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Random Info About You

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Fact: Figured out that the way to kill a cold isn't denying that it exists but full acknowledgment.
Fact: That Airborne shit is amazing and I will forever swear by my experiences today.
Fact: Just take doses of it every four hours sleeping in between and by the next day your cold should be dead.
Fact: Started the day feeling kinda wilted and coughing like mad. Now, I feel energized and like I'm ready to sing in an opera.
Info: Started a more tame tumblr that will be more like a day-to-day blog much like my journal. Follow if you wish!
Info: Ate so many bad things yesterday. Probably set myself back a few pounds.
Fact: Feeling relaxed now though that I got my "1 naughty day" out of the way for the week.
Fact: Watching trashy television and laughing my ass off.
"You tell 'er, Judge Judy! You tell that bitchy ebay scammer! >8U "
Info: I Love The Nightmare Before Christmas!
Info: I Love Home Alone 1 and 2, screw the other sequals, they suck
Info: My in laws are shoving a grand in my hand tomorrow so that my fiance and I can get a car tomorrow as opposed to riding my bike sixteen miles at midnight to get to work.

I'm dyslexic. >____< I've struggled with it all my life and still can't say certain words properly and, of course, what I say I spell because I think as I type and I commonly mistype and never catch the error because my darling brother added my typos to my browser's dictionary somehow and I can't fix it. *exhales*

Yeah that's it.
Info: Been tired all day.....
Info: Having a sick kid will do that to you.
Info: Especially when that sickness your kid has is a stomach flu.
Info: And even more so when the worst of it hit during the night prior.....

Yeah....... sleeeeepy.

Info: At least my son is feeling a lot better now. Still though... my poor baby. *loves on him*
Info: Got a 2001 Ford Explorer.
Info: No longer biking sixteen miles to work and sixteen miles back
Info: Probably gonna gain a little weight since I'm no longer biking... this sucks.
Info: Currently burning incense. It smells like rain.
Info: Still waiting on my damn Zune to be delivered in the mail.
-Edit: Found out it accidentally got shipped to my old apartment. Thankfully, I know that the front door is never locked so I grabbed it from the lobby.
Info: My dad had an accident with his motorcycle this week. He hit the back of a van that had mentally disabled people in it.
Fact: It is official and the pattern of my life is formally recognized. Almost every social anxiety, insecurity, worry, or problem I have can be solved by just holding my tongue and waiting.
Fact: The only problem with this new mantra is I cannot voice any of these anxieties anywhere(blogging or confidant) or else they gain their power and root in place and the spell of "fixing themselves" is broken.
Fact: It actually makes me laugh a little bit, struggling with the urge to vent these worries and let them escape to "get them out/away from me" but the true test comes from ignoring their existence altogether and clinging to the things I know are good about my life and putting focus on those instead.
Fact: It's like dancing with an itch.
Info: Don't you just love receiving copy/paste messages? Oh wells. *shrugs*
Info: Saw a couple of movies this week. Enjoyed both immensely.
Info: Mellow New Years was mellow. Loved it.
Info: I really hated having to work on New Years.
Info: It was made worse by my manager being a raging tool last night.
Fact: I followed him around half of the night after I had hit my work quota just taking and hiding things that he sat down.
Info: Had a really awesome New Years. Welcomed it with a few people and got some kisses. ;D
Info: Was at a fetish club and had a blast, so many people were nice!
Info: Already looking forward to next year.
Info: Slowly, but surely, getting rid of some old junk that's been collecting over the years.
Info: Already got rid of some. Feels good to get rid of it.
Info: Going to have some projects ahead of me though as a result, but that's ok. Just a little at a time... :)
Info: Working on my writing. Still. But this time I'm happy with where the story is going.
Info: Also getting back into my groove now that the holidays are over and my company has gone.
Info: Got a birthday to plan.
Info: becoming slowly addicted to this forum and its deliciously deviant members - there's a lot to be learned and explored here for sure!
Info: likes to engage in said reading-and-writing-sprees with a good cup of tea/ coffee and some really dark chocolate within arm's reach because she usually gets too engaged to get up from the couch/ chair/ floor/ whatever again.
And because cookie dough gets messy. Because yes, cookie/ cake dough beats the end product for me. Definitely.
Info: I work from home.
Fact: I have way too much time on my hands and not enough partners to fill up the day.
Info: I ordered a Wacom tablet the other day.
Fact: I'll likely wind up spending a lot less time here because of it.
Info: Hungry, but I ate an hour ago.
Fact: My metabolism is crazy like that.
Info: It bothers my girlfriend when I'm bothered, even if it's not related to our relationship. For some reason that makes me kind of happy. To me, that means she cares enough to actually ask, listen, and do what others can't manage to do outside of my best friend.
Info: I totally just found out that the show 'Dinosaurs' is on netflix. I used to watch this show EVERY DAY when I was a kid. I am so going to watch the whole thing marathon-style.
DeviantFantasia said:
Info: I totally just found out that the show 'Dinosaurs' is on netflix. I used to watch this show EVERY DAY when I was a kid. I am so going to watch the whole thing marathon-style.

Oh yeah! That's been on there for a while! It's fantastic. :) Not that you don't already know.
Fact: I bought shoes today in suede
Info: Feel kind of pathetic for joining an online dating site when pretty much all of my friends have found partners.
Info: Not gonna let it bother me too much.
Info: Goldfish and sleep!
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