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.:: Iᴍᴍᴜʀᴇᴅ ::.. [Tsᴀɪʀ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

Zira couldn’t help herself but to blink at his suggestion about a mini vacation, never thinking about the idea until he brought it up. The main question was how would they take a vacation in the game? They’ve been working so hard that relaxing was never proposed. “I like the sound of that, just thinking about it already makes me want to sigh in relief.” She changed her attire to casual clothing before sprawling against her bed, nestling her head into the pillow before gazing at Trevor on her side.

A distant memory of the night they both drank crept into her thoughts, causing her cheeks to redden before burying her head into the pillow to rid of the embarrassing memories. “I don’t feel confident in trusting anyone else to have the determination to get through these levels like us." Zira changed the subject, more to settle her uneasy feelings. “I’ve already heard that some players formed groups to try and kill others. Why would anyone want to do anything so… foul?

Don’t they realize that they’re only postponing their freedom? Let alone if they manage to survive long enough to get out of here that they could face charges?” She shook her head in disbelieve, biting the inside of her cheek agitatedly. “I just worry, because not only are we faced with boss’s and minions, we’re fighting with players too… Sorry for rambling. I just get worked up.” Nervously she laughed before yawning, signifying soon she would be fast asleep. “Get some rest, I don’t want to stay on this floor much longer.” She laughed before rolling over onto the opposite side and closed her lids before gently being swept away with her dreams.

“Alright, it’s time to get up!” Zira excitedly pushed Trevor against his shoulders, nudging the sleeping man awake before taking a step back and smiling brightly at him. “Lets try and find get as much done today as possible!
"The next floor is the last one we got through in the beta... And its a very good one for the vacation, you'll see," he promised with a warm smile as he laid back in his own bed, closing his eyes as he listened to Zira's thoughts. The recent upsurge in player killers had been unsettling, but it was mostly for show at the moment. There hadn't been any major reports of attacks on players, it seemed more as a threatening statement than for actual hate... though it seemed like that notion wouldn't last.

Regardless, it was certain to have a few people take things too far, and the group's would need to be stopped. That was one of the reasons Raziel worked so hard to keep their levels up, so that only other top players would even be able to pose a threat. As long as they stood on good terms there, it was unlikely to be a real issue.

Zira fell asleep and Trevor looked over to her with a small smile, admiring her sleeping form. He let out a sigh as he closed his own eyes, allowing sleep to take hold.

- - - - - -

Trevor's coherent thought began with being shaken slightly and opening his eyes to a way-too-excited-this-early Zira. He cracked a smile as he rose up, rubbing his eyelids as he yawned before standing. Their plans were to go discover the boss lair today after securing the rose.

They left rather abruptly, eagerly moving to clear the area they had discussed previously. Sure enough, it wasn't long before they both had the item. They also cleared the area a few more times, stockpiling the item to share with other members of the raid and for future use.

Some time later, they were deep in the dungeon, looking for the door to the boss's chamber, walking side by side as Raziel poked at the map he had displayed. "Well We still have... four hallways unsearched. Can lead to more turns, but we're getting there..." he began, wiping sweat from his brow. They had agreed to not use the roses yet, saving them for the day of the boss fight.
Zira tucked in a stray hair from her face to rest behind her ear as she leaned over to search the map that Trevor was wielding. Carefully she inspected each path, wondering which one would lead to the boss door. “It would be faster to split up, but I wouldn’t advise it.” She placed her thoughts into the air, their stroll continuing as only their footsteps could be heard. Trevor’s words from last night had her wondering of how the new floor would be, as it was a good spot for a vacation.

We’re going to have to be very careful since you don’t even know what’s going to happen after we get to the new floor.” Zira twiddled her fingers as the thought of even Trevor not knowing spooked her. “How many times did you die in the beta?” Bluntly she asked, not wanting to startle him with fearful thoughts but knew that he mistakes from the beta would help him to be the strong player he was today. Without his guidance, Zira would be as good as gone.

