Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Better." She nodded. "And he had blue hair." She said, looking up at Szayel with curious eyes.
"But I helped him! He was angry, so I helped him with his problem!" She said, nodding.
Her cheeks flushed red a bit. "He was mad at someone, so I helped take care of them for him.." She looked like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, being scolded by her father.
"I killed someone named Luppi." She answered, keeping her eyes on the floor. "...Then I ate him."
"Why would I be in trouble? He wasn't very nice anyway." N13ve02's expression was sincere and without malace, like she did nothing more than sweep the lab floors. "And if he lost, that isn't my fault either."
She shook her head. "No, I think I'll stay here for a while." She replied.

About fifteen months passed without any major complications, and in that time, N13ve02 had grown into full maturity. She had grown taller, developed curves and even advanced mentally. Within the time of just over a year, she had grown nearly four years, both mentally and physically.
"Otou-san, I'm going out!" N13ve02 often said this when leaving, even if Szayel didn't respond; sometimes she'd do it for Lumina and Verona when Szayel was out of he lab. For a while she had been around the Sexta Espada, but often spent more time observing then engaging.
Said Espada was in the training grounds as he always was, destroying targets with his Bala. His fraccion were standing back and watching, knowing better than to try and train with Grimmjow blowing off steam.
N13ve02 headed down the hall with a small bounce in her step, smiling happily as she made her way to one of her closest friends- besides Lumina and Verona. Entering the training hall, she moved to her favorite spot against the wall, sitting and watching with everyone else.
N13ve02 smiled at Grimmjow, giving a small wave. "Morning." She greeted; it was an odd sight, the pink-haired faux arrancar that was allowed to trail the Sexta, who didn't seem to mind her presence at times. Though she retained a bit of a naive attitude, she had a vast a mount of knowledge on most things.
"You didn't ask, so I wasn't sure if you wanted to today." She said, standing up and stretching her arms over her head.
She gave a small nod. "Sure." Moving forward, she didn't hesitate one bit to approach Grimmjow, actually a bit excited to move around a little more.
The two had fought nemerous times before, all which had ended in Grimmjow winning, but N13ve02 didn't seem to care much; every time she'd come back the next day good as new and ready to fight again with the same smile on her face. Even when Grimmjow had torn her arm clean off, she came back the next day, patched up and ready to fight. The wall crumbled as N13ve02 dropped to the floor, holding her bleeding nose as she got to her feet, shaking the dust from her hair. Then she counterattacked. Charging at him full speed, she punched him back, seeming to enjoy their sparring matches. She was technically a clone of Szayel, although with a few variants, so she had the power of an Espada - the Octava mind you - but it was still not a power to scoff at.
He caught her fist, though he did skid back some and he grimaced a bit in pain. But he threw her aside and tossed a Bala at her, shaking his sore wrist to ease the pain.
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