Random Info About You

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Info: I have to make a pumpkin pie this weekend for my son's preschool Thanksgiving party on Monday.
Info: I have to do a slew of cleaning this weekend too... bleh.
I am happy for you about the pumpkin pie, but unhappy for you about the cleaning, DA.

Info: I now have a new Kitten named Phoenix.
Info: My friend is moving in with me sunday...I hope its not awkward to explain to women I want to date that I live with a romanian model but we annoy each other so much theres no chance of romance or lust. Its like a sibling, a sibling that makes various women feel uncomfortable.
Hahvoc The Opast said:
I live in Mass so it's only far depending on where you live in Maine.

Info: Hungrrrrryyyyyy. D: Gonna get a snack from the vending machine.

I live in the lakes region, which puts me at about a two hour drive from Boston. I am in the process of planning a day trip down that way to see the aquarium before it starts snowing. If I get around to it, maybe we could meet up there.
Info: I am so glad I am done with that awful business. What a relief! Who knew that I was carrying this tension around with me?
Fact: It always comes back to TOKoR. There will never be another like it.
Info: Been super busy today!!!
Info: Been cleaning a lot (as in EXTRA cleaning).
Info: Also bought new patio furniture cushions and other things needed for the house.
Info: And..... a freakin' 16 lb turkey. >.<
Info: My head hurts for some reason. =(
Info: Will be cleaning more tomorrow.............
Info: So...yeah when you explain that someone is like a sister to you..make sure the first pic on their fb isn't them doing bikini modeling when you explain to your romantic interest that they aren't a threat.
Info: Crashing hard.... can't keep my eyes open.
Info: Invasion will occur tomorrow in the later afternoon... joy.
Info: Probably why I'm tired... need to build up my sleep before 'they' get here. >.<
Info: I hope I can squeeze in some posts before I get wrapped up in the nonsense of the day and am relegated to night-time only postings............... *sad sigh*
Info: I love my RPs.
Info: Sooooo crashing.... yep, sleepy time. XD
Fact: Watching old American Idol, X Factor UK, and Britain's Got Talent auditions. Hilarious.

*girl starts crying* "There's nothing wrong with walking out of here knowing that you can't sing." I love that Simon Cowell.

Fact: I also love how for some people, when Simon tells them they can't sing, they sorta get this squirrely/fish gapey look on their face and start singing some more. Like, "Okay! Bad song!? Right? RIGHT?!"
PredatoryFantasia said:
Hahvoc The Opast said:
I live in Mass so it's only far depending on where you live in Maine.

Info: Hungrrrrryyyyyy. D: Gonna get a snack from the vending machine.

I live in the lakes region, which puts me at about a two hour drive from Boston. I am in the process of planning a day trip down that way to see the aquarium before it starts snowing. If I get around to it, maybe we could meet up there.

I didn't even see this. D: And one of these days. Depends on the shit that is my life.

There was a flame war about my penis?!

Info: Thanksgiving was delicious and I was so happy to see my family especially after all that happened in the past two weeks. Just really awesome. <3
Hahvoc The Opast said:
There was a flame war about my penis?!

This made me laugh so hard.....LOL

Info: Heard from my best roommate in college today.. with is the reason for my comment in the Little Things that Bother.... topic.
Ruphhausin is weird and so is your previous roommate.

Info: I don't understand Germaphobes. Germs are everywhere and on everything. You CANNOT ESCAPE. BUWAHAHAHA. *coughs*
Info: I'll be happy when my piercings stop hurting.
Info: Yup, they are more sensitive now.
Info: Made some chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips.
Info: My coworkers think I'm a baking guru
Info: the cookies were boxed cake mix, two eggs, half a cup of oil and ten minutes in the oven.
Info: I told them I made them from scratch, lol
Info: Had an interesting talk with my mother earlier today.
Info: She said some things to me that made me head tilt... but in a way that was good and insightful and made me feel like I accomplished something and might have even worked through some things.
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