The first hallway that they didn’t search held no promise to the boss door, directing them to go further down towards the next hallway. Sweat coated her body and she felt filthy from it, yearning to take a bath to rid of the sticky liquid from her form. Another dead end, no boos door on this hallway. In the near distance, a dim light of a flickering flame caused its shadow to dance on a wall. “I think we’re almost there.
The mention of splitting up only caused Raziel to walk closer to Ziv, their arms almost touching as they worked their way through the halls. His map guided them to the other tunnels as they spoke, exploring carefully. The mention of his deaths in the beta put him on edge as he looked briefly to Zira. "....more than I could count. At least ten. To be fair, I was... testing physics and things, like I can't do now... but I died a few times... it never really had as big of an impact s it does now... respawning was weird, but... not an experience we can test," he mumbled out lightly, nudging her gently for comfort from the thought.

Her next words were accurate, as the next hallway they checked led towards what ended up being the massive boss door. Their previous conversation had left him slightly wary, and his usual excitement at finding the boss door now held a caution that was dominant. He looked to Zira and nodded."Lets get this information back.... any luck, we can get the raid in tomorrow, and be on the next floor by that night. We need that vacation...," he teased, cracking a smile.
The aura from the conversation they had in the abandoned hallway would still linger as they made their way back into town to relay their discovery on the boss door to the others. It was beginning to sink in that from here on out things would be harsher and less calculated. A risk they would have to take if they wanted to advance to the upcoming floors.

We’ll get a raid team tomorrow, we’re ready to get off this floor.” Excel sighed before wiping the bead of sweat on her brow with the backside of her hand. She looked drained and exhausted, and Zira couldn’t blame her as she too felt the same way.

I suspect it’ll be slightly hotter when we enter into the boss room, so Raziel and I gathered a few extra items to help add a cooling effect for us.” Zira dug into her inventory as she mentioned the flower, pulling it out to hand to Excel, giving her a few extra to disperse to others.

Thanks guys, keep up the good work. I’ll see you tomorrow at the local in-town gazebo.” She nodded at both, bidding them farewell, before taking her leave. Zira made sure to stride closely beside Trevor as they made their way back to the chilled air. Their job was done for the day, their levels ripened for the new battle; all ahead of schedule.

Too bad we can’t take off our armor to help with the heat.” She teased before feeling coy about her choice of wording, glancing down at her feet with a faint hue of pink sprinkled on her cheeks.
Trevor hadn't seen excel for the entire floor, so he was glad that Zira and he were able to check in before the actual raid event. As they shared the cooling items, the hard work had paid off and they were as prepared as they could be for this fight. As Excel took her leave, Trevor fell back into his relaxed demeanor, taking a breath of air as he fanned himself briefly. He still hasn't gotten used to the heat.

As Zira made her remark about removing armor, Trevor's own face reddened slightly. "Wouldn't recommend it during the boss fight, but we can wear our casual clothes back in our room at least," he suggested. He walked through town, conscious of how close he was to Zira, their arms almost brushing as they paced through town.

They arrived at their room and Trevor flopped onto the bed comfortably, letting out an exhale. The pair had worked hard the past few days, if they took a vacation on the next floor they would have earned it.
The familiar coolness in the air struck their face once they entered into the security of their room, Zira sighing in relief before stretching her aching limbs. “I can’t wait for the next level, it’s going to be a blast to relax for once!” The enthusiasm in her tone was apparent. Sitting on the edge of her bed her feet would dangle against the frame, hands raised as she searched through her apparel options before selecting her casual attire. The weight of her armor left and was replaced by the smoothness Of polyester.

“Thanks for continuing to stick by my side. You could’ve easily left and went on your own, but you didn’t.” She grinned before swaying her feet slightly. Her hues darted to his features, admiring his chiseled jawline and almond-shaped eyes, the remnants of star dust glistening in his orbs. Her heart picked up pace, making it hard to catch a breath of air. Embarrassment reddened her cheeks before she retreated and glanced away, hoping her thoughts wasn’t obvious.
Trevor turned his face towards Zira as she spoke, nodding with a smile as he responded. "Yeah. We've been going pretty hard though, and even if somehow others get ahead of us, we can catch up pretty quickly.. We'll definitely need to participate in the boss fight, but... it'll be the last floor that we have information on. After that, things will be getting much rougher," he mused as he let out a sigh. He knew that if they were going to take a break, it had to be now. They couldn't afford to take time without learning the floors and the possible enemy themes of the boss room, it would be life or death for information.

