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Bumping Policy

I've basically placed a lot of my "main" stuff on short term, just out of necessity. Especially because a lot of my content is of different genres/topics, and for each genre/topic I outline characters with images and biographies. Needless to say, it takes up a LOT of post space, so I can't put it all in one post then bump it ONCE A WEEK on the Long Term.

I would never be on BMR for RPing at that point, because I would have so few responses.

I definitely use short-term to get better exposure on certain content, especially since long term doesn't seem to get much exposure, if any at all. Sad, but reality.

I have to say, although I understand its meant to even the playing field, I do agree with xanaphia on feeling penalized for users who don't come on as often. In my opinion (although this may not be the popular one), if you are unable to even come on once a day for 5 seconds to just "bump" your thread, chances are you don't have the necessary time to commit to starting a new roleplay anyways. I know that may sound snobbish or unfair, but I just don't agree with trying to slow down bumping to let other, not-as-active users get more face-time?
I kinda get the idea. The long term is for basic general search threads while short term are for specific ideas.

Question. I kinda wanna make a new thread in Long Term that's all general RP stuff. Instead of making a new thread, can I just edit my current thread and change it into something else?
Well for me, I see the idea of wanting to slow stuff down so everyone gets a fair chance, and in hopes that users will be more enticed to go past page 1, so maybe there could be a compromise, if any, for once every five days or if it goes to the fourth page, or even the third, it's rare people (including me) look past the first page, let alone the second.

To be fair whenever I went looking for posts in the past I only looked at the top half of the first page because I wanted to catch people who have been on recently, but personally I try to avoid hunting down people due to the massive massive amount of people who drop me with no word, since, why should I put in the effort asking all these people when well let me stop crying and the point is if there is any comprimise to be made, I'd say a bump every five days, not 7 would be okay? maybe?

TotesBurger said:
I kinda get the idea. The long term is for basic general search threads while short term are for specific ideas.

Question. I kinda wanna make a new thread in Long Term that's all general RP stuff. Instead of making a new thread, can I just edit my current thread and change it into something else?

I don't see why not. Just go in and wipe and rewrite. I see no problem with this.
I don’t bump my request thread that often, so don’t have the right to say much about it. But I’m pretty pleased with the new bumping policy. And actually wouldn’t have minded if the short term section also got a one week rule for bumping or at least a few more days.
WaveVelour said:
I don’t bump my request thread that often, so don’t have the right to say much about it. But I’m pretty pleased with the new bumping policy. And actually wouldn’t have minded if the short term section also got a one week rule for bumping or at least a few more days.

I could do with once every three days. I think I'd prefer a cap on the amount of posts allowed (like 3)? It's a little bit annoying to see 5 or 6 posts from the same person on the front page like I did yesterday.
Virginia Greene said:
WaveVelour said:
I don’t bump my request thread that often, so don’t have the right to say much about it. But I’m pretty pleased with the new bumping policy. And actually wouldn’t have minded if the short term section also got a one week rule for bumping or at least a few more days.

I could do with once every three days. I think I'd prefer a cap on the amount of posts allowed (like 3)? It's a little bit annoying to see 5 or 6 posts from the same person on the front page like I did yesterday.

Yeah, that's why I simply sub to the area instead of going there. Mind you, I guess subbing would be a little more annoying. haha.
So My understanding as to why we chose a week was that when it was once a day, many people were bumping 3 or 4 times a day and it was very hard to catch. So at once a week the people breaking the rules stick out more. Which is true.

I am not sure what the right number of days is, but I dont always attribute RP requests to frequency of bumping. Sometimes this place is just dead or it is just the luck of the draw. Sometimes I have more RPs than i can handle, other times i have nothing.
Sorry, if I'm late to the party on this one. I feel like the current bumping system is a good one, when properly forced I don't see there being any issues. Of course not to say it's flawless for more active users.

I consider myself moderately active on BM, I see no issues with have basically two complete separate request threads in the Long Term / Short term section.

I basically view the Short Term sections as basically a faster role play lane, in the sense you can bump, and post your more specific cravings, and get results out of there. Long Term sections being just much more patience and (obviously) longer-term role play set up and partners.

To those who are having issues with finding enough role plays, I surf deep into the pages when I'm thirsty for something new and the right person to scratch that itch. I generally dig 4/5 pages back, perhaps I see this not being as necessary in the shorter term role play sections, but definitely in the longer term sections.

My only real idea, would be allowing 1 bump every 12 hours? Lets say I'm looking for to start something when I get home from work? I leave at 7am, and I bump once. Let's say, I get nothing, then bumping at 9pm would be fair to me. But to cater to those who have more frequent and faster role play styles.

