Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

N13ve02 seemed to be enjoying her time sparring with Grimmjow, skidding when he threw her and then dashing off before the bala could connect with her body. She continued her assault, never once drawing the blade on her hip, only using her own brute strength and speed.
Grimmjow kept up with her easily, getting hit a couple times but nothing he couldn't handle. "You're getting a hell of a lot better, kid."
She seemed to be pleased by this, smiling happily at his praise. "You really think so?" She asked, aiming a punch for his head.
N13ve02 spat up a good sized amount of blood, but didn't stop her attacks. "I'm glad, I was worried I had peaked, and my sword training still isn't going well." She clasped her hands together and slammed them down on top of Grimmjow's head.
He grunted and hit the ground but recovered quickly, ramming into her and slamming her into the ground. "That usually shouldn't take so long. Maybe cuz you're not a real Arrancar." He said, but it wasn't a rude jab or anything.
"But even humans and Shinigami can learn something like that easily." They landed with him on top of her, and she immediately kicked him upward, rolling into the kick and jumping back to her feet.
Grimmjow jumped up and moved to attack again but stopped when someone else entered the training room.
"Yare~ what's all the rukus~? Ya fightin' a Huge Hollow in here~?" It was a tall slender man with short silver hair and fox like features. Grimmjow sneered.
"You aren't welcome here, Ichimaru."
N13ve02 turned her attention on the new addition to the room, which had now fallen silent. Slowly she relaxed her stance and glanced from Grimmjow to this Ichimaru person, wiping the blood away from her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Who's the cutie?" Ichimaru asked. Grimmjow sneered.
"None ya." He growled, "Now get out."
"Mah name's Gin~" Ichimaru said as he approached N13ve02.
N13ve02 took a small step backwards, glancing up at him and then down at the floor. "N-N13ve02." She answered, wiping a bit more of the blood from her nose.
Her cheeks flushed, no one had given her an actual name before. "I like it.." She averted her gaze, why was her heart beating so rapidly?
N13ve02 stood where she was, watching the new man leave before looking to Grimmjow. "That was one of the Shinigami that took over?"
She nodded, then coughed up another good amount of blood. "I think I might need to get patched up before we continue any further." She gave a meek smile, wiping away more blood.
She nodded and headed out, making sure she didn't trail too much blood as she walked down the hall to Szayel's lab.
"Otou-sama." N13ve02 entered and moved in, almost timidly. "I was training again today.."
She either ignored the sarcasm, or didn't notice, but it was probably the latter. "Mhm! Also I got a new name!"
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