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Yugioh - Designer Souls (OOC Chat)

I'm with Kaybee; I think you'll do her wonderfully.

I could try, but I feel like I would just fall flat on my face trying to come up with whatever grand scheme you might have in store for the story.
Did Lilita show up yet? Is there anyone who wants to have there character bothered by the Russian Samurai?
Lilita is present, she's just not doing anything yet and since she's a side character, I haven't written her into any of my posts yet. If you want to interact with her just say the word and I'll include something about where she is in the room in my next post.
Alkris and wiki. You two want to face off in the tournament bracket now? Or you want to each face aN npc? Both Side characters Lilita and Yuki seem free for duels. Also that Keith Guy.
Zeth said:
Alkris and wiki. You two want to face off in the tournament bracket now? Or you want to each face aN npc? Both Side characters Lilita and Yuki seem free for duels. Also that Keith Guy.

Tada isn't really in the tournament.
Well Kaybee, You mind having Lilita battle Wiki's character? Might as well have a match going.
Viktoff Samson said:
Zeth said:
Alkris and wiki. You two want to face off in the tournament bracket now? Or you want to each face aN npc? Both Side characters Lilita and Yuki seem free for duels. Also that Keith Guy.

Tada isn't really in the tournament.

Kiro Hibiki quit. We could give Tada his spot.
Well I'm currently writing my post and I'm not clear, where should I be putting Lilita right now? In a duel? Somewhere else?
Wiki, I think that's on your end.

I got into DN no problem.
Zeth said:
Viktoff Samson said:
Zeth said:
Alkris and wiki. You two want to face off in the tournament bracket now? Or you want to each face aN npc? Both Side characters Lilita and Yuki seem free for duels. Also that Keith Guy.

Tada isn't really in the tournament.

Kiro Hibiki quit. We could give Tada his spot.

And we have plenty of NPC's in the Tournament too.
My stance is that inside the character profile section, after Keith's character application (Originally I put 'Introduction thread' here, before the edit. Holy shit, I don't know why I put that at all.) I did state that all new character from that point forward wouldn't be invitees of the mid-may invitational. Because it's pretty unnatural for the state of the roleplay to constantly retroactively write every new character into the tournament. Besides, it's rather healthy to have numerous characters not actually participate in the first tournament. An outside view of the duels is very necessary.

This is simply the first contest. As a character, Tada could actually prove to have a more valuable experience by being on the outside looking in for this (Supposed to be a relatively short) event in the overall roleplay...

Which is the same way I feel for every new character in the roleplay. Until this tournament is over.

Edit: It's best not to explain myself after I've had a few... Sorry if this isn't substantive. I just feel like it's for the best, you know?
True enough.

Besides, lots of fun things happen outside the tournaments. Like a loved one getting kidnapped, your best friend suddenly disappearing into that dark alley with a hot chick for 'a private massage', and even just going for coffee or dinner.
For lack of anything better to do, I sent Lilita 'Sassmistress' Barovis at Izumi for now. My post is done.
Well, I suppose we could have lilita and Wiki square off or Lilita and 'the emperor' square off. Both need to do a first round duel.

Edit: So who is dueling mean old Emperor?
Zeth said:
Well, I suppose we could have lilita and Wiki square off or Lilita and 'the emperor' square off. Both need to do a first round duel.

True enough.

Izumi and the Emperor?

Get your game on?
Kick this... tournament duel into -uhm, overdrive?
If Izumi squares off with the emperor then I can send Lilita at Tada instead, so I'm fine either way.
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