Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Suzume would remain quiet in her cell for quite some time, simply sitting at the foot of the bed, knees pulled to her chest as she watched Szayel's every move. It was becoming clear she wasn't sleeping, and she hadn't requested a single thing to eat or drink, regardless of how much her stomach protested. It had been a few days of her silent protest, not sleeping a wink either.
Every time he spoke to her, Suzume just wanted to scream. It was as if her being locked in a cage was completely normal, and he was speaking to her like nothing in the world was wrong with the situation she was in. Petty? He was going to cut her open anyway, what did it matter if she decided how to go?
She winced in pain as he dragged her to her feet by her long locks, grabbing his wrist and trying to push him away. "Let go of me!" She snarled, doing her best to fight against him.
She grunted as she landed on the cold, hard table, and before she knew it, her wrists were shackled down to the table, but while he was still shackling one ankle, she kicked out with her only free foot, kicking him hard in the chin.
He growled and stumbled back, rubbing his jaw. He took his zanpakuto and slammed it down on her leg, snapping her femur clean in half.
Suzume screamed so suddenly, it almost would've scared her if it hadn't been for the fact she was in agony. Black spots danced in her vision and she pulled so hard against the wrist clamps that her knuckles turned white.
"Y-You piece of shit...!" She seethed through her teeth, the agony shooting up her from her broken leg. "You're going to rot in hell!"
Suzume struggled more, feeling like she'd lose consciousness from the pain in her leg. She started to feel far away, her head feeling fuzzy. She ground her teeth, a look of despair twisting her face. Why was this happening?
For the next few hours, Suzume screamed and wailed in agony, only after hours of cutting and suffering, did she finally lose consciousness. Limp on the table with her innards exposed, tears stained her face, she was finally able to get a moment of a peace.
The next time Suzume would regain consciousness, it would be in agony. She woke screaming already, eyes wildly searching for the answer as to why she was in pain. Szayel was still messing about with her organs. How long had it been? Her sense of time was skewed, she had no idea how long she had actually been unconscious, or how long she had actually been in Hueco Mundo. One glance down and she saw all of her organs out on display, some displaced or even removed from her abdomen altogether. "What have you done..?" Words rolled out of her mouth before she could stop them, the only thing she was actually able to manage from coming up was vomit.
Suzume underwent numerous operations all in the name of science; anything that could be collected without her death, was collected. Whenever her condition started to deteriorate from extensive operations, he would stick her in some odd tank with a thick, green sludge like liquid, where she'd remain until she was back at top physical condition. Rinse and repeat. Suzume could only assume this had been going on for three weeks but the amount of scratch marks she made in the floor of the cell, but it wasn't an exact number. There would be times she'd black out, and couldn't account for the missing time. She still refused to eat or drink anything Szayel provided for her, which often led to tube feeding while she was under the knife and strapped down. Even so, after all this time, her golden eyes glinted with hatred for Szayel whenever she looked at him.
Suzume looked disgusted at Szayel's words, her face twisting into a snarl. "You're sick." She muttered, lacking the energy to put up a real fight.
The amount of frustration Suzume was feeling was overpowered by her overwhelming despair; resting her forehead against her knees, she hid her face from Szayel. Everything hurt, breathing, moving, living; all of it hurt. She was tired of hearing his voice, tired of being strapped down to a metal table and tired of being cut open. She was starting to get to the end of her rope, blinking the tears from her eyes she clenched her jaw tight so she wouldn't cry audibly.
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