripping into the first bandit, who was armed with a kukri. He didn't go into a skill just yet, opting for the lesser damage rather than likely taking a hit during the end of the animation. He had all the aggro for now, and had to rely on Ziv to deal the heavy hits.
As the bandits spawned, Zira exchanged a smile his way, nodding her head in approval before the broke off and stuck to their planned mechanics. As Raz held them off, her daggers dragged along the back of one of the enemies, red slash marks making him look like a reddened zebra. With her new items, especially her rare daggers, his health plummeted to almost half health, giving her an noticing spike of interest in her new capabilities.

Wondering how much damage would happen if she showcased a skill, her daggers flicked into a purple glow, recharging as <Star Splash> made its grand appearance. Scattered like randomized stars her daggers would pierce inconsistently on his back, the finishing move slicing his gullet until he was gone.

Two more to go.

"You're doing great, feel free to kill one too if needed." She breathed out, changing her stance before digging her heel into the soil, flailing her arms in a ballet twist as three petite blades danced chaotically, striking both men. It didn't do much, but any health loss was a good thing.
Raziel couldn't help but smile as he looked back at Zira after her kill on the first. He gave an impressed whistle before he moved to engage the next one. Zora did her maneuver to throw the blades, and he gave a laugh as he looked to her. "Hilarious. I'll carry my weight, don't you worry," he said as he rounded his target, taking the opening to use <Evading Cut>. The bandits swing missed Raziel, as he darted around to jab his blade into the enemies side. His own weaponry, while not as potent as Ziv's, still took off a solid chunk of health from the enraged marauder.

Zira then... Pirouetted? He froze mid combat, saying indignantly,"That wasn't even a skill! You're just showing off," with a grin. His tone once again carried the notion of closeness the two had shared, and he turned back to the bandit, administering his own newest skill to finish him off. <Mirror strike> triggered as Raziel pointed his sword at his target, twisting it as he lunged forward. The system carried his arm faster than he could move it, two powerful thrusts at near the same time as he tore through the rest of the bandits health. The move had a long cool down, but if he killed his target with it it allowed him to immediately react with no exhaustion.

He came out of the move, his blade shooting up to meet the last bandits axe, looking back to Ziv as he held it in the air. "We might actually be overleveled for this," he said, a truly impressed tone in his voice. He hadn't seen Zivs daggers in the beta, so perhaps it gave them a power bump he hadn't planned for. Regardless, their pace would keep them leveling at the expected rate, they'd just be much safer.
"I think you're just jealous." She mocked, giving a playing grin before dicing up her foes like raw meat. It was incredible, the rush of feeling slightly overpowered. Zira would make a promise to herself to not let it get over her head. In unison, they would hit the last bandit, the item the boy requested falling to the ground. Ziv picked it up, glancing at it before storing it securely into her inventory.

"Okay, let's get that loot of ours! You diggin' your new stuff?" She asked as they strolled back to the young man. Despite being an NPC, the delightful expression on his face once getting the item back almost caused a tear to shatter to the ground, happy to be of assistance. A good simp of Col and experience was tossed their way, the boy happily grinning before needing to be reset for the next player to come along.

"We were either very squishy or we are just powerful." Zira spoke, almost wanting to go for a real challenge, but didn't want to get them in trouble.
Raziel grinned as they conversed while fighting, his eyes focused in combat despite the side talk they were having. "Me? Jealous? No way, i could totally dance and fight if I felt like it," he teased back with a laugh, before they moved to strike down the final bandit. They struck at nearly the same time, and Ziv collected the loot before they began to head back. The reward wasn't huge, but it was enough for them to make up some of their equipment spending.