He watched as her eyes stayed on him briefly before she looked away with a blush, hinting him in that he was also staring. His own gaze when to the ceiling as he cleared his throat. "Seems like its been so long since we started... less than two months have passed," he ackownledged, doing mental calculations on the amount of time that had gone by.
"Wow... two months..." Zira was so hung up on trying to get out of the game that time didn't mean anything to her anymore. "Makes you wonder about the real world around our vegetative-state bodies." Another unfamiliar thought; IV's and tubes running in and out of her body, her hair growing and unkempt, living off machines and the help of registered staff. "Say, do you think that after we beat this game we'll meet in real life?" She kept her eyes on the ceiling, already coy after Trevor caught sight of the red in her cheeks.

Something about him laying in bed made her want to curl up beside him, rather it be for companionship or comfort her worrying mind. Regardless, she deemed it inappropriate and resisted the urge. It brought back memories of when she drank far too much and hung around him like a harlot. Gently she giggled to herself, admiring the time she got to spend with him.
As Zira brought it up, the thought hung heavy in Trevor's head. He wondered what was happening to his body, if anyone was visiting him... he'd been thankful that he was apparently relocated to a hospital, the thought had worried him initially that nobody would think to check on him. Now, he knew that all the members left in the world were in it for the long haul. It was likely a big problem in the real world, so many hospital beds being taken up by those in this game... Not to mention those within that needed certain medications, he wondered how they were managing to be administered. The thought of someone's mental instabilities taking hold of them while they were playing... perhaps that's how some of the player killers began.

He shook the thoughts from his mind as he decided it warranted a response. "Well, the fact that were not dead means were being looked after at least..." He looked towards her as she asked the question, wondering what she meant by it. He wasn't sure what to say in response, but the thought had came to him as well. Would she want anything to do with this world after returning to reality, including him? "I'm sure there will be therapy groups, meetups for those who were involved to try and get back into the hang of reality... It definitely wouldn't be weird if we saw each other, I'd like that," he admitted, managing out at least that much of his feelings.
His response made her smile, even if he only mentioned them reuniting at groups. “I’d like that a lot too!” Taking her pillow, she would bring it close to her chest and hug it, cheek pressed up against the cushiony material before slowly sinking into it. “We have to get out of here first to make that a reality though.” Zira glanced up to see if there was any lingering emotion in his facial expression. He always seemed to be deep in thought about something, and she noticed this after spending a copious amount of time with him. If only she could put that exhausted mind to rest.

Get some sleep, okay? I can’t wait for our vacation. It’ll be nice to relax, especially spending that time with you.” Realizing what she said, her cheeks reddened before burying her glowing face into her pillow, turning around so her back would face him. “Goodnight!” Quickly she muffled, heart racing and breathing intensifying. Zira felt like a school girl talking to her crush by the locker before classes started. The thought of being with him on a vacation, no fighting involved, was out of the norm for her.
Trevor looked to Zira with a soft smile at her words. Her voice was soothing, even in this world. It calmed him to know she was optimistic, his own thoughts strayed towards constant danger. "We'll get out. It'll take some time, but we'll make it. There'll be more vacations ahead too... whenever we feel like we need one," he offered with a smile to Zira. He then looked back to the ceiling, his eyes closing as he attempted to stifle his thoughts.

This boss was much harder than the previous, one that they couldn't take lightly... the team knew how to beat it and the general strategy, but it was just as likely to change weapons as the other bosses have been... he let out a huff of breath before doing his best to fall asleep. He had to keep Zira safe.

- - - -

Trevor was up before Zira the next morning, already suited up and in full gear. He had been awake for some time, sleep being a difficult feat for him the night before a big fight. He touched the sword at his hip lightly. It would only be a few more levels before he needed to replace it, at this rate. The thought tugged at him as he frowned, but he knew that it would make for a nice fashion statement when he didn't need the level.

