Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

N13ve02 watched from the doorway, she had never seen anyone make food before, let alone actually see food. Whatever it was, it smelled delicious, and it made her stomach rumble.
"I'm N13ve02." She answered, staring back at him. "What is that you're making?" She looked to the food and pointed to it. "It smells good. Is it good?"
Tesla made a face before realizing she came from Szayel's lab. "It's just some chicken for Nnoitra-sama. I would hope it's good if he keeps asking me to make it."
"Chicken? Nnoitra-sama..?" She cocked her head and furrowed her brows. "What's chicken, and who's Nnoitra-sama?" The young arrancar seemed genuine, and had not a single bit of malice to her, but still, with anything that came out of Szayel's lab, one would remain on guard.
"Chicken is an animal from the Realm of the Living. And Nnoitra-sama is the Fifth Espada." He answered, "You're Szayel's, you should have this basic knowledge."
Should she know him? She'd never heard of anyone named that, in fact the only names she knew where her own and Szayel's. She shook her head. "N13ve02 is only nineteen." She thought for a moment. "Minutes and forty-three seconds old."
((Oh silly Tesla, don't you know Szayel isn't that nice~?))

She stared back at him, not understanding. She knew of Las Noches, but not much of the inhabitants, should she know them. "I haven't met anyone else yet." She said softly.
A frown actually came to her lips, brows furrowed. "What's wrong with Lumina and Verona?" She asked. Was he implying that they were stupid? Was he implying that she was stupid? Why was he being mean? She didn't understand, she didn't do or say anything rude, so why was he being mean.
"Obviously you know them, and therefore you know that they are rather unintelligent. And since you have no actual knowledge of anything, it would appear to be that your intelligence is only a bit higher than theirs" He explained. So, yes, he was calling her stupid.
Her face turned an unsightly color of red, and she balled up her fists, but she was too embarrassed to say anything. She didn't think she was stupid, infact she knew quite a bit, but how was she to prove that to this man? She didn't know, she didn't know why he was being mean, and she didn't know why he was calling her stupid, when in fact, she was much smarter than him.
N13ve02 left quickly, leaving Tesla to himself once more to finish his cooking in peace. She rubbed her tears away and sniffled softly. What did he know? Heading toward the other spiritual pressure she felt, she took a couple of breaths to calm herself.
She ended up in the training area, where Grimmjow was busy working off some steam. Luppi had been a pompous piece of shit again and had gotten on his nerves, and to keep from losing his mind Grimmjow had gone to train.
N13ve02 stopped in to watch this new man as he blasted away dummies, made craters in walls, and sliced up the floors. She sat in the car corner, a little more hesitant to be more open this time. She sat against the wall, resting her chin on her knees as her eyes followed the man with blue hair back and forth.
It took the girl a few seconds to register he had stopped moving, off in her own world. She picked her head up and stared back at him. "O-Ohayo.." She responded meekly, unsure of how he was going to act further, but her senses told her that he seemed rather hostile.
N13ve02 smelled her forearm, she didn't smell like much, only lightly of chemicals. "I'm an arrancar." She stated simply. "Why are you angry?"
She blinked, unsure of who Luppi was, but the sounded simple. "You could get someone else to kill him?" She offered. "I could help you?"
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