Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

N13ve02 turned to face him, nodding quickly. "Hai! Gomenasai, I was lost in though..!" She admitted.
N13ve02 blinked, but sat in his lap anyway, cheeks flushing red and her heartbeat picking up a bit.
"Mm, what about Tesla?" She had learned his name from Grimmjow, and was still a little peeved he had called her stupid.
N13ve02 scowled softly, pressing the same button Gin had been pressing to change he channel. "I don't like him much."
Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "He called me stupid.." She muttered, flipping through the channels.
She blinked and looked back down at her lap. "I wouldn't know what to do though." She said softly, like she was deep in thought.
She nodded and continued to flip through the channels, stopping when she spotted Grimmjow. "Ah! It's Grimmjow!" She smiled softly. "Still training." She muttered amusedly.
"Really? Never?" Nieve looked at Gin, twisting around in his lap to straddle his lap, staring at him curiously.
"How come?" She asked, not seeming to mind that his hands were on her hips. She didn't squirm, didn't shy away, or even look away, she just stared at him.
She blinked and twisted around in his lap, watching Grimmjow train vigorously on the screen. "Oh..." She turned to face him again. "And what do you want to be?"
"But there has to be something you want?" She asked, tilting her head, eyes glinting with a naive trust.
She smiled widely and nodded. "Yeah!" She was rather pleased on making a new friend. "I'll be your friend!"
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