Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Szayel was right, Suzume was anything but annoying. She helped him with his work, waited patiently until she was needed, and when he needed it, pleasured him. She never once tried to step foot out of the lab; she was completely and totally obedient to him.
He decided to tinker around in her brain one day to see what the hell had happened. Giving her anesthesia and keeping her talking while he worked, he found that her brain was flaring different neurons than before. "Strange.."
"Is anything wrong, Szayel-sama..?" Suzume asked, forced to keep her head in place by the metal brackets that were screwed into her skull.
"It would appear that your brain patterns are vastly different than before. For some reason or another, the signals in your brain have changed their wave length." He mused, rubbing his chin, "Instead of hating me, you have grown an infatuation..."
Suzume's cheeks flushed pink. "It is true.. I do have some affectionate feelings toward you.. is that not suitable?" She asked softly. "Should I not feel this way?"
Suzume made a soft noise. "Hai.. Gomenasai." She fell silent again, listening to the machines beep beside her. Was she being ungrateful to Szayel again? She was trying her best to show just how grateful she was to him, but it worried her that she might be acting rudely towards him.
The next few days proceeded as per usual, all until the day he wa out of his lab, and the alarm sounded through his earpiece that machines had begain to malfunction, and even go offline. Suzume was the only one left out in the lab.
When Szayel returned to his lab, he was met with a person that he wouldn't have expected to see; Nnoitra stood in the middle of his lab, back to Szayel, and in front of him was a destroyed set of equipment with an unmoving Suzume crumpled against it.
"What are you doing, how did you get in here?" Szayel hissed, glaring death. Nnoitra looked back with a blank expression, Suzume's arm in hand and some of her flesh and meat in his mouth.
"Oh, I got hungry so I came looking for the Shinigami bitch you kept around. She doesn't taste as good as I thought."
"You...ate Suzume?" Szayel looked frustrated, "Because you were hungry?"
"Yyyyyyyeah, that's how eating works." Nnoitra stated. Szayel adjusted his glasses and threw Nnoitra out after taking Suzume's arm back.
Suzume remained unmoving, not speaking even once Nnoitra was gone. Upon further inspection of Suzume, she was no longer breathing, blood dripping down her chin. Her throat and the collar she wore were both crushed, the light gone from her eyes.
He sighed loudly, "Oh dear. What a waste." He said to himself. He picked up her body and tossed it out for the Hollows before cleaning up the mess Nnoitra made.
The lab seemed a bit more lonely now, Szayel no longer having a companion that wasn't completely annoying, but she was just another test subject, easily replaced, right?
He rubbed his chin in thought. He still did have some DNA samples. He could make a clone. He went to work, figuring it would be like creating a fraccion.
Test after test seemed to fail, simply using her DNA alone never brought in the results he wanted, nothing took. Only after he mixed a sample of his own DNA, did the creation finally take life. Inside the incubator, a being was already taking shape, starting with the growth of the nervous system onward. Slowly it gathered tissue, flesh, and blood cells, becoming a whole being. It was early on that it was discovered it was female, but other than that, it was mostly bone and muscle with a bit of skin forming over it, it would take more time.
The being was mostly complete, all except for the small missing patches of skin on her body. It was a young girl with light pink hair, just like Szayel. It floated around her in the embryonic liquid, reminding Szayel of a certain woman's hair. Her eyes were gold, just like Suzume's, but her build was much more slender, as opposed to Suzume's curvaceous body.
The patches of missing skin started to immediately close up, leaving a completed being behind. The machine beeped and the tank began to drain of the liquids inside, the glass lifting up to allow the subject to leave. She blinked and stared at Szayel; she had pink hair and lashes like him, but golden eyes like her genetic mother. She looked down at the slime covering her, wiping it away, before slowly and carefully crawling out of the tank.
She took the towel and nodded, coughing up a bit of the slime before opening her mouth. "Hai.." She answered as she looked over the towel, then carefully wrapped herself in it, shivering a bit in the cool air lab with only a towel to cover her.
"Well, let's get you cleaned up and clothed." He said, ushering her toward a full body rinse station; he was careful but he liked being prepared.
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