"Good morning," he said with a soft smile to Zira when she finally awoke. They still has plenty of time before they were required at the meeting, and he was in no hurry to rush her.
A gentle tap of her shoulder stirred her from her slumber, shifting in her blankets to see Trevor hovering over her. “Morning,” She replied along with a yawn, hands outstretched before wiping the sleep buried in her tear ducts. Sitting upwards she would remove herself from the bed, getting ready herself for the big day ahead of them. The rising strain in the air intensified as the clock ticked away, the boss fight soon approaching. The fear of knowing that anything could happen, regardless of how prepared they were, always hung heavy over their heads.

Zira skipped breakfast but wasn’t opposed to accompanying Trevor if he did decide to eat before gathering at the meeting. She stayed quiet, practicing her moves in her mind, preparing for a worst-case scenario. Before long they were gathered with the other members, looking rather uncomfortable in the blistering heat.

Thanks to Raziel and Ziv, we now have trinkets to loot that’ll help ease the heat.” Excel nodded in their direction in thanks before dispersing them to players. It brought a smile to Ziv’s face to see them sigh in relief to know the heat won’t be too much of a battle to fight too. “Make sure your weapons are repaired and your potions are stocked before we go.

The boss door where Raziel and Ziv just discovered was in front of them again, this time carrying a different vibe. Soon it would be opened, and they would have to fight for their lives. Gripping the handles of her daggers she would lay them against her side, posture straightened before two players heaved open the door. The golden ticket to get to the next floor.

Stationed in the middle was a fiery golem, the boss, wielding a spiked hammer and talon-like claws for defense. On guard surrounding him were blistering hounds, maws dripping with molten lava as their prey had entered the room. The group had to step so far inside to trigger their attacks, and many regretted their decision of entering inside.

Stay focused, let the tanks do their job and those who stay in back protect them. We have to be strong and do the best we can.” Excel gave a light-hearted pep talk before readying her shield and sword, finding the perfect opportunity to step outside of her protected barriers.

Let’s go!
Seeing the boss triggered a memory for Raziel, of the fight during the beta. He gave a ready look to Ziv as he moved to his position, prepared at the front of the battle alongside the other resilient members of the raid. It was no question he was one of the best suited to being at the forefront, with his total regenerative ability. As long as he maintained his dodged, he could usually reach full health between hits. The only difficulty for the fight would be this bosses AOE attacks.

Being the first boss to really focus on area attacks, it would surely be a drastic change from their usual strategies. Raziel darted forward, his skill activating to launch him horizontally around the golem. He had discussed with Ziv about the tactics she should use for the hellhounds, so he fought trusting that nothing would be attacking his back.

His blade dug into the molten flesh of the monster, and he gave a small glint of a smile as more of the beasts health fell than he'd expected. The ice sword was a good match for this fight.
As the frontlines darted to attack the boss, the remaining group scurried apart to occupy the agitated hounds. Ziv would cross her arms in an ‘X’ formation as a rabid hound soared on her. Its weight was overwhelming, causing her to puff her cheeks out as she strained to get it off its hind legs. Its molten saliva dripped from its gnarling orifice, specks of it landing against her clothing and sizzling it; rather it be her clothing than her skin. Lifting her leg up vehemently, her knee would strike its abdomen, electing a yelp before removing itself from mounting her. Ziv took this opportunity to dig her blades into the scruff of its neck, eliminating her opponent before another one soon took its place.

The trinket helped immensely, but the heat was still bothersome. Sweat drenched her skin, sporadically jerking at the collar of her shirt to let some air cool her down. Infrequently her hues floated to Raziel, keeping close guard on if any hellhounds were approaching and to confirm he was well off. He was depending on her to keep him safe, and she wouldn’t let him down.

