Temptationist said:
I definitely have to agree with experiencing far fewer replies to my request threads. The short term ones do well but my main long term that bumps only once a week does extremely poorly. I would say since rule has been implemented, I've only received about 5 or so responses. It's very disappointing.
However, I knew this would happen. I wasn't a supporter of this new bumping policy because I used to frequent another forum who impletemented the same policy and it failed as well. It fails because it requires a HUGE amount of supervision and enforcement. It also forces users to do more "surfing" as I call it. Users have to specifically seek out threads since they are only getting bumped once a week, therefore most posts end up several pages down by the end of the week. Very few people surf more than 2 pages in. The majority will look at the first page and that's it, so once your Thread leaves first, you're pretty much at a time-restraining plateau counting down the hours before you can bump again.
I think it was a valiant effort but I don't feel this policy is benefitting anyone. I know the purpose of it was to allow equal recognition but if ultimately it has caused the opposite (people receiving fewer requests) than maybe it should be re-evaluated.
However, you and I are very active members. Members that can only dedicate themselves to this site once a week will suffer. While the new policy requires a lot of work, it is fundamentally more egalitarian than the first come first serve system.
I myself have received more requests ever since the rule was implemented. Both of our cases are simply anecdotal evidence.
And people don't leave the first page even in a system like the old one. In fact the old one doesn't motivate you to do so, what with everything shifting so quickly, you could just check the first page over and over again.