I'm a fan of the current system as-is, and I think the 2 bumps a day would just lead us back to where we were previously.
12 hours are going to be an absolute torture to moderate though. It's best to keep in on a day and not an hour-basis so you won't get crucified if you do it in 23 hours.
Jeufufns said:
12 hours are going to be an absolute torture to moderate though. It's best to keep in on a day and not an hour-basis so you won't get crucified if you do it in 23 hours.

I have to agree.

Even bumping once per day must be a bitch to moderate. I couldn't imagine changing that to 12 hours.
SithLordOfSnark said:
Jeufufns said:
12 hours are going to be an absolute torture to moderate though. It's best to keep in on a day and not an hour-basis so you won't get crucified if you do it in 23 hours.

I have to agree.

Even bumping once per day must be a bitch to moderate. I couldn't imagine changing that to 12 hours.

It was my only idea for all to the more active users who are reporting issues getting requests. I've had no issues with the system, but I just wanted to be vocal in the community for once.
So. After seeing how things have been going with this new policy and kind of monitoring/assessing that. I've discussed it with my staff and have decided to have things go back to the way they were, but with a slight catch. The catch being that we will keep the 'no posting in another's thread' rule. However, we will go back to being able to have two active request threads per male/female/other section and do away with the long vs short term sections. Also, bumping will go back to once every 24 hours/day for all threads in all 1x1 sections.

Be on the look out for request thread modifications/tweaks. Those will be occurring shortly. So, let staff know what you'd like to do with your threads (keep/delete/close). And, as always, please review the updated rules. They have also been streamlined.

Rules -
darkangel76 said:
So. After seeing how things have been going with this new policy and kind of monitoring/assessing that. I've discussed it with my staff and have decided to have things go back to the way they were, but with a slight catch. The catch being that we will keep the 'no posting in another's thread' rule. However, we will go back to being able to have two active request threads per male/female/other section and do away with the long vs short term sections. Also, bumping will go back to once every 24 hours/day for all threads in all 1x1 sections.

Be on the look out for request thread modifications/tweaks. Those will be occurring shortly. So, let staff know what you'd like to do with your threads (keep/delete/close). And, as always, please review the updated rules. They have also been streamlined.

Rules -

I want to keep my thread - I don't need two, since I was basically using the same thread in both places anyway LOL
That's hardly a problem. If you want to keep any thread (up to two), just let a green or red name know and we can move it to the appropriate place for you. Just be sure to provide the link(s) so we don't have to sift through things. ; )

Thanks for your patience, everyone!
I would gladly self repost mine in the new section, except I can't edit or reply to it so can't get to the code of it with the editing turned off . Would be a nice for people to be able to help you guys out since you might be swamped
megyn said:
I would gladly self repost mine in the new section, except I can't edit or reply to it so can't get to the code of it with the editing turned off . Would be a nice for people to be able to help you guys out since you might be swamped

Having a similar problem, where I can't create a new thread in the base 'requests for males' section to boot.
I'm confused -
When you go to "Roleplay Requests by Females" you see there are a few threads there to view... but to get to my thread I have to go to Female Archives and Long Term Roleplays (Which is true - I prefer long-term) .. however, why is it under Archives and not under the general "Roleplay Requests by Females." Does that mean I need to create a brand new thread because my thread is old?

I just noticed this now, because I'm busy with work and never get a chance to explore much - but now that it's the weekend I started exploring and realized it. Sorry to be a bother, just confused. I already know about the new bumping policy - but just not sure with this new set-up, what is recommended for threads?
yeah, that's a good question - do we need to repost our threads so that they're not in the archive section? because my female request thread certainly isn't something i want to be overlooked. it's legitimately the only request thread i'll be updating. seems like a lot more work to have to repost it.
We need to either repost them to the new section or ask for them to be moved. If there are a lot of links, spoiler space, and other BBcode in them you will probably want them moved since there is no easy way to access the code .

But if it is just a simple post you could probably just do it yourself :)
Okay then - so I'm just going to mention here --- that I'm moving my post to the new thread space. I don't want it in the Archives.
It is literally the only thread I post to once/week.
PhantomZAngel said:
Okay then - so I'm just going to mention here --- that I'm moving my post to the new thread space. I don't want it in the Archives.
It is literally the only thread I post to once/week.

Never mind ---- it won't let me. Says I don't have permission.
If the moderators could do that for me, I'd appreciate it.
It seems some /most users may not have permission to post in the new /old forums for example I have a user telling me she got an error , its the same error I get when I try to edit the post in Archive
Alright, so what is the new bumping to be, once every 24 hours, or once a week now?
Plus, I can't seem to post as well.
Encryptment said:
Alright, so what is the new bumping to be, once every 24 hours, or once a week now?

once every 24 hours.
sixlikesgore. said:
Encryptment said:
Alright, so what is the new bumping to be, once every 24 hours, or once a week now?

once every 24 hours.

But note just at this minute right now you can't easily bump because the archive is locked and some dont have permission to post to the threads
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