A nearby player was struggling with a hound, unaware another was closely stalking them, anticipating pouncing any moment. Ziv took it upon herself to help, harshly kicking the mutt in the face before it jolted up. The player turned their head over their shoulder to nod in thanks before eradicating their target. The number of hounds were slowly diminishing, leaving teams to attack the more powerful ones instead of soloing their duel.
The fight was going well as the golem lost more and more health, dipping to below the halfway point. Raziel moved fluidly around the attacks, noticing that he was holding an unusual amount of the aggro. His attention broke briefly from his attacks to look at the others set to the boss, and an alert sprung in his mind. The other tanks were dropping health consistently, despite having the effect protecting them from the general heat. He noticed his own healthbar was also fluctuating, it was just regaining more than it was losing. It seemed their proximity to the golem was imposing extra health loss now that it hit the halfway mark.

The fact meant that only the regen tanks would be able to stay in the fight for extended periods, and Raziel was one of the strongest of those for this raid. He let out a breath before shouting to his allies. "Rotate tanks! We need to plan switches for healing. Drag this fight out a bit, I'll hold aggro while you get set up," he stated as he drove his blade into the golem, darting away from the other players.

They replied by stopping their attacks, allowing Raziel to hold consistent aggro while dodging around the molten attacks. His attention was focused on avoiding damage, and he grimaced as the monster stopped lowering in health. It was frustrating, but it was important to maintain strategy. He renewed his resolve, lunging in to continue his assault as the rest of the tanks rejoined the fight, having a new formation to keep their health safe.
As the tanks rallied and shifted their plan of attack, Ziv gathered with a group three as they targeted a larger molten mutt. The flames hit harder and radiated more than the previous ones, damaging their health bars frequently than before. Taking turns, one member would dip out and regenerate their health, then swap out with another once it was their turn to regenerate.

Once the hound was defeated and expelled it’s pixelated mush, the group would rotate and move to another hound, some even tackling two at once. After each encounter, their attacks were calculated, but once the boss plummeted to a certain degree of health, their attacks shifted and caused them to have to recalculate their movements.

Yuritu, a player in Ziv’s group, was overpowered by the change of tactics, falling down onto her back as the hound rattled its body as if it were shaking its fur dry, but instead of water droplets, molten rain flung their way, causing three seconds of blurred vision. During this time, the beast took t upon itself to attack Yuritu who was vulnerable and left to fend for herself. Ziv quickly gripped at the neck of the mutt, it’s collar preventing her from singeing her hands but the heat was still present.

Someone, attack its rear and sides, I’m trying to hold it back!” She cried out, voice strained from exerting her entire strength to pull the mutt off from the wailing girl. The others followed orders, but nothing was stopping it from its attacks, Yuritu’s health easing lower and lower, now in the red zone. “Harder!” Ziv took a dagger and jammed it into the scruff of its neck, and yet it still didn’t halt its attack.

It attached onto her until she dropped to zero, disintegrated before their own eyes, and in that moment when she disappeared, Ziv could see the horror and uncertainty in her expression, and shenwould never forget how she looked just before she died.
The sound of screams had grabbed Raziel's attention, and he looked towards the sound to see the hounds were gaining ground. He let out a frustrated grunt as he instinctively began to move over, only to be swatted aside by the golem. He cursed himself for losing his focus, and he glanced over to see there were others already helping the girl who was being attacked. He returned his attention to the golem, not losing his attention any longer.

He launched towards the monster, resolving to focus on killing it, trying to help in that manner. He grabbed onto it's burning skin, causing hinself to take the burn damage. Still, he didn't relent, and the beast seemed to struggle trying to remove him. He thrust his blade into the creatures back, bringing it down to its final health bar. It reared back with a roar as it seemed to glow with molten embers, and it emitted a fiery explosion. Anyone nearby, including Raziel, was blown away by the action, giving the monster some room to regain its bearings before going on the offensive once more.

Raziel let out a breath as he lunged forward, his health just below the halfway point. He would need to be careful, but he couldnt give the monster any chance to take the advantage. He had looked around and no longer saw the girl that was being attacked, and he knew what it likely implied. Ziv still was fighting her best, and he needed to end the fight soon to keep her safe.
There wasn’t any time to show remorse or grief, and in its place, she would unbridle her ire to fuel her attacks. Growing thoughtless in her movements, her hands dug into the hound’s ears, hearing her skin begin to singe at the heat. She winced but was uncaring to her soon-to-be blistered palms. Since the skin on the mutt’s ears were much thinner than the rest of its body, it yelped, but soon Ziv cease its cries. Lifting her leg up, her knee was on a collision course with the bottom of its jaw, cruelly slamming it against the beast to force it to look up at the rocky ceiling.

