Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

N13ve02 bit her lip, nodding silently. "I was just happy is all." She said softly. "People give you new names when they like you, don't they?"
N13ve02 shrugged in reaponse, she didn't know either. But regardless, she enjoyed having another name for those to call her by; Grimmjow called her "kid", which she enjoyed, and now this new Ichimaru fellow.
She shook her head no as she caressed the two fraccions bulbous heads gently, seeming happy that they too enjoyed her new name. After bidding Lumina and Verona goodbye, she left the lab once more, the day not yet over.
N13ve02 frowned softly, glancing around to see if she could spot anyone, but when she found no one, she merely continued on her way, ignoring the feeling of being watched.
N13ve02 stopped once more, look around to try and find the source of the voice. "Ichimaru-san?" She tilted her head. "I'm enjoying my walk."
She thought for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I don't have anything else going on right now." She agreed.
She smiled and nodded, heading off to where he had told her where he was, happy to have the chance to spend time with her new friend.
N13ve02 waved back, smiling widely. "Ohayo~!" She greeted warmly. "Why are you stuck in here?"
N13ve02 took a step forward and watched all of the flickering monitors. "Oh! Tou-san has a room just like this!" She said, looking back to Gin.
"Mhm, but he doesn't have the range you do." She simply walked passed him and into the room, watching the monitors. "Mostly just in our sector."
"Lose your job?" She looked back at him over her shoulder, but only for a brief moment before she went back to looking at the monitors.
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