Strange in Love (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Still, she refused to speak to him, staying where she was in her cage, safe from him and his knives for the time being. Blood started to drip onto the floor of the cage suddenly at Suzume's feet, but she didn't seem to notice, that or she didn't care, was it a nose bleed?
Blood was spit into Szayel's eyes, and before he had the chance to wipe it away, Suzume was on top of him. They both crashed to the cell floor and she used all of her strength to climb on top of him, and start pummeling him, punching and beating on his head and face. She'd bitten into her own tongue to cause bleeding, but hadn't actually expected him to enter the cell.
He took a couple hits for not registering what was happening before bringing his hand up and smacking her hard off of him with a far superior strength. He sat up and scowled, wiping the blood from his face. "How absolutely rude of you. Now I have to go change." He growled.
Suzume let out a weak cry of pain as she was hit, slamming into the bars of the cage hard enough that they bent a bit. Groaning as she held her more than likely broken ribs, she glared at him while wheezing in pain, not attempting to attack him again.
He stepped out and locked the cage behind him, walking out of his lab to go change. He was grumbling irately as he left, she couldn't hear exactly what he was saying.
Halfway through changing his clothing and washing the blood from his face, Szayel felt a slight rumble from below, where his lab was. Alarms started to blare loudly, many different ones all at once; system offline, system failure, heat damage, power lost.
When Szayel entered his lab, he was met with smoke and fire, but the first thing he saw was all of his damaged equipment, on fire or in pieces, then his eyes made their way to Suzume. She was standing in her cell, arm stretched out through the bars and aimed at his equipment. "Hadou number thirty one, Shakkahou." She was looking him dead in the eyes as she blasted more of his equipment, eyes cold.
Hatred gleamed in Suzume's golden eyes as she glared down Szayel, another red ball of reishi forming in her palm before rocketing off and destroying another part of his lab, another expensive looking piece of equipment. "Because you were stupid enough not to make this building out of sekkiseki." She hissed out.
Szayel moved over to his work station, looking for something that was hopefully not destroyed. He pulled out an invention, a little collar of sorts, before moving over quickly and grabbing her through the bars and slapping it around her collar. "Stop destroying my things, if you would be so kind." He struggled to sound calm, "This will keep you from absorbing the sekkiseki, or at least large amounts of it. I'm not sure, this is the first time testing it."
Suzume shoved herself away from him, clawing at the invention around her neck, but the thing was solid metal, and it didn't seem to have an actual hinge. Slamming her hands against the bars, a look of shear frustration crossed her face as she bore her teeth at Szayel. "Why don't you just kill me you bastard?!"
Suzume spit at him again, of course, this time it didn't reach him. She sat back in the corner farthest from Szayel, ignoring him once more.
Suzume counted eighty-seven days that she had been stuck in her own personal hell, eighty-seven days she spent being tortured and tested on, she was reaching her limit. Like before, she still wasn't eating, which required tube feeding, and recently it became a common occurrence that she'd try to wound herself greatly. She succeeded in biting her own tongue off twice, and twice had swallowed anything she could get her hands on, once it being some sharp instruments, the other time was an experimental work in progress which had nearly burned a hole into her throat. Today she refused to leave her bed, curled up in a ball, back to Szayel as she lay as quiet as ever.
For those eighty-seven plus days, Szayel had grown a disgusting physical attraction to her. He hated it, loathed it, wanted to scrub his mind with steel and nails to purge those kind of thoughts and needs. But one day, he figured why not act on them? Maybe if he acted on such impulses, they would go away. He was a man of science, he would try anything once. So he did, forcing himself on her and taking the one thing from her he knew she wouldn't ever get back.
Suzume struggled a bit at first, but gave in eventually. She was quiet, said nothing and did nothing, even after he was finished, laying on the bed and staring at the far wall with tears still in her eyes. After that incident, things seemed to change in Szayel's favor. She no longer tried to harm herself, she didn't try to strike at him when he entered her cell to retrieve her for testing, she even went willingly to the steel table. When he fed her, she ate, and when he told her to sleep, she did, all without a single protest.
Szayel was confused at first but eventually didn't mind. When he gathered the information he wanted, the experiments stopped. She was allowed out of her cage with her new cooperative behavior.
She was as quiet as always, only speaking when spoken to, and usually sitting off where Szayel could see her. It was odd, it was almost as if she was a completely different person, she even lended Szayel a hand when he asked.
Suzume looked over at Szayel, frowning softly. "Because I'm grateful to you, Szayel-sama." She didn't sound sarcastic. "You saved my life when I was at deaths door, you nourished me and gave me a place to sleep when I otherwise would've been devoured by hollows."
She looked honestly ashamed of herself, looking down at the floor. "I didn't realize then, I was foolish and selfish." She said softly. "Please, I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me, Szayel-sama."
Suzume bowed her head to him. "Arigatou, Szayel-sama." She said softly, her cheeks actually dusted a soft pink.
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