She wouldn’t grant it mercy, wanting to show it the agony it brought to her fallen player. Despite the attack, it speedily bowed its head down and sealed its nearly broken mouth onto her forearm. The force wasn’t as powerful as it could’ve been, but it still brought immense discomfort to Ziv. “Keep attacking!” She spat through gritted teeth. The hand that wasn’t latched onto still gripped its ear, but she retreated it away and instead held onto the base of her dagger.

Raising it high enough, she dunked it downwards in one fluid motion, aiming for the left eye to pierce. The slight crunch of its eyes tissue caused the blade to feel the vibrations, allowing Ziv to know the damage that was being done. Since the ache was stronger than attacking its enemy, the hound roared as blood streamed from its tear duct. The other players took this as time to get towards its anterior side, using their weapons of choice to dig towards vital organs, mainly the heart. Its health depleted quickly, leaving it to fall on its side with its mouth opened, panting.

A younger girl, more than likely Yuritu’s close friend, approached the hound, eyes fueled by tears and hatred. The other players stood out of the way, knowing well what she wanted to do. Ziv respected her unspoken wishes and stood to the side, watching as she lifted her sword, already tarnished by the lava and smeared with plasma. With a genuine grunt and an effervesced cry, she struck down into the middle-left side of its chest, aiming for the core. The hound let out a long exhale, but never inhaled back in, dispersing into pixels that would be forgotten to this world, but the memories of Yuritu’s death would be left in her friends mind forever.

Ziv would look over her shoulder to see the boss’s health was almost fizzled out, the tanks still hitting it relentlessly to end this floors boss. Since there wasn’t anymore targets for the backline to attack they would join in to attack the boss. All the added players left the Boss unable to recalculate its attacks due to the growing numbers. It tried to fend for itself, but it was already too late as the damage has been done. At last, the boss was hit with a final blow from the group, leaving a ‘Congratulations!’ to hover over the deceased pixels of what used to be the boss. Vivi she shrouded with cheers as she was the lucky individual who landed the last shot. Ziv could care less of who won the final blow prize, and instead ran through the crowd to find Raziel, quickly finding him towards the front before grabbing onto him to pull him into her closely.
The battle was waning as Raziel saw a strange commotion out of the corner of his eye. The backup squad seemed to be finishing off the final hound in a rather dramatic manner. His attention returned to his own quarry, barely in time to avoid a strike. He initiated his attacks once more, as the rearguard jumped in to apply final pressure on the boss.

Just before Raziel could strike, a familiar giggle rushed by him as he spotted Vivi, giving a sidelong glance to him as she drove her blade hard into the boss. It's health vanished and it pixellated, only a hint of remorse from Trevor as he missed the last hit. His eyes glowered at Vivi for only a moment before he sighed and gave her a nod of congratulations as the other members rushed to congratulate her as well.

Raziel turned and only had a moment to react before Ziv had grabbed him, pulling him close. He was surprised, but happy as he began to greet her warmly, only to realize the somber tone of the backup players. He could tell they'd likely lost someone, but a cursory glance determined it wasn't one of the players he knew well. He mentally shamed himself, but it wasn't as though he could r3member everyone on the raid teams.

"...Who did we lose?" He asked solemnly to Zira, his voice steady and quiet. He could hear the gate to the next floor opening, allowing passage through. He reached down and took Zira's hand, leading her up to the next floor. It would be better to take a moment to disengage from the crowd so he could figure out the details.