He walked away as the cheerful boys face seemed to drift back into sorrow, the item that they'd just returned suddenly missing once more. It detracted slightly from the realism, but it was hard to not do so while remaining fair to everyone. He cocked his head slightly to Ziv as he said thoughtfully, "Well, power is subjective. We're definitely more powerful than I was when we hit the floor in the beta, but it's also our team work getting better and better." Their progress was moving along nicely, but they still had a bit of a way to go before they'd be comfortable going into the boss fight. He'd wondered if they'd be the ones to find the boss door again, smiling lightly at the idea.

He thought at their current strength, they might be able to get levels in the dungeon... But the area was probably currently swarming with parties trying to get as deep as they can. They risked more than Trevor was willing to, as he looked over to Zira pensively. "Another day or two, and we'll likely be ready to try delving into the dungeon... Y'know, some players are starting to play in parties if four or more, it makes leveling take a lot longer, but the security it gives them... Makes it worth it I guess? What do you think?" he asked. He'd been playing with the idea of increasing their hunting groups size, but he liked that it was just the two of them.
The idea of having more than themselves in the group sounded well for security purposes, but the idea was unsettling, but she wouldn't show it. He tended to know what was best, and she would ensure it was one of the right decisions. "Are you contemplating on gathering more people?" She inquired, eyes scanning the ground as they paced. "It would be hard since groups are pretty much established already." She suggested, but there was sure to be someone out there that was a loner, like Trystal.

"Do you have someone in mind?" She couldn't help but ask, curious if he had his eyes set on someone that she wasn't aware about. A hint if jealousy tingled in her core, obviously not letting it show. "It shouldn't be much longer before we can get our hands onto the third floor."
Raziel seemed to mull over the idea, but Zira showed hesitation. She likely hadn't been considering it, which gave Trevor a bit of relief as he shook his head, saying, "Just idle thoughts. People have been getting into bigger groups, I'm sure by the next few floors they'll start forming guilds... I just didn't want you to be left out from them. I know we're good together, but I don't want you to feel restricted," as they walked. The usual hunting hours were drawing to a close, and Raziel glanced at his menu.

"As long as we keep our pace and our levels up, you shouldn't have much trouble finding a group if you find yourself looking for one. People always want string players, and you're already going to have a name for yourself with that last hit you pulled off,' he said with a sidelong glance towards Ziv. It was true, he'd already heard people talking about Ziv, and it was likely that she'd heard it as well. It's hard to not pay attention to someone who got one of the best drops available, while also looking like she did. He would be surprised if the moment he wasn't around she didn't start getting offers from most of the top groups.

He paused at the thought of them always being together. They didn't really spend time apart since starting, except the odd time when they wanted to eat different things. That was likely a factor of what kept people away. "You know, with all eyes on you, I probably look like a sidekick," he stated as his thoughts mulled over the perspective.
"I'm fine with just us, if you want my honest opinion." Cocking her head to the side she would glance at him momentarily before continuing her sight on what was in front of her. Sure, she heard subtle comments about her, but it's not like she did anything on purpose, it was by chance and luck. If anyone should be gettin the credit, it would be Raziel. Let alone, minor comments of girls commenting on his appearance set her off, causing her body to tense, but she disregarded their googling words, knowing that they wouldn't be able to get what they want anyways.

"I didn't even do anything!" She protested, stopping on her tracks in front of him to point an accusing finger in his face, waving it around to say 'no'. "You're the one that's carrying me, isn't your back heavy from my added weight!?" She commented, placing her hands sassily on her hips, inspecting him from head-to-toe.

"You give yourself more discredit than you think, so many people talk about you, and I know it won't be long for someone to come by and request your assistance in a guild or something like that." Turning around her arms crossed over her breasts, hiding the pout from her face.
Raziel smiled and nodded as she said she just liked it as the two of them, glad to hear it. "Hoped you'd say that. I'm fine with it too, and we're strong enough to clear things with just us that others are bringing big groups for. We'll be the strongest when we get to the boss," he said proudly. As they walked and she spoke, Zira stopped and turned, making the gesture as she continued.

