Random Info About You

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Info: Canadians - bad with the weather forecast.
Info: My penis is so huge, he has no idea that it's right in front of him.
Info: His walls have ugly ass wallpaper on them.
Fact: Im sorry. I was wrong, it wasn't a mushroom-like penis, it was just Hahvy's face.
Fact: Canada - America's tophat. We make you classy.
Fact: My wallpaper is also classy.
Fact: Go crucify more midgets you bamboozling sorceress.
Info: So good of a movie. "So...I'm going to come by and kill you on Tuesday"
Oh...good, I'm not doing anything tuesday = My favorite movie line and retort of the year.
Fact: Been looking at 3 Bedroom houses for rent with my two about-to-be-roommates. I'm pretty excited
Fact: I feel shitty about leaving some of my RP partners hanging for a while.. I should get one that.
Fact: Finally found that song! "My face against the window" is what he says! >8U I FOUND EET!
Info: My friend woke up with a hangover and I didn't. Bahaha~
Info: Had a really fun birthday and ended up eating McDonalds are like 230am and it was fucking delicious.
Info: Bought shinies! I bought a really unique claddagh ring and another ring, as well as some handcrafted wood earrings.
Info: Planning on getting a tattoo soon as well as getting my nips pierced in about a week.
Info: This weekend had some ups and downs but ended pretty awesomely so far.
Fact: I am single again and have absolutely no idea what to do with myself.

Info: Recently moved to Maine and know so few people in the area. Being single is only fun when you know people.
Info: I'm happy for DA feeling better.
Fact: And yet so damn jealous.
Fact: Myself I'm still dying.
Fact: Can't breathe normally, keep waking up due cough.
Info: I'd prefer having fever 39,2 as in the beginning rather that have it developed into loss of voice and cough.
Info: Big oral presentation on Friday... Awesome.
Info: Cold sore on my lip doesn't fix things much either.
Fact: I'll simply die soon. It's lasting from Saturday on.
Fact: I swear I'll quit smoking if I survive this.
Info: Day 6 or so without talking to this particularly special person anymore. Not that this isn't the first time, but I think it'll be the last. She called this morning but I was too afraid to pick up.
Info: Not sure what I'm going to do with my life now. I guess I'd let my obsession with this person eat up the last 6 months of my life, and now with her gone again it's back to focusing on the seemingly perpetual job search and not much else. Guess I can try to get back to losing weight, too.
Hahvoc The Opast said:
Info: PF should come visit me!
Info: Not sure if I wanna work out today or not. Ugh. I hate that feeling.

I very well should if you don't live too far! Heavens knows that I could use a few more friends other than just my roommates and the guys at the hobby shop that I go to.
Hahvoc The Opast said:
I live in Mass so it's only far depending on where you live in Maine.

Info: Hungrrrrryyyyyy. D: Gonna get a snack from the vending machine.

Hope you found it...

I am addicted to Velveeta Shells and Cheese... and know how to properly make it IN THE MICROWAVE!! DA BOMB!!
Info: Lol, did dA just automatically shove me down the page to the comment box after I clicked the "favorite" button? Wow, they're gettin' pushy, aren't they?
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