As they moved to the next floor, the weather cooled off, feeling much more tolerable than the boiling heat they'd been managing. The area looked almost tropical, the ground underneath their feet fine as sand. There was a massive sea in front of them, and it seemed as though this floor placed them on an island. Trevor walked the pair over to a nearby palm tree and sat down, offering Zira the spot next to him. "Still... hard to lose anyone, but..." He began, still unsure of who had been lost.
It was reassuring how gingerly Trevor gripped Zira's hands. Now that the fight had ceased they could finally be themselves, tuning down their roles and responsibilities, even if it were for only a moment. It was hard to think about what just happened as herself and a group of fighters witnessed the death of a fellow team member. The look of horror painted on the poor girls face would forever burn in her memory. "Yuritu, she was the one who had passed." She whispered for only Trevor's ears as a group of players, more than likely close to the girl, wept together as they held onto each other closely. Her heart burned for them, but death was inevitable and would soon happen, whether it be in the real world of virtually.

"We all tried out best." Reassuringly Zira spoke, softly rubbing his back as she could feel his pain too, even if he didn't voice what was on his mind. Since the pair had spent so much time together she was beginning to pick up small things that he did or his change demeanor when he would be deep in thought. "But, there is nothing we can do about it now and we should be thankful that our numbers weren't higher in regards to deaths." Affirmatively she nodded, trying to stay strong not only for herself but for every one.

"So, this is the last floor you ascended on before the beta ended or this is finally a new realm for you?" Zira failed at attempting to merge over onto another topic smoothly but it was obvious that they needed to talk about something else less... depressing. "The breeze feels good, and the water is so clear! And the sand... feels as if I'm melting into it. It feels so real..."
Trevor took the name to heart. There were going to be too many to remember by the time they were done in this world, but he couldnt let it by without trying to remember it. As the subject changed, he looked down to the sand below them, as if testing her assertion. Never reached the boss of this floor. We're running blind on information, and there will likely be more deaths coming in the next fight..."

He shook the thought from his head, focusing on their time here. "It's going to be difficult. There are a few quests that were easy enough, but I think we should take a mini vacation. Let others find the boss?" He said with a half smile directed to Ziv. He didn't want to abandon everyone, especially after such a loss, but it was still well known enough terrain that no one should die before they found the boss door.

The pair walked as they spoke, nearing a mass of water that extended past sight. "There could be quests out on the sea too... but no one has checked, and I doubt anyone would take that risk here," he continued, his idle train of thought running.
“I know the loss is hard to digest, and it’s not going to pass easily, but you even said that we needed a mini vacation, Hell, everyone does.” Her irises looked around to see many players in awe at the new floor before them.

“I just hope that they realize that it’s okay to relax for a minute. Sure, we’ll have our occasional tr that doesn’t want to stop working, but that’s not us right now.” Finding the courage she would clasp her hands into his and bring them down, hues starting intently into his. “You need to not worry about the quests right now. Let’s just focus on rejuvenation.”

Proving a point she would swipe up in her inventory and replaced her every day apparel into a pink and white bikini, feeling the faux rays of the sun above on her flesh. Taking her elbow she would pry at his side to encourage him to take the same action, wanting to see that loving smile on his face that she’d miss seeing for some time.
As Zira spoke to him to get his mind off the quests, he slowly began to stop dwelling on them for the moment. She changed into her bikini, and while he'd seen her in a swimsuit before, he couldnt help but have his eyes drawn to her. He offered her a small smile , knowing this distraction was something both of them needed. He looked over the water, before heaving a sigh and opening his menu. He selected his swimming trunks, the same black and green pair he'd worn in a hot tub a while back.

His appearance shifted, and his new outfit adorned him. He smiled and looked down to his hand clasped in Zira's. "You're right. We need to relax or we'll go crazy. Shall we swim?" He offered, glancing towards the water. "Or maybe we can get a volleyball game going," he teased, smirking to Zira.
“Let’s take a dive first then go and play some volley ball. Later you’ll have to show me some cool places, that’s if you know of some.” She suggested before dragging him into the sequined-like blue waters. The temperature was just right as it was warmed by the sun which was still high in the noon skies. “I know it’s silly to think about having a vacation in a game but now that this is our reality, this vacation feels... right. You know what I mean?” Zira asked before submerging her body, then floating with her face looking up at the skies sprinkled with white clouds.

“Thanks for always being there, Trevor. I couldn’t have gone this far with out you. I owe you my life.” She spoke as she closed her eyes, enjoying herself with him by her side.
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