He held back a smile, watching her before replying, "It doesn't matter who did damage, what everyone saw was a badass leaping in to save a girl who got slammed aside. A badass, who I might add, that when all eyes were on him changed to their true form, one that would've caught eyes even if they hadn't already been on you." As she turned around, Trevor walked up, putting a hand on her side as he pressed his forehead against Zira's shoulder.

"I'm too standoffish for people to make that offer. I tend to glare. Not intentionally, just how my face looks when I'm not talking to you," he teased as he then removed his forehead, taking a mock formal tone as he mocked his 'business' tone. "A guild would reduce my experience gains to an unpleasant amount, and the loot would be spread too thin to warrant hunting at all without pushing our limits," he said before snickering slightly at himself. It was honestly probably what he would say if someone offered.

"And if I was carrying you, we'd still be back on floor one. I wouldn't be taking you places where I had to rely on you. But you're strong. I remember when you barely knew the game, all of a couple weeks ago," he teased, poking her side in the spot he'd previously discovered to be ticklish. "Besides, there are other reasons I like it just being us."
"I still don't feel as if I should be getting as much attention as I am, it's awkward, and I honestly do not deserve any recognition at all. You, on the other hand..." it was obvious what she was going to say, not even wasting time to say what was already known. His tactical speech couldn't stop her from smiling, laughing at how spot-on he was.

"If you put it that way I hope I don't drag you down. Yeah, it's just two of us, but you could be getting more without me." As she said it, a tiny fear bubbled up, wondering if he'd ever get any ideas on departing. No, he's not like that, he wouldn't do that. Reassuringly she thought, his touch sendinrg her mind fluttering from the negative thoughts. He was getting comfortable around her, and gently she rested her cheek on his head that resided in her shoulders.

"I wouldnt get this strong if it wasn't for you, you know. So, like I said, TAKE SOME DAMN CREDIT!" And with that tickle spot he targeted, she jolted, turning around to give him a glare before attempting the same maneuver, unsure if he was even ticklish to begin with.

"So, what's the other reasons then?" He peaked her curiosity, unaware that there were more reasons behind his stance with staying with her.
Trevor rolled his eyes as she made her stance on who deserved the recognition. He was just another beta player, but even the beta players knew that Ziv wasn't from it... Her style was very unique, and it didn't hold to the usual rote of class types. Trevor smiled as she gave him the credit, and he gave a small nod as he agreed, saying, "Not saying I didn't have a part in it, just saying which of us IS catching the public attention."

He laughed as she jumped from his touch, lunging back with a faint yelp as she retaliated. He held his hands out in front of him defensively as he beamed towards her, before she asked the follow up question. He hesitated only slightly as he held his hands out, lowering them when he saw the threat had passed. "I mean, I would totally be jealous if you started teaming with someone else. We get along very well and know each other's tactics, adding another person would throw that off. I wouldn't be able to know for sure that someone's there to keep you alive. Then, I'd also have to buy my own room, wouldn't share with someone else, and that'd cut on my funds," he added the last line with a humurous tone, grinning to Zira playfully.
Zira smiles, her grind as white as winter snow. "Awe, I had no idea you felt like that towards me!" She couldn't help but excitedly wrap her arms around him, hugging him tightly in a bear hug before releasing her grip. "Maybe we can buy a home on a nice level? It'll save us some cash, as well as have a place of our own, that's if you don't feel strange to do that, and you even said it yourself a moment ago." She would prove him wrong if he begged to differ.

"If only you knew how I feel about you." She played with her words, tossing them at him to spike his curiosity too, wanting to make him ponder about the words that she let sit in the air. "C'mon, let's prepare for tomorrow. I want to finish and go to the next floor."


The adventures woke up bright and early, starting their day already with quests and learning new tactics, but she couldn't help but keep the words on her mind from what he said lastnight about others impression of her.

"Hey, I got an idea." She hinted after they retrieved their reward from a quest, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. "How about we have a battle, to see who really has the upper hand? "
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