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Yugioh - Designer Souls (OOC Chat)

I guess so you would know both him and his twin brother they were always together
Probably, judging by your description of his grief in the profile they probably only would have known him at a distance, and likely wouldn't have heard of him as a duelist yet.
Twins are always very close even closer than a parent with a child some might say. I guess its time for you all to get to know him hehe should he arrive on his dueling bike?
That's up to you.

Had to edit my recent post. I started my first three sentences separately as I'm watching something. Didn't realize all three of them had 'Rather' in it. The same exact usage. It read so poorly. lol.

I bet I do goofy shit like that a lot.
And a fine post it is.
You'll fit in quite well around here.

I have some extra incentive in keeping you around as well since your character provides some interesting plotty stuff I hope we can get to with Kaden.
I might wanna encourage you to reach out to another player.
Kaybee has another side character. Who knows? That character could be pretty popular.

Perhaps after other people post a few, you could have Tada approach that character for a normal duel while she waits for her turn in the tournament? It's up to Kaybee, of course. If you could get something like that going with someone, having Tada take that first step, you'll find him in the heat of the action in no time~
I know I posted like that to get my foot inside the place sort to say lol

Plus I have no idea who is nearby
Lilita is 'popular' in the sense that she's well known, but given she's known for being cruel and drawing out winning duels just to torment her opponent I think the better word might be 'infamous'.

That said, pretty much all of the characters in the RP besides Satsuki and Hotsuma are in the room, so technically your character could approach just about anyone.

EDIT: Keith and Fey might be out of the room as well, not sure... Still leaves Kaden, Yuki, Galan, Lilita, and Izumi in the room to approach.

EDIT EDIT: Oh, who's up for the next match anyways? Satsuki vs. Galan is done, so what's the next pairing?
I initially said Kaden V.S Yuki...
But with the dog-piling on Yuki wasting a lot of time, I imagine it'd be best if we sent another two to buy Kaden some time.
Alkris said:
I could always participate on the tournament lol

We set a bar for a couple of reasons. But, Lol. It would be quite silly if we weaseled his way in somehow. Like when Goten and Trunks got into the tournament as Mighty mask.

@Kaybee. That's a fine enough point~
Well Galan senses that Yuki hates the Sausage coffin and will back off. Mad props to Raz's beautiful words. DUEL KAYBEE DUEL
"I don't know dude, the Man won't let us in."

"Sorry, Brofessor."

I fucking love 5D's. This is beautiful.

Side note: If anyone wants to mention the current NPC vs NPC duels, I suppose we should just come up with a name and deck type for each. This way it can be loosely addressed over the next few posts. I'm thinking we could have a guy with an Akiza(Aki)-like deck. Roses and such.
Yeah, the dialogue in 5Ds was spot on. And if I recall, even the English VAs had the best cast (imo in that there were hardly any super annoying squeakers).

Also, Vik...Love Kaden's sass. Keith despises being interrupted, so that was brilliant.

*thumbs up*
Hey uh, Raz? What about the emperor, isn't that you too? Satsuki is trying to talk to him right now.
Razgriz said:
Yeah, the dialogue in 5Ds was spot on. And if I recall, even the English VAs had the best cast (imo in that there were hardly any super annoying squeakers).

Also, Vik...Love Kaden's sass. Keith despises being interrupted, so that was brilliant.

*thumbs up*

Thanks for the compliment <3 I'm not used to playing characters the way Kaden is now. I'm trying some new things, so it's good to know I'm not failing completely miserably.

For an added note, while it's hard to tell if you're coming out of any shells of your own... Your writing is remarkably clean. Like a book through and through. I don't think I ever really write like that.

*Returned thumbs of the up*
Oh Kaden is very appropriately creepy with the juxtaposition between his thoughts and his actions.
Heh, well thanks, I appreciate it. I haven't participated in too many group stories, so I'm still trying to learn to transition between characters.

But your writing's nothing to sneeze at either; I could feel Kaden's soul-less nature starting to overtake him at points, and you do a pretty damn good job of illustrating how him having no soul is starting to alter the finer aspects of his personality.

Though I'm starting to wonder now, since we have two essentially soul-less dickbags that are puppets of higher-power entities...Maybe a meeting is in order in the future? (Your evil woman spirit and the Emperor, I mean). Amicable or not, I think them having to confront each other would be a spectacular display xD
Kaybee said:
Oh Kaden is very appropriately creepy with the juxtaposition between his thoughts and his actions.

It means a lot to me, getting to know how you two feel. I certainly think you write a lot better than I do, Kaybee. I feel as though you've got more experience with roleplaying. The contrast between your two currently active characters really gets me going.

Razgriz said:
Heh, well thanks, I appreciate it. I haven't participated in too many group stories, so I'm still trying to learn to transition between characters.

But your writing's nothing to sneeze at either; I could feel Kaden's soul-less nature starting to overtake him at points, and you do a pretty damn good job of illustrating how him having no soul is starting to alter the finer aspects of his personality.

Though I'm starting to wonder now, since we have two essentially soul-less dickbags that are puppets of higher-power entities...Maybe a meeting is in order in the future? (Your evil woman spirit and the Emperor, I mean). Amicable or not, I think them having to confront each other would be a spectacular display xD

It can be pretty hard to keep up with everything. Especially if you read like me: Sipping coffee and putting episodes of 5D's between almost every sentence.

That's precisely what I'm going for. If I do it right, those points of realization will slip away and (hopefully) be replaced with the intent you'd expect out of a soul-less dickbag.

As a roleplayer, my single greatest weakness(Beyond how I occasionally mix up to and too....) is that I don't play female characters. The only reason I don't have the Evil-Spirit possessed woman flaunting her gorgeous body as she dictates the start of the contests and such is due to this. I certainly planned on having the Evil-Spirit mount an address to other duelists and even meet the Emperor because missing those opportunities would be awful.

Buuuuuuut... I'd really like to find another player who would pick up the "Misses" for me. All I've got is that she's blonde, cocky, womanly in form, and CEO of the organization that runs the contests year-round to crown the champion at the end of December.

Y'all understand my plight here, right? I mean, it's not totally bonkers to not feel capable of or wanting too put on an arc-long character of the opposite sex... Yeah?
Vik, the secret is that beyond societal conditioning, men and women really aren't that different.

You're the 'man with the plan' as it were, and I know that I for one wouldn't want to take on the role of your big bad. I might be able to play her, but I don't think I could necessarily do your plans for her justice.

She's your character, I have confidence in your ability to write her.
Kaybee said:
Vik, the secret is that beyond societal conditioning, men and women really aren't that different.

You're the 'man with the plan' as it were, and I know that I for one wouldn't want to take on the role of your big bad. I might be able to play her, but I don't think I could necessarily do your plans for her justice.

She's your character, I have confidence in your ability to write her.

My personal bias makes me feel differently, however.

I might give it a shot down the road. If we make it past the tournament, I'll take the plunge and finally play a woman character.

I've no intent of asking you to do such, Kaybee. You're already playing with a good number as is. I'd feel too guilty.
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