Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"N13ve02." She answered, standing up with a small smile. "I could help you if you'd like?" She offered.
"I can try! Please! Let me help!" She didn't budge. "I promise I can do it!" She almost was begging him now.
"I mean, if you wanna go get killed, sure. I don't care..." He said, "He looks like a girl. Real short, chin length black hair, can't miss him."
N13ve02 nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "Hai!" Turning on her heel, she hurried off, leaving Grimmjow in peace once again. After about two hours of Grimmjow being by himself, a spiritual pressure in Los Noches dissapeared. It wasn't clear who's it was, but one was definitely gone. The door to the training room opened and N13ve02 entered, her clothes torn, and covered in bruises, but she was alive. Blood ran down both sides of her mouth and stained the front of her clothes, but the smell coming from the blood wasn't that of N13ve02's. She cradled her broken arm gently, but smiled happily. "Sorry it took so long, I'm not completely used to that yet." She said with an apologetic smile.
She gave a small nod. "I made sure to check before eating him, otherwise I'd get a stomach ache." She said simply. She didn't seem to be lying, her eyes held no ill intent, like those of a young child.
She blinked, her smile faltering a bit, but she quickly smiled again. This man wasn't being mean to her, and he wasn't yelling yet, maybe he would be her friend. "Who's Aizen?"
"Oh." She blinked and looked to the ground. "I don't think I can eat him too." She said, rubbing her arm.
"But I was hungry! And there would have been evidence left behind if I didn't!" She argued back, but her tone wasn't angry.
"I don't understand why you're mad, you said I could take care of him!" She pointed out, now confused.
"But I said I would, he upset you, so I got rid of him, that's what friends do, right?" She asked, tilting her head a bit.
"Oh.." She felt an ache in her chest. "Alright.." She didn't know what else to say or do, so she simply turned, and headed off down the hallway.

"Otou-sama.." N13ve02's voice came from behind Szayel, white and pitiful sounding. "My arm is hurt." She reported softly, her crushed arm would definitely need to be fixed.
N13ve02 looked embarrassed, glancing down. "I got in a fight... but I made a friend!" She perked up a bit, smiling.
He rose an eyebrow, "A friend?" He repeated, taking a syringe and injecting something into her arm. The bones slowly started to mend and heal on their own, Szayel holding her arm straight so it would fix properly.
She nodded and smiled more. "Mhm! I helped him, and now we're friends... Even though he says we're not.. But I think he's just embarrassed!"
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